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  1. Only beer and stuff like Mike's hard lemonade. If you want to buy hard liquor there is a liquor store for that. Surprisingly during the shutdown it was considered essential so the liquor stayed open.
  2. As someone who is a non mormon who was born and raised here as long as you stick to the Salt Lake area you will be fine.
  3. Where are you finding his wife? I keep seeing people mention her tweeting and IG's, but I can't find them.
  4. They have this on Netflix right now so maybe watch it before it goes away.
  5. This is my favorite team. They were perfect. I also liked Victoria too. I just loved the second doctor in general. He is my favorite.
  6. I love this scene and watch it on YouTube a lot. It really is lovely.
  7. It was a dream come true. My favorite new who doctor is Matt (my favorite overall doctor is Troughton), but damn I seriously fangirled on him. He is just wonderful and so cheery. He is probably also the only celebrity to actually show up on time at a convention. That never happens.
  8. OMG! OMG! I finally got to meet David Tennant! Sorry about the exclamation points. I have never been so star-struck in my life. It took every ounce of strength I had to not start squeal after my photo op. He is so lovely.
  9. John Barrowman was here for Salt Lake Comic Con a few weeks ago. He was the queen of the con (he always is). He is absolutely lovely and so nice. If you ever get a chance to see a panel DO It! P.S. His panels are a little 16+, but so worth it.
  10. My brother's name is Israel. We call him Izzy or ID.
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