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Posts posted by WhosThatGirl

  1. Just now, Stan39 said:

    I think I’m done with this show. I can’t watch an entire show in which every character is incompetent at their job. When Jay Freakin’ Cutler is the most motivated, hard working professional you know you have problems. 

    Hey, Kristen is a boss and she is RUNNING A BUISNESS HERE! 😉

    • LOL 3
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  2. Yeah Beau useing the term “battered” was gross. I had the same reaction I had when FI said it about Scwartz.  Maybe I’m too sensitive but using that term in the way these guys use it is gross to me.

    Again as I said in the last episode topic, this show is like watching all the women get gaslighted for their feelings. I mean maybe Stassi was being over dramatic but again I’m starting to think beau is like all the other men on this show who you aren’t able to get an Argument with because they start getting upset and make you feel bad. This isn’t a cute quality, despite the fact that scwartz has been getting away with it for years.

    • Love 14
  3. 15 minutes ago, llewis823 said:

    Same here. As someone else posted earlier, I hate when Hollywood tries to tell me how to feel about something. 

    I’m one of the people who said this. Someone else said it before me though. For me a lot of my feelings about this episode were based on the build up of this episode. And I’m saying sexual assault is not worth the build up but at the same time, the promo made it about Jo and her mother and how came to

    be. I think a few of us may Have deduced that Jos mother’s story of how she came to be probably wasn’t going to be magical and probably a few of us could have guessed sexual assault in some way. Also yes the parts with the patient were moving at times. It’s just.. I feel like I can’t explain my issues  with the episode well.

    • Love 2
  4. 5 minutes ago, qtpye said:

    I honestly do not think the show will risk R and B divorcing particularly for such a stupid plot line. My purely unspoiled speculation (have not even looked  at the previews) is that R puts Beth first and gives up his seat and all is well. This show is about how love conquers all Rebecca and Jack, Kate and Tobes, and R & B.

    I hope so. I want them to work this out. I know in the future Randall is wearing his wedding ring so tgat is hopeful . I mean he could be remarried but who knows.

    • Love 2
  5. 57 minutes ago, jmonique said:

    The "Her" jump to the future just completely got away from the writers this season, it would seem.

    I would love it if they'd quite focusing on trying to SHOCK everyone with clever setups, focus on logical narratives and actually give these suffering fools some light in their lives every now and then.

    Yup, I agree. It makes me sad. I remember thinking the first two seasons of this show, the writers spent so much effort on their episodes to connect them all and this season that’s all missing. 

    Also did anyone see the sneak leak for tonight’s episode?(it’s on the this is us Facebook page I caught it randomly last night) and yeah.. it’s just odd, basically it kind of seems like Beth is all ready to just throw in the towel on the marriage. I agree with someone else who said if this was real life, divorce wouldn’t be the first option and honestly just because it’s a tv show, I’m kind of annoyed that it’s looking like it might be the answer here. I would love to see them work through this and not just be like done. I hope the show surprises me and has them do that.

    • Love 2
  6. I mean I’m just saying I wouldn’t buy something from uncommon James and I have lots of Lauren’s clothing. But most of my issue is that I can’t honestly take her uncommon James buisness serious. And maybe that’s because it all seems like an act. I think when/if the show stops, the store probably will too. Maybe it will go back to just being online, maybe not.

    And I agree kristen has other opportunities so that’s why I also can’t take her serious here for that either because she has one foot out the door because she has other things she can do. 

    But I also don’t buy that she needs Jays money. I think she has enough on her own. I think him not caring, it probably bugs her but I’m not sure it means all that Much to her in terms of

    him having power over her because he has the money, like I said in another post, I’m pretty sure she has her own and can take of herself.

    And I don’t think the farm/wife stuff is something she does for him, a part of me thinks she genuinely wants that as well. But I do think she wants it in her own way, if that makes sense. I think she likes despite how much she complains about Jay being home all the time, likes that he’s the stay at home parent, because this way she can do her traveling for her work  with the store and hosting opportunities and he handles things back at the house with the kids when she can’t and she can do it the other times. I think having him around more gives her a little bit of freedom that she didn’t get to have as much when he was playing football. Also please everyone before you quote me I’m not saying she’s an absent parent I’m not saying she is, I feel like I’m not explaining it well but I’m trying to say that now she gets to have her career more than before. Sorry I might not be making sense.

