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Posts posted by WhosThatGirl

  1. 1 hour ago, DrSpaceman said:

    Yes exactly, that would make more sense.  Not after breaking up with some boring as shit, dull boyfriend, finding out he is married.  They really had nothing in common and weren't that well suited for each other anyway

    Yup, I agree. I didn’t like her relationship with Sean either but it made more sense for her to have a meltdown over him than this guy. As I keep saying, most of this relationship seemed to have happen off screen/ in between seasons. And she was that in love with him? What? I’m sorry. This downward spiral does not make sense at all.

    And as much as they keep trying to bring it back to her losing her apartment building and whatever she was doing, at the end of it, to me, they’re still having it go back to that stupid guy in a way. And really... this guy? How long were they even together? I ask because again.. doesn’t anyone else feel it happened off screen? 

    • Love 2
  2. I thought the story Liam selling lemonade and the women falling the police was sort of a reference to what has been happening with people calling the police on different races for not doing anything illegal like having a bbq or something. It was happening a lot this past summer I believe. But yes the women was out of like, but Fiona hitting her was not the answer either. 

    And yes I know the other workers at the diner are all addicts but Fiona was causing disturbances left and right and making bad choices. Even if the workers weren’t calling about her, apparently people who ate there were, as were vendors. Not to mention that like Eliza said, Fiona chose to leave money out as she went into the back office. That was kind of stupid of her.  And I go back and forth on if she was drunk and she called 911 about the the guys and forgot or if she just didn’t want her boss to know that she did all that and was trying to cover up the fact that she locked up the diner. I’m not sure what the story was. Either way none of it is good. But no Fiona brought that on herself and like others.. I’m not sure why? Because she lost her building? Or because her boyfriend who she seemed to barley tolerate on a good day was actually married with a kid? That guy? It’s hard to see how he was so invested with someone when I have to point out again, seems like most of that relationship happened off screen but I digress.

    • Love 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    Yes, we did. The show has officially run out of new ideas. 

    Another wacky Frank scheme, yawn, rinse, repeat. I bet these Hobo Loco people are only using this as a publicity stunt and will end up hiring a professional spokesmodel. 

    Debbie's sudden obsession with the house feels very OCD to me. I wonder if we're heading for another bipolar story. Wouldn't surprise me since rehash seems to be the only thing this show has left.

    7 minutes ago, DrSpaceman said:

    I can't believe Fiona wasn't fired before.  And I can't believe the rest of the staff put up with her as long as they did.  I don't blame them at all for calling the owner.  She is lucky no one else but her and the cook were around and no one was hurt, raped, killed or otherwise injured from what she did, leaving the money out like that and going in the back. 

    And I can't believe she is ruining her life over a basically break even real estate deal and a loser, dull as nails boyfriend who happened to be married.  I too wondered if she is still on parole.  Certainly can't be good for her to be arrested again like this even if she is not.  You know that woman is going to press charges.  Trespassing, assault, inciting a mob

    Lip's girlfriend is an annoying bitch.  Doing some old women's hair for free doesn't change that

    Yeah.. I really have no idea what they are doing with Fiona and the reason I don’t feel compassion for her is because as I said and someone quoted me, I felt for her when they did this storyline in season four! Then it made a lot of sense and was a compelling storyline. Now it isn’t. Now she just had a bad buisness deal and found out her boyfriend was married- which btw this relationship was super super deep, is it just me or didn’t it move super fast and a lot of it happened off screen it seems like.   So it’s hard to feel for her when it was a story that was done better before and it happening now doesn’t make sense at all. 

    I mean maybe that’s the point for us to not care when she has her last episode because I sure as hell don’t care about her storyline at all.

  4. It’s probably bad that I don’t care about any of the stories. And all of them just seem to be there.

    I don’t feel bad for Fiona at all. Especially because it’s clear this is what she is going to keep doing for the rest of the season. Didn’t we do this once with her already? 

    • Love 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, rmontro said:

    I can't keep up with all the dead people either, especially when they start bringing them back to life!

