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Posts posted by BaseOps

  1. 12 hours ago, Tierney said:

    I’m starting to agree with this. It looks like there are two separate “injured” scenes - one in ER, one in OR. Maybe the blonde intern is gravely injured? Maybe April’s “death” scene is some type of dream sequence? Or, maybe I’ve unknowingly eaten one of Grey’s special cookies?

    I think you're just seeing April first being brought into the ER & then her surgery, which would come later. That's pretty standard.

  2. 21 minutes ago, anna0852 said:

    Tweets from Jesse notwithstanding, I'm pretty sure April is dead and we are seeing Matthew in the context of dream sequences.

    I'm still not convinced that she dies, but it's possible. Either way, next week will be rough. I'm thinking maybe a near-death scare leads her to make a big change...... or hoping....

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  3. 56 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

    I'm sure if it hadn't been the characters Arizona and April to write off but two other characters their fans would have reacted the same way.  What if it had been Bailey and Jackson being let go?

    It would still be awful of them to be sending death threats & calling the cast vile names. 

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  4. Quote

    no I agree on that. Death threats are never funny or can be called as 'passionate' behaviour. but i think her PR team can help her in articulating it better. For one, you can NEVER compare what an lgbtq teen/youth goes through with what an mature lady is reading on her Twitter.


    That's not what she's doing, though. And I say that as part of the LGBTQ community who was bullied for years when I was younger. She was saying that she finds it incredibly hypocritical for fans of these two characters in particular, who have been fantastic representations of marginalized groups, to be throwing out death threats and name-calling on twitter. She wasn't comparing her being bullied on twitter to LGBTQ kids being bullied in schools, simply saying that there's a huge disconnect between what these fans claim to champion and how they act online. That's how I read it, anyway. 

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  5. 9 hours ago, beautifulGA said:

    Wow does she not have a PR team? 

    Ellen Pompeo

    I honestly love that she never holds back, even if I don't always agree with everything she says. But the fact that she was getting death threats over a creative decision (which she wasn't part of) on a TV show IS something that should be called out. The stuff I see hurled at her, Krista, and Kelly is disgusting. It's a larger issue with social media - kids think that the things they say have no consequences and there's also a really gross air of entitlement; "I love this show and tweet about it 24/7 SO THE WRITERS SHOULD LISTEN TO ME!!!!" The entire situation was made 100x worse in how people responded to it and ran with the accusations against both Ellen and Krista. Kelly gets a lot of really gross, racist tweets sent her way too.  

    • Love 13
  6. @moonorchid Fair. I agree in the sense that I think it’s an odd decision to get rid of April, whether or not she’s in a relationship with Jackson. While I’ve never been a ‘shipper’, I think they had a lot of interesting dynamics to explore, but the sub-par writing over the last few years didn’t do them any favours. I would have been interested to see how Krista explored them as a couple, because I think she’s generally a much better & more complex writer than we’ve had leading the show in a while, but I also totally understand why she felt like it was probably best to just move on. As much as she’s been great about wrapping up storylines & dealing with old issues, I also think her biggest hurdle was finally moving the show ahead. When she came in, basically every storyline had been stagnant for a year or more. Meredith & Riggs were going nowhere, Amelia & Owen were going nowhere, Alex & Jo hadn’t even spoken for episodes on ends, April & Jackson were in an endless circle, etc. Season 13 did nothing but stall every storyline. So I can see why maybe pairing Jackson and Maggie felt, to her, like the possibility for something new. I also think that Jackson & April would have been a SUPER easy way to appease fans, so that’s the only reason it confuses me a bit.

    That said, I actually really loved April & Koracick’s dynamic and would have loved to see them explored as a couple next year. It’s tough. I don’t envy someone like Krista who has to make such big decisions for a show with such a massive, dedicated fan base, and generally I applaud her for how well she’s done this year especially given the mess that she was handed.

    1 hour ago, kinnej5 said:

    But at the same time, it does seem plausible since KV is trying to undo everything Japril ever was.


