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Posts posted by Kbo

  1. On 3/25/2021 at 12:21 PM, Grifter Lives said:

    This picture was posted on Reddit yesterday, captioned that Christine's with Mykelti in Utah, getting ready for the baby.



    Just realized they’re wearing the same top in different colors. Shillers gotta shill, I guess.  Definitely not a fan of whatever Christine has on underneath. I want to lop off Mykelti’s braid that still has the remnants of all the bad dye jobs. I hope she keeps her natural hair color, it looks so much better. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    Here you go:



    I just watched this, and there’s no mention about “cookies”.  I mentioned on another thread, unless I’m losing my mind they’ve edited out some things that were in the original episodes.  Another example is the episode where Truely gets sick—the episode skips from a mention of Truely being a little sick to Christine getting home.  I remember Aspyn telling Kody she needed to go to the doctor and Kody blowing her off, but that’s not in the episode anymore.  Is my memory playing tricks on me, or do you guys remember it that way as well?


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  3. What a pointless episode.  Absolutely nothing new to see here.  Do they really think we’re dying to see more road trips to visit people who’ve been on the show before?  They need to start picking it up, this wasn’t even snark worthy, it was just BORING. 

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  4. 5 hours ago, Pickleinthemiddle said:

    I have to buy my seasons through itunes.  All that stuff is still there.  I recently went back and watched some of them.

    Interesting!  I’ve been watching On Demand with Xfinity, and I was specifically waiting for those scenes so it was really obvious to me when they weren’t there. TLC has done this kind of thing before, though. When the Bates family had a show, there was an episode with a poor horse that looked noticeably underweight and unhealthy. After the initial showing, that scene was gone. 

    ETA, I’m going to check those episodes out on the TLC Go app and see if they’re edited. 

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  5. 8 hours ago, candall said:

    It was brutal watching Kody try out different versions of "Hey, maybe this isn't working out for us anymore, amirite ladies?"

    I can't imagine sitting and listening to my husband speculate that, given the chance to go back in time, he wouldn't want to get married.

    And then he has the balls to add "Don't get me wrong, I'm all good.  Just worried about my wimmins."


    You're such a shallow narcissistic dick, Kody.  I hope all your hair falls out but one long strand that you try to wrap around your head and everyone laughs at you.



    Totally agree - he’s gone from being the supposed spiritual head of the family to “hey, don’t stick around for any silly religious ideas”.  Do any of the original wives actually believe in their religion anymore?  And even if they do, do they honestly think Kody is going to pull them through the veil?  I can’t wait to see what happens when this show goes off the air.  Much like the Duggar’s, that’s when the real action is going to go down!

    • Love 16
  6. On 2/8/2021 at 6:22 AM, laurakaye said:


    The truly horrible part is that the other wives have to pretend to buy Robyn's shenanigans, and that Kody willingly takes all the blame - mind you, it is all his fault, but as far as cooking up schemes together Robyn always gets to play "good cop" and forces Kody to play "village idiot."

    Which is definitely not a stretch for the resident caveman 🙄. I rewatched the Truely episode recently and they had cut out the part where Aspyn tells Kody how sick she is and Kody blows it off.  I’ve noticed the editing monkeys at work on several episodes, actually. Remember the infamous episode where Robyn talks about her cookie?  They took that out, and I was sorely disappointed. 

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  7. On 2/7/2021 at 9:16 AM, Absolom said:

    This is from Soap Dirt so consider the source.  Talk about the upcoming season.  Allegedly Kody says he no longer supports polygamy?


    I saw a commercial today where Kody was saying he doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life listening to four women telling him how unhappy they are.  I hope there’s something to it, that would be some good TV (relatively speaking, of course).

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  8. On 2/2/2021 at 7:05 PM, Joan of Argh said:

    I looked at her Cameo and singing is also offered for a price...

    I can't imagine getting a singing Valentine from Christine, I would think that it was a joke and hubby was punking me.  😂

    I recently rewatched the episode with Mykelti’s wedding, and I will pay her NOT to sing. Her singingk could have driven Noriega from his compound.  

    Speaking of that episode, it really was reality TV gold.  My favorite part I didn’t remember was Kody and Christine agreeing the guests had a wonderful time, even though it was freezing outside, they ran out of food, and the venue was too small 🙄.  


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  9. 13 hours ago, laurakaye said:

    Social media is the devil's playground, LOL.  The whole follow/unfollow thing is huge, I just don't pay much attention to it.  However if you are a giant plyg fambly trying to stay on the air in order to make enough money to pay down a bunch of giant mortgages, you'd think the Browns would be a little more savvy in following each other.  Clearly there are cracks in this group.  If they did a season on just that, I would happily watch with popcorn in hand...like I rilly want to know what went down between Meri and Maddie.  And why no one likes Mariah except her mother.

    I don’t think that last part is a big mystery 😉

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  10. 4 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

    7,689 steps yesterday.

