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  1. Only beer and stuff like Mike's hard lemonade. If you want to buy hard liquor there is a liquor store for that. Surprisingly during the shutdown it was considered essential so the liquor stayed open.
  2. As someone who is a non mormon who was born and raised here as long as you stick to the Salt Lake area you will be fine.
  3. Thank you. She is gorgeous.
  4. Where are you finding his wife? I keep seeing people mention her tweeting and IG's, but I can't find them.
  5. They have this on Netflix right now so maybe watch it before it goes away.
  6. This is my favorite team. They were perfect. I also liked Victoria too. I just loved the second doctor in general. He is my favorite.
  7. I love this scene and watch it on YouTube a lot. It really is lovely.
  8. It was a dream come true. My favorite new who doctor is Matt (my favorite overall doctor is Troughton), but damn I seriously fangirled on him. He is just wonderful and so cheery. He is probably also the only celebrity to actually show up on time at a convention. That never happens.
  9. OMG! OMG! I finally got to meet David Tennant! Sorry about the exclamation points. I have never been so star-struck in my life. It took every ounce of strength I had to not start squeal after my photo op. He is so lovely.
  10. John Barrowman was here for Salt Lake Comic Con a few weeks ago. He was the queen of the con (he always is). He is absolutely lovely and so nice. If you ever get a chance to see a panel DO It! P.S. His panels are a little 16+, but so worth it.
  11. My brother's name is Israel. We call him Izzy or ID.
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