    How so? I mean, what has she done that was any worse than what Stacey had them doing - like I stated, we literally saw April file a restraining order, watched them bicker endlessly, never discuss their issues, sleep together and then just not speak for episodes on end, etc. I get the general frustration at how they've turned out as a couple, but I'm just failing to see how Krista could be the only responsible when they were undone long before she came back.  

    • Love 4
  7. @moonorchid I guess I just struggle to see it as 'insulting' especially on Krista's part, and that's not me telling you how to feel - you're totally entitled to being upset. But Jackson and April were broken up long before Krista came around. They were literally apart for the entirety of season 12 & 13. Krista came onto the show with them as a non-couple. The Jackson/Maggie storyline was basically handed to her, too. I feel like April and Jackson have gotten much stronger writing under Vernoff than they had been getting; a few seasons ago they were filing restraining orders, fighting non-stop, having sex and not even discussing it, etc. It was an illogical mess. Vernoff came in and had them actually discuss their issues, separate amicably, and showed Jackson continue to be a good friend to her through her struggles. So I get that fans of the couple would be sad to see April leave, but I don't get how it can be framed as Krista shitting on the fans when April and Jackson haven't really been a couple for ages. 

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  8. 4 hours ago, kinnej5 said:

    Here's a crazy, far-out there idea. crazy being the key word, so please bear with me. I wouldn't put it past KV anyways.

    What if we retcon the whole Japril storyline for the past four seasons, we go back to the day April was going to marry Matthew. This would explain the farm and Sarah Drew being all dolled up, and Justin Breuning appears in the finale. This would explain away April walking away from Harriet–she (and Samuel) doesn't exist. So there is nothing tying April to Jackson or Seattle now, she can go off and live the life she was supposed to four years ago.

    Plus, if we work around the episode April was supposed to marry Matthew; if you guys remember, it was the same episode Jo and Alex realized they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together and someday became a possibility. This would save us 3.5 years of nonsensical storylines with Jo and Alex; and, best for last, they're finally married and hopefully none of that long, tiring drama ever happened.

    And back to Jackson, this means he never got with April and probably stayed with Stephanie until she left after the fire in the season 13 finale. So that clearly paves way for Jaggie with no baggage of April (or Samuel) or Harriet.


    My thoughts: re-reading my post, it sounds like a perfectly wrapped gift with an obnoxious bow on top. It's too perfect, but isn't that what KV is striving for; perfect in her little mind.


    .... what? I can't tell if you're joking. 

    3 hours ago, moonorchid said:

    I couldn’t imagine a more insulting thing to do to a fanbase But you never know with Krista 

    Does all the Krista hate literally just come from the fact that she's writing off April and Arizona and pursuing the Jaggie storyline? I'm struggling to understand what she's done this year that could be classified as insulting to fans. She's literally course-corrected the series after the worst season of its entire run. 

    • Love 5
  9. 2 hours ago, kinnej5 said:

    What Netflix deal? Is she not working on Grey's anymore?

    She signed a massive development deal with Netflix last year. Stacey stepped away to do Station 19 & now Krista Vernoff runs the day-to-day and is the showrunner. Shonda is still the 'big boss' but is significantly less involved with both breaking stories and the day-to-day at Grey's. She basically oversees and steps in from time to time.

    • Love 1
  10. 1 hour ago, moonorchid said:

    It does make me wonder...and I’m very biased so I’m not going to speak for others but am genuinely asking...is there anything that anyone is super excited about anymore on this show? 

    I think that season 14 has been, without contest, the strongest season of the show since the first half of its run. So I’m excited about the future of the series in general. I’ll miss April & Arizona… but not any more than I missed Izzie, or George, or Burke, or Cristina, so I don’t think the show is suddenly going to crumble. A year ago I was annoyed as hell pretty much every time Amelia came onscreen, now I actually find her endearing, and I love that Owen has finally been able to find some happiness as well. Krista has lifted the veil of constant misery and doom & gloom from GSM and I find the show genuinely fun to watch again. A year ago I would have been happy to see Owen leave, now I’m more excited to see a character that I once loved (especially in season 5 / 6) continue to reclaim some happiness.

