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  1. I liked Bart, the new King of the Crossroads. I was hoping to see more of him, but, alas, not to be. Smash = Charlie 2.0. I liked her. Yay, Dean in Hell flashback! Boy howdy, Jensen looked so very young! The blood compass was both a cool idea, and funny in action. I also liked that the Latin incantation talked about blood and hell. I actually like the fact that Dean, Mr. Super Hunter himself, is still scared of some things. It's one thing to run towards the Thing That Can Kill You--you're hopped up on adrenaline--but totally different to be facing a possible chomping by large stone lion's fangs without the adrenaline rush. And possible spiders. Or just plain cobwebs and creepy-crawly things. So why didn't the boys just crawl over the floor in the vault? The darts came from the lion mouths, so they knew how far down they'd need to go. But pushing Mr. Immortal through, using him as a poison pincushion--that was a good idea too. I'll admit, when creepy immortal guy talked about, "There's the riddle", I hoped that meant the boys would have to translate the symbols and figure out the pattern. Or something akin to Gandalf's solution to the doors to Moria: "Speak 'friend', and enter." As soon as creepy immortal said he had leverage, I knew what was in the chest. Sam. Sam Sam Sam Sam. Blowing on the flames?! Fanning the flames?! No no no, show writers, neither of the boys is that idiotic. Never. No. I would have believed it if Sam had stepped forward the instant Bart started burning, grabbed at the spell, and Bart held on to it, ripping it and burning the part he still held, but THIS?! No no no no NO. And Charlie 2.0 is sent off on a bus, just like Charlie 1.0. And flashing a peace sign. Oh, c'mon, show. Let's not make that parallelism so damned obvious. She's not going to be a Wayward Daughter, she's going to show up again by the end of the season, and her safe-cracking skills will somehow be necessary to help conclude things. As for why everyone has angel blades: I've said it before, the angel wars left dead angels every-damned-where, and their angel blades must litter the landscape. Any demon or Hunter worth his salt (heh) would have grabbed one, much too useful to ignore. All in all, a fun, light-hearted episode. Not fantastic, but not bad.
  2. Thoughts: Way too much going on in this episode. I came out of it thinking we had gotten a boatload of arc-story but nothing very coherent in toto. Kevin, yay! And Kevin from before he got cynical and grown-up after being bamboozled and messed around with by Crowley and Metatron and various powered-up beings using him for their own purposes. It would be really nice to see more of him. Ketch, hmm. Why? Rowena's spell fixed her broken neck, so I could see it fixing just about anything, so even if he had been beheaded/burned/what-have-you, I could see the spell still working. I actually wanted him to be Alexander, because it would have been interesting to see how closely he followed Arthur's personality. If this indicates they're going to bring Rowena back, yay! I love her. Depowered Luci. Hmm. I don't remember just how depowered Cas was by having a vial of grace taken away. In any event, I would expect an archangel's grace to be either extra powerful or more of it, so found the amount of depowering Luci had to be unbelievable. Michael's motivation: Paradise on earth! We messed this place up so bad, let's take over Other Earth, which is still pretty and clean! Is God around in Other Earth, or has he gone AWOL there, too? Was Other-Earth kinda dim and grey before the war? Surely Michael would think himself good enough to clean up Other Earth once they get all the demons? Why torture Luci's physical body? Or why torture him with human-style torture? How about some good old-fashioned electric-blue-eyed power with wing-action? For that matter, what happened to demons being able to fling humans about with power? I mean, yeah, they're good thugs with human-style fighting, but they used to be able to pin humans like bugs up against walls, or scooch them across floor into a heap, stuff like that. The angel blade use is because after the angels fell to Earth and had the angel wars, there were lots of dead angels, and thus lots of abandoned angel blades, handy for killing both angels and demons. If I were a demon, or a Hunter, and knew where some angels had been killed, I'd go grab me one, too. One interesting thing I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but this season there have been a helluva lot of "monsters" who need help, and Dean and Sam are helping...shapeshifter psychologist lady, the witch this evening, Jack...wasn't there another? I figure Jack being undetectable by everyone is just some Super Duper Nephilim Power, so will accept it. Cas is being stupid about Luci, yes. But I guess the show has decided that depowering Luci makes him a suitable substitute for Crowley? (No.) Jack making more angels? How?
  3. Guys, Dean was happy! So. Damned. Happy! That made me feel so good. He got Cas back, and he got to do Western cosplay, and he got to do a shootout with a Real Live (okay, dead) famous gunslinger! And he finally accepted Jack. The "don't wake a Hunter" scene was funny. (@Myrelle, as soon as I read your post, I was like, "OMG, yes! Hilfy waking Pyanfar up!" I am re-reading, myself.) So. I wanted more emotion. I always want more emotion. I may just do a cut-scene story to get the emotion I need. Did anyone else get the feeling that Sam was slightly unsure of Cas? When they all arrived at the motel, and Dean and Sam were off by themselves in the suite, there was something Sam did that gave that impression to me, can't remember what it was. The "we're all afraid of what Jack can do" awkwardness was overplayed, IMO. Badly overplayed. Why would they all go fearful when they already know what he can do? It was so obviously an accident. It felt just ginned up to make Jack fearful of himself and want to leave. And out of character for both Cas and Sam, they way they responded.
