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Scout Finch

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Posts posted by Scout Finch

  1. I do feel really empathetic for her after this video. She and Elijah started discussing leaving Russia right after the war on Ukraine began. It was a harrowing experience, starting with her and Elijah not even being certain they'd be able to escape. Then, the major obstacle of their bank cards not working at all outside Russia and other current restrictions that have been placed on Russian travelers, such as not being able to book an Airbnb. Caleb came to their rescue and lent them his credit card and booked lodging under his name. At the end she goes into a lot of detail about what's happening in Russia, how she couldn't say anything at all on social media or risk arrest, and how devastating the war on Ukraine is. It had been very frustrating not being able to freely respond to all those who were asking her on social media for her opinion, and how it would no doubt be misinterpreted as apathy. She feels so much relief that she can now candidly discuss everything.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Breedom said:

    All your energy, after all, is taken up with your taking your boobette out for all to see.

    "Boobette" makes it sound so petite so perhaps "boobhemoth" would be more accurate? Or, how about "taking your Grand Teton out"? 😏

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  3. 2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    And one of them referred to K&J as "Kylen and that goblin."  Goblin.

    Loved that and also their excited stampede of snark to the backstage viewing area, representing the way we also felt!

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  4. 17 hours ago, Hellohappylife said:

    EPatrick driving gives me a panic attack, taking his eyes off the road to text & make out, for long periods of time. Not to mention they never wear seatbelts. They are gonna get someone killed.

    As someone who literally can't take her eyes off the road for more than two seconds without starting to veer to the side, I always hate that in TV shows and movies and all I can think of is, "Watch the damn road!" It finally dawned on me that Patrick has one of those self-driving cars, which I wouldn't be able to trust and would have total control over it.

    15 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    I am also concerned (why do I care?) that she is nursing him to sleep and not reading paper books to him.  I had two kids on my caseload who were in fifth grade (one should have been in sixth) who were still learning letter sounds and reading at End Of Grade One.  I asked, when you were little did anyone read to you at night?  Nope, I watched Youtube (or whatever God Only Knows) until I went to sleep.  I had no kids at grade level, and that is fine - my superpower is helping kids to read, write, etc.  But geezaloo!  I can hear her now:  "Why is my son not reading well?  IT IS YOUR FAULT."  

    I've been a bookworm ever since I learned to read (and always read beyond my grade level and faster than most of the class) and my mom had everything to do with that. She read to me every night and on the occasions she'd make a solo trip into town she would stop at the library and pick out several books she thought I'd like. I was always crazy excited when she'd bring home the stacks of books! I still have the first book I learned to read in school but instead of Dick and Jane it was Jerry and Alice. It's really odd that when I've looked through it I can actually remember reading it out loud as I was learning!

    11 hours ago, AR Traveler said:

    Jibri/Miona913 miles is a long-ass drive over frankly, some of the most boring country the U.S. has to offer.  There would have to be a heck of a good reason for doing so rather than the pie in the sky chance of their music taking off.  David is right, though; Jibri, get a real job!  He would have truck routes out the yinyang these days with the supply issues.  So Jibri has pressure?  The pressure is to grow up, make your own way in your own place, and quit looking like a clown.  

    Years ago my aunt and I entertained the idea of pairing up and becoming a long-haul team because of how much money her cousin was making. That it, until my mom--and undoubtedly a couple of other assorted relatives--pointed out what a terrible driver my aunt is and did I really want her sharing driving in an 18-wheeler? These days, I can see doing video blogs and live-streaming the adventure, which Miona could do as a passenger, although I'm sure that would be an unpleasant idea to her.

    4 minutes ago, Kath94 said:

    THIS!  He's just a neat freak who expects Shae to comply

    I'm fairly particular and I remember reading something about Virgos and how it supposedly relates to how neat we are (and I do admit to being a bit anal-retentive). It was a humorous suggestion about about how to mess with people like me: you'll notice that your host has things like books on a coffee table at a certain angle and how you should "accidentally" bump them out of alignment. You'll notice your host's eyes darting at them several times and resisting the urge to rearrange them--which will be done immediately after you leave!

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  5. The alleged reason they can't go visit Kylen's parents is because they don't have drivers licenses. If so, why was Jason driving her to the birthing center/hospital/back home? Although, it wouldn't be the least bit surprising if his has since been suspended. I can easily envision him mouthing off to the judge, thereby turning a simple traffic ticket fine into his license getting yanked. Which will be Kylen's fault.

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  6. I will try to avoid referencing Jason directly because this morning I realized I haven't taken my a.m. blood pressure meds for the previous two days. I probably shouldn't have gone ahead with watching the Tell All right after that but...here we are. Oh, and a big FU to those in another forum for yet another trainwreck reality TV show I already watch for mentioning this horrible Jason person on Unexcepted and piquing my cat curiosity! 😘

    His mom, Heidi, should have been required to join the group of mothers gathered around the monitor backstage listening to her punk ass bitch son, and have to answer for her (and her husband's) apparent lifelong dereliction of parental duties. 

    It's really sad that it won't be until after her dad dies that Kylen will realize and regret how little time she spent with him during his failing health. I also don't see her offering much comfort and support to her mother after his death.

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  7. 22 hours ago, GaT said:

    Did anybody know there's a show on Hulu called "Life of Kylie"? I've never heard of it & just happened to run across it. Has anyone watched it?

    I watched it several years ago but don't remember any plotlines.

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  8. On 5/31/2022 at 1:26 PM, Bastet said:

    I said this in another thread, but "cancel culture" is right up there with "woke", "politically correct", and "social justice warrior" as excellent indicators, in that anyone who utters one of those with a sneer outs themselves as someone I need not waste a second of my time on listening to the rest of what they say. 

    "Virtue signaling" is another phrase that needs to go the hell away!

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  9. 3 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

    My impression is that's what Nancy picked out for her. It didn't work for me either - but then Nancy isn't too fond of Robin. Still, I agree, it wasn't professional looking (and was the worse combo of 80's clothes I may have ever seen)

    Yes, it came from Nancy's closet.

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  10. I'm surprised my eyes didn't get stuck at some point with the near-constant rolling they were doing during all the "cleansing" drivel. Apparently, this place is SO chill that it can't even be bothered with fully-formed letters in the sign on the building, which might make it legible for those of us who still can't figure the name.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

    I'm following Anna Darling on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnnaDarlingTV

    Her TV station's web report of the morning's hearing is here: https://www.nwahomepage.com/josh-duggar-trial/court-recesses-in-duggar-sentencing/

    I appreciate you recapping some of her Twitter feed because I end up clicking on a bunch of the trending topics and completely forget why I even went there in the first place. Anyone know if there's a way to hide the trending sidebar?

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  12. Not the first time and it won't be the last that I've cursed, "Damn you, Vince Gilligan!" as an episode abruptly ends with a shocking cliffhanger. Although it was a bit contrived that Howard and Lalo would just happen to show up within a few minutes of each other. I would have loved to see a red balloon float into view behind Lalo's head while he's peering out of the storm drain. Where's Pennywise when you need him??

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