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Posts posted by WhosThatGirl

  1. 1 hour ago, Wilpen said:

    Right? There's so many little things that seem to point in a certain direction. Maybe we are giving the show too much credit but this list is tough to totally ignore. 

    Yeah I know it’s ridiculous but the show is really doing a lot to send certain messages about this pairing.

    I know they have had other couples do certain things. Veronica has called her and Archie end game, when they broke up archie made that speech about knowing Veronica was it for him when he first met. Reggie even called him and Veronica end game. And Kevin said Betty and Archie weee end game in the pilot but someone correct me neither betty or Jughead have ever said it about themselves right? I find that interesting too.

    And it brings me back to the all the little moments they have had that mean a lot of things. Yes we could be giving the show too much credit, in fact we might be(although when it’s an episode written by RAS I don’t think so as he happens to be a big Bughead shippper) but all the little moments are interesting.

    1 hour ago, HeatLifer said:

    “Can we be seventeen?...and get married and move in together!” Heh.

    Well considering this episode kind of pointed out that no they sadly can’t be seventeen 😞, it’s not that far fetched of an idea. Thinking back on this episode kind of made me sad actually. The ending moment with seventeen and everyone and then the cult leader ruining it just answered the no you can’t be seventeen. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, Wilpen said:

    Precisely. Let's do this! LOL. 

    Seriously, it would get Bughead away from their horrible parents and they are so real and strong together, it would work. It's interesting Jughead even asked Betty to move in with them. Betty told Veronica she was staying with her. Maybe that's another bit of foreshadowing... it's not right now but it will be soon. I'm twisting this but you never know, lol. I just can't see Jughead living in the ex-Cooper house without Betty. It seems weird. Trailer is gone. Betty has zero family to speak of unless she wants to live with The Farm or prison with her psychopath father. 

    Bughead need to elope and get a place together!

    I hope. But I don’t know... I honestly don’t know where this show is going half the time, especially with relationships and as much as they are writing Bughead pretty great thus far this season and I love it, I’m always waiting it for it to switch. I don’t trust it.

    That said I agree with you on some point. The show has to know what it’s doing right? The one Jughead asks certain questions of Betty, serpent queen, moving in, etc. Betty accepting the title, the staging of Jughead looking like he was about to propose. The burning of the traiker( the place they said I love you and slept together) and him saying he’s okay because she’s with him. The ending of the musical and Bettys ending costume being the crown sweater. They have to know what they are doing here.

    • Love 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Wilpen said:

    That's true!

    I hope all of these little "proposal"moments are foreshadowing. Bughead is so stable and real, they could be the Naley of Riverdale, marrying early, and getting away from horrible parents. LOL.

    Right? I mean look I know when it happened on one tree hill it was crazy but this show stopped being normal a long time ago.

    But also sadly I don’t it will happen. This show still wants Barchie to happen(ugh) and probably wants to attempt at least one of the triangles, either the Betty Archie veronica one of the Archie Betty Jughead one. 

    • Love 1
  4. 35 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

    They don't like Kaylee (I think that is her name, they all have very similar names) not because she is "verbally abusive" but because she isn't a sickly sweet ass kisser.  Though I will say that if someone grabbed a phone out of my hands I would be in HR so fast.. I would not work with someone who rips phones from people's hands.  

    Yeah, the reason she got fired was the phone thing and that isn’t okay. Unless Kristen was making sure she’s going to some type of behavior management thing because that behavior isn’t okay. And obviously however it was done was enough to get her fired. She didn’t get fired because the others were complaining about her, she got fired because she ripped a phone out of another’s hands. Where is the employee  who got the phone ripped out of

    their hands? Let’s talk to them.

    • Love 4
  5. 5 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

    I agree.  Do she and Kelly know each other that well?  They seem nervous around each other.  And then we are forced to watch her with Jay?  Why do we have to watch her?  

    Right? It was also odd to me that Kristen was talking to Kelly about heading to LA for the pop up shop and was like “I should stop by Laguna” and kelly then was all “how does jay feel about all this traveling?” Considering Kristen avoids laguna, wouldn’t kelly her supposed best friend ask about this or say something along the lines of “oh yeah it’s been some time, right?”

    • Love 3
  6. Huh, the most interesting thing was the last couple of minutes and Kristen meeting up with her old friend. I would watch that. It wasn’t stuff about her store and her business that constantly feels manufactured at times and it felt like he was having a real conversation with someone. I know kelly is supposed to be her best friend but they don’t seem to ever be having a real conversation.

    • Love 5
  7. 47 minutes ago, Wilpen said:

    I rewatched some scenes in this episode... 

