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Everything posted by algebra

  1. it is the husband's narcissism, need to be the center of attention, that is driving the dysfunction. Most serial polygamists don't go there. The whole point of this Polygamy thing is "I'm so awesome I have to share myself with multiple wives and produce little clones of myself!" Add to that a religious belief that the husband is not only the Head of Household, he is also the High Priest AND the only way into Heaven, usurping the role of Jesus Christ ("I'm more important than Jesus Christ!") and you've got the sickest thing going.
  2. Michelangelo's David has better hair, and would only need some modest modifications to the face to look more like Kody. A 16 ft version erected in the center of the cul-de-sac would feed Kody's ego. (Plus add value to all the real estate, as David is the icon of homoerotic art and the cul-de-sac can be converted to a gay community when the Browns get foreclosed out of there.) Christine should get to work on this right away
  3. Hey can we have them ride off with the Bulgarian pet artist? I thought he was eye candy.
  4. Of course Meri was offended to be given a three-stone Diamond piece by the children!!! 3-stone diamond jewelry is a gift from husband to wife.it is not appropriate to any other relationship. If Kody had given it to her after the divorce she might have liked it. The kids might as well have bought her an engagement ring. Sure, might be a pretty bauble, to remind you that your husband didn't think enough of you to give you one himself. Just because dip-shit blamed his brother's ignorance on homeschooling does not mean anybody else here thinks homeschoolers are uneducated. What is interesting now that the show is in its 6th season, that what the monogamous world has believed for years, that polygamy results in abuse, of women and children, the Brown family has put on display for everyone to see, when they set out to show the opposite. .
  5. Back at the cup-de-sac, Truly and Ysabel have quite a conflagration going, and are joined by the other kids, who join them with hot dogs and marshmallows. Their mothers, after years of ignoring them under the assumption that one of the other wives is supervising them, fail to notice that nobody is supervising them, and proceed to rummage through MSWC inventory looking for something else to pawn. On arrival at Gold And Silver Pawn, Janelle and Meri show the goods to the senior Harrisons. Rick looks the jewelry over. "Do you need to call your buddy to come look at it?" Janelle asks hopefully. "No," says Rick. "But I'll give you ten bucks for it," "But Robyn told us it was all .925 silver! " exclaims Meri. It's worth much more than that! "It's not silver at all," says the Old Man. "It's white copper. That crap ain't worth more than $2/pound." "But Robyn told us she was having the pieces made in silver! That's why we had to put up so much money to have it made." "Well then," says Rick. "I suggest you ask Ribyn what she did with the money. "
  6. Yes, because it would end the war. It would be so awful it would end all wars. That was what they believed, and it's only the people who have come after who questioned if it was necessary, believing "oh the Allies were going to win it anyway." No, they weren't. When I hear Frank agonizing over the casualty reports, I think about my husband's uncle who was killed on Okinawa April 1945. It was the death toll from that, on both sides plus civilians, which made the brass really worry about an invasion of the main island.
  7. They are like abused women who just sit back and watch their partners abuse their own children. Don't you ever wonder how a mother could allow some of the things we hear about on the news, how they fail to protect their own children? It's like that. They have been so put down they are paralyzed.
  8. The concrete slab in her back yard was just another pathetic attempt to get Kody to love her, by honoring the family. When she realizes that didnt work, what will she try next? A mural on the wall behind her house of the whole family? Install a statue of Kody modified from a replica of Michelangelo's David in her front yard?
  9. The more I watch this show the more I sympathize with the first three wives and their children. What we are seeing has devolved into emotional abuse. The total devotion which Kody shows to Robyn and her children is unlike anything experienced by the other wives and children, and he's got it on display for all of them to see. Robyn is rubbing everybody's nose in it. and like most victims of abuse, the worse it gets, the harder it is For them to extricate themselves. Meri almost escaped, she thought she'd found somebody who really cared about her. She was getting ready to leave, and then the whole thing blew up. She is now so depressed and defeated she sees no escape. Christine has become so desperate for Kody's love that she will do anything to earn it. At this point if he told her to go to work in a brothel, to honor the family with a paycheck, she would do it. In fact what Kody has done to her, by withholding love, is the same thing pimps do to get girls to work for them. They tell them they love them, tell them everything they want to hear, and once they've got them hooked, tell them "if you want me to keep loving you, you'll do this." The manipulation is disgusting. Janelle has given up and convinced herself she doesn't care. Maybe she doesn't. I remember a close friend who went through terrible betrayal and divorce at the hands of a husband she loved deeply, explaining why she never even looked at another man again "it's like he killed something in me. I can't feel anything anymore." As for the children,none of them have been on the receiving end of as much paternal attention as Robyn's children, none of them. And you know they know the rules: you must worship Robyn and her kids, or else.
