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Everything posted by Balaclava

  1. Hope= Connor grandson of OQ....son of Diggle and Olicity offspring. Reality= Connor is the son of that spawn from hell (the one coming along soon ugh) with someone, doesn't matter :p
  2. James Bamford is one problematic person! That tweet he deleted yesterday is only one of many douche-y tweets he likes to put out there in the world once in a while. If only he took the time and energy to work harder on the Arrow stunts and tweeted less BS, that would be great. Quite frankly, the stunts in S3 and so far in S4 look like amateur work
  3. I thought she was back in LA too, but her tweet location was Vancouver, that's what i found odd about it. Still it's possible the pic was from earlier this week
  4. Yes, the board said 4x10. Filming as been so erratic this year that i keep losing track of what is what. I thought CR/Donna was back for ep9 and 10 but i saw a BTS pic of CR with SA she posted yesterday. Arrow is supposedly filming 4x11, don't know if they were filming something that was missing for 9/10 or if CR is staying for 11 too
  5. Absolutely fantastic episode, so many good thinks about it. Character growth for Felicity and Oliver (I'm marveled by this version of OQ), Diggle/Oliver proving once again why earned friendships are so important on this show, Donna/Felicity all about support, Diggle talking about Felicity showing how well he knows his friend and finally Olicity proving time and time again how an adult, mature, based on trust, partnership, friendship and deep love can be written and acted so well on a tv show even when a little organic angst is thrown into the mix. I'll forever be grateful to Arrow for giving me Olicity p.s. i hate SmoakNLance, i shall blame them for the fact i had to Olicity sex scene
  6. I wonder if they squeak when they walk in all that leather? Must be loud on set....i hope someone does a video with no music of that scene :D
  7. Great interview by CR, favorite part was definitely that we'll learn more about Felicity father. I want to know more about him, i wan't to finally be able to know who he is and see him on Arrow. I'm very glad she's on Oliver Queen side, besides (obviously) being on Felicity side when it comes to love/relationships and that Mama Smoak will be there to support them both. Oliver Queen is missing a mother figure, since Moira is gone (damn you show) i hope he can find some of it in Donna. It will be a very interesting dynamic to watch. Finally i hate, hate to no end this SmoakAndLance fling, of course AK had to approve and support it :p Anyway...silver line is that we'll probably see more of Donna in 4B
  8. Oliver's bow :) Antonio is the best, i'm so grateful he likes to interact with the Arrow fandom
  9. It works for me and it doesn't at the same time. The 12 year old CB reader that still lives in me thinks it's awesome, the grown up want's to laugh because is divided between thinking it's an Halloween party or bad cosplay, and i do laugh :)
  10. I wasn't trying to say you did such thing, i made the mistake of waiting to reply to your post directly to say i agreed with you, while replying indirectly to another poster that said Felicity was doing a terrible job with QC/PT, i apologize if i confused you :)
  11. Ray bought QC because he wanted the OMAC blueprints, which Felicity got for him or else.....He used QC money to acquire that mine where he thought he could find a dawrf star. Was that stalker move with the necklace and dress also on QC money? 100% agree with you, he only cared about the ATOM suit, the one Felicity more than helped him get, or else.... Yet Felicity is doing a terrible job with a company that was probably already in trouble at the hands of Ray......sure Jen!
  12. @HattieJo18 on twitter posts every Thursday the character time for the episode
  13. I think i didn't made my point very well, let me try and clarify "Felicity Smoak ep 3x05 on it's own,no other DC char added, did better" .....On her own, no other DC superhero characters added, during the same CMA's that where going on yesterday, the highest rated episode and demo before the crossover, worthy of a CW press release just like the premiere this year. CW press releases don't come around that often for Arrow "2x08 (Barry Allen's introduction pre the Flash) did 3.24 million and a 1.2 in demo" 1.1 demo yes it did, Barry Allen also known as Flash, a DC superhero "The crossover episode 3x08 did 3.92 million with a 1.4 in the demo" Again a crossover episode with another DC superhero and two fandoms from 2 shows "Which is why it's important for good, quality episodes to follow the crossover. Last season's crossover gave Arrow a bump for several episodes but gradually declined to normal. I'd argue the episodes following the crossover were kinda bad and if they had been of higher quality the new viewers might have grown attached to the characters and turned permanent." I agree, it's important to deliver good episodes after the crossover to try and grab more viewers, but honestly i don't think a lot of Flash fans stick around to watch Arrow, especially not last year with all the doom and gloom, and i'm not seeing it this year either. Crossover will do good, but after, it will probably decline to normal Arrow ratings again. This is Arrow S4 for a CW show with 4 seasons it's doing good
  14. I'm sure Constantine brought some viewers in, there were a lot of Hellblazers tweeting and watching the show yesterday, still i don't think it did that well. https://twitter.com/StilettoRoyalty/status/662383763914141696Felicity Smoak ep 3x05 on it's own,no other DC char added, did better. Although this tweet says it was 2.62 M viewers it actually adjusted up to 2.72M and it was during the CMA's too
  15. I would like that Oliver back too, mainly because it's his show, we know he can fight and how good of a fighter he is. But the team is now some sort of Halloween party and in order for others to look good, Oliver either gets beaten or just stands there.Huge improvement on the quality of the fight scenes? Obviously not, so what's the point?
  16. That line can also be OQ to DD, from some spoilers & interviews we know that soon OQ will have something on DD (his family/daughter), which means that they might had some type of deal until DD takes Felicity
  17. This is nuts! but also hilarious in a very weird way Now Laurel is making Thea lie to Oliver, what the hell happened to not keeping secrets? Laurel is such a positive influence to Thea :p I wonder how much more hate can these eps show they have for Laurel, because it's the only explanation for all of this
  18. Finally this is happening! I adore Felicity Smoak, she's the best
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