    When Bughead and Choni were singing “Can’t we be seventeen?” and Jughead goes down on one knee... I admit it, I thought it looked like the perfect moment to propose, lol. Seriously, I don't think it was a coincidence he went on one knee there, you were meant to think proposal (even if it wasn't happening). I love that moment. 😄

    I know but Well he has sort of proposed to her already kind of, the moment when he asked her to be his serpent queen 🥰 seriously they’re the best ship!

  8. I think there are other episodes that can qualify for worst episode. For me actually it might be the second to last couple episodes of last season when they decided to make Hal the black Hood. Oh and possibly the Christmas episode because that was just a meaningless episode but I digress.

  9. I would say even with his addiction issues, Kevin is probably my favorite Pearson. I would also say Rebecca is mine too. And I personally think while Kevin shares traits with his father, he’s also more like Rebecca than either of his siblings.

    I would agree with someone else who said Randall shares the unfavorable trait Jack had over control and pandering of Rebecca that Randall has with Beth. Which is odd considering Randall is the only Pearson kid who overheard that big fight from the season 1 finale(in the first episode of season 2, Randall left the party and went to the house and saw Rebecca and jack yelling at each other) so he knows. It will be interesting to see what and how the fight goes down next episode, in all honestly though, the show has done the parallel of Jack and Rebecca to Randall and Beth, so I guess we were always leading here in a way.

    Again.. Kevin is my favorite. I’m not sure how I feel about Zoe and him.

    I hate that I’m already over Kate and Toby’s story because I know that sounds awful. It’s terrivle when this happens in real life beyond repair but for this show, it’s just kind of a boring story because I think there’s only a few ways for this story to end. I mean one the baby doesn’t make it but they already had that happen to Kate and Toby and I don’t they would make them go through that again. This show loves to make people heartbroken but even that’s overkill. Or two the baby makes it, the only thing i can see happening is the baby having some difficulties. So there is that. But otherwise.. I’m not sure what the next thing is for them in this story? 

    • Love 2
  10. I think all the teenagers have had horrible family’s, except for Archie, Kevin and Josie. Betty has awful parents(I know people ignore Alice from season one and two but she was mentally awful to her) and her father is a killer. Jughead hasn’t had the easiest family life either, his dad was also awful, I know were supposed to ignore his awful behavior now but I can’t forget and his mother abandoned him and is now running a drug ring. All the parents are villains(except for the three(four of you count Archie’s mom) I mentioned). Some parents are worse and have done way more awful things but still.. none of them have had it easy.

    Granted I do think we are supposed to forget some certain awful parents behavior just because of the writing, like FP. And I feel like he’s the one they’re going to trynkake it better and fill the void of Fred but I honestly can’t forget his first two seasons. Even last season fP was kind of awful to Jughead at times but hey let’s not remember that.

    • Love 1
  11. 17 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

    Oh, yeah!  Riverdale bringing back another musical episode that once again manages to fix all of the relationship issues!  Well, to be fair, it looks like Veronica and Reggie are still not back together officially, but the two have a better understanding now.  But due to the power of song, Cheryl/Toni are back to being the lovey-dovey couple, despite all of the odious, petty shit Cheryl has done to Toni, including this episode alone.  You need help, Toni.

    I love Veronica (or, really, Camila Mendes), but her freaking out over her parents divorcing is so weird.  Really, why is she loyal to this family?  Neither Hiram or Hermione have her best interests at heart, and pretty much just use her whenever they see fit.  Why does she feel the need to keep them together?  Free yourself, Veronica!

    Continue to be surprise how much I like Archie/Josie and, in general, how much K.J. Apa has improved as an actor throughout the seasons.

    I thought all of the singing was fine.  No one should quit their day job or anything, but there wasn't anything too worth getting worked up over.

    Thought it was strange that we didn't get a glimpse of Fred in the audience, but I selfishly didn't miss the gut punch this go around of seeing Luke Perry on screen and knowing he's gone.  It is still going to be rough once Fred's exit happens.

    Oh, Bughead!  The couple that burns out the family trailer that was turned into a drug lab due to said mom becoming to new drug kingpin together, always stays together!

    So, it looks like Chad Michael Murray is running The Farm!  This should be fun!  Can't wait to hear more of his crazy rules:

    New cult member: "Hey, why are we required to watch the entire One Tree Hill series each month?"

    Evelyn: "Because Father decrees it!"

    Then again, if he uses his evil cult powers to revive Agent Carter, I would join The Farm quicker then you can say "Evil Cult Leader Chad Michael Murray!"

