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Everything posted by Snewtsie

  1. OMG, totally!!! That was so funny when she tossed it against the sidewalk like she was rolling up to her bestie's house in the country. I bet event the producers rolled their eyes, big time.
  2. Yeah, I noticed that, too. There is definitely something going on with her scalp. Looks like her hair is blond or white there, or maybe very thin (like your guess). Hmmm...
  3. I'm going to piss off all the bus dwellers out there, but a guy being fine with living on a bus and thinking there's a woman out there who should love it as much as he does is not marriage material. Shame on those damn experts. Lillian is going to be pissed when she see's that clunker. And I agree with all those who posted that Lillian should have put the damn pearls on. It was a thoughtful and beautiful gift. What was he supposed to do?- research every country's superstitions about wedding days? Some say pearls on a wedding day are good luck, as they represent future tears a bride won't cry because her marriage will be such a happy one. Take that, mamacita. These two are too wrapped up in their own perceptions. They are DOOMED.
  4. I remember him saying he wanted to be a dad, I don't remember him saying he wanted to be a stay at home dad. Did he say that? I'd have to go back and watch again (and I ain't gonna do that, lol). I think his image of being a dad includes NO chores, diapers, cooking, etc. He would be the worst father, because he would want to be the Cool Parent- he's want to be their friend.
  5. As someone who was once married to an immature & lazy twot like Joey, I get infuriated watching him onscreen. Shame on Joey's parents for raising such an unmotivated man-child. Emma is a smart girl with a solid work ethic. This will end in divorce, no question about it, and probably quickly. I see how much Travis & Brenda love each other, but their views are too polarized for any lasting harmony. They will end in divorce eventually, although it may take a few years and some really ugly arguments. Halie & George are the only ones I predict will have a lasting marriage. They are young now and will go through bumps in the road, but they are united in their belief system & commitment. I don't blame George for snapping at her mom (haven't we all wanted to snap at our in-laws?), because she was creating a divide between them. I suspect Halie's dad gave his wife a stern talking to after that ...they have to accept Halie is a married woman now (regardless of age) and in their faith the man is the decision maker of the family. Halie's mom needs to show George more respect (and I imagine she will from here on).
  6. Thanks, lilsadone! I was curious about the wig thing, too! The photos are very helpful. :-)
  7. Ohhh, I hadn't realized that. I guess I missed that part while watching. Yeah, then they didn't have an arranged marriage, either. Wow.
  8. Thanks for sharing that article. I'm sorry, but after reading it I have to call BS on Maneka and Mayur claiming they were arranged. They had been dating after meeting via independent circumstances, for heaven's sake! And then she blindsided him into meeting her entire family so she could pressure him into marrying her. How bogus is that?! Once he learned they could go on a TV show and sell it as an arranged marriage, he was all over it because it meant he could promote his business. They are both pathetic. And this has nothing to do with me thinking he is a pompous condescending asshole and she is nothing more than a door mat for him to walk all over. I cannot stand to watch Taylor scream at David anymore. How exactly were they arranged?? Someone needs to tell these folks meeting on a blind date is not the same as having an arranged marriage. Plus, Taylor is a vile human being who knows nothing about treating people with respect. I had a manipulative mother in law, and I learned early on to be polite ...nothing more, just polite. Taylor lacks the brains to understand that's all she needs to do to create peace in the family... heck, she can't even be polite to her own husband. I am honestly hoping their marriage fails because he seems like a nice guy and I hate to think he will be bullied by her for the rest of his life. The only couple who I believe had an arranged marriage is Ben & Vicki, because it's probably true that they were met through a Jewish matchmaker. They obviously had strict rules to follow while dating, which they took seriously. Ben is a child and has no capacity to appreciate how smart and considerate Vicki is. I get that she wanted a safe, predictable family life, but why would she agree to marry such a doofus? For the record, I thought she looks beautiful in her wedding dress. And she is the only bride who glowed on her wedding day. I was very touched by it.
  9. This. Seriously, when I see their scenes, I think he should be paying her as a housekeeper and nanny. So far he has offered her nothing in return for her hard work. Something tells me she is a smart cookie and will figure that out. She just isn't exasperated enough yet, but she will get there.
  10. I agree with everything stated (Thank you, Islandgal140!!) and I wish each point had a Like button -- or a heart, in this case -- for me to click on! I like Denise, but girl has GOT to dye her hair to a chestnut brunette. That jet-black thing is just not right against her skintone and especially against her lily-white scalp (why part her hair all over the place, too? No bueno). And what was she thinking putting on that onesie for alone time with John? Is she a Furry or something? Was she hoping to tap into some fetish she hopes he has? CREEPY. Otherwise, I like the gal. She seems normal and thoughtful, at least. Valene ...I just can't. She's emotionally younger than Mikey. It's painful when she's on screen, always complaining. Mike seems like a sincere guy who is sooooo tired of feeling rejected by girls who are initially attracted to him and then dump him over Mikey. I think he's a good dad and has his priorities right (with the exception of agreeing to do this dumb ass show, obviously). He's really attentive to Mikey, and he's been completely honest to Valene. She's just an idiot who likes trashy clothes. Kallie - poor gal had the best intentions, but didn't realize her dude has no capacity for anything deep. Is he playing dumb or is he really that way??? Not sure we will ever know. It's clear we all agree about Ami and Jake. She leaves to leave and FAST. He is a creepster, and it's embarrassing to see her desperately wanting something this unnatural to work out. You can see in her eyes- she knows it, too. I hope she doesn't sleep with him. She will feel foolish afterward. What can we do to get Mikey his own TV show? That kid cracks me up!!
