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Everything posted by superman1204

  1. Not to mention the detective told Aria that the only way they would be able to put Andrew away was if someone saw him and then the detective and Aria's mom were surprised that Aria changed her story. She had been out of the bunker less than a day, of course she would say anything that she thought would put Andrew in jail! I am pretty sure that's the type of thing that get cases thrown out of court, at least in the real world anyway.
  2. Maybe I am getting ahead of myself, but I like the sneak peaks for this week: Sneak Peak 1: Alison is something other than a obvious red herring or a scared victim for the first time since she came back Sneak Peak 2: Aria told Ezra she is not writing a fucking book about what happened.
  3. In Sasha's defense there is only so much an actress can do when the writers decide to have a character do a compete 180 in terms of personality and development. She did fine in G.B.F., when her character had a clear direction and character arc. Though I do agree, the character of Alison has become so much less interesting since they brought her back to life.
  4. I almost don't want to know what happened during the three weeks the girls were trapped in their rooms. Not because I think it will be anything horribly disturbing (this is ABC Family), but because the first ten minutes of this episode was one of the creepiest, most well-done sequences in the history of the show (well done Chad Lowe). I really don't want the reveal to ruin that by being something convoluted and dumb. There is nothing more frightening than a closed door, as they say. Did the show have to spend so much time with the cops. They suck. Can we move on? Also I get the idea of an homage, but Mona in the well from Silence of the Lambs felt like a straight rip off. Lastly like everyone else I have no idea what happened the girls in their rooms. Thankfully the writers ruled out anything sexual. No one had bruises or burns, so physical torture is out. Showing them videos of their families or something seems like it should make the girls cry, not scream for it to stop. The idea that the girls had to electrocute each other kinda works, but shouldn't the girls have trouble talking and interacting with each other afterwards. Personally I am placing my money on some type of sensory deprivation; days in total darkness and silence with short bursts of bright lights and loud noise in between.
  5. When I first heard there was a time jump coming, I imagined that the show was going to skip over the next fifty A traps and red herring and just show us the end result of the Lairs being in constant life or death situations. Basically I was picturing four versions of Sarah Connor from Terminator 2. But in all seriousness the time jump is a really interesting opportunity for the writers to develop the characters, introduce new conflicts, and tighten up the plot. Passed on the track record of this writing team, I am almost literally praying that the writers do not waste that potential.
  6. Ok so I have had a theory since page one of this thread. I haven't had time to write it up until know and half of what other people have theorized makes more sense, but it has been bouncing around in head all day so hear we go. Mrs. D had a second affair with someone other than Mr. Hastings, and she got pregnant with twins. She didn't want Mr. D to leave her so she planned to say the twins were his, but the man she had an affair with wanted to be part of his children's lives. To solve this problem Mrs. D came up with some weird plan to make sure that Mr. D misses the birth of the twins. Once the twins are born, she has one twin, Courtney, stay with the father and keeps the other, Alison, in Rosewood. Mrs. D basically ends up having two families, hence the flash back Alison had during the Christmas special about the two presents. As the girls got older, Mrs. D introduced the two girls too each other, which isn't much of an issue because Alison lies without a second thought. When they are first introduced, Courtney dresses like a tomboy, so Alison, being the wonderful human being she is, immediately starts referring to her by a boy's name, Charles. A few more years pass and everyone starts to realize that something is off about the twins. In reality, the problem is Alison is a psycho, but she convinces everyone that Courtney is crazy, and Courtney ends up committed in Radley. Mrs. D visits Courtney in Radley, but to keep her affair secret, she has the records altered to say she was visiting or signing out a different patient, Bethany Young. It's an added bonus that the two girls look similar, so if she is seen out with Courtney, no one outside the family, for example a private investigator,would realize that Mrs. D is not just spending time with a patient who might be a family friend or something. Alison forms the Lairs so that has someone other than Courtney to control. During the pilot, Courtney, with Bethany's help (the two girls happen to become friends), escape from Radley with the intention of having a show down with Alison. Alison hits Courtney over the head, Mrs. D protects the child she thinks is alive and Grunwald shows up to save Courtney. At some point that night, Bethany and Alison run into each other and Alison hits her over the head too. Alison plans to bury her alive but Melissa beats her too it. Realizing that Courtney is still alive and could ruin everything at anytime, Alison decides to run too and just hopes people are dumb enough to think Bethany is her. After Mona is revealed as A, Alison takes over, using Mona's resources to track down Courtney and punish the Lairs because she feels they, particularly Hanna and Emily, have moved on without her (she just hates Spencer, so that's why Aria hardly ever has anything bad happen to her). Courtney, on the other hand, feels the need to protect the Lairs because she did not stop Alison from making their lives hell and becomes the good Red Coat. Courtney eventually comes out of hiding. Since she is pretending to be Alison, she has to keep most of this a secret because she does not want to end up back to Radley. Random thing: Courtney is not a psychopath like Alison which is why "Alison" changed from a terrible person in the flashbacks to a scared victim in the present. Courtney is gay, hence why "Alison" did a complete one eighty on wanting to sleep with Emily. The video is fact out. The Alison was watching it. One of the boys is Jason. The other is a cousin or friend. So I am probably wrong, but I just wanted to put this out there, because I will feel amazing if this turns out to be true.
