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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. I loved Jezebel. Bette was dynamite and had me rooting for her.
  2. Loved the scenes of Brynne with the nursing home residents. That was so sweet. Pets bring so much love to our lives.
  3. Ugh! Steffy looks like a 60 year old flamenco dancer wearing a too small dress in that picture.
  4. Skeletor turned into He-man. Oh, please let Woo and Hank survive! ?
  5. Especially since her mom Darla was part of the original Spectra gang. Geeze, if Taylor could be brought back from being dead and buried, so could Aly.
  6. I saw the real BD on Inside Edition , and she was awful about Bette. She has her own "ministry."
  7. I did and thought the same thing you did! I was like, "Wait! Baldwin still has his balls!" In any case, it was amazing to see him tearing around his yard with his new family. The cuddle puddle of puppies after their stinky bath was adorbs.
  8. Ha, I called him Skeletor, too! I beg to disagree! Plus, I wouldn't want to see Crowley shirtless! ;-)
  9. Glad to see Abrams again. I like that guy. Maggie talking to the dad had me tearing up as did Choi in the morgue. On a morbid note, wouldn't Wheeling have been more smashed up looking?
  10. I didn't like those weird bodysuits on creatures that are supposed to be graceful like elves, fairies, and naiyads. It wasn't necessary for the challenge, IMO.
  11. Yeah, why did they feel the need to have the two seat mates from hell back? It wasn't funny the first time. Why no vintage clips today?
  12. One time, returning from China, I was upgraded to business class, and it was like heaven! I had my own space, free flowing champagne and great food. :-)
  13. The broke Spectras manage to pay for a ticket to Sydney? Whatever. Why is the wedding party flying commercial? They have the Spencer and Forrester corporate jets available. And no, it wasn't charter because Darlita (hate that name. Why not "Marla"? Close enough to "Darla.") said she couldn't get Sally on the Forrester flight. Yeah, too bad Saul isn't gay. God, forbid there should be a gay character on a show set in the fashion industry. Even Jarred, the gayest guy on the show, had a wife who had died, IIRC. When I heard that, it made me think of the Gil Chesterton character on "Fraser." When he mentioned his wife, the sportscaster, Bull, exclaimed "Your married? To a woman?" (This was way before gay marriage).
  14. I love how Quinn told off Katie re: her flirting with Eric. Hypocritical sourpuss!
  15. I didn't know who Jesse Palmer was so I just took him as eye candy. Miss Bobby though. Speaking of eye candy, Jordan and Adam are hot! Likable too. Yeah, why on earth would anyone think bunnies are creepy? I wanted to reach through the tv screen and grab a piece of that carrot cake. I freaking adore carrot cake!
  16. Dr. Jeff B. comes across as a great guy, too. Love his sense of humor.
  17. Since I have three rescue cats now, when I go to Petsmart my wistful looks are at the ratties and hammies. I miss having those guys, but my Sigurd would have the cages knocked over in a heartbeat. Another urinary blockage cat tonight. Lloyd sure is a gorgeous kitty! Chopper was a cutie, and Samson was so handsome!
  18. Every time I see that dismal loft, I want to scream. I know the reason Nick and Adalind are there is because of that effing tunnel, but can't they have Adalind get it painted and furnished so it doesn't look like a halfway house?
  19. That doesn't seem plausible at all.
  20. Locked-in Syndrome must be hell on earth. I like the neurosurgeon. He's deadpan, but he cares. As much as I adore Dr. Choi, I didn't agree with his we have to report this. Screw what might have been. The drugs didn't get out into the community. That lady will have enough trouble hiding from the cartel and ICE. Reese will feel guilty next week based on that preview!
  21. I absolutely loved the sewn together ballerina! Did they know their model was classically trained when they picked her? The rodeo clown was great, too. They need to be in a movie together as star-crossed lovers. :-)
  22. Oh yeah! Ernst is much hotter than Albert.
  23. How can Jocelyn keep her students from cracking up every time they say, "Mrs. Schitt"?
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