  11. I am impressed with Mike, because it seems like he has his priorities straight when it comes to putting his son first. I think it's apparent they have a close relationship, and I don't mind so much that he includes him in decisions. I hear what some of you have expressed, that he's asking his son for permission, but I don't see it that way. I think it's a nice dynamic he has with his son. I second the thoughts on wondering what does Valene do for work, so she is able to take the summer off? She seems nice & sweet but comes across as not the brightest bulb. She certainly didn't think this though, as evidence that she is so turned off by having the kid around. It seems bizarre to me that she's reacting so negatively this early into the show. I imagine it will grow into resentment very quickly.
  12. I agree with everything in this comment, but I had to bold the final sentence because I think it's spot on (thank you mythoughtis!). A reasonable person might view the end of this 'experiment' as a useful time to slow it down and enjoy dating their partner under normal circumstances. No film crews, no crazy timeline, no fabricated drama ...And see how it feels. I think Tres & Vanessa could have a future together if she would relax and look upon him with fresh eyes. He's been pretty darn attentive, sweet and patient with her.
  13. Vanessa's stinkin' trust issues have grown soooooo tiring. Tres has been an incredibly good partner & has doted on her through this entire process. Plus, her constant need to giggle every time she speaks is ridiculously annoying and I just can't handle it any longer. Sam & Neil remain the strangest pairing ever. One is a self-centered attention hog and the other is a complete door mat ...and I will be happy if I never hear the word quirky again. David is still hopeful he can make this marriage to Ashley work ...?? Oy. I was his fan all season, but his blind devotion is just too much. I hope he got some therapy after filming this show to increase his self-esteem and remind him that he deserves to be treated well in his future relationship(s).
  14. Let me rephrase - Yes, it would have been helpful if Mitch's friend immediately said, "No, Mitych is not gay." But I think he understood where the question was coming from, as Mitch has struck a lot of people here on this board (and probably in other aspects of his life) as being metrosexual, having sophisticated tastes, and/or bing a bit fem. And I am guessing he felt he should not be answering a question about his friend's sexuality. The loudmouth chick was clearly posing for the cameras, trying to get air time (she succeeded), and she could have just as easily asked Mitch directly. Good for Mitch for coming out and addressing it head on.
  15. Because to "defend" Mitch implies there is something wrong with being gay. And there isn't. I think Mitch and his friends are very open and accepting of all types of people and good for them. That loudmouth chick doesn't seem to get that.
  16. This!! - why don't any of the couples go out dancing, drinking and having fun?? I am sure Tres would like to, but Vanessa would not go for it.
  17. But isn't that common?... it's usually the people who are deceiving others are the ones suspicious people are doing the same to them.
  18. I agree entirely. She had stated she lives at home, not because she needs to but because she has no reason not to... and all I could think was there are sooo many reasons to live independently that have nothing to do with financially being able to afford it. Living on your own makes you look at everything differently- you don't ever really feel like an adult until you have lived on your own and deal with all the stuff that comes with it. And that changes what you expect from others and how they see you, too. If she doesn't clean up her room knowing it will be filmed for national television, then what does that say about her and how she projects her outward appearance? To me it says, "gross, I wouldn't want to be around this person." Sorry, I don't mean to be a snob, but geez...
  19. Earth to April: Stop bringing up how important good sex is. WE GET IT, OKAY- It's obvious Charlie (dad) did not get his groove on the way he wanted with Eileen (mom). Then he found you & your Magical Vag and now you two spend all your time in the various Kamasutra positions. Bringing it up all the time is your way of rubbing it in Eileen's face and it's not nice. Plus it's grossing us out.... Just. Stop.
  20. My marriage of 10 years just ended for the exact same reason. Heartbreaking. And like you, I don't know if it was my insecurities that made it eventually happen, or if it would have happened anyway. Maybe both are true. Vanessa needs help to feel secure in herself so she is not looking toward Tres, or anyone else, to make her feel more complete. I really like these two together, but both people have to be at the same place mentally & emotionally for a relationship to work.
  21. Here is a quick link to the questions you ask... but basically most states no longer require blood tests, most states have no waiting period between applying for a marriage license & receiving it, and most states allow marriages to happen immediately upon receiving a marriage license. http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/chart-state-marriage-license-blood-29019.html
  22. So ...I am speculating that she didn't want any of her friends & family to know she was getting married to Mitch because they would recognize it was a publicity stunt to boost her acting career and they would disapprove. I find it impossible to believe anyone goes on a reality show for sincere reasons. It always seems to pan out that they were just trying to get into show business. This is just more of that.
  23. Yep - here is her IMBD page and it lists her as a cast member for Married by Mom & Dad. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm5061500/
  24. How do you get to Wacky Kids thread?? Disregard. Found it.
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