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  1. Derick, like many lawyers, participate in community activities and often bring their families. Also, I doubt a newbie lawyer is taking on any super dangerous criminals. IIRC, both Derick and Jill mocked public schools in the documentary. We know they're anti LGBTQ+. We also know they're pro Kirk Cameron and anti trans story time. And of course they're anti inclusive BSA. IMO, the kids are homeschooled because Jill very much believes in the way she was raised. Her book was about a grievance with money and her learning to use boundaries to basically choose Derick over her parents.
  2. Unless they're twins, siblings will always have times when they're in different schools. I'm only a little surprised the kids are homeschooled only because Izzy did attend a couple years of public school. It seems any activities they do are scheduled when Derick is around, but at least they do some.
  3. And I think Derick wrote a blog, (maybe a post) about the terrible decisions BSA were making. Scouts, in my area anyway, have troops grouped by age. Camps do have older scouts as camp counselors. I can't imagine a boys' group with 5 year olds through teenagers.
  4. Theodore Joseph, Sebastian Jeremy or Archibald Charles hasn't been born yet? Doesn't Jing usually deliver early?
  5. I think very few of the Duggar 19 dug very deep into real Christianity. Most of them, including Jessa IMO, didn't go beyond Jesus loves me, this I know. Everything else is Gothard bullshit, which I think they all believed hook, line and sinker.
  6. I think Prissy, not so much. I do think Jessa having more kids will bother Anna. I also think Jessa will passive-aggressively rub it in.
  7. I saw the headline of Jessa's pregnancy and kept recounting the kids she had, thinking it was clickbait. I still think they'll stop after their 8th - one more than Anna. Speaking of Anna, does anyone know how many kids Pecan and Priss have?
  8. Did Joy actually identify what Joe helped her with? I recall questioning whether it was a religious issue or possibly something else.
  9. I agree what Evy was doing was dangerous, but I don't think it was malicious. I think she was helping her brother escape lock-up. She even says, "K, ready?". But yes, the grownup in the room failed miserably.
  10. I truly believe influencers have kids for click$.
  11. Well then, Kelton needs to get that house built. Only around two years before their one bathroom will be used by 5 people. Katie, the youngest married Bates daughter continues to 'out do' her older siblings. I guess a favored trust fund husband comes in handy.
  12. So what is Josie and Kelton's next move? The 3 couples had a supposed sleepover at Carlin's to be snowed in together.
  13. My mom had 4 kids in 6+ years. The 1st two are Irish twins, the next one 2+ years later and me, the last, 3 years later. It seems to me as my mom became busier raising kids she was less up to making them. As many of you pointed out, having kids is one thing, purposely having a huge litter was not and is not the norm. God didn't give the Duggars 19 kids, sex and a calendar did that.
  14. Introducing parents, grandparents and the wedding party is standard in our neck of the woods. Its a way of honoring and thanking them. Then the bride and groom make their entrance. Of course there was no dancing or props involved. I have seen some reels of wild entrances, but also seen some heartwarming ones as well. But it seems like with everything these days everyone is trying to up the last SM trend, whether it be sex reveals, showers, birthday parties, weddings... I find it sad and I blame SM and the Kardashians. 😁
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