    Ha ha!! Right? When I was writing that you confused Minetta with Keller and how Hermione shot him, a part of me while writing that was like about to say “he might even still be alive despite her shooting him.. because who knows..” that’s why I’m over the deaths on this show.  Or the cliffhanger deaths. No one ever really dies and the people who do aren’t important characters really. I’m getting kind of over them telling someone important might die. They aren’t going to. 

    • Love 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, rmontro said:

    You're right.  I can't keep up with all these sheriffs.

    I feel you. I can hardly keep with all the characters have on this show as of late, especially since they continue to add more each and every episode and you have to pay attention because chances are they will be important. For me a lot of times I’m starting to just remember characters by their looks or what part of they came in, like “the creepy doctor guy” who sort of helped Betty and Jughead and gave Archie painkillers. They’ve said his name a lot, I’ve just stopped caring to remember it. There’s too many damn people on this show.

  7. 1 minute ago, rmontro said:

    Veronica's personality is kind of flirty anyway though.  I remember awhile back she walked in on Sheriff Minetta working out, and she was kind of eyeing him and said "Look out, Archie Andrews".  Lol, as if Archie was the only guy to ever pick up a pair of weights.

    I think you mean Sheriff Keller(Minetta was the one who was hired by Hiram then presumed dead then seen hooking up with Hermione this episode and then actually killed by her)

    • Love 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Wilpen said:

    Very true. I wish PLL would have followed the book seriesmore closely regarding the mystery. I think it wasa mistake trying to get too cute and oringal. MK followed the book series closely in season 1 which is why it’s arguably the best season of the series. 

    Hopefully the real GK reveal has a nice payoff. 

    I never read the book series but I’ve read people that point out like you have just done that the book series of the mystery was much better and that the show started to veer off because it was a tv show and they had fan bases to attest to. 

    Anyways. I was starting to enjoy the g and g king mystery but I’m enjoying it less and less when there appears to be many kings and now it’s stopped making sense again(I know, does anything on this show?) and now I’m thinking the playoff isn’t going to be good at all. I mean it probably won’t be as bad as the reveal of the black hood but I doubt it’s going to be good at all because even when we find out who the king is, it’s probably not going to mean anything. Everyone is a king at this point for various reasons. Hell, I’m not going to be surprised if all the parents have decided to be a king to get an end goal of some kind. 

    The problem is we aren’t getting any answers to anything and I know it’s this show but I have a ton of questions left over and more keep popping up that will never be answered. Did everyone stop playing the actual game? Because as I’ve said there were episodes where the serpents were playing and then Josie Kevin and Reggie started playing and it was implied that many of the teens were playing(and doing fizzle rocks as well, Kevin and moose were but no one has circled back to that). So when Kevin and moose in this episode were against playing- weren’t they already? At least Kevin was. It didn’t make sense. Especially because this game seems to work like Jumnjui, even if you stop playing, you are still playing, so Kevin is always playing. Also we still have all those kids from the sisters who were still playing who are now in the farm and chances are the farm is playing now too. Again.. way too many questions. A lot will probably never be answered. 

  9. 4 hours ago, Wilpen said:

    All those Gargoyle Kings running around reminds me of the endless A's on PLL, lol. 

    Yup and I don’t think that’s a great story. I hated it with pll. The only good thing I can take is that with Riverdale they tend to end their story arcs but seasons end and start a new one, unlike pll so we will more than likely get an actual real king maybe.

  10. The problem with Cheryl and Toni getting a brand new gang definitely just retracts Toni’s feelings and like I said in a different post continues to make me lose sympathy for her. I mean I didn’t have very much but I sort of understood when she tried to explain to cheryl that the serpents were her family and they accept her and whatever but by episodes end when cheryl shows her a room full of randoms and says we have a new gang, she’s like okay fun! Yeah.. she definitely loses any points of any sympathy and it just proves she isn’t a good person either and has no loyalty.