    I’m like the only person who isn’t excited that CMM is the cult leader and I watched one tree hill. I just don’t really like the actor . Then again this is also how I feel about Charles Melton and I’m alone in that too. 

    And I agree with you on most of these things you posted. I’m glad Toni and Cheryl had a conversation at least but they still need to address more of their issues but they probably won’t. Seriously, at this point I am trying to accept that anything that happens episode to happen aren’t supposed to follow the last episode or past episodes, unless someone mentions something. This show seems to work that each episode is a separate canon and I have to learn to accept that.

    Its times like this when I can’t help but think of the perfect first season. And yes I know the show is different now but it was kind of a perfect capsule that first season. 

    Im glad there was no Fred too. But it is odd that neither Alice nor Fred were there.

    Yeah as I keep saying they have no idea how to write veronica. She makes no sense. In the first half of this season she hated her parents and then in this half she’s trying to keep the family name out of drug thing and then keep them together? Okay. Makes no sense. Remember in season 2 she was horrified to find pictures her father had of her mother and Fred’s affair because he was going to use them to destroy Fred’s mayor campaign? And then was even more shocked to find out her mother knew. Again.. the show needs to figure out this character. That’s why I’m not convinced she and Reggie are done. It made me smile that people actually thought they were last week. I don’t like Veggie as I say countless times but I wouldn’t be surprised if they randomly hook up next episode just because.

    Anyone who mentions Bughead just makes me have to say they are the superior ship on this show. Even the Riverdale writers twitter tweeted this exact statement. So that’s all.

    • Love 1
  12. 20 minutes ago, MollyWebber said:

    I noticed that theme as well and I was actually quite pleased with it. The show was basically acknowledging that these kids have quite a fucked-up time of it. So they were saying they love themselves, they're beautiful, they have value, regardless of what the adults have and continue to put them through. Too bad the musical was sponsored by The fucking Farm but I will take it. 

    Yeah that’s what makes me sad about all those things.. they will be all moot. Like seventeen they can’t be seventeen, they can’t be normal and go to the movies. And yeah the beautiful theme was nice but again it’s all for moot because they will continue to be broken down by the people who are supposed to love them. Not to mention the farm aspect of this whole thing as you said.

    Again I have to bring it up it’s kinda strange that Alice wasn’t in this episode. Because this was the big dark reveal, not just Edgar but all the other members and learning Weatherbee is a part of the cult as well. 

    And yeah I loved the Bughead duet and moments but it makes me super sad when I think about that none of the characters are going to be able to be seventeen. Like that’s actually a really sad thought and yes no one needs to tell me I know what this show is but this just makes me sad and it reminds me that this is show is so dark now. I think that may have been the point here but it’s sad tI me.

    eta: @SourK you’re probably right that Alice was banned after the last musical.

    Also I’m assuming the Jones were attending to support betty for Jughead which is all kinds of adorable if you ask me. But yeah I’m one of the people who said all the parents looked confused, now I know it was supposed to be a statement f youto the parents but honestly I don’t think all the parents would look confused by the song. The reactions of the audience were just.. odd. That’s why it didn’t translate for me well. Also having the big Edgar cult reveal makes it something different as well. At least to me. I’m just one viewer so yeah.. just how it looked to me, others may have gotten it, I did not.

    • Love 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

    So was that it for Veronica and Reggie then? I can't tell.

    Yeah I’m not sure what they are doing with Veronica and her relationships. I feel like Reggie and Veronica are still an option because I still think they want to do a archie veronica Reggie triangle. They didn’t even really expand on that at all, but we will see. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if they throw in another contender for Veronica’s affections, her character is so random.

    • Love 1
  14. 17 minutes ago, angora said:

    I enjoyed it.  I'd heard of Heathers but had never heard the music before, liked quite a bit of it - I hadn't realized Laurence O'Keefe was the composer.  I like his stuff.  I really liked the opening number, Veronica's "Lifeboat" song, and "Seventeen."

    I thought Cole acquitted himself fine for a non-singer.  He didn't have a ton of solo lines, and to my ears, he didn't embarrass himself or anything.  I thought Casey sounded great.  His voice seemed really familiar to me; I feel like it reminds me of another Broadway actor's, but I can't place whose.

    I liked Betty and Jughead's scenes together here, especially that low moment in the trailer before they sang "Seventeen" and the way they were both oddly contented after burning it down.  Also?  Informing someone (who isn't in the play) that he's been randomly added to the closing number and telling his girlfriend to teach him his line/the choreography after opening night has already started is such a high-school production thing to do - made me laugh.

