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Posts posted by Kbo

  1. 1 hour ago, iwantcookies said:

    Not for $44. 

    Not for $4. I’m sorry, but that looks like something you’d see women wearing in a retirement home.  That top ages her so much. 

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  2. If you’re on Facebook or Instagram, there’s a stylist who gives fashion advice for women over 40. It’s called The Well Dressed Life, and I’ve gotten some good ideas. She wrote a blog post about why LulaRoe type clothes are terrible, so she had instant credibility with me, lol. 

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  3.  The malls around here have been dead every time I’ve been lately, I fear for their survival. The selection is pathetic, though. It’s hardly worth going anymore. Stores that used to be crammed full have big spaces between the half empty racks. I even noticed it when we were at Disney World a couple weeks ago, the selection was nothing like years past. 

    I just finished binging Lula Rich, and wow those owners are a piece of work. You could tell they’d rehearsed and it was just bizarre how they’d hold hands and look at the camera with rictus smiles on their faces. Absolutely dreadful what they’ve done to people while pretending they care and want to help. I can see how people without a strong support system or a lot of friends (cough, Meri, cough) could get caught up in that atmosphere, though.  I wish WA state would charge them with perjury in their depositions, what a bunch of liars. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    They are just ramping up lots of nonsense getting ready for the new season.

    Will Christine leave the family?  Will the kids rebel against Kody?  Will Janelle live forever in a travel trailer?

    Kody is a shim sham man. Nothing of interest will happen this season!  Count on it!

    Probably not, but I wasn’t expecting another season this soon so I’m excited 😊. But you’re the only people who will ever hear me admit it!  

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  5. 8 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

    Stairs are not so bad, walking in a straight line is not so bad BUT getting up down, rolling over in bed, bending over to bathe my lower body in the shower, putting on my pants/undergarments, getting in and out of the chair, when Cosmo pulled me because he wanted to stiff a new friend (we met a new dog today, Bindi, who is friends with Mars who we know well), I felt the pain.

    Sitting on my porch swing this morning helped, but I just had to trust gravity to get me down there! And then a Hail Mary to get me back up.

    I have chronic back pain, and I find epsom salt baths to be extremely helpful. You have to put in more than you’d think (two cups) but it’s cheap. Soak for 15-20 minutes and it’ll help your muscles relax.  It helps me sleep, too. Hope it feels better soon!  

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  6. What stuck out to me is that the rug under the table is too small. Once you pull a chair out and sit down, the chair will be half on and half off the rug (and with those style chairs, you’ll feel it).  And sorry, but I hate bench seating. I have a bad back and it’s so uncomfortable not to have back support. I guess she figures the kids will sit there 🙄

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