    It also doesn’t help that I guess Choni is just honestly going to have no real conflict or problems if this episode is any indication. I mean I know normally they are just background noise so we don’t get time to focus on them too much but this episode just made me think, they finally have a disagreement and fight but by episodes end, they’re together and better than ever. Also more than likely Cheryl will probably be footing the bill for Toni’s college and... they are probably never ever breaking up. I’m not sure if this is good or bad.  

    I mean another reason I fear they won’t break up is because a lot of the Choni stans  are kind of insane and so well... there’s that. I can’t imagine how they would react if the couple broke up. They get angry when the couple has a scene where they hold hands and get mad because they don’t speak. I really think Choni is always going to be safe. Sure they might have a fight but by episodes end like a silly sitcom everything will be fine in the end. Why doesn’t anyone complain about that ship staying together and being boring? 

  11. On 2/6/2019 at 12:24 PM, teapot said:

    I don't understand why they didn't just move the DM party to Sur or Pump.

    I felt bad for Scheana (I know...) when she & Lala were having coffee.  I feel like it would sting if I used to be friends with a group, then fell out with them, and then someone who has been around for less time than me, and used to be on the outs with them, is suddenly in, and giving me advice on how to handle them.

    So when Scheana hangs with the Coven, basically she has to walk on eggshells & try not to say anything that they'll find annoying, yet everyone else gets to act exactly however the fuck they want.

    I don't mind her, she's harmless.  Sucks for her.

    On 2/6/2019 at 1:44 PM, Misslindsey said:

    I agree with you. I do not mind Scheana for the most part. She is self-absorbed, but seems way less vindictive and catty than the rest of the group. I agreed with her when she said she will never win with the coven. The only time members of the coven treat her as a friend is when they are on the outs with the rest of the group. 

    Yeah that was the first time I felt bad for Schena and I did feel for her when she said she missed them.  I don’t think the memebers treat her like a friend when they are outside of the group, they treat her like a friend when she stands in their line of what they want. Like the summer of Katie’s wedding, I don’t think they were outside of the group? The group was very much all about Tom and Katie’s wedding somthey were very much center piece.

    Anyways. At that time though I do sort of understand why the coven was mad. I feel they went about it the wrong way but Lala was saying bad things about Katie and Schwartz’s upcoming marriage and tweeting things and Schena was from what the coven has said speaking gossip on what Lala said and then all of a sudden is just whatever about it all? I think they were confused. And I do have to agree, Schena wants to be friends with everyone which is a good quality but you do have to acknowledge when another person you claim is your friend hurts another one of your friends and Schena tends to get defensive about that and acts in that mode sometimes.

    Again though.. the coven handles these situations just as bad. If anything that’s my main problem. When Katie and Lala were having this issue back in season 5, Katie and Schena should have talked this out, instead they brought in stassi and Kristen and so it’s three against one and that always bothered me. But that’s how they work. 

    Anyways after reading comments and listening to a few podcasts about this episode, it’s clear that this “soft opening” daily mail party was only done for dramatic effect at Tom Tom. They obviously weren’t ready for a party, case in point all the dramatic scenes of what they had to do the day before and day of.  And the food was coming from Pump anyway. It was just done for a drama moment but still. I’m sure the real Tom tom opening is going to be on the show anyway, so what was the point of this? To show us Tom Tom? Aren’t we going to see it at other points throughout this series? For Lisa to give the Toms their term sheet?(that she acted strange that they asked about having, do they even have any stake in Tom Tom? Has she cashed their checks? Why are they even “owners”?) to have a scene where Kristen gets uninvited because Lisa loves to humiliate Kristen? To show James djing in a closet? So many questions. 

    • Love 3
  12. I mean having veronica comment on her family isn’t going to happen because none of the teenagers really comment on their family and their misdeeds until they want to work it into a plot for that episode It’s dumb. At least to me.

    Also its so funny to me that people on Instagram are upset Gladys turned it to be evil when I knew from the moment we met her she wasn’t going to be up to no good. I rolled my eyes and knew I wouldn’t like her, she abandoned her teenage son and left him with his father who was a drunk and running a hng(reasons why she said she left) and refused his call to live with her. Yup, she was always going to be a winner. I didn’t care what actress was going to play gladys she was always  going to suck. So her turning out to be a drug dealer.. small shrug. I mean it breaks my heart for Jughead. I’m sad they roped Jellybean into it, though. There was no need for that. Except for the inevitable Jughead breakdown. Seriously this show seems to love to torture certain characters and put them though the ringer a lot. 

