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Posts posted by WhosThatGirl

  1. 3 minutes ago, Advance35 said:

    Calling it now, something TERRIBLE is going to happen to Hermione or Veronica.  I don't know what, but gut feeling says it is going to be VERY ugly.  I can't decide whom the perpetrator will be, Gladys or Hiram himself.

    This episode just serves to remind me that Veronica really is an outsider/alone.  It doesn't look like anyone is going to go easy on her this time.

    On the bright side, I think I loved every wardrobe choice for Hermione and Veronica this episode.

    The rest....Meh.

    I don't care about Cheryl or Jughead.

    I'm not overly fond of guys with Scars so Archie isn't as hot anymore.  Yawn.

    Josie is as tedious as ever.

    And Riverdale again, doesn't trend as high or as long as it has been in the past.  Following in the footsteps of Glee.

    I wonder if Hiram going to make veronica  sell Pops/The Speakeasy to him? He did tell her she owed him 75 thousand dollars and lately she’s been complaining about the lack of money she makes from it for the most part. Hiram taking it over would possibly make him more money from it and I bet he would love to shove that in her face.

  2. 11 minutes ago, MollyWebber said:

    I love Jochie. I love Bughead. I used to love Toni before they made her Cheryl's bitch. Not sure why she thinks she deserves to be Queen just because she's Legacy. Aren't all of those kids Legacy? Even Betty is fucken Legacy plus she saved their King FP multiple times before Jughead took over. Jughead also practically died for them? LMAO with her nonsense.

    I have no idea what they're doing with the Lodges but they're quickly turning Veronica into one of my least favorite characters this season. She's become a dramatically boring moron.

    Did I mention I love Archie with Josie? Because I love Archie with Josie. 

    Yeah,  at least Bughead had a scene and Archie and Josie are cute. Aside from that I really disliked everything this episode. Also Kevin is back to being the worst friend ever. It’s odd people like him. He’s an awful friend. I get he goes through things too but he is always willing to throw in his so called best friend Betty whenever he needs to isn’t he?

    Choni is awful.

    Alice is the worst. 

    Gladys sucks too.

    Ugh. I’m really worried for Betty actually.

    • Love 5
  3. 38 minutes ago, Dee said:

    Also, Lip saying that if Fiona was sober she would've been able to hustle her way through the surprise interview makes no sense, because the last surprise DCFS visit Fiona was a part of, resulted in the rest of the kids (including Lip & Ian) being removed from Fiona's care.

    Actually the last surprise was when Fiona was in jail because of the Liam incident so she wasn’t even around. But hey we aren’t supposed to remember that at all.

    And the problem is I’m not sure if Fiona has a drinking problem. The problem is that yes while all the kids are predisposed because of frank to have one, the timeline of how long fiona has been acting like this isn’t clear to me. With Lip, they addressed the timeline that it has been going on for some time. With Fiona who knows how long this has been going on. Again as I brought up in another post I brought up maybe they should also address another predisposed genetic of her manic behavior as of late as well. 

    • Love 2
  4. Fiona seemed to check out of being a parent when she was engaged to Sean. I mean at that point she really only needed to parent Liam but I recall her just being whatever about him for the most part starting then. And now she checks in with him every once  in a while but not enough.. case in point where was he this episode? Does anyone care anymore? 

    • Love 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

    I think the scene between Frank and Fiona was brilliant *because* Frank was wrong. It was the moment when Fiona realized that if she keeps drinking she'll end up a delusional loser like Frank. *That* is her rock bottom.

    Yeah but to me she didn’t realize it until the next morning. After his big speech she was still drinking and hanging around and then the BBQ happened and then the not riot. She didn’t realize until she woke up and hungover and realized she can’t hang the way Frank can. Which I guess is also a rock bottom, she doesn’t want to be a professional Alcoholic but his speech didn’t do it. If anything his speech just kept her drinking to prove a point to him that she’s a fun drunk, just like him. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, scrb said:

    Frank had a reaction shot when they all got back from the aborted march and then Fiona was ranting to them for bailing on the march.  Really going off the rails with the drinking.

    They had a quick cutaway and Bill Macy showed this sadness that his daughter was unhappy.

    But he didn't say or do anything about it -- father of the year candidate!

    Now maybe she'll get better with AA but Frank's not about that AA bullshit. 