    That said as I said before I would rather watch the scenes when she talked with her dad and even the scene with Jay. I’m not saying I need her to talk about the tragedy that happened to her family but those scenes and the one last week with her friend from laguna were so much more real than when she tries to be a boss and it makes me not like her. 

    Also yeah.. maybe part of the reason why kristen has such a hard time looking like a boss to me is that she blurs the lines. The rehiring lf Kalee And then just having her show up unannounced at a party is not a great way to handle that situation, the way she talks to the people that work for her, and also.. inviting Brittany our for drinks with her and kelly was kind of weird. 

    • Love 3
  7. This episode is reminding why I’m thinking The Hills reboot is going to be a mistake. Watching 30 somethings party every episode is kind of tiresome and I worry that the hills reboot is going to try and be like Vanderpump and it’s actually quite tiresome. This show is slowly losing its luster. I know a lot liked this episode but it just kind of bugged me, it would be fun to watch if they didn’t get drunk every episode and this was a fun trip everyone was drinking and acting crazy.. but this was just like what they do on a regular  night. They were just in Mexico this night and week.

    As Much As i dislike James,  the previews hd me laughing about a puppy shower, “I don’t know why they wouldn’t want to come to my puppy party!” And like I said I detest James I would so go to a puppy party.

    • Love 9
  8. Yeah I think we could all point out so many instances wheee Kristen is terribly unprofessional. I would hope it’s for the show and that this is not how it really is but then I read the yelp reviews and Uncommon James isn’t great, from what I read there. It really is kind of a mess. And probably part of that is Kristen and maybe even the show. 

    • Love 4
  9. 19 minutes ago, Dobian said:

    Add Gladys to the long list of parents on this show who interact with their kids as anything *but* parents.

    Well to be fair there’s really only one who acts like parent and that’s Archie’s dad. And his mom too when she is on an episode. Even Josie’s mom barley mothers her daughter and for how great Kevin’s dad is with Archie, let’s remember his actual son is walking across fire and all up

    in a cult so his parenting skills are super sketchy right now too.

    • Love 3
  10. 34 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

    I agree that if the employees want to make a point, they should be focusing on the incident with Kaylee and not being catty behind her back. While I don't think HR handled the situation appropriately, I will be clear that Kristen handled all of it wrong. Given that Kaylee had already been fired and Kristen knew of the animosity between Kaylee and the other employees, she should have washed her hands of it and done a hiring process to find a reliable and competent person that could start a managerial position with a fresh slate. Since she didn't do that, what she should have sat down with her staff and explain her decision to offer Kaylee her job back but also acknowledge what had happened and reassure them that she will discuss the matter with Kaylee and reinforce that her past behaviour was not appropriate and should not happen again. And she should have expressed to Kaylee that she's on a short leash and that she needs to be mindful of certain things because her work style is only as good as its ability to motivate others. I agree, she was completely dismissive about the entire thing and so I can see why her employees would be annoyed with how things went down. Kristen basically went to them and said 'I'm re-hiring Kaylee because all of you suck and are incompetent and you just need to deal because I'm the boss and I don't care what you think or how you feel'. That is essentially what she did.

    Kristen is a shit boss and I'm not sure if that is for the cameras or not.

    Yeah, whenever she talks to her employees, it is not professional at all. At anytime. This is why it has to all be an act for the show but even so for someone who

    claoms she just wants a professional working Atmosphere, she sure as hell doesn’t lead by example. It doesn’t even make her look good, it just makes her look like she might still be that teenager from Laguna Beach trying to be a HBIC. 

