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Everything posted by algebra

  1. Yeah well how many times did we hear "we matched you up because family is so important to both of you." Not once did we hear "we matched you up because neither of you think family is important." So I'm waiting for Season 3, for when the experts say "we matched you up because breathing is important to both of you," or the even more honest "we matched you up because you each have a pulse."
  2. The only reason I plan to watch next week is so I can come here and follow all the funny comments about fictional characters
  3. The participants probably all signed waivers of liability so lawsuits are unlikely. However, if the producers vetted the women but not the men,and the women didn't know, the producers were no better than pimps. Why don't they just do a reality show about "Real hookers of New York City?"
  4. So he had one DUI, and violated his probation by....what? Going to a bar on New Years Eve? I am shocked. Absolutely shocked. Davina called Sean weak in the exit interview. Maybe it was the editing, but her complaint about him being weak preceded his complaint about her being egocentric. Which she is. He might be weak, too. He had a lot of anxiety issues. Perhaps Dr C had to coddle him to keep him going. After her emasculating potty-mouthed rant full of demands that he should (bleeping) court her, her complaints that he is supposed to read her mind, and her statements that she went into this because she wants a fairy tale, he seemed to check out. 2nd star to the right, straight on until morning. The fact that all the participants wanted to be on TV is, of course, extremely significant, as people who don't want to be on TV didn't apply. I don't think where Dr C got his education is as significant as where he got that ridiculous jacket
  5. Liberty nailed it: lots of suspense and a load of BS about "communication," the experts will blather on about why they put these couples together for reasons other than they all have hot bodies and they figured the audience was hoping to watch them have sex. Sean and Davina have been phoning it in for weeks, hence the goofy Legos, Moon Pies and puzzle incidents: I think they only met up when the cameras were there so they had to do something together. I'm afraid we will miss the best of this mess, as winter storm Juno barreled into the region just a few days later. Now THAT would be entertaining.
  6. Personally I think Manhattan is a toxic waste dump. Plenty to do but only if you have millions in disposable income, but if you don't, you just go home to your minuscule apartment and watch TV. You can watch TV in New Jersey.
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