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Everything posted by Eldemarge

  1. I think Colt just has that one facial expression. He's really trying to convey that he has other emotions besides "stone-cold" but he's doing a bad job at it.
  2. Your friend was RIGHT, Ashley! Let's talk about THAT!
  3. Looks like Colt needs to go get his gastric band tightened.
  4. The panic on Colt's face when he realizes he will have to do his own laundry...
  5. With the purple shirt and the way he's shaped, he reminds me of Grimace (the old McDonalds character). And Grimace always reminded me of a buttplug, so make of that what you will.
  6. She got that TLC paycheck, bought a fancy outfit and now she isn't trash all of a sudden. /s
  7. Ashley needs to clean her own house before she sits there calling people c*nts and smirking like she has her shit together. And then the sneak preview of next week's "I'm thinking of leaving" or whatever. You're still thinking about this??? GURL
  8. ...Is Colt drunk?? Please tell me he showed up drunk.
  9. Did Jay just try to tell Ashley that he wasn't paying him any ATTENTION?? When was this?? On the flight back from their wedding?? Did she take too long in the bathroom one day?
  10. He forgot his pants because he's probably been drinking since 8am, let's be real.
  11. I'll be here in a hoodie and a tiara next week!
  12. I wonder how much money Ashley has already dropped to pay for this giant shitshow...bless her heart.
  13. How many cleav-ern shots of Ashely's bosoms do we need, show?
  14. Of course he's on Tinder! He did the marriage thing for a Whole Week! What more does she expect from this 20 year old she barely knows?
  15. Eric's hair...does he lick his palms to press it down against his head? Is that why it always looks like that?
  16. So Steven is an abusive dickhole AND a liar. Cool.
  17. So wait. We can't let Kalini know that whatserface is pregnant because...she won't be able to PROCESS it and won't want the wedding to happen??
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