  13. Just now, HeatLifer said:

    Chemistry, to me, isn’t just about romantic or sexual chemistry, though, which is what I’m assuming you’re referring to. Lili and KJ do a great job portraying close friends. That’s chemistry. 

    I mean maybe. Since I haven’t seen it in a while, even that brief scene when helped him dye his hair was kind of nothing. It’s been a while since I’ve seen them really act like friends.

    The thing is I also don’t really see the Veggie chemistry either and others do? Tonight highlighted that for me as well, mostly that Reggie seems kind of ready to be all in and veronica just seems like she is using him to pass the time and someone who is willing to help her and do things for her. Which is fine. You do you veronica. It also brings me back to a point that I and a lot Other posters had about veronica trying to clear archies name may not have at the end of the day been about Varchie and Veroncia and how much she loved and cared for archie(which I’m sure she did) but was more about winning against her father a lot too and proving him wrong. Like I said im sure she loved Archie and cared deeply for him but I also think a large part of her was about winning too. 

    That said like someone else said if they plan on doing a Varchie/veggie triangle, I saw veronica deeply caring for Archie at a time, I haven’t seen that in her feelings for Reggie. At least not yet. I agree with someone else that Charles is kind of limited so maybe that’s the issue? I just don’t see chemistry. At least not deep feelings chemistry. 

  14. 18 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

    This. All of this. 

    And, if anything, I wish they could have actually built Josie and Archie for real ‘cause there was hella potential there if they gave it the time. Alas, it’s not happening for a number of reasons, so I’m just enjoying it for what it is.

    Also, once again, KJ can have chemistry with all humans and inanimate objects. 

    Eh, I think he has chemistry with some but not all. Like I never see chemistry with him and Lili but maybe that’s because to me cole and Lili have it in spades and it overpowers anything KJ can have. I think sometimes he can have good chemistry with Camilla but the show ruins it sometimes. That’s just me. We all have different views. He did have quite good chemistry with Ashleigh though.

    Also I really didn’t like the Choni scenes tonight. As I said many times it just highlighted that the writers don’t know how to write Toni and have never seemed to know how. Yeah she got a great moment telling cheryl off but as I said by the end of the episode it’s all back to status quo for her of being Cheryl’s girlfriend. But again have they ever written Toni well? I mean let’s be real she jumped on this show and immediately was a Bughead foil before anyone could even warm up to her and then she was mostly just around for Jughead to vent to and occasionally she got to call him out but then they threw her into the Choni relationship and she became.. a girlfriend. I don’t think she’s ever been written decently.

    • Love 1
  15. 13 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

    I think Reggie's hot but he's obviously limited as an actor, and maybe that's why they haven't bothered to give him much of a character? I still think they ought to give him more of a personality than just dumb beefcake guy, especially since they're definitely going down this Veronica/Reggie route. She seems too sophisticated to take him seriously. If they want to do an Archie/Veronica/Reggie triangle at some point down the road, they'd have to give him something more for there to be any suspense about who she'd choose.

    The problem is this episode kind of

    highlighted that all Veronica seems to see him as is a beefcake, someone to pass the time with and someone who will do things for her. Which is fine but it puts Veronica in a bad light. I mean they showed Reggie caring about her well being more than Veronica did for him, as I mentioned above he said something about stealing money also to get back at his dad for hitting him throughout the years and Veronica didn’t even acknowledge that. It really doesn’t put her in a great light right now regarding the relationship. I mean I’m perfectly fine with her viewing this as a non serious thing but yeah the show has to figure out if he’s really meant to be a contender for her seriously.

  16. 2 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

    I actually liked this episode pretty well, it gave some of the side characters some time to shine, and kind of got close to making some sense. For this show, I consider that a big win! 