    I'm really digging the respect Archie is showing to Josie.  There was that lovely "can I kiss you?" moment when they first got together, and here, in his "let's fight for this" speech, he made it clear that what he was saying only applied if Josie liked him but was backing off from a relationship Because Reasons; that if she really wasn't into him, he'd leave it alone.  I feel like it shouldn't be so noteworthy to see a guy take his love interest's thoughts and feelings into account, but it absolutely made me sit up and take notice.  Way to go, Archie!

    Yeah I feel like for the most part all the teenage boys on this show are respectful. Even Reggie who while I’m not a fan they seem to make him pretty decent to the girls he likes. They even redeemed chuck in this area as well in last year’s musical. Also while I think we are supposed to be mad at sweet pea for outing the Josie Archie thing, I kind of feel bad for him? He did really like Josie and she blew him off.

  15. 36 minutes ago, MollyWebber said:

    Totally personal preference! While I think Ashleigh is an exceptional singer and sounds amazing solo I don't think she sounds as good in duets. I think Lili slays the duets because her voice is very pure and controlled, and she can adapt to and meld with other voices quite well. I love KJ and think he's an extremely talented musician but don't think he sings very well. I think Cole sounded better than him last night but I'm sure someone else thinks KJ sounded great and better than Cole last night.

    I just appreciated it all regardless because they looked like they were having such a great time. I give them props because it's not an easy thing to do and I'm sure some of them had anxiety about singing or dancing.

    Lili had tweeted when they were filming this episode that she had to dance and she was really nervous about it.

    and last night she said the duet scene was her favorite scene she had filmed on Riverdale so far which makes my heart go aw.

    • Love 3
  16. 15 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

    Everyone is gonna hear what they hear. Like, I can’t stand Cami’s singing voice. Legit have to mute her screech, but other people like it? It’s preference.

    Yeah, you’re right, I guess. People like what they like.

    • Love 2
  17. 3 minutes ago, MollyWebber said:

    I don't think any of them are on the same level as Ashleigh but I thought Casey, Cami, Lili, and Vanessa were great and everyone else did just fine. No one is trying to say they were professional level. Lili said it best in an interview that it's something fun and different for them. The majority of them are not looking for a singing career so it's a treat for some of them to get the chance to sing as part of their acting job. 

    Yeah, I wasn’t expecting it to be great and fabulous for all of them and I was expecting Cole to not even be that good and he actually was quite good. He doesn’t want to be a singer and had never expressed to be one so..

    I think Casey is actually on par with Ashleigh though, doesn’t he have a musical background?

    I also think Lili does really well too. 

    As I said I liked last year’s musical episode  better, it just flowed better for me. Something about this episode was just off putting and the editing if it all.

    I did love all the Bughead though. This episode actually had some great moments for me. Whoever wrote this episode wrote good for them, I used to think only RAS can write them. That said RAS does write better cohesive episodes in general but whoever wrote this episode actually wrote some decent moments as well.

    Also the Bughead/Choni duet is kind of sad when you think about the song.. no they sadly can’t be seventeen. Especially not Bughead. 

  18. 8 minutes ago, MollyWebber said:

    You will be very happy to know that Seventeen, their full song version not the cast version, is being streamed and downloaded like crazy since the episode aired. 

    Aw yay. I streamed it a few times, it was so good!

  19. 3 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

    I was referring to the scene before the party, they were all on stage celebrating with tiny cups of blue liquid.

    Oh I must have missed that moment. Maybe it had something to do with the movie/musical heathers? I’ve never seen either.

    Again i have to say I loved all the Bughead in this episode but I personally think last year’s musical episode was much better. I don’t know why but this had way too much going on and didn’t flow as good. Which is kind of like this seasons staple. How many plots are going on right now? And not even just little plots.. everything is a major plot and none of them really align with each other all that much.

    • Love 1
  20. 2 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

    I thought it was weird that everybody starts out downing a cup of blue Fresh-Aid. I guess everybody's fear of "Gryphons and Gargoyles" is the furthest thing from their mind.

    Yeah I mentioned this sort of in my first post that no one should have drank anything at Evelyn’s party. Did betty even go? That whole scene was super fast, I can’t remember seeing her? And Jughead wasn’t there because he wSbt in the musical and if betty went I don’t think she was drinking anything. 

    Again sadly the actress who plays Evelyn does nothing for me but I guess at least they are doing something with the character now? Sort of? It took them so long and it’s definitely not how she was first introduced when they were looking for an actress for the character. I remember the description on the sides that she was supposed to resemble Betty in a way and nothing abouty the actress resembles Betty/Lili. Also they wrote she was supposed to befriend Betty and want to be her new best friend and while Evelyn has said a few things most of them have been sort of snarky. I thought for sure she was going to be some sort of single white female character but she isn’t. 