    Yup. Again maybe I’m alone but the Frank and Fiona stuff wasn’t.. good to me? It was just disconcerting to me. I mean it’s supposed to be funny that Frank is all “I couldn’t have done it without her” in raising the kids because ha ha ha he didn’t do it at all, you guys, get it?!?! But it isn’t. It just feels like WHM and ER maybe wanted some final scenes together and this is what came of it. This whole episode just felt off. But hey I’m one viewer. So whatever. Others enjoyed it. I did not.

  7. 1 hour ago, AEMom said:

    This all really started to go to hell when the writers thought that we would forget that Fiona (in a multi-episode storyline) petitioned the courts to be made the legal guardian of her siblings.

    Since then, they had her get married and move out, had her move out again where she lived with her married-boyfriend, and got arrested multiple times - just to name the major issues.

    It's insulting to the viewers to just make up random storylines and forget the history of the characters.  Fiona is really this upset about losing Ford as a boyfriend?  He was like watching paint dry.  And her loss of her apartment building was her own stupidity.  You don't spread yourself that thin.  But still, she wasn't bankrupted with someone coming after her for payments - the resolution wound up with her breaking even.  Her spiral makes no sense at all in this case - she has had far worse happen to her.

    I understand Lip being angry with what happened with the visit and his friend, but in this case, but it really wasn't Fiona's fault.

    Not to mention that this is the second time Fiona’s had a downward spiral but we aren’t supposed to remember that either. 

  8. 31 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

    I think what bothers me is that there's not many teen things going on in a teen show. The show is a murder mystery which generally I like, but not here. If the show took out the romances, it wouldn't be missing anything. If the show took out the ages of the kids, it wouldn't be missing much either. The whole show is basically just everybody in town going around covering up and solving murders. Every teen, adult and person on the entire show is evil or crazy. The romances are barely even a side story. Bughead will start kissing and 1 second later she'll think of a murder clue. She lost her virginity to him and instead of the show letting her be happy for one second about it, she had to go home to find a dead body on the kitchen floor. It's annoying. None of these people talk about ANYTHING other than investigating whatever is going on. I need a break from all the murder craziness and I'd like some actual teen craziness.

    Where were you last year?!?! We have the same mindset! And I can’t post anything else in response to you because I’ll spoil things for you but I feel you, you have no idea! Seriously read my posts on these episodes I relate so hard!!

  9. Just now, Chaos Theory said:

    Frank made two points.  

    1. That he was a fun drunk -  wrong

    2. Fiona was an angry drunk - right.

    Well I stopped listening when he claimed he was a fun drunk, I was rolling my eyes. And that’s what I mean, he lost me there and I couldn’t listen to anything else he said. I hope the show meant for that to be the case and not to take him serious.

  10. Maybe I’m alone but to me Frank had no points because he claims that he’s a fun drunk. He’s the most fun in the family because he’s drunk all the time. Uh, no he isn’t. He’s an angry aggressive drunk too. I’m sure the kids would all point that out. Wish Fiona had. That’s why frank to me had no points.

    • Love 4
  11. 14 minutes ago, oompa said:

    I did like Frank's response to people wanting to riot: "In this heat?"

    My takes:

    • It was nice to get a little more neighborhood solidarity which has been missing in recent seasons.
    • Frank talking about drinking until you feel good and coast? Yeah, right. He was just downing giant jars of Hobo Loco.
    • The whole Carl-Debbie-Kelly love triangle was excruciating. Hopefully that is done, but I'm guessing not.
    • I hate Lip. Maybe that is how you need to treat an alcoholic, but it just seems wrong.
    • I hope Liam has secretly been adopted by a nice family, and he is in a nice school somewhere and happy.

    Yeah I’m sorry the Frank speeches about drinking were ridiculous and as I said made my eyes roll. He thinks he’s a fun drunk? Hasn’t he been pretty aggressive and angry a few times and he’s always drunk.. that’s his thing so not really a fun drunk to me. I didn’t get it or find it funny or interesting.

    I don’t know how I feel about Lip or fiona and even I who hates her behavior for this couple of episodes am not entirely clear she has a drinking problem. The problem is this show isn’t giving us a timeframe on how long she’s been doing this type of behavior. Has she been drinking/ettting drunk like this for a month or a couple months? A few weeks? A week? A few days? I do think she’s also showing show odd manic behavior as well, maybe the siblings should look into that as well. They do have that genetic in their family history as well. 

    • Love 1
  12. Yeah.. I don’t know what to say about this episode. I didn’t really like any of the fiona and frank scenes. Sorry but frank is terrible and his whole speech about people needing to drink to survive.. ugh. Really? I couldn’t not roll my eyes through that whole thing. The next seasons that this show is going to be around are going to be painful. It’s going to be the Frank show all the time. 