    Poor Moose and Kevin. When Moose finally came out, and he and Kevin were being all cute and snuggly, I figured that he was doomed, but at least he survived, and could still come back. Damn it show, you finally made me like the guy, or at least pay some attention to him, and then you get rid of him! Poor Kevin. 

    That was not cool at all of Cheryl to semi out Moose with her blind item, glad that Toni called her out on it. Her getting Toni the interview at the fancy college was nice though. Although, is Cheryl a lesbian, or bisexual, leaning towards girls? Were all her things with guys just for show? Or is this a Willow from Buffy thing where bisexuality just isnt a thing? And I did love Cheryl showing up with her bow and arrow to save Moose and Kevin. All the other parents are like "are you safe?!" and Penelope is like "where is your bow?!?" The little scene she had with Kevin was actually rather nice. Although, Kevin isnt the only one around here with a 50s aesthetic, Cheryl. Thats kind of the whole town. 

    The older cast must be having a blast with all of this old school melodrama. And of course when they call their kids, everyone but Josie and Archie are getting it on. You horny little weirdos.

    Speaking of, Josie and Archie? I was digging them as friends, but i can kind of get behind this. I like that their plot was an actually teenager plot for awhile there, and not all filled with mobsters and cults and serial killers. They both sure sound great together. 

    Archie should always duet with people. He sounds better that way.

    • Love 2
  17. 1 minute ago, methodwriter85 said:

    Kind of like A on Pretty Little Liars, which turned out to be like a million people.

    I'm really bothered by the fact that they had a chance to do an openly bisexual storyline with Cheryl, but nope, she's a lesbian. Just like Willow on Buffy or Santanna on Glee or Jenny on the L-Word. Thanks for the bisexual erasure, Riverdale!

    I did like Kevin and Moose but I'm not surprised it's over. Oh, well.

    Glee at least had Brittany. She got to date Santana and then when they broke up, they allowed her to have a relationship with a guy. She ended up with santana(spoiler). But this show has Toni who is the bisexual character. Granted this was the most she has said in an episode and probably never again. Even by he end of it she’s just back to being Cheryl’s girlfriend.

    Also I’m not a fan of Kevin and moose. I hate ultimatums and especially one that requires a person to come out before they are ready. I feel Kevin had an inkling of what Cheryl was going to do by announcing about Moose and that isn’t okay.

  18. 7 minutes ago, Sonoma said:

    Haha! Love The Princess Bride reference.

    I thought it was a nice episode and break to let the other characters shine. I'm not a big fan of most of the supporting characters but I'm glad their fans got a chance to see more of them.


    Yeah, it wasn’t as bad as I anticipated. Honestly I feel kind of bad for Moose but I didn’t enjoy the forced coming out of the closet. And Choni is still ew to me. Like it’s hard for me to sympathize with Toni when the reason she got kicked out was because she broke the rules and didn’t help out any of her fellow gang members and like I’ve been saying , her loyalty is thinly veiled, she’s already on a new gang with random girls. It’s hard to like someone like that. That’s why I have such a problem with Cheryl. And I didn’t up until two episodes ago when she was giving Jughead crap about being away to help archie( out of a murder charge, not riding around on a beach tour) and stealing and leaving calling cards about who was stealing. And not doing a damn thing to help any of the other serpents. You lose points there as a person to me. 

  19. I mean I didn’t hate this episode and I’m surprised about that because I don’t like Cheryl and Toni. Still don’t. Oh yay they have a new gang. Ugh. 

    10 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

    How many Gargoyle Kings are running around?! Is Party City running some kind of surplus sale? 

    I am starting to suspect that there is no one Gargoyle King, and its somehow tons of different people using the name and costume for their own goals? Like a Riverdale version of the Dread Pirate Roberts?

    As I said I wonder if they are trying out different characters to see who will be the most good person to pin it on, but it does also seem like people are doing it for different goals.

