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Everything posted by humbleopinion

  1. Which Duggar kid will break the silence? Jessa has the cojones and would take the tabloid money to feed Ben, her and baby for a good while. She would score another cover of People if she spills the beans.
  2. Erica and Martha Mae are awesome. He is so proud of her, adorable on every level. Agnes is stellar. Chip is smart enough to let her and his daughters shine on the show. Andy, this is how you treat someone you love, instead of losing your temper and putting Kate down every chance you had on camera.
  3. Now we know why Grandma Duggar sequestered herself in the laundry room. She knew the truth all the time. "Out, damned spot" now has metaphorical and laundry literal meaning for Grandma Macbeth. Watched the "meet the film crew" episode last night. The end of the show features Josh and Anna and is nauseating in light of his deeds. Feel the sorriest for the sisters who were forced to live with Josh and in fear he may make more mistakes because he was not removed from living under the same roof with them. The film crew who were embedded with the family, some for double digit years and made all those nice comments about the family unbeknowst to them that the Duggars were protecting their own molester in plain sight. The brothers who knew what was done and had to voice admiration for their elderst brother and parents. No wonder the older brothers are so messed up, especially the second oldest brother. Wonder if the Bates knew, was bought for their silence by the big house and kept their daughters away from the Duggars males.
  4. The TV money probably makes up for the revenue lost from their now definct joint business. She can go her own way and he can live his life doing his projects. Too bad, Kate was a nice part of the show.
  5. Wonder if Derek will lose his accounting job at Walmart...hope not. Derek/Jill/Izzy are victims of this mess. However, Walmart dumping him could get the ball rolling on companies distancing themselves away from the Dugs/Dills/Sees.
  6. Ben/Jessa Seewald are thinking...Damn, Ben's gotta get a j-o-b now that the TV money is about to dry up. Windshields anyone?
  7. We need to hear from the state trouper/convict sitting in prison for porn that is connected to the original report. GMA/TMZ/People magazine needs to send an investigative reporter to talk to him.
  8. "Alone in the Dark" episode Andy announced he and Kate have split. He's still living the dream....
  9. Honey BooBoo was once the darling of TLC but look how quickly the show is forgotten once you pull the plug on the show....
  10. TLC made no attempt to preempt tonite's FULL line up of Duggar shows, even the West coast feed. Milking the cow one last time.....
  11. Wonder how People Magazine will cover the story. All those nauseating covers of the Duggars of late.
  12. What took the FRC so long to vet his past? Guessing Josh didn't reveal this part of his past in the job interview.
  13. They cancelled Honey Boo Boo so if they keep the Duggars on then TLC has some fancy explaining to do.....
  14. Curious how TLC will respond to this scandal. Honey Boo Boo and now the Duggars linked by child molestation. Hope the state of Arkansas will investigate to how this got swept under the rug. Cake Boss Buddy Valastro's brother in law Remy Gonzolez was sent to prison for 9 years for molestation of a 13 year old and other minors. You saw him on the show as a cake decorator before he was sent to the big house. So I wouldn't be suprised if Josh is still on the show if it doesn't get yanked by TLC.
  15. Val looked relieved at the announcement. Riker will have a career arc like Zendaya, we will see him sans band doing all sorts of hosting and acting. He is Dick Van Dyke-ish with long gangly limbs and comedic flair. Hope producers see his potential and get him work in music theater and the like. Can see Rumer doing Pussycat Dolls type of roles. Demi looked envious and parent proud all mashed together.
  16. I enjoyed the Stranger Race Teams. It added another dimension to TAR. No more asking about love connections-half expecting the accompanying bow chicka bow wow music. Beneath your dignity Phil.
  17. The onus was on Hayley for getting the clue, she didn't, they ended up coming in last and she owned up to it. Other than winning the million, this was the best outcome for Blair. Hayley will beat herself up for messing up. They will be back for the next All Stars show. The Bickersons will race again.
  18. Rodney's inability to form words may be from 'roid withdrawal. Or hunger as Probst opined. Coming off anabolic steroids suddenly (as in being cast for Survivor) can result in withdrawal symptoms that include: depression and apathy feelings of anxiety difficulty concentrating The melon did make him feel better.
  19. The only way this episode could have been more entertaining is if Rodcrybaby had grappled his own calf and yanked himself down. Wish Probst hadn't given any hints to the puzzle, it tainted the challenge.
  20. Legos and Playmobil are going to sue M@FS for worst product placement. Sean and Davida actually made playing with them sad and depressing.
  21. T/L have no gimmick other than they are competitive, competent, so BORING so their snarky comments come off as mean and cocky. B/H have their identity as fussing, fighting and feuding within themselves, they are their own worst enemies, BUT they have gotten out of their own way and won the last two. B/H don't need to throw shade on other teams, they just pick on each other. J/J have the rep as too analytical, not as athletic so T/L dismiss them. M/R has come off as a hot mess with any physical challenges and driving directions so are hanging in there by a thread. I wouldn't be suprised if the other teams act together to get them eliminated so only the "worthy" teams race to the end.
  22. Davina is happy in this episode. She has $83 towels and the battery device that Sean lewdly references. Ugh
  23. Got a glimpse of inside of their house, mostly of a pot boiling. Kate sighting on last night's episode. You can see her sitting on the boat that the dogs pulled up the hill.
  24. Thanks for the heads up on another awful episode. This is the worst season, unwatchable, vile people, idiocy. The casting producers did a terrible job.
  25. Hayley was relatively calm on the mat once the win was in their pocket. Her voice even dropped a few octaves down to a tolerable level for human ears. Blair even had a burst of affection for her by slinging his arm around her backpack. Was disappointed when Phil announced the prize for this leg...WTF! Phil took too long of a pause to then include a new laptop and exercise equipment as part of the winners' package. Once again Blair and Jelani get to delightfully watch their partners do the hard work.
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