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Everything posted by superdeluxe

  1. Well, he's probably getting all of the votes now because of that proposal. He's going to the finals and that might launch him to the win. Her packages were long and of course they had to pimp her parents. Plus, Erin Andrews stressed once again to dial their number carefully. Did she do that for any of the other couples? I don't think so. Speaking of Erin Andrews, how nice of her to wear her old prom dress tonight. It is prom season, you know? They got me with Derek, Nastia, and Len. That was a very beautiful dance. It was sad to hear Len talk about not being able to dance anymore. I was even able to stomach Leela James and she's been irking me because I watch R&B Divas.
  2. Yeah, but did anyone make anything of the Val/Rumer package from last week? Was anyone calling Val an ass? I don't think so. Exactly. Derek is still her pro. So, he should be standing up there with Nastia, getting the results. It's not like Sasha was forgotten. From what I saw, he got a lot of face time last night.
  3. I didn't watch but I heard the pimping was strong for Rumer and Val and that they continue to show Nastia in a bad light. Why? Why are they doing that to Nastia? Is it because she's the biggest threat to ruin the "Val's season" narrative?
  4. I knew that this would be the redemption/comeback week for Rumer. They have to gear up for the end. Soon, Val will be crying about how much this means to him and how he hasn't won and blah, blah, blah. So, they have to do whatever they can to make sure that Rumer makes it through. She gets the perfect score and Bergeron mentioning to "check the number and dial carefully" because they have to make sure that she's standing there at the end. Can't ruin the "Val's season" storyline. I changed the channel after the Derek/Nastia/Sasha trio jive because I didn't want to hear the idiot judges whining about it. But imagine my surprise to find out that they got a 40. I thought the judges was going to hate it. I was sure Len was going to give them a 6 or a 7.
  5. Only because Erin Andrews asked him about it. He didn't bring it up; she did.
  6. I agree. I had no problem with Derek being included in the dance. Could've done without his singing at the end, but other than that, I was cool with it. Derek is still Nastia's partner. He choreographed the dance; he wanted to be involved. I thought it was a fun little dance. Made me smile. But yeah, not shocked by the comments and the over the top reactions to it. I don't know how he made the package all about him. He got injured on purpose?
  7. For real. They were in the faces of the other people who lost all night, but they managed to miss them? But Bryan Craig was mad, though. He barely smiled and nodded when Freddie Smith's name was called. A lot of the "experts" said he was going to win so he probably went in believing that, but they called Freddie Smith's name instead. I wonder if he still would've been mad if Tequan had won instead.
  8. Henry was doing too much. He acting like he was doing more than just going through the dance with her and he tried to take over. That's why he got replaced.
  9. Some people care about team names. I saw some complaints about the Team YOLO name throughout this thread. And you want to talk about mess? That Gangnam nonsense. They just thought they were awesome and clever, too, when it was just awful. I still cringe thinking back to that.
  10. Fresher? Please. The school theme has been done before. There wasn't anything fresh about that entire dance. First of all, I really hated the names that the teams came up with. They didn't really think hard about that. Anyway. Yeah, I like the synchronicity. I say, you're a team. Look like one; dance like one. I didn't even have a problem with the small stage. It looked like a performance that would happen in one of those old beach movies. Team Trouble's dance was a mess. I didn't know what was going on. Plus, the song just took me right out of it.
  11. They don't need to keep saying it. Their actions show it. The media keeps harping on it. This is the point of the narrative where they keep the frontrunners low or try to humble them or whatever and they they have that huge comeback with declarations of "You're back!" and then they're on top until they win. I know you've watched this show before. You should know how things go. Yeah, but isn't that just how Bruce Willis looks? It'll probably be Sasha since he has taken over for Henry. Sad for Derek, though. He basically came back so that he could participate in the anniversary festivities and he couldn't do it because he got injured.
  12. Oh, please. This is "Val's season". It's "Val's time". They said it day damn one. Even the media has gotten the memo and continued to run with it. It's all about Val. I'll be shocked if someone else wins. I would love it, but I would be shocked.
  13. This mother... No, it doesn't count, Val. You did not break the streak. It's a tie. You have to beat the other team. You didn't do that. I didn't catch much of the show. I caught Team Trouble's dance and I wasn't impressed. That song seemed a little slow and terrible. And wasn't the theme supposed to be Spring Break? School's out.
  14. Let's not forget the foxtrot that wasn't a foxtrot and the salsa that was more disco than salsa. Then, next week, they have jazz which is basically a freestyle.
  15. That Frozen song made my teeth hurt. They're still aching. I thought Let it Go was bad. I can't believe that was the song that Rob Wade guy wanted a couple to dance to so badly. Anyway. Rumer and Val were totally overscored for that non-samba. The only recognizable thing about it was the samba roll. I guess it's back to pimping and propping them. Apparently, Emma criticized the hell out of that dance on that live access thing.
  16. Willow and Mark were overscored. She must not be getting the votes or something. I did not like that dance at all. There were too many people and there was so much going on. I couldn't focus on her at all. Didn't watch Noah's dance because he danced to a Toby Keith song. I hate Toby Keith. I saw Rumer slip. And that waltz really wasn't a waltz, was it? I'm mad I missed Miss Patti's dance. I only caught the end and from that bit, it looked entertaining. Had to disagree with Len about Nastia and Derek. That's all I'll really say about that. I think it was obvious that Michael and Peta were getting the boot, but at least he got to go out on a good note. Yes, he did. I was looking at Tony in a different way tonight. I don't like that. Good thing it was only for tonight.
  17. Well, that just explains everything right there. And who says Roger Howarth will even be on the live shows? Whatever story that they have on the live shows, he might not even be in it. I know people say that he's a pet, but I don't.
  18. The man is a professional. He wouldn't mess up things just because. He wouldn't be a "big ass" on live television unless the script calls for it. Then again, you said you don't know much about him as a person. So, basically, you're saying that he's not a professional based on the stuff that he does on-screen. The voting for the winner and nominees is done at the same time with just one reel. So, when the nominations come out, the winner is already chosen. They could submit different scenes for the prenom round. Especially if they have a lot to choose from. They could submit something for the prenom round and then something else for the final round. But yeah, I think Kristen Alderson helped out her man with her reel. Wonder if that was on purpose.
  19. I do the same thing. I don't connect this Franco to the James Franco one. They are two totally different characters. I see a lot of blame and all that going toward Roger Howarth. That is not his fault. He doesn't write this garbage. He's just collecting a check. That is just stupid. I'm sorry. I just have to say that comment is stupid. Why should he get fired?
  20. He might've became besties with Val during the tour, but Keo's been in with the fam for a bit now. Which I think is a perfect fit with the way he acts. Now, Emma's involved with them? Gonna have to start disliking her. And don't worry about Henry. Even though he's working with Nastia, he is still all about the fam. Hell, Henry's been acting like he's doing more than what he's actually with doing with Nastia. So, he's fanning that flame. By saying they don't care who Val wins with just as long as he wins, you're including the producers in that, right? Because they've been trying to get Val the win since day one and it always fails. Seems like it might finally work this time. Unless Rumer keeps running her mouth. Which once again, perfect fit there.
  21. Of course. He's been adopted by The Fam. Maybe that explains why I don't care much for Keo.
  22. Really? A balanced synopsis? I don't agree with that, but whatever.
  23. Hmm. I didn't see that at all. We all know who Len wants to win with that "best dance of the season" nonsense.
  24. Yet, no one is saying a thing. She's totally getting a pass. Now, if she was paired with someone else, I'm sure there would be tons of yelling and fits being thrown. She seems to be getting a pass for those "no competition" comments, too.
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