    I love Alex and I’m so happy to have seen Jo get some development this year. I’m excited about their prospects as a couple and for whatever Vernoff gives them to do next year. I think Bailey had her best writing in AGES this year, so I’m excited to see more for her character. I loved seeing Meredith leave behind romantic woes and focus on being an amazing surgeon (and mentor to Jo), and I also thought that she had more chemistry and better writing in a single episode with Nick than she’d been given for 2 seasons with Riggs (and I’m one of the fans who actually didn’t mind Riggs, but the entire storyline was totally botched).

    I love that Vernoff writes the characters as being friends + colleagues with rich histories rather than constant adversaries whose motives change with each story. A lot of seasons 11 to 13 felt like we were constantly watching doctors battle each other (especially season 13), whereas now we’re still seeing competition and drama but between characters who actually have conversations with each other, build each other up, etc. I love that she plays on so many things that Stacey neglected (like Amelia and Richard’s sobriety actually being discussed, Maggie & Richard’s relationship, constant references to Cristina, the return of Matthew, Teddy, and Olivia, etc.)

    Season 14 actually had arcs that developed over time and paid off, rather than introducing stories that were constantly dropped & forgotten. Vernoff is also much better at introducing new recurring characters (Koracick and Casey, the trans intern, both have a lot of potential) and the patients have been more engaging this year than they had been for ages – Kimmie, Eli the rabbi, the lesbian couple who recurred, etc.

    As for Teddy - there's no confirmation that she's coming back next year, that's been all speculation, but of course anything is possible. 

    • Love 9
  11. If it was Vernoff's plan to split Owen & Amelia up, they'd almost certainly be split up by now (and yea, they're divorced, but they keep circling back to each other). This season has pretty much been about wrapping up old storylines that were handed over to Krista (Riggs, Owen's sister, Jo's husband, etc.) and fixing issues + finally pushing things forward (Jolex FINALLY getting engaged, course-correction with Amelia's character, them deciding to actually pursue Maggie and Jackson). I think we're seeing setup for a lot of what Krista considers to be endgame, so I think it's safe to say that the writers are going to stick it out with Owen/Amelia, Jackson/Maggie, and Alex/Jo. 

    • Love 4
  12. I think ABC is just playing up the 'will someone die!?' hype, because they found ways around giving press releases for the shooting + plane crash without giving either of them away. 

    As for her ending up with Matthew, if that's what's in the cards... Matthew lives and works in Seattle, so maybe we'll see April transfer to another hospital where she can exist happily in Harriet's life without being onscreen. I also think that it feels like a bit of a rushed ending and would have preferred to see them actually reunite onscreen and fall back in love if this way always the plan, but they're both very religious & their faith teachers forgiveness, so I'm okay with Matthew getting past what April did to him and falling back in love with her. 

    That said, while I actually sort of agree that Arizona's story has seemed to keep hitting walls since Callie left, it will forever feel insane to me that April is being written out when she and Jackson are one of the last potential 'great' couples left who the writers could keep together to make so many fans happy. I don't 'ship' so I'm not mad about it, but it just seems... strange. April proved this season that she has tons of story potential, and she has connections to so many characters in the cast. Giving her this incredible story all year and then rushing a reunion with Matthew and moving her offscreen just doesn't make much sense to me. 

    • Love 13
  13. So... no press release for the finale, which is super weird. ABC gave us this: 

    EVERY DAY BRINGS NEW CHALLENGES FOR THE DOCTORS AT GREY SLOAN, ON ABC’S ‘GREY’S ANATOMY’ - “All of Me” – Meredith Grey and the team of doctors at Grey Sloan Memorial are faced with life-or-death decisions on a daily basis. They seek comfort from one another, and, at times, more than just friendship. Together they discover that neither medicine nor relationships can be defined in black and white, on the season finale of “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, MAY 17 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT), on The ABC Television Network, streaming and on demand.