  7. Isn't the Black Widow supposed to be the final bad guy. I remember this being the rumor when she first showed up at the start of season four (at Wilden's funeral) and I could be wrong but I think MK confirmed it (though we all know how much her word means). Maybe that's were the last season and a half will be going?
  8. I think the funniest thing about line is that it came from Mona. I mean she was A! Shouldn't she assume that yes, whoever is doing this has some amount of humanity, even if they are an absurdly disturbed and horrible person. What was her working theory before that video, that A crawled out of pit in the lower reaches of Hell?
  9. Maybe if we are lucky, the writers/producers did something like the TobAy reveal, where they shot the same scene with multiple characters and only the top people actually know which version will be used, hence it not showing up in the Reddit spoilers. I know I am being way too naive, but hey I need something to motivate me to watch the final.
  10. With the exception of Paige and Emily, which really annoys me. I get that Paily was not the healthiest relationship in the world, but at least there was some balance. Paige would be a dick, Emily would call her on being a dick, and Paige would say she was sorry and stop being a dick. It wasn't perfect, but it was fair better than either Spoby, where Spencer dealt with a rough patch in their relationship by cheating on Toby twice, and Ezria, which is basically an ethical train wreck. I feel like the only reason the relationship ended was because Lindsey Shaw wanted to leave the show.* I just hate that casting availability it what determines how long a relationship lasts on this show. *In all fairness the writers might want to have something happen between Emily and Alison, but I don't think that would have required sending Paige to California.
  11. I had the same thought. I get that Alison's lawyer is useless, but how is it that Alison, the queen of lying, could not pull something out of her ass along those lines. "I figured out how to brace my arm." "I'm ambidextrous if I practice enough." "Only quick motions, like throwing or shoving, hurt my arm, but using a bow is fine." It actually makes perfect sense that someone would be able to work around a chronic injury for small things, but couldn't do something major like beat someone to death. Oh PPL's logic...
  12. So overall a solid episode. At least by this season's standards. The opening made me lol, it felt out of place, but it was funny. Wow Alison got crazy badass out of nowhere this episode. I mean her burning herself with an iron and smashing Hanna’s hand was another huge personality jump, but I guess two months in prison could do that. Speaking of which, why can’t Hanna and Alison just talk in prison. I get that they have work but what about eating meals, time outside, or using the bathroom/showers. I am pretty sure they have to be allowed to do all that stuff, unless they are in solitary in supermax. I don’t think a prisoner can be ordered to not speak with another specific prisoner and how could that be enforced? Are Aria and Andrew officially a thing? Shay might overuse her confused faced, but with the plot twists on this show, what more does she really need. Also I loved her response to finding out about Spencer’s flings. Ezra and Caleb actually play off each other well and their personalities conflict nicely. Seriously, the trailer for next episode looks like a combination of Saw and a hallucination.
  13. If I remember right, Aria said something about how the police must have found Cyrus and he confessed that Alison was lying, so unless I am wrong, that the working theory at the moment. Of course that doesn't really work because Cyrus's confession would actually get him less prison time compare to the lie, so there is no way anyone would believe his testimony. Even if the prosecution had witnesses that supported what Cyrus was saying, there is no way a jury would convict Alison based on that. I am not trying to be cynical but if Alison got up the stand and said everything she did while she was missing was because Cyrus told her to and she was scared of him, some if not all of the jurors would have reasonable doubt about convicting her. So I don't know if the prosecution is going to pull some damning piece of evidence out of nowhere or the writers are just going to hand wave and expect us to believe that the evidence against Alison is overwhelming. Either way I am not expecting much in the way of courtroom drama from next episode. Honestly that whole story line feels like the writers trying to keep the same feel to show as the early seasons, when the girls were trying to keep their personal secrets from getting out, but the show has gotten so over the top at this point, the lairs not going to the police really makes no scene no matter how I look at it.
  14. Seriously between that line and "You want to just give up and go shopping?", I think the writers need a new ditz since they decided Hanna is a genius.
  15. Seriously how long was Alison's trial? And what evidence was presented other than Jason and Ashley did the nasty?
  16. So you guys have already done an excellent job of breaking down this episode, Ashley and Hanna are awesome together, Spencer and Caleb are awesome together, and the courtroom scenes are a shitshow, but there is just one more scene that I really liked; Hanna and Alison in the laundry room. For a that one scene, Alison actually did something other than mope and feel bad for herself, and Hanna was awesome the whole episode, including that scene. I thought maybe we would get to see some of the old Alison, maybe not the full on mean girl she was freshman year, but at least someone I could see hiding from A and living with a career criminal (Cyrus) for two years. Maybe between her and Hanna, they could track down whoever is working for A in the prison and get them thrown in solitary or something. Ok so maybe that scene gave me more false hope than anything else, but IMHO if the writers just made Alison an active, moderately strong character, this show would be significantly better. Absurd but at least consistently interesting. Well I guess there is always next season.