    Also.. are characters still playing the game? Kevin Josie and Reggie were playing at one point, possibly Moose was too? I know he was doing fizzle rocks at one point. The serpents were playing. Veronica and Archie were not, although Archie was/is a pawn in it, Betty isn’t and hasn’t. The kids at the sisters were playing, so were people in the farm in it too? Now they probably are as Alice sent the kids Betty saved there. It’s confusing. I mean I’m starting to think that even if characters aren’t physically playing the game, they are?

    • Love 1
  20. So I already know I’m going to not like this episode as it seems to focus on the characters I don’t like at all and happen to be a lot of the most irritating characters to

    Me. Reggie. Kevin. Cheryl. Josie’s fine I guess. And also a big focus on the parents again because everyone wants to see more of them? Maybe they do, I personally don’t. Thank you, next.




    So Jughead was still the narration person instead of someone else? Interesting. Again how does he know things he isn’t around to hear?


    Also Serria and Tom making the best decision to have a small city hall wedding. Nothing good happens at a tv wedding. And especially doubt one good thing would happen at a Riverdale wedding. So wait serria has a fling with moose’s dad too?


    Choni scene. Okay Toni you miss the gang but maybe you shouldn’t have allowed your girlfriend to break rules and steal and maybe housed some of your fellow gang members in your mansion. I have a feeling that Toni might not be into doing the college thing. But again am I supposed to feel bad for her getting kicked out of the gang? She showed no remorse and was all about stealing for fun and then being a bitch about it all. Also selling out her friends secret. She’s a real great friend. To me Toni is just as bad as Cheryl. Maybe worse because she’s known these people for almost forever.


    Love Hermione enlisting her daughter to get money for drug dealers. Slow clap for great parenting skills. I mean look veronica is a moron for burning the drugs because that was dumb as all hell and it really did nothing but love Hermione being all get the money. 


    Cheryl and college.opps Penalope is ruining it for her. 


    Hey moose and Kevin. Oh Kevin stop making someone come out of the closet. Are we supposed to think this is cute? It’s not cool for anyone to be forced out of the closet. And I’m not even big on moose.


    Aw Josie and sweet pea. I’m not sure how I feel about another ultimatum.


    Sierra And Tom scene. And a letter from the g and g king and the other midnight club members. Ew. So I guess this marks Sierra and Tom off the g and g king list? I suspected it may have been Sierra. Now

    I’m back to thinking it’s a lodge parent.


    Cheryl and Kevin have a conversation. Also love that Cheryl knows, probably everyone does. And thank you cheryl for speaking the truth. Also How how much is bumble paying for advertising on this show as of late?!?!? Also Cheryl don’t help Kevin push someone out of the closet. If someone did that to cheryl, imagine how many houses she would have burned down. Her announcement was super gross. And Kevin don’t act innocent about this whole thing. Kevin totally knew.


    Hey Toni actually makes a speech and stands up to

    Cheryl about what she did! But also again.. I get that the serpents are her family and all that, but really sweetie, I don’t give a damn when you treated them horribly. Because you did.


    Josie and Archie. So Josie wasn’t dating to focus on music? And Archie offers to take her to her audition. That’s sweet.


    Veggie scene. Eh. If I didn’t watch live, I would skip.  So Reggie’s grand scheme is to steal money from his dad? I mean his dad sucks because apparently he’s been hitting him a lot which is terrible-also way to just breeze past that information Veronica, yup. Again I feel like sort of like her relationship with Archie, this is kind of a nothing relationship. It doesn’t seem that deep, at least not on Veronica’s end. Maybe it’s deep for Reggie but Veronica doesn’t seem to care all that much about it.


    Love the parents being like “are we supposed to leave our kids while we run around like teenagers?” Uh, you kind of already do. None of you really parent and when you do it’s not even remotely good at all. Except for Fred. I mean half your kids probably aren’t even at home anyway. 


    Joises audition. Yeah Archie shouldn’t be allowed to watch but tv wise.


    Veronica “Reggie were you shot?” Uh, duh Veronica. Seriously. I’m thinking Reggie likes Veronica a lot and Veronica might just like hooking up. That’s totally fine but it’ll be interesting to see people who like them a lot think they are so deep. I think it’s deep for one of the parties involved but not both.