    And yeah as I suspected, Fiona is getting a redemptive arc for her final two episodes, I will still stand by my feelings that I can’t believe her final couple of episodes were like this. It was such a hot mess. And here we are.

    i don’t care about anything else in this show to tell you the truth, I’m probably out when Er leaves. 

    • Love 1
  13. 10 hours ago, Dee said:

    The writers desperately want Lip to be in the right, since JAW seems to be the impending new series lead, but it just doesn't work.

    Well honestly the whole show isn’t going to work when ER leaves, sadly. I really feel like she carries the show for the most part and levels it out, when Frank is off doing the same old, same old stupid stuff that is just so tired at this point, at least Fiona is there to connect things(when the writers actually write that) and when he leaves, i don’t think there’s going to be any sort of balance. And Veronica and Kevin seem like they’re off on their own show. I agree with you that none of the other Gallagher’s are going to be able to take the lead at this point after Fiona leaves. 

  14. The problem is this Fiona flame out storyline is super boring and terribly written and maybe it’s not as bad as what happened with Liam but again why is no one even bringing that up at all? All the siblings are acting like fiona has never acted out ever before(when she has) and Lip has that line about how pat fiona would know how to handle a cps situation. Not once did he bring up her terrivle awful behavior from a few years ago and to me.. that’s why I’m dissatisfied with this being how fiona ends her time on this show.

    And that’s why I know her ending is going to be terrible. I know they more than likely are ending her story with a way to open the door back up should ER want to make a special guest appearance or when the series ends and she make a appearance in that so I don’t think they’re going to kill her off. Maybe I’m wrong but from what I hear it’s not a final ending so I firmly believe it’ll be an odd 180 moment and she’ll be fine by her final episode. And that’s dumb. At least to me.

    And I’m sorry maybe I’m alone but I think her behavior is ridiculous because I don’t quite get what’s making her act like this way. I know some people have tried to explain that her big career is the reason because it was her finally making moves and getting out but it’s hard for me to buy that being the big reason when the show keeps somehow bringing it back to stupid Ford being the biggest reason. They to me keep harping on that and I’m sorry but I never got that relationship. They didn’t seem to like each other that much, as someone else pointed out, he seemed to merely be tolerating her at times and fiona seemed oddly okay with that which if I’m being honest didn’t seem like her at all. 

  15. 13 minutes ago, glowbug said:

    I never said that they should live in a one bedroom apartment or a tiny house. But that is a lot of house and California has a housing shortage. Also a bigger house uses a lot more energy than a smaller house so it's best to live in the smallest house you can while still being comfortable for the sake of our environment. I feel the same way about people who have gigantic mansions. Perhaps they need all that space for some reason other than wanting a big house but otherwise I think they should have gotten a smaller house, and if it were me, as I stated earlier, I would have chosen a smaller house on the west side because I prefer it there. I grew up in Santa Monica and my grandmother lived a couple miles from their new house so I'm familiar with the area.

    I agree with your point too, because I get what you are saying. I also agree that they can buy whatever size house they want. But I still have to say like others it’s a pretty big house for just two people. But whatever. Again to each their own.

    Also side note is Kristen possibly buying a house? I only ask because she made an insta story yesterday congratulating Tom and Ariana about their new house(side note, so weird that they all of them are all really close now) and saying something like “we’re all buying houses now!” So I’m assuming she may be buying one soon as well. 

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  16. 5 hours ago, snarts said:

    People can and should buy whatever type and size of house they can afford.  Choosing to remain childless doesn't relegate you to a one bedroom apartment.  Real estate can be a great investment.  

    Just FYI you are quoting me but that quote isn’t from me. I agree they can buy a super big house but my post was just acknowledging what the original poster said that you mistakenly quoted me on was that it was really big.

    Again I also said I’m glad they finally got a house where they can cook dinner and run te ac.

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  17. 17 minutes ago, glowbug said:

    I wasn't suggesting she was changing her mind about marriage and children. I kind of hope she doesn't because there is an under representation of women who don't want either or both of those things on television, especially of women who don't want children. I was merely pointing out the absurdity of having such a big house for only two people and maybe Ariana's brother. 

    I agree. I think it’s fine she doesn’t want kids and I’m totally happy that she’s up front about it and always has been. And I agree with you on the house being big for three grown adults as well. I was also wondering if Jeremy was moving with them as well? Even so as I said.. it’s a big house for three adults.