    Guest starring are Debbie Allen as Catherine Avery, Justin Bruening as Matthew Taylor, Stefania Spampinato as Carina Deluca, Jake Borelli as Levi Schmitt, Alex Blue Davis as Casey Parker, Rushi Kota as Vik Roy, Sophia Ali Taylor as Dahlia Qadri and Jaicy Elliot as Taryn Helm.are Debbie Allen as Catherine Avery, Justin Bruening as Matthew Taylor, Stefania Spampinato as Carina Deluca, Jake Borelli as Levi Schmitt, Alex Blue Davis as Casey Parker, Rushi Kota as Vik Roy, Sophia Ali Taylor as Dahlia Qadri and Jaicy Elliot as Taryn Helm.

    “All of Me” was written by Krista Vernoff and directed by Debbie Allen.

    Matthew is in the last 2 episodes so he's almost certainly the person that April is dating. 

    • Love 1
  14. 10 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    It's early days yet but that seems to be something that Krista does, lets the characters be happy, so I'm hopeful it will be for both Arizona and April.  It's also optimistic that April is getting better from her crisis of faith rather than thinking about suicide.

    Because honestly, there is enough pain and grief in the world.  I want to believe that my off-screen fictional characters at least are happy.

    One of the first things that Krista said when she returned was that, while Grey's will always be a drama and have a certain amount of sadness and tragedy, she felt that the show had gotten far too dark & depressing. So, I do think that a big part of her MO is to give the characters satisfying endings rather than killing them off horrifically. While I wouldn't rule out anyone dying, I do think that she's at least focused on giving the characters proper closure (even Riggs got a solid exit and he was only around for 2 seasons). 

    • Love 5
  15. Yea, the ratings are beyond fine - they're quite amazing. They hit a new series low this week for the first time all season; on the same night, The Big Bang Theory hit a series low, Young Sheldon hit a series low, Chicago Fire matched its series low, etc. They were all up against the NFL draft which was massive + openings of The Avengers which ended up (not surprisingly) having the highest-grossing weekend in US box office history, with Thursday night breaking viewing records. 

    Grey's is the #1 drama on ABC and their #2 series behind only Roseanne (which has aired like 5 episodes VS Grey's 21). Overall, it's the #2 drama on broadcast behind only This Is Us. In terms of all scripted series on broadcast, it's #5 in the demo (Roseanne > This Is Us > Big Bang > Young Sheldon > Grey's). The year-to-year declines are totally normal, and in fact it has smaller declines than almost everything else on TV - last year, Empire was ahead of Grey's, this year they've already fallen behind. 

    • Love 4
  16. 16 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    I wonder if Sofia's school avoidance and other problems are going to play into how Arizona leaves.

    I feel like the idea they've been building to is that being bicoastal has been tough on her; she left NYC because she wanted to be with Arizona, and now she's in Seattle and missing Callie. I think that Herman will swoop in with the magical solution: a fantastic job for Arizona... in New York! A bit too perfect? Yup. But I don't care. If Arizona has to go, then I want her exit to be happy. I'm content with the idea that she has a great job, a solid relationship with Carina, is getting along with Callie, and their daughter is able to be with both of them. 

    • Love 2
  17. I just think everything about that article so one-sided, like it was written by an angry 15-year-old. It has a lot of great stuff to say but then shits on all of that by being so clearly biased. For one, the idea that everything is served on a tray to Meredith is one perpetuated by angry fans online that has never been true. We're talking about the same character whose mother treated her like shit, whose father abandoned her (briefly returned, blamed her for her stepmother's death & slapped her), who got close to her step-sister just in time for her to be crushed by a plane, whose husband died in a car accident just as she discovered she was pregnant, etc. So to paint the 'April is the only character who really struggled!' picture is just false and silly. 

    That said, the article had a lot of great, accurate things to say about the character so I can see that maybe that's why Sarah RT'd it. Sarah has stated on numerous occasions that season 14 was among her favorite ever for April & that she loved the story she got to tell, so it's hard to imagine her being so snarky @ Krista who finally came in and gave her some decent material. 

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