    Took it really easy but I did find my ankle loosened up the more I walked.It feels better today, but still sore so taking it easy again today. My foot is a lovely shade of purple today...

    I’m so sorry, don’t push too hard. Hope it heals quickly!

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  11. I’m a little embarrassed how excited I am. I would never admit it in real life, but I can’t wait for this crap fest to begin!  Bring on the fake tears, eye boogers, Kody being a Neanderthal, Janelle blinding everybody with her ghost white legs, I am here for it all!  Let the whatever season this is of snarking begin!

    • LOL 3
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  12. Have some happy news to share, I got the job I interviewed for last week. It’s within a totally different division of my company, so it’s like starting a new job but I can keep my seniority. Even better, I can get away from my crappy boss and department. I’ve been unhappy at work so long, it’s hard to imagine liking a job. Heck, if I don’t hate it I’ll be satisfied. For everyone job hunting, I’ve got my fingers crossed for you!  

    • Love 23
  13. I've been wondering the same thing, @laurakaye.  Usually it launches in early January, so it's kind of disappointing not to have heard anything.  I just did a search and there's nothing official yet.  I hope it's soon, we definitely need some new things to snark about.  I hope they feature the kids more in the new season--I've been re-watching old seasons and I enjoyed the show more when it wasn't just about Kody and the harem (and the endless debate about a house they have no desire or ability to actually build).

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  14. We got our stimulus money, too. Wasn’t expecting it this quickly, was a nice surprise for the day.   And @Yeah No, totally agree about age discrimination in the workplace. I just turned 50, and I’m not going to stop coloring my hair any time soon. I want to pass for being in my forties as long as I can. Fortunately, I inherited good genes so I don’t have a lot of wrinkles yet.  Really sad that we have to think this way 🙁

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  15. Hugs to everyone going through such challenging times.  @Mahamid Frauded Me, I am so sorry to hear what you've been going through.  Like others have said though, hang in there because there's going to be a huge travel rush coming!  My family hasn't planned anything for next year yet, but I'm hoping we can get the vaccine and at some point it'll be safe to go visit my parents.  We're clear across the country from them, and haven't seen them in over a year at this point 😟.  They're in their late 70's, so it's tough not seeing them but at the same time there's no way I'd risk exposing them.  Unfortunately, my mom has some severe allergies (she carries an epi-pen), so not sure when it will be safe for her to get the vaccine.

    I truly am blessed, and I'm grateful every day, but at the same time it's hard for me not to sink into a depression with everything going on.  The short days and being stuck indoors isn't helping, even with a therapy light.  I'm coping by doing projects around the house.  We've redone our main bedroom, freshened up the laundry area when we got a new washer/dryer, and right now we're working on our pantry.  I was just going to clean and reorganize, and somehow it turned into ripping out the shelves altogether!  And we're going to replace the bi-fold doors that had seen better days.  I'm also turning an area that had a rack with open shelves into a coffee station.  I don't have a lot of counter space for appliances, so getting the Keurig and my electric tea kettle out of the way will be huge!  I want to get shelves over the cabinet, too.  The only down side to all this is that it gets expensive quick!  We're doing it in stages, though.  Some of the accessories can wait a bit.  It'll be nice to come out of quarantine with these projects done--I know when we're finally free again, the last thing I'll want to do is be cooped up in the house reorganizing!

    The one thing I'm really excited about is that I have a second job interview next week for a new position within my company.  I don't like my current job, or my current management, so I'm really hoping this works out.  I don't even care about more money at this point, I just want a different job that I don't dread doing every day.  

    Anyway, here's to hoping for a better 2021 for us all!

    • Love 9
  16. Mariah reminds me of a 13-year old girl going through an awkward stage. All that’s missing is braces and acne.  I don’t mind short haircuts for women, but both those styles are awful. And when you get a bad short haircut, there is no place to hide (ask me how I know, lol).

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  17. On 12/27/2020 at 7:13 AM, dmbo said:

    Most definitely! Didn't Kody say she needs to fix her relationships with the older kids before him and Meri can work on theirs.

    Why does she have such a close connection to Robin's kids and yet the kids who have been around her their whole lives don't have any connection with her? 

    I think it has a lot to do with how the kids saw Meri treating their mothers. No matter how much they try to deny it, the kids primary loyalty lies with their birth mother (in my opinion, anyway).

    • Love 16
  18. 8 hours ago, deirdra said:

    Do none of their followers know how to search the internet to find the same products for 1/8 -1/2 the price elsewhere?

    If this last year has taught me anything, it’s that a depressingly high number of people aren’t very bright 🙁

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  19. I’ve been rewatching the episodes leading up to their wedding and it’s refreshed my dislike of FT.  From insisting on helping to pick out her dress to insisting she wear her hair down, he was a controlling asshat through the entire process.  I guess they’re happy, but I can’t and don’t want to imagine procreating with that 🤮


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