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S05.E14: Steven and Justin's Story Part 2
operalover replied to PrincessPurrsALot's topic in My 600-lb Life
You are a totally different story. You learned not to scream and yell because you had no many fracturs. The average person who has never broken a bone and does so for the first time would be obviously in pain and crying. I see people with broken bones all the time as I am involved in a dangerous sport (road cycling) and when those guys crash and break something, you can' tell because they are holding the bone and crying and they are obviously in pain. Not like Steven falling off the golf cart which was my point. I imagine he also took a cab to a few - requested a large van or uber, he can squeeze himself into a car still. This guy knew all the tricks to get drugs. I guess because of his enormous size no one bothered to check out the database on him. That is the only explanation. He looks like such a freak. I was glad Dr Now took him to the mirror and said "you don't even look human and you did this to yourself"! He has never said that to anyone else. I mean it would have been kind of mean to say that some of his more delicate patients, especially some of the women. -
I also guessed Room with a View from remembering the movie took place in Florence and that she was looking out the window. I was not sure when the book was written. I think they were wearing clothing from around that time? I cannot believe Pat guessed that though based on thinking about hotel rooms! I started to doubt myself because I though maybe they wanted a name of a hotel.
That's cool Dishin!
I got the missed DD of Garment and Garnet. I got the TS of straight man. I loved Margaret Dumont. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and that's not saying much for you! I also got Cape Hatteras but I don't know where that came from because I don't really know anything about it ,I just yelled it out.
First time I heard "bless your heart" was when I moved down South. I didn't know what it meant but thought it meant something like "oh you poor thing." But I have heard it actually means "you are a total idiot!" I've learned a lot about the Bible watching Jeopardy. Revelation (no S!) Deuteronomy! Numbers! If I ever went on the show I would study up that category.
DR. Spaceman I feel the same way about corn. Corn on the cob is okay (doesn't make me orgasm like most people) but any corn from the can makes me ill, especially creamed corn. I'm placing the blame on all my years at Girl Scout camp probably being served industrial can sized corn with that weird flavor. When I moved down south from NY they often served something called Congealed Salad which was Jello with canned corn in it Not only is the name vomit inducing but the idea of canned corn, canned green beans in jello!
S05.E14: Steven and Justin's Story Part 2
operalover replied to PrincessPurrsALot's topic in My 600-lb Life
Yes but people who are not addicts and have real pain are paying the price for all this regulation. I have a friend with stage IV cancer and what she has to go through to get her pain meds is criminal. -
S05.E14: Steven and Justin's Story Part 2
operalover replied to PrincessPurrsALot's topic in My 600-lb Life
Totally agree. How did this not stop after the 2nd or 3rd time? 17 hospitals? 39 doctors? in one month! And one thing I though he was intentionally failing at the diet because if he was thin and his leg healed, he could not show up in some ER screaming about pain, because he look And in ever single episode, the 600 pound person always says they wake up in pain every single day. And I believe that everything hurts. But he really is a terrible actor. If he had broken his arm falling off that cart (which is the way he was trying to pretend) there would have been no doubt he was in real pain! You can tell when someone truly is in pain. What an asshole! Call an ambulance- really you should be shrieking and screaming and holding the broken elbow. What a loser. in most states though it is automatic by the pharmacy. All the pharmacies are connected. The doctor doesn't have to enter anything in. When you fill a prescription like at a CVS when you go to Walmart to get the same thing, it becomes flagged. It does not matter if you are a suspected addict. This is for anyone. The pharmacies are now all linked on this database system. -
S04.E11: Big Girl in the Big Apple
operalover replied to OnceSane's topic in My Big Fat Fabulous Life
Uck I thought once the dance battle was over we would never have to hear the phrase "dance battle" again which she said over 100 times each episode but now there is a second dance battle and ...drinking game "dance battle",,,,,,,yadda yadda. Just shut up. -
S05.E14: Steven and Justin's Story Part 2 LIVE CHAT
