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Babs Gordon

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Everything posted by Babs Gordon

  1. Ha! I just did the exact same thing! It's way too much for me.
  2. I am really actively disliking Henry this episode. Stop doing things!
  3. Yeah see this is why you don't leave two teenagers alone in a library.
  4. Well I just spaced out for about 5 minutes. I feel like it's the best way to cope with these Woegina scenes.
  5. God the continuous Neal retcons make me roll my eyes so hard...
  6. I have a strong suspicion the Captain Charming hug is going to be one of my favourite parts of the episode.
  7. Is it me or is Hook missing at least one of his rings in the photos? There's usually one on his index finger right?
  8. Agreed. I still need this hot-mess-of-a-show in my life something fierce. So yay!
  9. The audio for the "Birth" commentary. Colin's accent makes me swoon every time...
  10. The entire transcription of the "Birth" commentary is here. Bless this person and their cow.
  11. Startswithhope also has a mini-multi chapter AU fic called Home for Christmas which about Killian going to London to meet his estranged father and Liam 2.0 with his "friend" Emma. Also, Beyond the Horizon got updated! Yay!
  12. I have my tickets for 10:15 tonight! I feel like I've been waiting for this movie since I was kid so I had to see it as soon as possible. I got my tickets the night they were released which was an ordeal since the ticketing site was so overloaded it kept crashing. I binge watched all the originals with my best friend on Monday so I've been super pumped for days. I've also had the John Williams score playing in my head non-stop. I was a Luke girl when I was younger, I was really rooting for Luke and Leia until Return of the Jedi... and then, yikes. But then I got super into Han Solo I was older. What can I say, I'm into bad-boy pirates with a heart of gold who adore badass princesses. It's a very specific niche. I do think Luke isn't appreciated enough though and Mark Hamill is amazing. He will always be the Joker for me and he's been awesome as the Trickster on The Flash.
  13. I wonder if he would accept children forced into servitude in lieu of money for cars.
  14. I second this one too. I'm also reading one of Ooshka's other fics that just got completed called Kind Hearts and Cat Flaps which I am enjoying. There's a cat named Mr. Smee! He's adorable! And speaking of BK, she wrote a Killian-in-the-underworld one-shot that is really good - I Ain't Done Much Healing. If you need some more angst (with a dash of hope) post episode.
  15. It looks like Put Me In Coach, I'm Ready to Play is going to get taken down in the next couple days. BK is planning on publishing a version of it. So if you want to read it you better do it now!
  16. I think they're still filming 5x14. I don't think I've seen a script title for 5x15 yet, which usually indicates they're filming a new episode. Didn't Bex Mader say at a con that she filmed a scene with Jen and Colin? I wonder if that mean that she made it from Oz to the Underworld. If so, why would she do that when she could go back to Storybrooke and take her baby while Regina and Robin are away? While I do enjoy Mulan and Ruby, I really don't want another random 5x09 episode in the Enchanted forest if it doesn't have anything to do with the main plot. Especially if it's going to be put near the climax of the half season again.
  17. Thinking about it more, the fact that Killian was sold in servitude by his father also explains his extremely negative reaction to being controlled - by Rumple through his heart or by Emma through the Excalibur. He had the power of choice taken away from him once in his life and couldn't bear to have it happen again... especially by the woman that he loved.
  18. Well I am disappointed that Killian did end up killing his father (everyone here totally called it), I am slightly gratified to know I was right that the reason was partly having to do with Liam. Dude loved his brother so much.
  19. I feel completely victimized by tonight's episode. I am not a crier. I rarely if ever cry at media (Becoming Part 2 being the exception). But I legit bawled tonight. It really got to me when Emma changed back into herself when Killian was dying... And then it was completely exacerbated by her refusing to let go of his hand while they paramedics were took him away. I can't even talk about: "Hook I will find you. I will always find you." Other random thoughts: Killian has a half brother named Liam out there??! Why is March 6th so far away? GOLD, YOU ARE A MOTHERFUCKER OF THE HIGHEST ORDER. GODDAMIT. That is all for now. I need to continue to eat/drink my feelings.
  20. Please play on CTV, please play on CTV... *crosses fingers*
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