    So Cheryl and Toni break in for.. something?


    So Josie didn’t get in. You know what? Slow clap Riverdale. I’m glad sometimes when characters don’t get into their dream schools. Also Archie being a nice supportive guy. Also I don’t have any issue with Josie but she isn’t alone. She has mom and she could have Kevin too. He’s about to be her brother. Shrug.


    The money was a dye pack. I mean shrug.. that’s not.. surprising to me? I mean.. seriously you can’t just take bags worth of money without them having some sort of protection with it, even Reggie being shot is like a nothing. There’s always going to be a lot of security when it comes to money.


    So Moose comes out of the closet. I don’t know how I feel about this. It makes me feel uncomfortable about it.


    So Cheryl is doing her college interview to get Toni in.


    Hey Gladys is the drug dealer? Aw. Sad. But also high five for calling out Hermione for allowing Hermione to send her daughter out to a drug dealer. I mean she’s a terrible mother too but I guess like crazy knows crazy, terrible knows terrible. And she’s taking Reggie’s car? And of course she doesn’t want Jughead to know but my guess is he will find out.


    Aw Cheryl says sorry to Moose. And no it wasn’t right. And it wasn’t right for Kevin to force him either. Also of course they are going to the bunker and love cheryl pointing out it needs fresh sheets because everyone has hooked up there.


    Midnight club scene. Ugh. And Hiram is out of the hospital bed with a cane. 


    Hey Moose and Kevin getting hot and heavy. I mean whatever. I’m still really angry about how this all went down.


    The midnight club got punked.  And all the couples got interrupted. That makes me happy that it wasn’t just Bughead. Cheryl wins though “it’s my hateful mother”


    Except for moose and Kevin. Did they not take their phones? And moose got taken away..  by people working for his dad because he was forced out of the closet? I think we’re supposed to think it’s the king but I think it’s his dad. Although where is he going to send him? The sisters doesn’t exist so they killed them selves and the farm bought the asylum so... I’m curious. 


    Okay it is for the game. But also didn’t Kevin already start playing? He started with Josie and reggie and someone else.  But wait.. it was Moose’s dad? And another flashback episode about Mooses dad being gay and liking Kevin? And he was sent to the sisters. So the game started at the sisters. Well why wasn’t cheryl forced to play or Polly? Also.. ugh. This story is terrible. Also FP do you know who else was scared by the g and g king? Betty. Who was sent there by your hookup buddy, Alice. 


    Yeah we are never going to find the g and g king. Because everyone is one, apparently. I mean I’m not sure if this is a terrible tactic for the show, maybe they are just throwing possible suspects at the wall to see which character as the king would stick better, unlike last season when they didn’t have a black Hood killer until the third to last episode and that went down real well but here we are. 


    Hey Family Jones reunion! FP doesn’t seem too thrilled about that but Jughead seems super happy and it is adorable. 


    So Sierra and Tom do a city hall type wedding. Again the best option. And no party. And Archie and Josie jam together like the old days.. of last year.  Anyway.. it’s fine. I knew this was leading to a kiss at the end. Also Sierra and Tom happy moment. And Moose is leaving. Because his dad is crazy. Bye Moose. This is sad. This whole storyline is sad and uncomfortable for various reasons I have mentioned.


    Oh my god. Ew. Cheryl has made her and Toni a new gang. Is this supposed to be cute? It just makes me roll my eyes. Also the fact that Toni just accepts it, yeah she has super great loyalty skills.


    So Hermione is mad that Gladys had now chosen to stay in Riverdale.


    Also damn it show.. they’re making jellybean bad and evil? Great. Once again Jughead can’t have anything nice or good.


    Archie and Josie kiss. Which.. yeah. 


    So.. another break. So are they going to try to make it seem like Alice or Polly dies next episode? I doubt it. But we won’t know until the 27th.

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  21. I don’t know. It’s just getting grating watch Alice treat Betty in a unhealthy way and then somehow gets away with it and as viewers we are supposed to forget about it. And somehow I know Alice is going to guilt trip Betty again and make Betty feel it was her fault. Like last season with chic and sang that horrible song. 