    • Love 5
  11. 12 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

    There's no proof of the force that was used in the exchange of taking the phone away. Repeatedly saying that she ripped the phone from someone's hand could be intentional language to amplify and exaggerate a situation that may be inappropriate but describing it in a way that makes it seem threatening, which is a whole other category of offense. It is clear that Kaylee was not well liked before the incident happened and that her management style was not well received. It could just as easily be that the phone incident was magnified as a nail in the coffin type of situation in order to get her out. Saying 'she ripped a phone out of my hand' sounds like an injury was involved and Kaylee's action almost severed a limb or something. I think it's more likely that she grabbed the phone out of someone's hand out of frustration and that the result was not injury or threatening, but the result was disrespectful and inappropriate. I don't think that warrants an immediate firing for a first offense. I think HR should have had the meeting with Kaylee, informed her that incident would be written and added to her employee record and given that it's the first offense, a warning be issued and she is warned that any future incidents will be forwarded to Kristen for consideration of her employment status with Uncommon James.

    I mean yeah it should have been looked at but Kristen is just blasé about it and I don’t think that’s a good boss move but whatever. Again I wish this was the issue and not the stupid mean girls issue we are dealing with. 

    This recent episode had too much  kelly and Kristen. I did like the stuff in laguna. I feel like these brief moments with her in laguna and talking about her brother was the most real Kristen has ever been on this show.  And then she snapped back into her boss persona and I can’t.. take it serious. 

    • Love 3
  12. 6 minutes ago, langford peel said:

    I know it seems strange but she is the one person on the show I actually like. I know most people like Brittany but I think her Aw Shucks Bless her Heart persona is all an act. She hooked a spot on the show when she glommed onto Jax and she wouldn't let go.

    Scheana just seems normal if you get what I mean. She has a lot of faults but they are all very human and basically minor.

    I agree about the brittany act and I was kind of liking her once upon  a time. I don’t anymore. Also.. I sort of feel this way about James girlfriend Raquel. I can’t but her being sweet and innocent. I know some people disageee but it just feels on on. But that’s how I feel about everyone on this show or who appears on this show. Even Schena I think at times is doing some sort of an act. Not all the time but I do think sometimes she is. I think sometimes it’s to create some sort of an illusion of something, her relationship with Rob last season because I really think she thought it was going to lead to a wedding and at the time she really dissed her ex husband and I think she regrets that a lot but I do think she was trying to create something.

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  13. 3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

    I think the issue is that bringing up her Tequila Katie persona (which I assume she's trying to shed), instead of listening to what her problem is*, is a ploy to get the upper hand in an argument--if her contrition and embarrassment are still close enough to the surface, maybe she'll take the blame/shut up/turn a blind eye.

    If your partner has made a behavioral change that may improve your relationship, either you're supportive or you're not; it's not fair to keep that behavior (drinking, drugs, gambling, cheating, overspending, whatever) up your sleeve and use it when you see fit in order to get your own way. If you want that behavior out of the relationship, then you too have to help keep it out.

    That said, I think you're probably asking for trouble if you start out with "Say, have ya been drinking?!"

    *Sort of like when some guys think women are annoyed only because of PMS because there certainly could not be a legit problem!

    This. Also I honestly haven’t seen Katie bring up his drinking issue and the fact that he has gotten blackout drunk enough to cheat. In fact when she finds out, she’s mostly just hurt that has cheated on her.. not that he was drinking much. Other cast members wonder about the drinking thing more than she does.

     Also I don’t know.. it felt intentional for him to ask this question in front of everyone, maybe it wasnt because  yes it’s Schwartz and maybe he wasn’t thinking about this but asking this question in front of the whole group just.. it would bug me too. It’s a very patronizing thing to do. I’m not saying he did it purposely in front of everyone but I can get why her first reaction is angry. Everyone thinks this about her.

    Again not on Katie or TOm scwartz side but it’s annoying to me that she gets the blame for a lot of stuff. And Tom Scwartz is annoying. I used to really like him but I’m starting to hate him. I agree with Arinia he gets a pass on a lot of everything and other people take the heat. But hey Arinia it isn’t just stuff with your boyfriend, it’s also the fact that he gets to do this to his wife. 

