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Scout Finch

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Posts posted by Scout Finch

  1. While Heather has a relationship with her bio dad she's said she considers Paul to be her father. I had no idea how comfortable and close they already were by the time he married Linda, a little under two months after this was filmed. It was reminiscent of my stepdad who my mom married when I was about the same age as Heather.

    In addition to a couple of them talking about high they were/had gotten, not sure who else caught Ringo asking someone (Mal?) for a few uppers as he was leaving the room. Those were a primary staple in their early days when they'd go to Hamburg because it was the only way to keep their energy up through the intense, lengthy performances. 


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  2. My mother's generation remembers where they were when they heard JFK was killed and I think the equivalent for my generation (I was born in 1963) has to be John Lennon. I can't remember a time when I didn't love the Beatles and my mom documented in my baby book that I became a fan at age 2. They were my imaginary playmates--along with Gumby and Pokey! My mom also told me that when I was four, there was one day in the car when I was begging her to invite them to dinner and she says she pulled over, opened the door, and said, "Get in, Beatles." I was apparently NOT amused!

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  3. 4 hours ago, ProudMary said:

    It certainly was far more than, "Yoko broke up the Beatles" as many of us assumed back in the day.

    Allen Klein had a large part in that because Paul sued to get free of Klein, who he hadn't wanted to sign with but the other three did. He felt his only way to get out of it was to break up The Beatles by suing them in court. He wanted to sign with Linda's father and brother, who were high-powered New York attorneys. Klein managed the other three's solo careers but eventually they realized that he was basically an underhanded grifter, and they chose not to renew their contracts. John said, "Let's say possibly Paul's suspicions were right...and the timing was right" as one of the reasons. Ensuing legal action between them against Klein and vice versa took place.

    Seeing Mal Evans, whose nickname was the "Gentle Giant," was so sad. He was shot to death by police in 1976 in Los Angeles, when they answered an emergency call and mistook the air rifle that Mal, depressed and drugged out on Valium, pointed at them, which they thought was a real rifle.

    I can happily go without hearing Yoko's caterwauling. Yikes!

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  4. On 11/4/2021 at 2:59 AM, cynicat said:

    Since this subject comes up in here about this time every year, it's probably worth bookmarking this SNL commercial.  


    You beat me to it!

    My response to these ads is: Who are these people who can afford to give cars as gifts...and will they adopt me?


    • LOL 11
  5. 11 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

    SoapDirt article about them  possibly appearing on Love After Lockup.

    At least she knows where he is.


    Oh, GREAT. I already mix these shows/casts up sometimes as it but that's quickly solved by asking myself the simple question: Are these felons or foreigners? What fresh hell is this "90D Felons" Venn diagram??

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  6. So during a quick establishing shot of Las Vegas, I had to rewind the DVR to make sure that there were indeed two horses walking on the sidewalk outside the Tropicana! One had a long blanket over it that kind of looked like what horses wear when knights are jousting. I didn't think the Tropicana was anywhere near Excalibur but just discovered that it's right across the street so that must be where they came from. I hope they get more exercise than just walking on the hard concrete! Also, my first thought was Brittany's remark to Marcelino about how hot it was when the camera then cut away to her arriving home. I'm hoping the footage of the horses wasn't done in the summer, especially when one had a blanket on!

    Okay, found this: "We were also able to meet Jose Luis Flores, who is the trainer for Tournament of Kings. He and Ivan gave us some insight into the horses weekly work schedule and routine. Each horse only performs 3 – 4 nights a week and is worked lightly in between those days. If they are off for an extended period, or as a treat, they are taken to a nearby ranch for some turn out and trail riding time. It was explained to us that this is one of the ways that help to keep the horses fresh and happy to do their work."

  7. 1 hour ago, hookedontv said:

    "Ladies and gentleman, the new Bonnie & Clyde!" John and Kristianna, holy hell. Her son showed up at the wedding, so that was good. I wanted Terra to show up and play all of John's voicemails telling her that she shouldn't come to the wedding. I mean, she could be in a ditch in a drug haze, but the chaos among Kristianna and their mom about her not being there may purely be a result of John telling Terra not to come. 

    I don't know. But I do know that Kristianna's wedding dress was ill fitting and ugly. There, I said what I said.

    Me, after the Bonnie & Clyde thing: "I hope you guys have a much better ending!"