  22. 6 hours ago, Al D said:

    Clifford died?? You can't just take someones house and money away from them no matter how awful they are.

    In S2:E28 they had Clifford's will reading:

    Thistle House went to Nana Rose; Thornhill went to Penelope (but was burnt down by Cheryl); half the money went to anyone in Riverdale who could prove they were Blossom by blood; and the other half went to Jason and Cheryl (but with Jason being dead it just went to Cheryl).

    The whole reason Claudius and Penelope wanted to kill Nana Rose and send Cheryl off to SOQM was because they wanted the house and the money. But when Cheryl emancipated herself from her mother she appointed Nana Rose as her legal guardian, then they kicked out Penelope and Claudius to live in the barn on the property.

    She could but she's still a minor, meaning to get emancipated she will need a legal guardian who I think she must then have to live with. Now I dunno about you but I can't see anyone who would be Betty's legal guardian. The only person that would do it is in prison and is just as terrible so there really is no where for Betty to go.

    I'm not trying to minimise how horrible Alice is and has been but if you're going to look into it this deep you need to remember that Alice genuinely thinks that SOQM is a good place that helps people. Alice went there willingly when she was Betty's age and gave birth to Charles and apparently had a fabulous time. Also how was she meant to know they were force feeding her and the other patients drugs? No one knew that, it was Hiram's secret plan. And since the episode when Betty was back at home was a few weeks after she left SOQM they could of argued about it off camera - maybe she decided it would be better to put up with her mum for the sake of the other kids now living with them. Who knows? Something could of happened but unfortunately not everything needs to be shown. The show wants to move the plot forward and there's no real resolution to your mum being a d**k anyway, just have to put up with it until you're old enough to leave legally.

    Well the money Alice took from betty is from Clifford and what I’m saying was Betty is a minor but she  could have legally separated herself from her parents, like Cheryl did and move out and use that money. That’s what I was saying. Cheryl’s a

    minor too. So legally the show could have done that too. What’s the most annoying is that they made a big deal with that scene and they never acknowledge it. They should. Also Betty has a case to Emancipate herself considering all Alice has done. Also since this is a tv show the logically part of Betty needing a guardian doesn’t need to happen. But what does need to happen is some scene of Alice finding out what happened to Betty. Sorry it bothers me that that was never on screen.

    Also Alice isn’t just a bitch to me she’s borderline Abusive. At least to me. But she gets away with it. I’m waiting for her to guilt trip betty like she did last season. I don’t know. But this mother daughter relationship is a bad merry  go round to me and kind of boring. Alice will always do a really bad awful thing and Betty just has to take it and then run off to her other equally parent and have him screw with her kind some more. Sorry. I find these storylines kind of boring. I feel like I can already predict how this story is going to go, and it just ends with Betty having a crap family again. And next season will probably be more Of the same regarding Alice and Betty.

  23. 8 hours ago, Mystery said:

    I think this'll be the last year for me. It already feels like they're phoning it in. 

    I think this'll be the last year for me. It already feels like they're phoning it in. 

    This. No one has really seemed on the game this season. 

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  24. 5 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

    I agree that something like this is going on.

    At Billie's first brunch, Lisa said something like it was to help Billie raise her profile.  It made me think that Lisa is trying to systematically build their role in the show to insert new cast members who Lisa has more leverage on to keep them working at SUR.  And that's why she keeps hanging on to James no matter what.  I also tend to think the original cast has mostly closed ranks to not let them in an usurp their place on the show.

    I wonder how long its going to be before Sandoval decides his fraction of TomTom isn't worth the extra bar-tending/appearances at SUR.  I wouldn't be surprised if Lisa allayed her the concerns of her partners at SUR about TomTom by basically promising that this  partnership required the Tom's to make appearances at both locations.  

    I think that has to be it. There’s probably some sort of clause that Tom is required to guest bar tend at SUR occasionally. But yeah how long does he have to do that? 

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