    This show is like an experiment on gaslighting and it’s becoming less and less fun to watch.

    • Love 6
  14. For me I agree that I don’t find Kristen passionate about the store or really anything related to it. She likes being a boss, though. She’s running a buisness here! I mean that’s a joke that we all talk about but that’s what she is passionate about.

    And look yeah, the mean girl squad on the Kaylee girl is dumb, I agree, and not how any of the women this age should actbanout her. And the reason they don’t like her is just because they don’t like her personality. But the reason she got fired actually seems like a big deal, she ripped a phone out of someone’s hands, enough force that it caught someone else to fire her. That’s kind of a problem. I wish that the issue wasn’t that these girls don’t like her kissy because I wish someone would bring upnwhat she did instead of Kristen just being like “oh she just took a phone out of someone’s hands, whatever”.  

    • Love 4
  15. But don’t we already know J.B. is in this? She’s well aware of what Gladys does. There was the scene when they first came to Riverdale and they spoke of their plan. Her being the big mastermind wouldn’t be surprising. She already knows what her mom does and is in on it, they haven’t been writing her as innocent at all. Especially that one scene this episode when the Jones were having breakfast and she seemed well aware of tension with Jughead and Gladys and she was like “dad let’s watch cartoons!” She’s playing him. 

    I think the reason they keep having Gladys being up that jellybean isn’t a part of it is because we as viewers know she is. They put in that scene where Gladys talked about their big plan and jellybean was all “and I have dad wrapped around my finger” or something so that it’s a shock that when Jughead and FP find out she in it all along. But as viewers we know she has been part of it, maybe I’m wrong and J.B. will overthrow Gladys but we have always known jellybean was in on it. 

    And the only reason I can think of any Gladys moved her drug business here is that she caught wind of FP being Sheriff and she figured she could sell drugs easily under his reign and not get caught because he probably isn’t that great of a sheriff considering his past and all. Which, fair, I guess? But also as much as I like Tom keller, he wasn’t that great of a Sheriff either. Did he even solve anything big? The teens solved Jason’s murder and Betty solved the black Hood case. Pretty sure Gladys could have easily gotten her fizzle rock drug selling done then too. Probably more. There are probably other reasons why she came back to Riverdale but I think that’s one of them. Also I think she made a deal with Penny. Who will probably be returning at some point.

  16. 7 hours ago, Stan39 said:

    I don’t know about their relationship prior/off this show, but Jay doesn’t strike me so much as controlling as he just doesn’t give a shit. He’s going to do whatever he wants to do, all the time, and if you don’t want to join him he’s fine with that. The problem is, he has all the money so I’m sure Kristen ends up caving in. He definitely has all the power in the relationship. It’s amazing how much control you can exert over people when you just don’t care. 

    That is interesting, the not caring aspect. I do think Kristen has some money of her own though so I don’t know if she really needs him for that. I think she’s just worried he will change his mind and their lives. She was nervous about him possibly going back to football again and they he up and decided they were moving houses. Granted it was in the same state but at first she wasn’t a fan of this. 

    • Love 1
  17. 3 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

    And she has asked him to stop drinking when he is having too much and I don’t see a problem with that or asking her if she had been drinking to see how he was going to approach her.

    I think the one he did seemed to be insinuating something and I haven’t seen her ask him in a way like that, maybe it has happened and I missed it but he did ask her imho in a kind of rude way. That said people can have a different perception but my main point was Scwartz has no room to talk about anyone’s drinking. Like I said viewers can perceive things differently and that’s how I perceived it.

    No one  on this show honestly can talk about anyone’s drinking.

    • Love 8
  18. 2 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

    But Katie has a long and documented history of behaving differently when she has been drinking and she had been drinking on the plane. She is so much better off when she is just high.

    So does Scwartz. Most of his cheating has happened because he’s black out drunk.

    • Love 9
  19. 13 minutes ago, greyflannel said:

    I could be remembering wrong, but haven't other people been asked if they have been drinking/are drunk when they're showing their ass? Now, I know that's the last thing you should ask someone who is under the influence, but I think it's been done before to others.