  17. There had to be a third Red Coat, because Red Coat was the one who drove a car into Emily's living. That or Ali and Cece tried to kill Emily for some reason. Red Coat is one thing about this show that really bugs me. The writers basically revealed that Red Coat was Ali and they then decided that explained the mystery. Since the Lairs found out that Ali and Cece were Red Coats, why didn't they ask what Ali actually did as Red Coat? For example, who was the Red Coat who dug up "Ali's" grave?
  18. Honestly if that were true, I would like the Aria so much more. It would both explain why she is always dressed so weird and give her some of the quirky personality that made Aria likable in the books.
  19. I read an interview with MK, where she said the writers have always known how the show will end. Now normally I would have called bs on that, considering what a mess the main mystery of this show has become, but the way MK explained the plan for the ending is the writers have a 12 episode arc mapped out that wraps everything up and whenever the show's run is coming to an end the writer are going to tack that story arc onto the show and call it a day. So we might yet get a decent ending to the show, but two things need to happen. One, the plan for the show's conclusion has to be decent, which is possible since the show occasionally has moments of quality when the writers are not force feeding us filler. Two, the plan the writer came up with several seasons back has to still make some degree of sense after the show has been on for seven season. Basically I still have hope but not much
  20. What is going with Spencer? When did she turn into a serial cheater? Are things not working out with Toby, but she can't deal with that, so she plans to just flirt and make out with random guys until Toby breaks up with her? Or does she think she has a legitimate chance of fixing their relationship? I mean seriously Spencer, just break up with Toby so you can both move on. Toby has nice abs, so he should be able to find someone decent, and you will be able to flirt guilt free with irrelevant side characters. I seriously hate when the writers feel the need to destroy one of the Liar's character for the sake of filler material. Also if Spencer is going to continue having flings with irrelevant side characters, can we have fewer caricatures of hipster arists and the British, and more eye candy? It's not like anyone is going to remember these characters in twelve episodes anyway, they might as well be hot.
  21. Not to mention where did the police get this shirt. The murder happened like 3 months ago and Mona's shirt shows up, in basically perfect condition, at least as far as the lab techs are concerned. Where has this shirt been, should be a natural question? Or why did it show up now all of a sudden? Or how about, why would Hanna and Alison kill Mona, dissolve the body in chemicals but not think to destroy the shirt with both Mona and Hanna's blood on it? Also shouldn't the cops be able to tell that Hanna's blood is like two days old? I get that these are the cops in Rosewood, but this is like the only relevant plotline at the moment and it is based on something so ridiculous.
  22. Very true. The writers did flirt with the idea back in seasons 3 and 4. Also they showed that Wilden was getting messages from A. For a little while it looked like they were going to reveal that A was manipulating a bunch of people in Rosewood, and then the storyline was just dropped.
  23. Was Jenna ever officially revealed to not be A? I feel like the writers are going to go with Jenna, simply for the reason she is the only who has been there from the beginning who isn't dead, already been revealed or "revealed" as A, or one of the Lairs. It would also explain why she is never on the show, because the writers are trying to avoid telling us anything else about Jenna before they enter into the show's endgame. That or Alison has a twin. I am not saying the twin theory is a good way to end the show, but with so few options left, I would prefer that over the writers pulling a name out of their asses and saying Cece or Lucas being big-A all along.
  24. Very true but sadly this is Rosewood, where once the half-season is over, 90% of people's actions are instantly forgotten. Toby being on the A team, never mentioned again. Jason and Aria's relationship, forgotten. Spencer being a drug addict, only warranted one offhand joke by Spencer to Andrew the next season. Ezra being a reporter, well he mentioned his 'research' once or twice, but Aria and him have found new things to angst over.
  25. So for me, there were really only three things that stood out this episode. Every time Alison is on screen the writers try to give the scene a dramatic air but it always falls flat for me, because we all know Alison is still lying and keeping secrets, so I don't get why I should care what Alison says or does. That being said I really liked the scene between Hanna and Alison. Their relationship is the only one that has changed and developed over the shows run, so I actually bought into the dramatic weight of the moment. Hopefully the writers don't go and ruin that by having Alison and Hanna be best friends by the start of season six. The scene were Talia blackmail the pageant lady really should have set off warning lights for Emily. Emily has known her for like a few weeks at the most, and in that time, Talia dated Emily without telling her she is married, lied to both Emily and her husband about the nature of the relationships she was in, and then blackmailed someone, presumable for thousands of dollars. Is Emily trying to replace Alison by finding some just as manipulative as her? Lastly, I liked when the pageant lady explained why they wanted Emily to dropout. Shay's expression of "fuck that's actually a valid reason" was funny.
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