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Scout Finch

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Posts posted by Scout Finch

  1. 45 minutes ago, riverheightsnancy said:

    OMG. That is hilarious. I was a retail store manager, for a very large company, at one point in my life and we had training videos very similar to this. Even the music. The thing that killed me was the 10 WEEK length. These are usually one-offs, as short as possible. And the stand up straight thing. There were funny things about being watched and the cartoon of Gus' eyes. The point about being "respectable" to gain respect was certainly not lost on me. He acts respectable to gain respect the whole time running drugs. Loved it. 

    I've already seen them a few times but just had to rewatch all again last night. It's so awesome that Giancarlo was happy to commit to those. Have you seen Mike's training videos? I just remembered those. All of these extras are brilliant and an awesome gift to fans. (There's also a Lalo teaches you how to make a taco video...and I just remembered the series of Kim's legal training videos!)


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  2. I don't think this occurred to me the first time I watched it but now: how about what this did to your parents?? Not that Tasha's death wouldn't have been devastating but to not know at all what happened and whether they're even alive makes it worse. Did she leave a note? "Hey, Mom and Dad, this is Kate! Sorry I didn't get in touch with you while I was here. Even though Tasha was on life support yesterday, I want to assure you that she's all better now. I can't tell you how or why, though, but I can tell you she's with me. I'm really sorry that you'll never get to see or hear from us again but don't worry! XOXO."

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  3. 1 hour ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

    But it does have a Shirt Shack, Miona. Bet you can’t get that at home.

    And Dinosaur Park! And Storybook Island! I got all excited when I saw a giant brontosaurus up on top of a hill in one scene, and after looking it up on the interwebs, discovered a few of the things there that I would love to do. I suspect Miona does not similar interests.

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  4. On 4/24/2022 at 5:45 PM, TazDevil said:

    Paradise Hotel was one forum that I posted a lot on.  There were live chats of those shows, but on some separate website. 

    Damn that was a long time ago....

    That show was an absolute trainwreck--and I was there for every minute if it! I was also in the hilarious forum but I don't recall if I posted very much. I went by "Elevation" on MBTV and TWOP.

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  5. 18 hours ago, Bastet said:

    I can't support the Crocs, but I love these two middle-aged women developing the friendship they didn't have the first time around.

    It wasn't until I was at Disneyland in 2017 when my friend urged me to help my aching feet by buying a pair of canvas Micky Mouse Crocs there, that I discovered how damn comfortable they are. Most importantly, I learned that they don't just make ugly-ass clogs--I don't care how comfortable they are, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing them! Since then, I've purchased many pairs of Crocs and along with the Disney ones, my favorites like the Mickey Mouse are black suede shimmery loafers and black suede ballet flats. I still can't stand any versions made of that weird plastic/rubber stuff as those are to my feet what jelly shoes were in the '80s!




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  6. 2 hours ago, magemaud said:

    I was wondering if there was a group like this where Chuck could find women who understand his situation. 

    The full name of the site is Meet An Ostomate so, yeah, good place to start! I think it would be reassuring for him to see that it's just normal people exactly like him, with all levels of attractiveness and widely varied interests. He could also get great tips on how to solve common ostomy bag aggravations.

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  7. It was in two scenes in this episode so it wasn't something I remembered. I can't recall most of what's gone on in any of the other seasons and the little bits I do remember I couldn't begin to tell you which season it's from! It was in the first scene when his mansion was being emptied out and it was in the foreground of one of the shots. Then, when it returned to current time and he was talking to Kim in/on the bed, I noticed it on his bedside table.

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  8. On 4/25/2022 at 6:20 PM, Frozendiva said:

    The right woman isn't going to care, Chuck.

    I wonder if he knows about Ostomates. It's an online community with support, forums, and relationship searches. In 2018 I had to have a colostomy bag for about nine months after diverticulitis surgery. Thought it was the worst thing ever but it took me less than two months--although I was quite angry and unable to accept it at all for the first few weeks--to get a handle on it after I discovered that it really had no impact on my being able to go do things like actively enjoying a concert or hiking--all the things I did before. I adjusted SO well that if the reversal surgery hadn't been successful I would have been okay living with it permanently. I was surprised at how ambivalent I was as it grew closer to the surgery date.

    Some of the ostomy nurses said that men generally have a more difficult time accepting and living with it. I've also never forgotten the sad story from one of the men on Ostomates whose wife was totally repulsed after he had to get a permanent colostomy bag, and had withheld affection ever since. I hoped he eventually divorced her! It seems the general thought among men, like Chuck, is that no woman would ever want to be with them.

    I never would have thought I could handle something like what I experienced, and it was so heartening to see how many vibrant, active people--of all ages and parts of the globe--on that site. It sounds strange to say that I truly am glad I went through it but I realized how strong and resilient I am and how something that I thought I couldn't bear became so blasé that I even made jokes about it. My dark sense of humor really helped. (Cleaning up accidental little leak on carpet at home and bursting out laughing at the thought of rubbing my nose in it and going, "Bad girl! Bad!")

    I really, really hope Chuck learns that it does not define him and that he finds a level of comfort and acceptance with himself, and realizes that it's not something that's going to be a deal breaker for all women. Damn, I can't recall ever saying anything nice or caring about Chuck before! Would I ever be able to likewise extend a little goodwill to Charlie? BWAHAHAHA!

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  9. 9 hours ago, bros402 said:

    Yeah, I didn't fully get it either - I know that they send the clothing of the losers to other countries, since they don't just destroy it I guess - so because of that, people who get those clothes think the Bills won a lot so they have a totally different view than the Americans?

    LOL, at first glance I thought it said "I know they send the clothing to losers in other countries," and got a bit indignant! Just because someone lives in another country it automatically makes them a loser?! 🌎

    • LOL 11
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  10. Dry cleaning owner is trying to close but is nice enough to accommodate them. Me: "Geez, stop talking and pay attention to picking something out ASAP! You can talk about what's going on in your lives and Kevin's kids later." Then, instead of pulling the car over to the side of the road for their long walk, he leaves it just sitting in the middle of the road. Pearson!

    For some reason, I've never liked Sophie and really hoped things would eventually work out with Madison instead of having her end up with her schlubby husband. Cassidy was my second choice, even more so after the glances and moment they seemed to have at the cabin that night before she took off in the car, and then the tenderness and emotion he had for her later in the hospital. Damn it!

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