  10. Daylight. The cul-de-sac is empty. Truly wakes up first, realizes everybody is still asleep, including her unconscious mother, and tiptoes out. Grabbing a box of matches and some charcoal lighter, she gathers up the three "adoption plaques" plus the collection of little characters her mother used to explain the courtroom proceedings, and heads out to the back yard. Awakening, Ysabel sees what Truly is doing and joins her, bringing the pencil portrait of Kody and the Jessop kids
  11. Kody said "my brother was homeschooled, so he didn't know how to pronounce chaos." Kody, nobody else, blamed his brother's ignorance on home schooling, suggesting that his own education may have been superior. But then everything about Kody is superior.
  12. Robyn, missing Kody, leaves the hospital AMA to meet Kody at the jail. She is unable to post bond for him, however, due to her bad credit, so he gives her the TAG Heuer watch to pawn. Still in labor, she heads across town to the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop which is open 24 hours. Chumlee is pulling the night shift. "Let me call my buddy," he says. By now, she's pissed. She calls Meri, and tells her she will have to give birth in the jail, so Kody can cut the cord, but somebody needs to go pick up the midwife, who isn't old enough to drive after 10 PM. Meri says she's had way too much wine, Christine is still unconscious, and Janelle said she's got to get up early and go to work so she went back to bed.
  13. Robyn wasn't in a polygamous marriage before, was she? Her only experience with matrimony is monogamy, right? I'm ruminatin' on this here conundrum: is there such a thing as "only wife syndrome?" Or is it a myth that most only wives don't like sharing their husbands with other women?
  14. Christine: shrieking even more hysterically, runs into each child's bedroom , jumps up and down on their beds to wake them up "Robyn's having her baby! Robyn's having her baby!" Truly, however, is sleeping so soundly that Christine's calisthenics cause the bed to collapse, she is sent flying into the wall, suffers a concussion and is rendered unconscious. Noticing the sudden silence, the sleepy family members gather around and look at her. Determining that she has finally shut up, they decide to go back to bed.
  15. I'm glad you said it, I thought they were crap. Why would anyone want to display those things? Kody indicated they were quite expensive and everybody acted they were just marvelous. And do his bio children have anything remotely like them hanging on their walls? It's apparent that These adopted children now outrank all the others in Kody's estimation. How do the other kids feel about that? I have also wondered if Meri, having fertility problems, ever wanted to adopt children and what Lody might have said about that.
  16. Extreme wide camera shot of cul-de-sac with generic MacMansions. It's dark. Lights out in all the houses. Kody drives in, alone. Doesn't know why nobody left a light on for him, that's how he knows whose turn it is. Trying to remember, he stumbles up to a front door, it's locked, nobody answers the doorbell. Decides to climb in window, which sets off security alarms, ADT dispatches police to the house. Occupants turn on all the lights, meet Kody in the hall with a loaded shotgun, at which moment he realizes he's in the wrong cul de sac, he runs out the back door and falls in the swimming pool. Police arrive, Arrest him for trespassing, he claims it's all a misunderstanding, and they give him the bad news: you get one phone call. He says since he's a polygamist he should be entitled to four phone calls. We leave Kody in jail, screaming about how he's being discriminated against and deprived of his civil rights because he's a polygamist
  17. Maybe the mods will watch the show, determine the age of the bazooms, and let us know if we're allowed to discuss them
  18. What she "brought into the family" was exposure to daylight. "We must not let in daylight upon magic," wrote Walter Bagehot, of the British monarchy. Meri brought in the daylight
  19. I guess. Everything I know about yellow cake I learned from Betty Crocker so I wouldn't know how much it takes. I still don't know what was the lie Frank told himself?
  20. Christine's mother: "TLC called they are sending over the new contracts!" Kody, Robyn, Christine, Meri, and Janelle, in unison: " SHOW US THE MONEY!!!!"
  21. I didnt know if those were adult bazooms or minor bazooms and therefore off limits for the forum. Is anybody sure?
  22. How about we all start placing bets on a new wife for the next TV season or TLC pulls the plug??? We won't renew your contract unless you add a fifth wife. They'll move her in with Meri Hey are we allowed to snark about how Kody's brother didn't know how to pronounce "chaos" because he was homeschooled? Or is that offensive to homeschoolers?
  23. Did I read here that Mariah is on record as saying she wants to be a third wife? If so she must be very observant: the last wife gets the husband to herself. The first wives become the maids and nannies. That girl is a lot sharper than we've been giving her credit for
  24. I don't blame Meri one bit for being less than enthusiastic about the three stone diamond necklace. Coming from the children instead of her husband it was a slap. In fact, if Kody had any class at all he would have bought it for her when she got the divorce. A more appropriate gift would be Pandora birthstone charms, their birthstones, to add to a bracelet, indicating "now we are your children too." Having the kids give her a "past present and future" item, which Dayton understood is the actual meaning of a three-stone Diamond piece, was actually kind of insulting.
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