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Everything posted by merylinkid

  1. There's older kids helping out and then there is older kids RAISING the younger kids. Hey, can you look after your younger brother while I run to the store? I'm cooking dinner and the baby needs changing/feeding/whatever. In an age appropriate way. What MIchelle did was "I'm bored with this tiny, wiggling, messy thing, your job now." No matter how young the "sister mom" might be. Jim Bob and Michelle didn't even home school -- they just parked the kids in front of a compputer as soon as they could. They also had the older ones teaching the younger ones. So they could go off and do whatever they did all day.
  2. Tim is marrying his mother. Seriously look at those two. Only Tim is on the house because he probably bought it. he and Heidi aren't married yet so it would be scandalous to have an unmarried man and an unmarried woman's names on the deed together.
  3. Jill got her hands on Tim's house. Oh that poor house. No matter how ramshackle it does not deserve this. Also yeah no engagement but they have a house? They gonna be living in sin. Jill's head will explode ( I wish)
  4. Where's the freaking defensive players? But having said that -- definitely Mahomes, then Kittle and Lamb and deebo samuels and nick chubb. But honestly that is just a great O. The other team is gonna score at will because ain't nobody to stop them.
  5. Oh that screed was definitely direct at SHP. She has got to be ballistic that it showed how abusive that cult is to kids. How can she grift from people if they think she is abusing her kids?
  6. Plexus sure is hell is reporting to the IRS what they pay out. Also, no tax refunds for all the little tax deductions if you don't file. It is HIGHLY possible that at their income level and with their deductions (mortgage and kids), plus the fact that DBD has a "ministry" income has a different tax structure, her failure to pay self-employment tax doesn't overcome what they get back. Not a CPA -- just from my own taxes and being a family law attorney for low income folks.
  7. Very little. If she worked a real job at $17/hr for 40 hours a week, she would make more than that. Speaking of taxes, does Jill realize that with the kids becoming adults, she have fewer little tax deductions each year? That's the other thing that is going to hit home in a big way in a few years when she and DBD no longer can trot out waifs on the grift tour, they won't get as a big of a refund to pay for all their vacations. I see a very sad retirement for these two.
  8. This is easily solved by having the person say "I just got a text message from [character] it says [X]." But apparently they want us to read the script too.
  9. They also call the cop to say "hey I found something" and the cop has to come down to hear it in person. They never just email the report. Which you need anyway. but onscreen that would just be the detective hearing a ding, opening his email and scanning the report then saying - it's a sythentic shark's tooth from a movie set
  10. yogurt, possible ice cream. Because you know that pink drink is not the only thing he is having. He needs to offset the "health" of that drink somehow.
  11. That would be interesting. Because what we do get with recurring cases is some crazed serial killer out for revenge against our Intrepid Heroes. It's never, wow, I would really like to solve the murder of that little girl so her family can get some peace.
  12. Oh that will go well. I am sure it will be commpletely above board and fair and balanced.
  13. You also have to be looking at Mamma and smiling. Because gazing adoringly at your abuser is also a requirement. They had that kids choir singing "I belong in Hell." Like who DOES that to kids. Kids should be singing Jesus loves me, not I am a bad terrible person who should be punished. And yes, I feel sorry for Jinger Duggar. She was the one standing there saying "I now I have sinned terrible and I can't save myself." No honey, you are a little girl, your sins are little things that God understands, as long as you are sorry and try to do better (raised Catholic with the tradition of the sacrament of confession). And God does not consider, I was mean to my brother as on the same level as murder. But that's the problem. EVERYTHING is a SIN and EVERYTHING is bad. So if its all equally bad, they don't react appropriately to the big things. So not instantly obeying your parents is the same as molesting your sisters. Off to ALERT for a few weeks and its all fine. Jill in one of her talking heads was talking about how her parents got into activism, the local corner store started selling alcohol OR pornography, she doesn't remember which. But to them both were equally bad. This is how the abusers and pedophiles and rapists got away with it. Well, we are all sinners aren't we, oh darn.
  14. In that case, I will take Pittsburgh -- a terrific football city, Shanahan at the bargain basement price, Burrow for my top dollar guy, McCaffrey so that Burrow has someone to do something with the ball, then Watt and Surtain on the D side with a dollar left over. ETA: Actually since I have that dollar left over, I will splurge and go Dallas over Pittsburgh. Because ... reasons.
  15. Danny Masterson's lawyers fined for leaking info to Scientology: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/danny-mastersons-lawyers-sanctioned-sharing-info-lawyer-church-sciento-rcna88359 This is HIGHLY unusual. Lawyers actually don't get fined a lot for the stuff they pulled. The judge is NOT a happy camper if they took this step.
  16. Finally had a chance to binge it (life got a little busy). I am still processing but two things: 1. Michelle was cheerleader we KNOW she can yell. 2. There is a special place in hell reserved for all who supported and promoted this cult.
  17. Jill would have loved to be on tv -- until she found out cameras in the home meant CPS was more likely to be called. Or it's more Jill's lies, that she was approached and turned them down. I can see a production company meeting with them and saying "oh hell no, this is too crazy even for us."
  18. That's what the parents want. Kids with no inner lives and unengaged so all they can do is obey. Never mind the Bible EXPLICITLY says we have free will so we can choose to love God. That love without choice isn't really love of God. With these folks, its about obedience, not the Big Guy in the Nightgown in the Sky.
  19. Renee looks MISERABLE at that table. Like she is thinking "Mamma please get this over with, I know you are going to use it for another rant and I don't want to deal with it." OF COURSE Jill wrote it. She left Joy Baptist and moved to AndKayleigh's church. That's why she is so mad at "weak Baptist Preachers." They didn't beg her to stay and swear to change their ways after she and DBD did an aflouncement.
  20. I can see a vow renewel if like Mark Consuelos and Kelly Ripa you eloped and now you wanted the big celebration with friends and family. But honestly, its just became a thing and now Hollywood made it a big deal. As for rewriting the vows, because you promised to obey, I don't think anyone thinks those are ironclad can only be changed through another ceremony kind of thing. You just kinda adapt to what works in your marriage.
  21. Most deccent middle aged men will go "ewww, that's my daughter's age, ewwww." But Hollywood execs are pigs. Which is why Weinstein got away with it for so long, the others were doing it too and didn't want to have to stop.
  22. That's .... actually a pretty good team based on the choices and amount available. I might take Reid over Shanahan simply because he actually WON a Super Bowl. But Kyle is not a bad choice.
  23. Because if the cops did everything exactly by the book, there would be no story. On Law & Order, they always just searched wherever they felt like it so they would have DRAMA about whether the key piece of evidence would be admissible at trial. Otherwise, it would be obvious the person will be convicted at trial.
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