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So was the last 5 minutes setting up the events that led to needing the Silos? (if we’re to assume that’s the same relic Pez dispenser.)
While speaking at his dad’s grave, Carlos said he was going to tell TK he was ready to be a dad… so that’s how it’s going. And why does TK even think he can or needs to adopt Jonah? He can just be named Jonah’s guardian.
Well, that’s typical Netflix isn’t it? So many of their shows wind up one and done.
So there must already be a Logan on Earth-10005 since it was his death that was originally undoing the timeline. So at the moment then there are two Logans in that timeline, yeah? The one who eventually dies in “Logan” and the one Wade brought over. And that Earth has a grim future for mutants as I recall from “Logan”. And Paradox was offering Wade a place on the Sacred Timeline (Earth-616) but there’s already a Wade there too, so not exactly sure what he was offering. Maybe taking his place?
Right, but why the brief plot point of having her be sick from it? It just seemed like it was supposed to mean something, especially as she was still sick when they were clearing out Vaught employees, but then she was fine at the end.
Was there anything to the plot point of Firecracker being sick? She said it was her “medication” but seemed like a random thing to throw in, unless it was meant to show how Homelander doesn’t care about her, but we knew that. Unless she’s somehow sick with the supe virus after all.
What does the Federation need the Progenitors tech for anyway - did they forget they had the Genesis technology? How is that different? Surely they could have improved upon that in 800+ years.
I just want to know what happened to poor Oskar.
They’ve already made lots of bizarre leaps of logic. For Moll to have found them they would have had to figure out the 5th clue. Then they would have had to find them on Trill, figured out what they were doing and dressed appropriately, all while no one paid any attention. Of course, only a handful of people (if they’re smart) on Discovery knows where the next clue is. So what you do is tell Zora the location, wipe that part of your memory and lock away the two pieces you have in some technobabble quantum vault for umpteen years, until Moll gives up/is arrested/dies. With two pieces of the puzzle secured, one of which is the only clue to the next location, you literally have all the time in the universe to proceed. You don’t need this technology immediately to solve some crisis and its been safe for 800 years - its not going anywhere… and Moll literally cannot find it if you don’t look for it.
It was strange there was no "Previously..." recap at the start of the season - or not that I saw - I had forgotten like half the plot threads. Story line was OK, although I detest "higher up refuses to listen or even consider main character's story" plotlines. Pablo's physique is still ridiculous. In a good way. I presume it means we can't discuss the various plots of the video game series.
She had a vague upper Midwest accent, maybe Minnesotan. They were living in Iowa, so she’s probably from the region.
All I want to know is how Margo got away from her KGB handler and (most likely) hidden NSA or FBI monitor to meet up with Sergei… I’m going to bet Kelly finds life on Mars, that seems like where her story is headed.
Seriously! There are clearly some things they've been instructed to play up for the cameras: their "elimination" by dye pack, their "disappointment" / "frustration" when the staff enter to announce a new game, their "surprise" / "disbelief" when the number of players eliminated is shown/counted down, etc.
Yes, she lied. She picked Roland, not Amanda as she said. I wish 016 and 451 had noticed the total panic-pause she took trying to think up another name.
That's what I don't understand either; without He Who Remains, the Sacred Timeline is always going to be branching, everywhere, all at once. Further, I thought S1 established that nexus events had to be reset before they went past the red-line, at which point they were no longer prune-able. So, it's a bit unclear how they were able to prune 80% or whatever of the branches all of which had past the red-line. And I'm not even sure I understand what the Time Loom is or does. Time, as a force, would have existed before Kang and his Variants came into existence, and yet, He Who Remains built the Loom Chamber to do...what exactly? Weave the fabric of Time only onto the Sacred Timeline?