    • Love 2
  21. 6 minutes ago, Snookums said:

    Plays the organ 'cause you're preachin', girl! The strength of this insane show is the chemistry among the cast members; if they never speak the writers are leaving money on the table!

    So, WhosThatGirl, you must admit that was enough Bughead to sate even your tender heart! Sigh...they're so cute together. Singing, solving mysteries, burning down childhood homes (Betty's expression while clearly thinking "got it right this time" was priceless) and getting roped into being onstage out of nowhere. They can do it all!

    So, the episode!

    I am old and grey and full of sleep and am about twenty years out of date when it comes to hip musicals. I remember watching Heathers as a film, for God's sake. So while I probably didn't get a lot of the in jokes I have to say that when Riverdale does a musical number, they commit all the way. Dancing and singing in the hallways to make their case and that's just the beginning! Were they really about to go full Teenager Three Way on the stage during Toni's number? Holy crap! 

    If we wanted proof Kevin is fully submerged into Farm ideology, the idea of having a co-director who is using rehearsals as recruitment/blackmail gathering sessions should do the trick. I hope Evelyn's horrific interpretation of "Method" was a joke and nobody thinks that's how that acting discipline really works; even without the whole "marriage in the SOQU chapel" thing that was enraging. NO, weirdo, I am not telling you my secrets, nor anybody else on this stage, thanks. 

    (Also, I can name exactly not one costume designer/wardrobe mistress who would be cool with a bunch of teenagers spilling blue jello shots down their costumes while getting them sweaty and gross at some teen party. Evelyn you are the worst.)

    That bizarre rite, by the way, actually has precedence in real-world cult activities: marriage or bonding to somebody whom the leader picks out for you. Google Reverend Moon if you want a really huge example.

    Archie just enjoying himself onstage and having an age-appropriate relationship discussion was a breath of fresh air. Not only did he not have to play dumb but he and Josie actually pulled off the idea that they could be a couple. So of course Ashleigh is leaving. Sigh...we can't have nice things in Riverdale.

    Reggie is fast becoming the center of sanity and realistic thinking in this whirlpool and just stop and think about that for a second. He's got crack comic timing, plus he's smart enough to say Veronica, I don't want to keep hoping this is something that it isn't. Good for him.

    And Veronica. Of course she's devastated by her parents splitting up: it's always better the devil you know, and the bizarro world of her family was actually a bulwark against the outside forces that make up her life. It's not that she doesn't know that The Dreadful Hs aren't terrible people who have tried to destroy her and each other all their lives; it's that she keeps hoping things will be different. And since her parents programmed her since birth to put family above all this is like somebody coming up to you and saying the ground no longer exists. 

    Speaking of terrible parents, hey Edgar! The show finally revealed your existence, plus managed to give Evelyn a microsecond of sympathy: of all the parents in this town, of all the terrible, terrible things they've raised their kids to believe and do, I really think Evelyn wins the prize for worst. Even Hiram could probably be talked around out of killing Veronica in the end: Edgar would probably murder Evelyn for looking at him wrong.

    You know me, I loved all the Bughead. That’s what I’m doing here. I feel like this is the episode that was for my little shipper heart and might be the only one for some time but it was good. It definitely reinforced everything I feel about them as the best couple on this show.

    And thank you for co-signing me on why this show needs to have more talk scenes. Sorry off camera talks are dumb, we can’t just canon everything away off screen just because you want the show to move at a lighting rod speed plot.. maybe it can’t and maybe you need to address your actual plot points before getting new ones but I digress.

    • Love 1
  22. 3 minutes ago, MollyWebber said:

    It was supposed to be an odd and quiet moment. It was a collective Fuck You! from the teenagers to the adults in Riverdale. That was why the audience reacted the way they did. That part of the audience response had nothing to do with The Farm.

    Oh. It didn’t really translate that well for me for that but that’s just me. Also especially because Edgar and all the cult members really liked it. But whatever that’s just me. Sometimes I don’t get things but I didn’t get that. Don’t quote me on this because I don’t have a response other than that as I said , it didn’t translate in that way for me.

    Again it’s kind of odd Alice wasn’t in this episode? Considering it was the big farm reveal of Edgar and all the others and learning weatherbee is in on the farm. I’m curious that neither Lodge parent is farm adjacent(at least not yet I guess) but I thought one of them was more than likely going to be a part of the cult as well.

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