    I thought for sure that production would have had Terra show up, especially at a moment that would create the most drama ("If there is anyone who objects to this marriage..."). I'm sure they did everything they could but ended up not being able to find her, just like her mom and Kristianna couldn't. 


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  8. On 10/30/2021 at 6:12 PM, Lambie said:

    Did Shawn really lie to Angela's twin about not having written/wooed prison babes before? He knows we've all seen last season, right? He's the worst.

    We're supposed to suspend belief that he doesn't know you can stream his first season all over the damn Internet, which Sara and her mom can easily watch?

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  9. While I wouldn't say I'm a Jenny fan, I don't mind her. Although she should have given up a while ago, I like her and Sumit, and she has a good heart. Having said that: if you KNOW your potential mother-in-law is going to judge you starting when she walks in the door, why did you (and Sumit) not clean up the kitchen?? We're ALL judging you for your apparent lack of understanding basic causation. 

    Victor, in the store, saying something about not being able to make any money. Me: "There are a lot of us who will chip in a few bucks for you to cut off that thing hanging from your chin."


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  10. Sandy Dog is still there! 

    Why did neither Danielle nor Bobby bring up the critical health risks and, you know, her almost dying the second time, when discussing having another child?? I kept waiting for it to be the primary factor when they were discussing the pros and cons but nary a mention. Bobby was really against her having a second baby because of what also happened with the first so I find it difficult to believe he wouldn't have brought that up immediately!


  11. Melissa's boyfriend actually broke up with her back in August and the only reason I know this was through her social media: "when my ex told me all the things that show I'm a narcissist, at that moment I was wearing, i kid you not, a bracelet that said 'one of a kind.' i was crying then started cracking up." She's adorable, his loss!

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  12. 21 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

    Hahahaha I remember when she "took Pamela Anderson to task." Pamela owned her and did it so kindly and politely. Meghan was still not a fan and said she was planning to ask Pamela to sign something for Ben because she was his childhood crush (something like that), but she didn't want to after the interview. 

    At least she gave TYT some more material.


    I saw that this morning and Ana Kasparian also mentioned working with Meghan several years ago on a Pivot TV show, TakeFive Live, and how horribly she treated the producers and that she really just brings this on herself.

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  13. 19 minutes ago, Thalia said:

    I've been walking around singing the song all day.  "Broke my cookie and got eliminated." 


    I just watched the whole series last Saturday so it was nice to be in the know for once! I normally don't watch something just because everyone else is and I really dislike dystopian stories and overt violence but the giant doll thing was intriguingly creepy enough that I at least wanted to check that episode out. Not something I want to watch a second time but I don't regret spending nearly half of last weekend to see what it was all about. 

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  14. 5 minutes ago, JeanJean said:

    I'm guessing cut, because I didn't see Brutal Marriage Story until I came here. I think it would have been the funniest thing on the show, maybe tied with the Prince audition sketch.  They nailed it.

    Unpopular opinion: I've never liked Prince so I fast-forwarded through it. It really does seem as if I am the only person in the world who never cared for any of his music! (Or Abba's.)

    I didn't notice Melissa right away when the Celeb School Game Show started and got all indignant: "Seriously? A sketch full of celebrity impersonations without one of the best at doing them? WTF?!... Oh, she's wearing a short wig (Wiig) so that's why I didn't recognize her in the long shot." [Emily Litella: Never mind."]


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  15. 11 hours ago, Pete Martell said:

    The marriage sketch is in the same format as the lesbian period drama sketch from last year, but I preferred this one - the lines are funnier (the part about tuning in to see the actor's penis cracked me up) and the addition of Kate as an ex-girlfriend took away some of the focus. The PDD pre-tape is  mostly worth watching for me because of the way Rani plays the scenes - his throwing a tantrum and them having no idea how to control him. The last sketch is stupid but Cecily and Rami make it more fun than it should have been.

    I don't think Rami was one of the better host performers, but he really gave his all and he had a very different rapport with every person he shared major sketch time with, Along with the general fun vibe of the night, this made it one of the more enjoyable episodes in recent times, even if I wish the writing was better. 

    I did really like the last two sketches (the mattress and Angelo sketches).

    Wait, were these all cut for time sketches or did I somehow FF through them on my DVR?

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  16. 6 hours ago, BetterButter said:


    Damn, you beat me to it! I just finally watched the episode on my DVR a few hours ago and this was one of the few things that made me laugh. Had NO idea when the country song starts where it would end up!

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