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I loved Michelle and she seemed happy to go, like she was not feeling the “fun” of the challenges anymore. I thought Danny’s looked amazing! And I felt like Laura, doing a dessert table last really stood out from the rest. As to not being congratulated, maybe they dislike her but it always seems to me that the person coming back from LCK always wins that episode, like Soo this season. I think she deserved the win, but it’s gotta be frustrating to hand a win to someone who was already eliminated.
Yep, I love Shota too. Give him a show, please. I live at the beach and we do lobster pots & shrimp boils in the summer. It’s just the idea of fish skin boiling away in the water that skeeves me. I thought Michelle would win because she had sausage added and that sounded good to me! I think the only thing that kept Manny in was that his dish tasted good and it sounds silly but that wedge of lime. Tom said something like Manny was the only one who seemed to get that they were at the beach. So maybe that saved him. I like beef, and I like him, so I hope he turns it up a notch and stays in the competition.
I hope Sia gives her $$$ to Venus. That would be - chef’s kiss - to these losers. Yes - I thought he said something early in the season that he had cultivated his interest in TS since it’s something most people can bond over/agree on?
A few thoughts on Venus since I liked her. i give her credit for telling Maria no thanks to the opportunity to grovel for pizza. She was a very gracious loser, both in the challenge which was close and her final exit. I wish she had played her idol. It would have been good tv for one. I can’t believe she thought any of those losers would have her back. Her social game was not good, but Tevin seemed to smear her from minute one. He was much more of a mean girl than Venus. I’m sure there has been another cast as stupid and dislikeable as this one, but I’ve blocked them from my memory. I’m not sure I’ll tune in the rest of the season. Maybe for Charlie but the Taylor Swifting is tedious. I guess I am curious if Maria could win. She seems to have peaked early/burned a lot of bridges on the jury already. The way she handled the reward was insufferable.
Well, all the idols and advantages had gotten confusing and tedious so I guess I can’t complain if people aren’t using them. I liked Venus. I can transfer my affection to Charlie. Maria is coming off very, very smug.
This feels like when a person in your friend group is upset that you “stole” their future baby name, and it’s something like Dana. Unusual but not trademarked, lol.
Should it? Part of who is chosen to go on a reward is to keep groups together, keep people from strategizing against you. He won the challenge, it was his choice who comes along. Thanks to the person who posted that they get NO rice in the “new era” - I did not know. I’m kind of surprised that with that change we haven’t seen a shift toward more players who actually have some kind of survival skills. I don’t want the show to turn into Alone, but I can’t imagine signing up without some foraging knowledge or the ability to fish. Or being able to make a fire… I was looking some other social medias this morning and was happy to see that Venus seems to have some fans out there.
Maybe someone “owns” kielbasa as a brand it tm’d it?
I’m still fixated on Liz not eating. But she actually can eat rice. Everyone has been eating the finite amount of rice that they have. So saying she hasn’t rated in 18 days is not accurate. She hasn’t been able to eat coconut. But there have been many seasons without any extra food sources. She can’t make a fire to cook her own rice. I just…this is a big part of the game that she chose to play and she seems spectacularly unprepared. Are people housing 8 coconuts a day? (Maybe.) Her bitterness just seems ridiculous to me, and I’m someone who gets extremely hangry if I’m not fed at regular intervals. I know I need food and sleep to function and therefore, I will never go on Survivor.
I thought she was allergic to rice? FFS. Q should go home but if not send Liz.
Who eats Applebees burgers after yoga?? I’m not buying this product placement.
Mmmm. That was crazy.
They need to blow this game up so that all of the old strategies don’t apply. No puzzles, no final three, maybe no jury so people stop playing to the jury and get back to playing the game. Will never happen but, my thoughts.
I know these things are usually planned out far in advance but I wonder if Soo happened because the caliber of chefs became apparent by episode two? Or earlier? Did the producers think they needed to bring someone in to elevate the dishes? That said, I didn’t think fried shrimp with two sauces was all that? I was rooting for “the guy with the green thing” and the scallop mousse or the mustard green woman. I don’t know, I like Kristin - but this season is just off somehow.
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I’m so sad that Blackthorne doesn’t actually return to England! I had just taken those scenes on face value, though I did notice the cross. 10/10 for the series, 8/10 for the finale. I missed Mariko, she is a wonderful, mesmerizing character and actress. i thought Cosmo Jarvis was great in the role. I read a lot about Tudor times and thought his was a very good portrayal of a man of the time. Lady Fuji. Glad those were cremains in the boxes - I had thought heads! I don’t know why, that’s pretty morbid. I’m glad she was able to move on from her tragedy in a way Lady Mariko never could. I’ll give the plot holes some grace in that Torunaga was obviously playing a very long game. He’s the craftiest man in Japan. Also a wonderful actor. I would also like to say - this series surprised me multiple times and held my interest. These days that is saying a lot. Recommending to everyone.