    I mean it’s great for them that they bought a house, probably better than their apartment where they couldn’t use the microwave and run the ac at the same time so yay but I agree with everyone else it’s a really big house.

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  18. 11 hours ago, Adira said:

    That house is gorgeous!  But I really hope they know what they are getting into... they seem to have such major differences in what they want out of life (Tom: wants to get married & have kids; Ariana: doesn't...).

    7 hours ago, glowbug said:

    Why would anyone buy a house that big unless they planned on having kids? I’m surprised they got a house in the Valley. Granted, it’s an easier commute to West Hollywood than the costal cities like Marina del Rey but it’s not as trendy as the west side. Although if you were to live in the Valley that is a nice location. It’s close to Sherman Oaks and Studio City, which has good food and shopping, as well as the 101, 405, and 170 freeways, not to mention the canyon roads that take you to the eastern part of the west side. Personally I’d buy a smaller house on the west side because I can’t stand the heat but there definitely are advantages to living in the Valley. 

    Yeah, it’s a big house. But I’m like 99% Ariana is never going to have kids. She’s made this clear and even a few weeks ago she made a Twitter or Instagram post about how when she’s doing press with Tom, he’s asked about Tom Tom and other buisness ventures and she’s asked about if she’s changed her stance on marriage and kids. And yes this could also just be statement on questions women are asked but I also think she’s not changing her mind about kids. And that’s fine. 

    • Love 6
  19. Yes there were scenes where she had dinner a few times and her talking about Ian’s bail and taking Liam to school but she was barley involved in the other siblings lives much is what I’m saying. You said it was all one lip who wasn’t interested in fiona but Fiona was barley interested in him and his stories too. Not to mention she wasn’t really interested in Debbie or Carl that much. She was focused on Ian(in fact he was the only sibling that all the Gallagher kids were focused on quite a lot in the first half of this season, maybe because CM wasn’t going. To be in this second half or what but all the siblings really seemed focused on him). What I’m saying is is not just slip (and I’m not even a Lip fan at all) it’s Debbie and Carl also who are disconnected from fiona  right now.

    Debbie only seems to talk to her about what the house needs or when she needs money. And Carl and she just pass each other by it seems like. She truly only interacts the most with Liam and he’s the only one who even seems to be nice to her right now.

    And yeah I do agree Lip shouldn’t have yelled at fiona but like someone else said when people are hurt they don’t think logically. Sorry, people aren’t perfect. And yeah I also agree he should have screamed at Debbie too. But again logic isn’t people’s strong suit when they are angry.

    And again I wish the show would remember past seasons, I would have loved if Lip has said he is becoming angry because Fiona is repeating past behavior and that ended so well last time but the show is making quite a conscious choice to not mention this storyline at all. And that’s actual bad writing so for me I’m kind of more angry about this.  

    • Love 1
  20. Eh, from my viewing point I never saw fiona act much with the other siblings but we can view things differently.

    Also when Fiona leaves, my guess is it’s going to get worse as far as the Gallagher’s. The only thing linking them will more than likely be Frank and that’s.. not interesting. All of his arcs are the same old, same old. The fact that we spent a whole season where he had a relationship with a woman who he impregnated with Carl leads to.. nothing? That’s supposed to be funny? Or interesting? 

    So for me Lip yelling at fiona while dumb and stupid and not right doesn’t matter anyway when I sit and really think about it. Chances are he’s going to forgive her by the end of the season.. because of course he will and no one will mention it again.

  21. 1 hour ago, Crs97 said:

    BoogieBurns, I should have been more clear.  I love Rebecca and Carol as well.  I am just tired of the storylines that portray the dead parent as perfect while the children resent like hell some mistake the mom made.  

    Jack tells Kate he is an alcoholic and she is caressing his face and telling him how brave he is; Rebecca says Kate is beautiful and Kate is pissed at her for being a smaller size.  I was ready for something different and here comes Beth, who complains how Carol sucks all the air out of the room unlike her dad, who so perfectly “got” Beth and magically knew all the right words every time.  I am sick of hearing these moms basically have to grovel for being less than.  

    Frankly, there was a big part of me that was really hoping Carol‘s response would be that perhaps she made the wrong decision earlier, but Beth has had decades to get involved with dance again and if she is using that one moment as an excuse not to, that’s on Beth and not Carol. 

    This. I get that the show is trying to do one parent is more idealistic than the other but it keeps falling flat. 

