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Scout Finch

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Posts posted by Scout Finch

  1. On 3/14/2022 at 10:05 AM, tessaray said:

    Without Rachel MSNBC isn't really a must for me anymore, so this strategy seems weird from a ratings perspective.  

    The only evening show I'm interested in right now is Lawrence O'Donnell's (but not if someone is filling in for him). The old lineup of Rachel, Lawrence, and Brian Williams used to be my must-see shows. I've only watched a few episodes of The 11th Hour since Brian left.

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  2. 14 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

    But that doesn't mean Smuggar because there was no incest because every family has a person like that.  According to Blob and Clown Car. 

    Wasn't it one of his sisters who said that--no doubt seething inside at having to be part of the sham attempt to rehabilitate her molester's and hypocrite parents' image--during the Megyn Kelly interview?

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  3. I would give anything to watch Alyssa's friend's reactions while she watches the show and sees that what happened was actually the complete opposite of the story that was spun! She already has Alyssa's number on finding any reason to discard a guy.

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  4. In the beginning scene, why wouldn't the woman have been able to just slide easily out from under the hair dryer?? There were a couple of moments that could be interpreted as some evil force pulling her back upright when she did try but the movements were so slight that it wasn't clear if that was indeed the case or if she was just too inept to fully extricate herself!

  5. I'm wayyy behind catching up on TAR on my DVR so everything has already pretty much been covered here (except to add that my likewise ample chest hurt just watching Shari's lack of support as she ran)! 

    However, I did want to say that I burst out laughing when they showed some of the teams getting out of cabs outside a building in Russell Square; more specifically, because of the concrete steps in the foreground. Years and years ago, I stayed at a cheap hotel just a few doors down from those for a week. One night, I had a migraine and because my room was tiny and stuffy, I went outside to get some air and sat down on those steps--if I recall correctly, the building behind those had something to do with academia. For some reason, the words "we hold these truths to be self-evident..." suddenly pop up and are on a loop in my mind. As I'm trying to remember if that's from the Bill of Rights or the Constitution (none of this is helping my migraine), a few minutes later a homeless-looking gentleman passes by and mutters, "The truth is that nobody gives a fuck about the truth!" I don't think he even looked at me, just kept walking. I was in total shock because it was so absolutely specific that there's no way he hadn't been able to read my mind! 

    • LOL 2
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  6. 7 hours ago, Me from ME said:

    Another great memory of a distant time. Along with two from the early days of usnet,  When someone passes on they are either in the stereo cabinet referencing the final resting place of a departed (perhaps taxidermied) pet, or, no longer shopping the Pig e.g. Piggly Wiggly supermarket.

    I can't remember my screen name from that era but it's good to know there are also former TWOPers here.

    I don't remember those but I do remember another one that ended up in the lexicon after it was inadvertently created from a typo: "Burning with the fire of/from a thousand nuns!"

    • LOL 3
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  7. On 2/3/2022 at 10:29 AM, Welshman in Ca said:

    On a side note, can you stop posting the screenrant links please Diva, I click on them & the next thing I know it's an hour later & I'm trying to climb out of the rabbit hole.




    I know, right??

    On 2/4/2022 at 10:40 AM, seacliffsal said:

    While I do believe in God, I am right there with you that people need to take responsibility for their own bad decisions and nonsense.  I would also like to add that God is not Santa, AND that God may answers prayers with "no."  It seems that far too many of these participants (and people) think that because they asked for something they will automatically get it (if that was the case, I would have won every huge lottery payout...).  So many people told Memphis to slow it down, but she was set on getting exactly what she wanted without listening to anyone who expressed any doubt.

    "God is in the tub." I learned that phrase from some reality TV competition forum either on Television Without Pity or its genesis, Mighty Big TV. Basically, God is finally taking a much-needed moment to Himself and is enjoying a hot bath--no doubt with bubbles. He hears His name and gets out, dripping all over the bathmat, only to find it's someone praying to win some trivial game or, like my Christian friend actually did once, praying that we would find a parking space when I drove us to the mall. My response, "God is in the tub, Rena. Don't make Him get out."