  4. Ahhh. Liked it. That ending! (I do like that Cas threatened the Empty Creature with just being too damned annoying for eternity... ;-) ) I still want the original Death back, but Billie-as-Death is better than Billie-as-Reaper. (Hi, guys!)
  5. Hey hey. So while angsting about the world, I did dip into writing now and then. Mary, Interrupted - One moment, she was burning to death on the ceiling of Sammy's room; the next she was standing in a park, still in her nightgown, facing a stranger who claimed he was her son. Season 12 from the POV of Mary. Sparrow, Falling - Liriel was one of the least of the angels, spending her time judging the lives of a remote alien species. When the road to the Apocalypse starts, she is yanked into a world of humans, demons, schemes, and spying. She has doubts. Then she meets Crowley, and everything changes. One-shot. In Chains - As Sam's search for a cure to the Mark of Cain leads him to hiding the Book of the Damned and chaining Rowena, things go from bad to worse, ending with Charlie's death. Can Rowena drag him out of his guilt with an ass-kicking and a wee distraction?
  6. Hi, guys, long time no see. That said: Aaaaaagggghhhhh! They killed Rowena! They killed Crowley! They killed Cas! Aaaaaagggghhhhh! More later. I have been obsessed with politics since That Man got the Republican nomination. I have a new kitten, a flame point Siamese who is adorable. My daughter has her learner's permit. I've written a small amount, but there was a long dry spell. (I blame That Man.) Laters. (Hi, @Mick Lady! Hi, @SueB! Hi, @catrox14!)
  7. Awesome. Lots of quick funny moments--I liked that. The demon in the fourteen year old girl...Dean getting squicked out by the thought of mom and dad in the backseat of his precious Baby...a few more that I don't remember. Lady McWhatserface and the British MOL. They are the result of fifty years of the MOL running the supernatural world with fascist efficiency. That would be why the immediate leap to torture--they see Sam as a monster, so deal with him like a monster, instead of taking their time, working into a friendship, and getting all the info that way. Sam was just gorgeous. Damn, that man has a nice jawline! Mary. My goodness, they have done a good job, much better than I expected. They realized that she would be weirded out by the changes in pop culture, I liked that. I liked the direct call back to how adamant she was to get out of the hunting life. Lots of the family music theme. Cas being badass--yay! Sam throwing being tortured in Hell by Lucifer in the BMOL ladies' faces--you go, guy! I agree with @ahrtee that Mary should find a "strange" guy older than her calling her "Mom" to be weird. All in all, it felt like a nice, tight episode. (Though having Sam tied [chained!] into a chair yet again was irritating. I was ready for the cliche Sam-escapes-from-chair scene. Glad it didn't go that way!)
  8. MickLady! Yay! I've been out of the loop here, but my girl started school this week so I may be more active. Freshman in high school -- whoa!
  9. The twins announcement made me happy. From various things said, I had figured they had been trying for a while and things weren't working out. BTDT. My assumption is they had some help, but, hey, could be my history coloring my perceptions. Mainly because of Jensen's subdued reaction to the "Trying can be fun!" comment, which, trust me, when it ain't working, no, it's not fun any more, it's heartbreaking.
  10. OMG, @SueB, I am so horrified to hear this. His fiancé is a gem, though, opening with "Joe's okay." That's the best way to do bad news like that. I am glad the med school is working with you all on this, such a pressure relief! Many hugs to all your family, and hopes that surgeries and rehabs go well for your son.
  11. B-b-but -- but -- who'll do Rowena's cat's-eye eye shadow and curls so perfectly now?!?
  12. My "like" on your post is for the last paragraph, and that your insurance will at least cover some of the cost!
  13. So, what, is Jensen supposed to be Mr. Doe-Eyed Innocent being taken advantage of by Sneaky Underhanded Misha?! What, do these people think Jensen is dumb?!?! Or a pushover?!?! My god. The man is as sharp as a Samurai sword. If any of this stuff was actually happening, he'd be all over it in one hot minute, and those cute cockles moments would be a thing of the past. Bah. Their hatred for Misha blinds them. And given that there have got to be lawyers crawling all over the charities dotting i's and crossing t's, it's even more unlikely that any hanky panky is going on. I swear, shit like this makes me wonder whether there's really intelligent life on earth after all.
  14. Well, boo, @catrox14 stole my thunder about Nancy Won. I'm bummed, I liked her writing. Charmelo/Snyder are leaving, too. Anyway, this is the convo:
  15. I am a ship-as-you-like person. I may not like or understand your ship, but I can't comprehend folks who go out of their way to, first, read something about a ship they don't like, and second, berate the person expressing those opinions. The nasty comments about wives etc. are just creepy. Do these people realize how they sound?
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