    I do find it interesting that beths dad was too only because she’s has complained to Toby and Miguel about “saint Jack” and how no one is allowed to talk about him. I wonder if this is why she doesn’t mention her dad? She could never compete with Randall’s dad? I mean it explains why Beth may seem closed off and as much as I like Beth, I don’t need another character needing a reason to monologue about sad situations bringing them to where they are now.

    • Love 3
  22. Well to be fair if I’m being honest, none of the siblings really care much about each other anymore. They hardly interact. Carl and Debbie interact the most with each other right now and it’s mostly because of some story of Debbie possibly turning his girlfriend gay. And seriously Liam was off.. somewhere this episode. Was he even in the episode? Was it a blink and miss it moment?  Did anyone even mention him? Seriously. It’s not just Lip being absent, they all kind of are. None of them care about each other.

    Which is kind of a shame. I get that they are all adults now but honestly none of them have anything to do with each other. And they haven’t for a while. The first half of this season fiona was off living in the apartment, she wasn’t ever interacting with any of her siblings at that point. Aside from a few scenes with Ian, she had more scenes with frank and that was only because she would stop by the Alibi to see Veronica or Kevin and frank would be there. Now she’s back in the house and she gets a scene or two with her siblings but more often than not she’s just running around and being drunk or whatever with randoms. The best part of this show back in the day was the family interaction, at least for me. Not with Frank, I still don’t get how they even ackowldge him after he called cps on them in season 3 but this show has decided sometimes it wants you forget storylines have happened. Case in point no one has mentioned Fiona went nuts once before. That didn’t happen. 

    The worst part is is that the end of this season will have a fiona doing a 180 and everyone getting a nice sweet moment with her, because it’s the end for her. For now anyway. It won’t make sense based on what’s been going on but I totally predict this is what’s going to happen.

  23. 15 minutes ago, PRgal said:

    Confused.  I think Randall and Beth both already accepted their offers at Carnegie Mellon when they met.  It was supposed to be freshmen orientation?  Like something held in the summer before school started?  

    Yeah I assumed it was freshmen orientation but yeah it is interesting going back to the poster you are responding to that the deaths of both Beth and Randall’s fathers changed their college directions.

    Also I was thinking about it and I’m curious if anyone else has the same thought, does anyone else think Beth kept dancing, just not at the school? I only ask because one, people are assuming that beths mom was implying no more dancing when she just said she wasn’t paying for the dance school and two adult Beth can pick up dancing like that so great and enough that the teacher tells her she’s too good for the beginner class? I mean maybe she can but something tells me she kept dancing. Hell I wouldn’t even be surprised if Luka from ER kept training her and that becomes a surprise ending in a future episode. I mean come on.. it’s Luka from ER- I doubt they would just pull him in for one episode.

    • Love 2
  24. Lip knows about the apartment and ford situation, there was a scene in the mid season finale when Lip stopped by the diner because Debbie told him about ford and then Fiona explained about what happened with the apartment building because he was worried about her, she missed out on saying goodbye to Ian. I mean I don’t think he’s right in blaming Fiona for what happened this episode but he did seem to care when t first happened.

    The problem is the timeline is odd. I’m not sure how long it has been and how long this has all been going on, when Fiona got fired from the diner  did she say “I’ve had a rough couple months..?” So have these episodes been months now? If so it explains why the siblings may be over it now. 

    Either way this storyline is stupid and redundant of season four and it doesn’t make sense to be redoing it again.. especially as I have to keep saying over these things. Ford.. again I have to be like really? And her big career? Which was super boring to watch. I honestly think the writers just wanted to end that because they realized it wasn’t interesting to watch, I don’t know why they had to drag Fiona into a downward spiral to do it but I understand that I think even they were over writing about it too.

  25. 11 minutes ago, dcubed said:

    As someone with a performing arts background, if you haven’t stood out by high school, you’re 99% not going to make it.  I stood out and then was  background scenery in college.  No one that knew anything about music pegged me to have a career in it and they were right.

    And as I said in a previous post, the school cost a lot of money more than likely and money was probably going to become tight in regards to beths father dying. I mean college coat money as well but her mother probably was starting to work with her in the hopes she would get a scholarship of some kind. Which she probably did. I don’t see anything wrong with Beths mom sitting her down and telling her as much.

     Beth could have kept dancing. Her mom never said on screen “you need to stop dancing” she just said she couldn’t keep paying for the school.. which is understandable. 

    I also honestly didn’t see much of a problem with how she handled Beth not having a job either? She offered to sit down and help her. Maybe that’s where the disconnect is for me with this episode.  I mean Beth wanted something different with her life but I’m not entirely clear that it is all on her mom. 

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