operalover replied to PrincessPurrsALot's topic in My 600-lb Life
Plus how is he going to relapse? How is he going to get the drugs? The place is disgusting. -
S05.E14: Steven and Justin's Story Part 2 LIVE CHAT
operalover replied to PrincessPurrsALot's topic in My 600-lb Life
what a fucking asshole, screaming at his father on the phone: clean out yaw eayahs! You pay this now or Im gonna relapse and it will your fault. He can't call and explain it in a nice way and say I need you to pay for this? Why is he screaming at his father? he is asking a favor, he is threatening and screaming. His father didn't do anything or have anything to do with the price of the medicine! It's a sick sick sick pattern of "dysfunction" is not a strong enough word. But they have an unusual fucked up disgusting way to communicate with each other. Something they evolved on their own. Well fine ..but the rest of us watching on TV are HORRIFIED! This style of communication could be studied because it's kind of primative. A sick freak show we are watching. WHO TALKS LIKE THIS?? -
I didn't know it. I called my son in for this one- I knew he would get it. First he said "Oh the Mastodons!" and I said what team? and he said Ft Wayne, it's a college team. And I told him that they want an NBA team and he said "Oh I know The Raptors!" He is considered moderately mentally disabled so I get a real kick out of it when he gets something that stumps the smarties on this show.
I have a question. Whatshisname the handler said "I've been tracking every single to Phillip since Misha disappeared". I thought the Centre let him out of the sanatorium. How did he get out of the manicomio? I thought the Center knew about that. Apparently not since he disappeared. Also Tuan was tracking a surveillance schedule.. Who was being spyed on?And on a schedule? If it is the Russian family- I thought the CIA brought him here. Why would they be spying on him if he is on their side? I really dislike the actor playing the Handler in this role. The great Frank Langella is great in many other things but wrong here. His accent is too thick Bronx. It is not believable that he is a Russian who learned to speak English with no accent. He talks like he has marbles in his mouth. have to watch his scenes with the subtitles on. And Margo is all wrong for this part too. I don't understand all the praise for her in this role. People love her from other things, and I do too, but she really isn't all that great in this part. The 2 of them make me cringe on this show. Bad casting. I loved all the houseplants in that guy's kitchen. That was so 80's houseplants everywhere. That guy is very believable. I knew a lot of guys looked just like him and acted like him in the 80's-still stuck in the 70's! I'd love to see his album collection. I'm sure he has about 300, all in the plastic sleeves. That was great casting. I do wonder why when Paige lamented about her pitiful self not being made for love, her dad didn't give some kind of comfort. Would it have been so hard to have said, "Honey, teenage years are difficult. You have a lot of time to figure this all out. And mom and I won't be in this forever. We'll retire, you'll go off to college and then life will be so great." At least throw her a BONE of hope. So what if it's bogus. And, get her some teen magazines. They have all kind of issues of how young girls can relate. And if all else fails, let The Center find her an APPROVED psychiatrist. Teen depression shouldn't be ignored. I don't know what girl that age would say such a thing to her father. Kind of unbelievable that a 15 year old girl would discuss her boyfriend with her dad and her search for love. I would have been mortified.
She said the Romani and Alex said Yes, Romani or the Gypsies. My answer was the Roma- I wonder if they would have accepted that. Roma is Romani in Romani. I think you can also call them the Roma. Then another question I answeered Cosimo and Alex said Cosima. But it was a man, no? I wonder if I would have been ruled wrong. I can't remember the question now. Does anyone remember it? I wanted to look it up. She was so strange holding the buzzer like that. My arm would be so tired! The outfit! I wonder what tomorrow she will be wearing?
And Tennesee Williams/Arthur Miller, Clara Barton and/or Florence Nightingale. I've really noticed an obsession with having a movie category in every game. Oscar winners etc. They don't have a science category in every game. If there is no movie theme then here is certainly a TV theme -usually Netflix shows like Breaking bad. The 2 subjects you can count on are a vocabulary or word game type category (which I like), history and TV and/or movies. It must be required to have movies and TV in every game. You have to really be strong in that area to do well.