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Everything posted by humbleopinion

  1. Jen and her mom have outdone themselves in the shopping dept, because every outfit Zooey is wearing is adorbs. Haven't warmed up to the Johnstons at all, TLC can't replace B,J,W,Z. But I would like to see Zooey and Will visiting at the Roloofs farm like the before mentioned's visit.
  2. Thinkinging that the chaotic mess we are seeing with this season's production quality slipping is just the tip of the iceberg of what's going on behind the scenes. Too bad because DWTS' loyal and rabid fans deserve better. Erin stop badgering Alek into giving you the glib, shallow, show biz comments you and the producers want. 5 weeks ago, Alek was on a buddy vacation and didn't in his wildest dreams he would be dancing on live TV amongst the other fantastical events that is his life now. Happy that he is not melting under the intense spotlight of instant fame.
  3. As terrible as Gary was, he is trying to entertain the audience. Kim froze up and could barely move one left foot in front of the other left foot. Poor Louis was being compressed by Paula like a boa constrictor/bear. Victor gives it all he can remember with a nice smile on his face, at least he is having fun. The rest of the group has a couple of weeks to get better, shake off the nerves, adapt to the fast turn over of dances to learn and improve their technique and performance on live TV. Remember just a few seasons ago when the premier show just knocked us all out and the majority of stars looked like they were in serious contention? What the hell happened? Makes me sad.
  4. The charter may be gratis to the repeaters from seasons past like Slover so what he would normally pay is turned into tips for the crew. Rocky is flashing the camera crew so much to garner attention that even though editors are just showing snippets, it seems excessive to fans of BD who are tired of Rocky's mugging for the camera. Kate is propping up the show with her THs and are the only thing keeping me viewing this train wreck season.
  5. Karina said that Victor has difficulty with the choreography because of short term memory impairment from fall injuries to the head so keeping him on the show will not put him in a favorable light. That said, he is more tolerable and sympathetic than Paula, Gary, Kim. Buckle up DWTS devotees, it is going to be bumpy ride until the dregs are mercifully eliminated from the show.
  6. Tony, Tony, Tony...who do you have to blow to get a decent partner? Producers of DTWS...Tony has paid his dues... Kate Gosslin was a nightmare and now he is saddled with Kim...ugh. Yay! KymJ is doing the interviews and still part of the show even though she is not a pro on the floor. Wecome back Louis (Lulu)...too bad you have Paula. Paula seemed plastered...talked too loud, laugh too brash and fake. Cut Paula's mike so we don't have to listen to her. Karina-always a favorite. Anna- who did you piss off to be saddled with Gary? Hayes is 15 years old and all the cougar talk is uncomfy. Did they harass Zendaya with this kind of sexualized talk? No, so stop it with this kid. Andy's pink/peach tux jacket was a nice touch. But his interview with Erin was awful, shut up. Watched most of the show through my fingers covering eyes because some parts were too gruesome.
  7. Repeat guests are invited by the producers thinking that the tried and true chemistry between the staff and guests will be camera gold. Most people don't want cameras in their face when on vacation or too shy about showing hedonistic behaviors. The first guest loved the camera and let his freak flag fly, but the rest of his party, not so much. Thinking the other guy who resembled the primary host was his son and he barely cracked a smile or said a word on camera.
  8. Rocky's odd head shot angles where we get to look up her nostrils while she talks, mugs and looks wide eyed into the camera reminds me of Toni Collette's mannerisms in Muriel's Wedding. Faux happiness and exuberance to cover up massive insecurities from failed dreams. The editors of the show are torn-a little Rocky goes a long way and she is too "on" all the time has already turned the viewers against her. That and the fact she moans incessantly about doing maid work. Rocky was under the false impression she was there for her personality not her cleaning skills. Don, reinacting the egg drinking scene from Rocky I, is another ego gone wild. He punched his plane ticket by not obeying orders to give slack the Captain ordered in the docking fiasco. Another hire that can't stop bitchin' about doing the job he was hired for. His contempt for Eddie will not be tolerated by BelowDeck fans. Buh-bye, Don.
  9. Having the plate lunch special and catching a show, no doubt. Gotta eat lunch somewhere...
  10. From the presses across the Pond: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3218507/Josh-Duggar-missing-mandatory-church-services-Christian-rehab-facility-mystery-shamed-reality-star-s-whereabouts-deepens.html
  11. Hold the presses! The copy of People magazine at my local library had the 3 Americans that thwarted the train terrorist Big Sized and the ugly mugs of anna+her hubby tiny sized. As it should be. People gets a slow clap.
  12. Like the trio of Capt. Lee, Eddie and Kate and obviously so does Bravo. Looking at the preview: Mr. Penis Blanket is back for another charter Surly chef, but not charming like Ben Eddie cannot get a break on this hired deck hands, another lunkhead he has to butt heads with Gonna get in my truck and go catch a gator.
  13. Kept waiting for the robed drunk host to piss on himself into the foam as he swayed back and forth. Or stop breathing from alcohol intoxication. Did I miss the tip or is this episode a 2 parter? Plane tickets for any or all of these 3: Don-don't be questioning any order Eddie gives you while you are ON DECK, you dick. Rocky-what a camera hog! Am sure the Bravo crew already hated her after the first episode. Look at me! Film me! Leon-when Kate calls him out as a lazy chef will be the last straw after a string of conflicts with her. Foam guy "Time to wrap it up!"
