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nutella fitzgerald

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  1. I watched this show after having some dental work done, so I apologize if this is a dumb question: Why does Kenzie want Matt to propose to her? Girlfriend should be taking advantage of the fact that they aren’t engaged and running while she can! Breaking up with your boyfriend seems much easier than breaking off an engagement!
  2. It’s a nice bookend to the tantrum she threw when wedding dress shopping.
  3. Three parts to the tell-all, and I still have questions. Is there anything more to Tony’s bad taste in tattoos? Was the character of “Trish” played by Mike in drag? What happened to Jeniffer’s eyebrows?
  4. Probably because she goes home to Ed.
  5. Has there ever been a funnier 90 Day plot than Usman attempting to kidnap his nephew to complete his American family? Other moments have brought the laughs, but this storyline is just consistent hilarity week after week. The way Usman set Kimbally and the audience up to think this was a custom that seemed odd to our Western eyes but was totally normal in Nigerian culture, only for his brother to react with shocked confusion? Was hysterical. At one point, poor little Mahadi, who hasn’t been following the conversation, hears his own name and smiles brilliantly in response. The contrast with his parents’ horrified faces behind him was a sight to behold. Trust Usman to come up with a plan that only a 4-year-old is open to considering!
  6. No, I meant Mark’s foolproof method for getting anyone (with egg-toting capabilities) out of prison. Once she has the baby, she just has to get pregnant again and they let you right out!
  7. Well, yeah, but once she’s in prison all she has to do is let Mark slip her a vial and then I think they’ll let her go. That’s how it works, right? Mark is at a level of creepiness I haven’t seen since Adults Adopting Adults was still being aired. You know something is wrong when I’m worried for the safety of the person who held their grandma up at gunpoint. Sincer-A, please ru-N from this cree-P.
  8. Kim mentioned jumping out of an airplane 72 times. I thank her for her service but at the same time she makes me very worried about possible brain damage. He probably figured she’d just show them to him anyway, like she did with his aunt.
  9. I am perplexed by Kimbally’s fear that Usman will meet someone younger than her or prettier than her. If Wife #2 can’t be younger or prettier, who exactly does that leave for him to marry? Round 2 with Baby Girl Lisa?
  10. I apologize in advance for saying this, but if Angela is so mad at Michael because he “ain’t asked to see [her] cooch,” does that imply that he was requesting this before? I’m very sorry and I will understand if I am no longer welcome to post here.
  11. I usually FF past Ed and Liz, so I don’t have the most accurate picture of what’s going on in their relationship, but, uh, is there meant to be any irony in a guy who looks like he’s about 4 hours from dropping dead telling someone else “we both could make healthier choices”? Speaking of irony, it was a little funny that for all the yoga instructor’s concern about Old Woman Jenny incurring an injury in his class, it was Sumit’s belly that couldn’t handle it. Sack up, Sumit, your mom keeps on going after, what, five or six diarrheas? Angela’s hair reminds me of a time when I had to run back to an apartment during renovations and fiberglass insulation was all over the place. Not as much because of her hair’s resemblance to insulation as because of my visceral response to Angela reminding me of the burning irritation I felt after my skin had come in contact with it.
  12. Shaeeda got to the age of 37 without learning babies’ stomachs are smaller than adults? Her plan to put a newborn “on a program” didn’t seem to acknowledge the biological fact that they need to eat more frequently.
  13. Smoking dulls your sense of smell, right? So how strongly does Rene reek of smoke for Angela the Human Ashtray to pick up on it? I’m not sure they even had to bribe the bathroom attendant to leave, she probably just wanted to flee to a location with clean air. We haven’t heard of an airport bathroom being defiled like that since Darcey met Tom. And somehow none of this is more revolting than Sumit delivering his thoughts on “coitus.” I can’t believe I pay to watch this. Truly a new low. ETA: how did I forget Charlie and his wife showing us a day in the life of a digital content creator? 🤮 “$70k a year!” “It’s easy money!” It is for you two, your kids are the ones who have to go to school tomorrow!
  14. I believe the legal precedent was set in the 1992 case United States v. Candyman and BGL is not to be mentioned in order to avoid any risk of summoning her.
  15. Does Bilal even like Shaeeda? He seems to be constantly irritated by her presence.
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