Here's a new Stable Genius Edict: any "first evers" (e.g., first woman, first Black, first Asian, etc,) within the past 5 years, must be removed from an agency's website. A friend's family member is doing that right now.
I'll watch Sabrina the Teenage Witch (it's again back in the early seasons with loads of cuteness between Sabrina & sweet Harvey, along with clever dialogue for the two aunts). After season 3, I don't watch. This helps me avoid watching the talk shows and getting furious.
I'm wondering how many Democrats will be there tonight. I don't think Sen. Whitehouse will be there and Sen. Murphy already said he won't attend. And I sure won't be watching. Just the thought of hearing that whiney, singsongy voice uttering inanities & insults makes me start grinding my teeth 😖.
IMNSHO, the now popular word "so" at the beginning of a sentence first came from stand-up comedians a few decades ago. It was their way to set up another joke. I'm not sure when I began to hear/read regular folks using this word to start a sentence (I'm excluding someone asking mom, "So what's for dinner?" 😊)
IMO, the plastic surgeons out there must not be very good. All these beautiful women need is just some "freshening up" (i.e., nothing extreme, for Pete's sake!!)
It will be interesting to see how fast F-B gets her French citizenship (as opposed to the US where it seems to take several years). Chock & Bates must be non-thrilled.
I had to hit the mute. If only she'd held the microphone away from her mouth. Just had to hit the mute again during the tribute number to the Broccolis. Why do these singers have the mic practically in their mouths? Conan's doing a great job!
I saw the last few minutes of Bill Maher's show this evening. He was interviewing Chrystia Freeland. I liked her. One thing she said was that politicians lose when they think they're smarter than the people (or something vey close to this). Does she have a chance of winning?