    • LOL 6
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  8. 6 hours ago, Haleth said:

    Is that Norm McDonald?  If so you won't have to worry much longer about it because he died last year.

    Is that Rosamund Pike?  It sounds like her.

    I don't think people who use food delivery services are lazy, even if they choose to workout over cooking.  Both my kids do.  After working all day the last thing they want to do is shop or cook, so to have all the ingredients prepped is a godsend.

    No, it doesn't sound like Norm McDonald.

    If I could afford a meal delivery service I would use one. I don't like cooking, especially for just myself. Although I did enjoy spoiling myself with full traditional dinners, albeit smaller portions, the last couple of years for Thanksgiving and Christmas!

    Even before the pandemic I've had my groceries delivered about 90% of the time because I hate grocery shopping. Plus, I think I spend less ordering online because I end up getting several impulse items when I'm at the store!

    • Love 4
  9. The smell of fish and seafood makes me nauseous so I would just have stayed the hell away from anyone's shrimp!

    Oh, look, another band where the Bachelor and/or his date excitedly act like big fans of a band that, until a couple of minutes before they walked into the room and production told them who the band was, they had never heard of before. Just like the viewers.

    I FFed through the entire football game because I find those dates boring and it looked like it was even cheesier with the announcers. However, I was finally using one of the Bachelor Bingo sheets I've had for ages and there's a square for someone needing an ambulance, so I figured this event had the highest probability rate and kept an eye out for it! Nope.

    • LOL 6
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  10. On 1/14/2022 at 8:34 PM, KLovestoShop said:

    Just saw a commercial for a company called Manscaped.  A woman hands her male significant other a box, and when he opens it up, it says “Your Balls Will Thank You”.  It’s calls itself the Lawnmower 4.0.  

    Meanwhile, she treated herself to a new tube of Lume.

    • LOL 11
  11. I can't stand the voiceover guy for the Gain commercials. Something about his delivery/tone annoys the hell out of me!

    ETA: Plus, scented laundry products really bother my sense of smell, so the idea of a long-lasting Gain smell has the opposite reaction for me than those in the commercials who are huffing it.

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  12. 5 hours ago, monagatuna said:

    Kimbaaaaly better not complain about her gifts not getting her what she wanted. You give a gift without strings, Kimbaaaly, and he doesn't owe you D just because you bought him a gaming console. Gifts AND sex are meant to be given freely and by choice.

    Would she have been okay if the situation was reversed? That she owed him sex? 

    Reminds me of the time when my friend, back in her early 20s, was leaving a club to walk the 10+ blocks home and a brief acquaintance offered to walk her home, ostensibly for safety. I can't recall exactly what he said that indicated he thought he'd get invited in and she'd sleep with him but when she rebuffed him at the door, his huffy response was, "But I walked you home and everything!" Luckily, he didn't press the matter and left.


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  13. @Myrelle I remember there is another young Dean in future episodes who is amazing. He's a captive somewhere (jail in Heaven?) and trying to save a girl his age.

    The episode before the one I just watched has one of my all-time favorite SN quotes: "Kneel before Todd!" The big, depressed teddy bear is another bonus!

  14. 21 hours ago, Wollstonecraft said:

    Winnie is my BFF so I'm guessing the one in the trenchcoat!

    We went when it was off season but unfortunately it coincided with a major storm in L.A. in 2017 that dumped unusual, heavy amounts of rain, and caused flash flooding. We got numerous emergency messages on our cell phones while we were there. So, having checked the weather before we left home (me from Portland and her from San Jose) Sharon chose to go with her raincoat and I brought an umbrella to try to just keep it off me all together. I rode Splash Mountain because, heck, it was already raining anyway, albeit lightly at that moment. The bouts of wind and torrential rain were awful and we cut the first day short. If I recall, some things were momentarily shut down in the park that afternoon, probably due to concerns about rain possibly creating electrical problems for some of the rides. Plus, no one really wanted to stand in outdoor lines at the point! My most favorite ride, "Pirates of the Caribbean," was closed for seasonal maintenance so I couldn't just ride that indoor one multiple times. ~sob~

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