  14. I am positive both of our ideas have been pitched somewhere by someone in Hollywoodland.
  15. We need a Alone Reality TV Celebrity Season. Eivin Kilcher from Alaska the Last Frontier. Ray Lewis from the Last Alaskans. Eric Salitan from Life below Zero.
  16. Thought about that also but the Alone production crew needs time to spend with their families, regroup and start auditioning the Season 2 Aloners to be sent out so we don't have to wait too long for the next season. Hoping that they audition carefully so we can get on board with the cast they choose and be as invested into the 10 participants as Season 1. Different environment, different climate, harsh situations to flush the weaker Aloners to tap out. Lucas and Alan return to host or blog in some capacity.
  17. Wouldn't it be awesome if the last Tapout gets in the boat with his rescuers and motors over to the last man standing's camp to inform him that he is the WINNER. Good TV if the winner was just going about his business, unaware, and the last Tapout surprises him by showing up to announce the end of the competition and they are going home.
  18. It was bound to happen... A youtube cover for Lucas' Two Note Song Enjoy!
  19. Alan "The next time you think it is cold in your bedroom, look for icicles." Alan talking about his surf and turf "Some new kind of delicious" and "I could chew on this, it's not slimy." Lucas "I didn't think of it as a competition, it was a brotherhood" refering to their shared experience on VI. Lucas commenting on the cormorant fishing his line "It ate my lunch, so now it's my lunch."
  20. Lucas found the milk crates (soon to be repurposed into crab pots) while canoeing and scavaging the shore for detritus. No inquiry by the panel if that is where he got his frying pan that he used to cook his cormorant. Alan used a Dakota Fire Pit-efficient for cooking but does not throw out much heat. Alan's food dream... "Angelic hands stirring a silver bowl..and I wake up to nothing." Alan asked Lucas about the loud raindrops on his tarp and Lucas said the sound was like "mother's milk" and calmed him. Wonder if Sam did hunt but chose not to film his excursions into the woods? Or the unsuccessful footage was left out by the editors. Same for fishing, sling shotting? Very little Sam, other than his mental state. Hope he spills the beans on the reunion show what he was doing most of the time. Mitch made the leaf tarp boat early in the competition to cross over to the other shore to be near fresh water. But the constant rain has made proximity to fresh water unneccessary since he could catch rain, enough for his needs. Wonder if he regrets leaving the sunny side of the street? So few sunny days so not worth it to go back to original spot.
  21. To answer some inquries from previous posts: The pot of boiling spruce boughs was Sam's. The links provided above reveal why Lucas didn't use branches to muffle the pitter patter of the rain. He used a translucent tarp as the roof of his yurt to allow light into the structure. Using boughs to muffle the sound of raindrops would block the light. Google Ed Stafford-the guy who walked the length of the Amazon River losing original trekking partners but eventually finished with a forestry worker he met. Naked and Marooned was his show reminiscent of Alone.
  22. Been in the woods too long. This is my two note song... And my awesome yurt. And foyer to my yurt. And my stone hearth and drying rack above it. And my hand carved stringed instrument. As he was building his yurt... Yes, birdy, I will be your neighbor for a long time until a bunch of people come and get me with oatmeal cookies, my girlfriend and pumpkin pie. Alan's Cooking Corner featured Boiled Dolly Varden paired with Bufflehead "Daffy" Duck garnished with some sea lettuce. "Put your ingredients in your pot, let them shake hands and love one another." "No king eats better than I." Sam needs to get major calories other than the measley 35 cal he gets per mouse. He needs to fuel his brain because his recurrent theme last night was that he is going nutty. "Sick of it, so sick of it." Mitch doesn't blink anymore. "I'm not getting it done." Grim.
  23. The stilted delivery of the Tapouts' questions to their predessors was definitely producer driven. Maybe if the reunion was at a bar like they do on Deadliest Catch, it would had loosened the lips of the Tapouts. Because it was just a rehash with nothing new, just looked at who got back to their swimsuit weight or were still treating themselves with rebound eating. Baffles me how some of the early Tapouts passed the audition. Why was Josh even a consideration? No disrespect but were the producers blinded by his occupation in an metropolitan urban city and not the typical rural survivalist stereotype? I don't think they intended any participant to come off so poorly as he did. Joe had no fight in his dog....Pushed that button as fast as he could come up with an honorable excuse to get out of Dodge. Brant still looked dazed. Highlight of the show were the reaction shots of each man when the producers told them what number they were when they were rescued. Relief to NOT be the FIRST was palpable.
  24. Enjoyed the sequence when Alan was commenting how he was double fisting Snickers at the hotel to add body fat just prior to the drop off and the slight and slim Lucas refered to the strategy as "smuggling butter." Hearty laughs from the 3 guys. The Mutual Admiration Club of Lucas, Alan and Chris for the other 2 last Aloners, Mitch and Sam was classy and respectful. Nice how they praised the adaptability and ingenuity of the other guys while watching their footage. I can see why Chris was chosen to represent the early Tapouts, he is has a healthy sense of humor about his time on VI and not a whiner. You can tell he was a favorite of the producers with his easy going way.
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