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Everything posted by Eldemarge

  1. Ooooooh who here called it?? Caesar was too broke to book the flight!
  2. Someone is gonna take 20 colorful polo shirts off his hands.
  3. Let's talk about the Yellow Glittery Highlighter Darcey is wearing all over her damn face. GURL. It's not good!
  4. I tried to explain to my son how important this show is to our societal fabric, but he thinks I am joking.
  5. In the next scene, there is a Real Doll that has come to life and has a drink in her hand, trying to form words in Tom's direction. Interesting.
  6. How hard would it be to just get the flight number and CHECK to see if it was actually cancelled?? Come ON, Dude.
  7. Oh no. I don't want this to be true, but I wouldn't put it past him...
  8. Angela is Capt America, out here fighting all the Nigerian scammers!
  9. Wait. Are we going to learn the Secret Location of the rest of Tim's eyebrows? I'm here for that.
  10. River still hasn't cleaned up that garbage growing under his chin, I see.
  11. He's going to try to sell that baby, you watch.
  12. This board officially does not care about Tiffany's stupid problems.
  13. Yep, you can just tell Jenny's daughter has been through some painful shit and she has NO patience for Sumit's problems.
  14. Pole totally going to get a job w/o knowing the language. Totally going to happen. He can barely work in his OWN country!
  15. Jihoon bought the car seat YESTERDAY. I'm kind of seeing that maybe he is not the best planner. This doesn't look good.
  16. I did. That was pretty embarrassing....if I were Laura, I would have just bought a white dress I could live with while I was still in Florida and then have my son mail it to Tunisia so I wouldn't have to try and find one there. She did not look good! And I'm all set with the term "bling-bling!" Let's not.
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