    I mean possibly but I think katie gets it more than anyone and whilemim not a fan of constantly defending her, it’s an easy excuse and one that they use all the time. I think James might be the only other one who gets this and that’s only been recently.

    And I could be wrong but even Jax’s freakout at Sur last season didn’t have people askingif he was drunk. Don’t quote me on that I could be wrong.

    • Love 3
  20. 46 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

    Katie's imperfect, Tom's imperfect, whatever, fine...but come on, he could answer his wife when she's speaking to him. 

    Yup. It’s also annoying that he has a trigger excuse ready to insult her, calling out her drinking which is gross for many reasons but my main two is that one just like James has two easy name calling things, fat and a slut is so gross and two who is scwartz to call someone out on drinking ever with his track record?

    • Love 11
  21. Yeah sadly the only person I srikk

    enjoy on this show is Stassi. She’s had her moments (and still does) but I think she takes a lot of this with a grain of salt. But she’s my favorite. The other ones keep getting on my nerves. 

    Also I’m sorry I’m like one of the only people who can’t give Katie the full blame on her fight with scwartz. Scwartz sucks. I feel like there’s more going on but it seems as though tptb really like scwartz and want to protect him, why do I say this, I listen to a podcast about this show and the hosts were talking about a deleted scene that Schena tweeted about happening with her and Stassi Kristen and katie(the other girls weren’t there, not sure why) and they were having a sleepover and Katie had confessed about how Scwartz hadn’t been around lately and there was probably more, but the editors like him. For the most part he gets a good edit on this show. Even when he’s the wrong it somehow is Katie’s fault. And again.. it’s because everyone let’s that be the case. 

    And this bugs me so much. FI thinks he’s such a great friend. I cant Remember if it was the season when Katie cut Stassi out or the one when she came back to the group but he yelled at Stassi And was all “I just don’t trust you, I’m so protective of my friends!” As if he and katie were so close. He talks bad about her all the time. And Katie even tried to call him Out on this at the season 5 reunion and nothing happened with that. The only guy who did was Jax and he didn’t even say anything half as bad as Tom did. Jax from what I remember was just like “they’re fighting all the time, and the wedding is a few weeks away this isn’t good” FI blamed katie for everything. It was kind of gross actually when you think about the fact that he equated it to Tom being a battered wife. Sorry not sorry that that’s real annoying.

    • Love 6
  22. 4 hours ago, ShadowFacts said:

    Yes, I think the tie-in is that once when they were young they were worried they would lose her but didn't, and now they really will.  I'm not looking forward to it, it is too close to reality for me, as William's death was. 

    Yup and like most of the flashbacks this season it won’t fit as well as they would like. The flashbacks have been super off this season. The only one imho opinion that fit sort of well was Kate’s  graduation episode and the kids high school graduation flashbacks. Other than that the flashbacks haven’t really matched.

    • Love 1
  23. 8 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

    so what do you think of the flashback that she has a car accident? I feel its leading up to her eventual health issue.

    I’m not sure if it will. I watched the promo again and there’s a quick moment where Jack and the kids are walking into a hospital, if Rebecca has a heath issue a part of me feels like this car accident has no correlation to it. I could be wrong but I’m not placing bets on it having all that much to do with the other. Except for the kids all remembering that Mom was in the hospital once. 

    • Love 3
  24. 3 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

    Didn’t she mentioned that she found grants and scholarships? She came out of school with no debt.

    Also wasn’t there a teacher who helped her? I remember one of her first scenes in this show when Alex saw she had a fancy watch and assumed she was rich and have her crap she said the watch was a gift from a teacher who helped her out and she told Alex some of her backstory about living in a car. 

    • Love 1
  25. Yeah I mean she has more than enough going on, my whole thing is I have a problem taking her serious with this show and with her whole “I’m running a buisness!” Honestly I’m sure she is quite smart buisness wise, especially with all her endeavors that she does but when it’s shown on this show, I just laugh. I’m not sure why I can’t take it serious when it’s on screen in the show.

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