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Susie Derkins

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Everything posted by Susie Derkins

  1. “She lit up in every room she walked into.” Kieffer is the only ex any of us are interested in seeing. #legalfelon
  2. Duuuuuddddeee, keep Jenelle away from my dank rolls.
  3. Pepperoni rolls are best enjoyed directly from the oven and freshly buttered. I also make a marinara sauce to accompany mine and will add pepper jack cheese before baking for my spouse. signed, an actual West Virginian
  4. That poor kiddo doesn't have a chance when it comes to the lower facial characteristics of her parents. It's either mom's pointy witch chin or dad's infected molar looking cheeks. Gah!
  5. Please Kailyn, let him wear the orange tux for Halloween!!!!!
  6. So is she saying I the above tweet that they are using Ancestry.com to determine paternity? Am I reading that correctly. I don't use Twitter. Is that site legitimate for court?
  7. Would the 300 days be in effect in this case? from the Deleware Child Support Services page : "Only the biological parents should sign the Acknowledgement of Paternity form. If you are not sure, do not sign the Acknowledgement. Instead, you should have a paternity test, sometimes called genetic testing. Please contact the nearest child support office for information about testing. If the mother was married during the 300 days before the birth of the child, OR if the mother was not married, but during the first two years from the birth of the child, another man continuously lived with the child and acknowledged the child as his own, then that man is considered to be the presumed father. In order for the mother and biological father to complete the Voluntary Acknowledgement, the mother and the presumed father must complete a form called the Denial of Paternity (DOP). Both the Denial of Paternity (DOP) and the Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity (VAP) must be filed with the Office of Vital Statistics (OVS). Neither document is valid until both have been filed. If a couple wishes to sign a VAP but are not sure who the biological father is, genetic testing should be obtained."
  8. Is she bringing back the Doherty Wonky Eye, because that's all I see. Now I want Bev-Niner themed make-up pallets.
  9. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Kaiser's grandmother getting custody is part of the long game being played by UBT in order to further isolate and control Jenelle. I worked adjacent to CPS and these moms get soooooo many chances to keep their kids. I understand laws are in place to make removal difficult, but gee whiz, it's plain to see that this broad doesn't care about having her kids. It's probably been said before but if Teen Mom didn't exist, Jenelle would sign all these kids over to someone else. Now they are only good as Insta-props for her.
  10. Caitlyn: Go back to Party City where you belong!
  11. Last sentence should be the new topic title.
  12. Hee! Mine would say: "Txhorns79: Watches Television." I feel like that's where the show will need to go to make this theory work. It makes as much sense as saying Queen Victoria was off murdering hookers as a way to cope with the decades old loss of her husband. I'd watch your murder queen show.
  13. Clare Chancellorsdottir would make an excellent screen name/user id/logon.
  14. #TeamRookie ? #TeamGilbacca ? #TeamStarWarsHollow? I'm positive someone in here can hashtag better than than I.
  15. We won't talk about season 7.
  16. And the baby will be for Michel and Frederic. Am I the lone resident of Martynique Island? #teamnakedguyforever
  17. Mr. Doose, I served with Corky St. Claire. I knew Corky St. Claire. Corky St. Claire was a friend of mine. Mr. Doose, you're no Corky St. Claire.
  18. Yes, I am here for L and R but I am really staying for Emily. #bill #neverforget
  19. Is it too late to order a "Shut up, Rory" shirt? So glad to see Paris and Michel. And was Emily sporting a Candies shirt? Has to be a Lorelie or Rory leftover.
  20. "Dale Memorial Winnebago Ride", I'd buy that t-shirt. Also, was it just me who thought that hanging zombie's face turned into Carol's after Rick jumped onto it? I was watching with my shirt pulled up over my face for most of the show, but I swear it looked like her. I'm too chicken to Google image search "Carol Zombie Face" which , by the by, would be an excellent user name Rick's Snot Bubble for KODTTM!!!!!!
  21. Roller derby submission: Bruce LaBruise
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