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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. Sadly Amber reported she had not found Mr. Right in the two months since Decision Day. What 27 year old divorcee would expect finding Mr. or Mrs. right may take longer than 2 months? Edited to add that she may have better luck at the taverns finding Mr. Right if she goes with her twin sister in matching outfits.
  2. Glad you said this. No one knows what is really going on with her, what is staged, etc.
  3. Is it possible that no one likes to be rejected, and would complain about the manner in which the rejection was delivered no matter what that was? Taking the rejection straight or with a spoonful of sugar it is still a rejection. Take it and move forward. Whether one get's fired face to face, via email, on twitter etc., one is still fired.
  4. Just went to youtube and searched "married at first sight season 9 reunion". The first 10 - 12 minutes were Iris/Keith. She is really unhappy, and her anger got the best of her when pointing out things she had done that Keith had said were important. One interesting thing she said was 'I wanted to have that experience [intercourse?] with my MAFS husband'. Well apparently 8 weeks was not long enough to do what she had wanted to. Additionally she had not read the posts about correct use of personal pronouns. Maybe she makes her own grammar rules like sink use rules and drink limits. She's good at making the rules, but not good at following them.
  5. The Season 9 reunion special for Married at First Sight is set to air next week on Wednesday, September 18 on Lifetime and feature updates on the current status of each relationship. Read more at https://www.realitytvworld.com/news/married-at-first-sight-season-10-premiere-announced-will-feature-five-couples-and-two-hour-episodes-26459.php#qMle5YUvWrB4xpDZ.99
  6. There were several "aks" at the cookout too. Grammar, pronunciation..... Welcome to Charlotte.
  7. You are correct, she said she did not want any photos and was disappointed when Matt did not want any. It was a trap Amber set so she could criticize him for doing what she just did. Wonder why he fell for it rather than shrugging it off with a 'I'd like you to have them all, but thanks for thinking of me'.
  8. If she had said 'I'm saving it for my soulmate' it would have been different than saying 'I'm saving it for my husband'. She had a husband and did not. That behavior can be interpreted in many ways. Truer words were never written.
  9. The MFS poseurs, Pepper, Cal, and the other one where exuberant after Jamie expressed a desire to stay married. They see staying marriage as an "A" rating for themselves. They should be looking at developing healthy relationships as the goal, not continuing to stay married. Where's Cilona when you need him? The editors really worked hard to get the poseurs reacting to every statement, and who knows when the shots they inserted were taken. Hell, they could have put reactions to Matt into a different couple's couch time. How about that Iris? 😖 'I'm saving myself for my husband'. Then she has a husband, but saves herself for something else. She really showed Keith she did not want to stay together by not offering herself to her husband. Iris should have a glass of ice cold lemonade and think about what she has done.
  10. 100 X that Too bad you are not producing this mess, this is a super idea.
  11. After one thread an episode or two ago, it is clear to me that the 8 week divorce decision is manufactured by production, with the whole hearted cooperation of the poseurs and characters. If any character really thinks they cannot wait 10 weeks, or 12 weeks or 3 years to decide they want a divorce they are kookie. Now characters are "on the fence" for the cameras, just to get us to tune in next week. For heavens sake editors, if viewers made it this far we going to tune in next week no matter what red herrings the characters drag across our path. Imagine if they showed Amber saying to Raven, "I want a divorce", we'd still tune in next week to see Matt's reaction. It's the faint hope that there is a dramatic scene like Sam Role provided. There is a great deal of 'scripting' and editing in this to heighten the drama that keeps us watching. "I like drunk chipmunks and I cannot lie"
  12. Thanks for making the point that in an earlier episode Iris went through Keith's bedside table drawers and shamelessly felt it important to discuss his condoms with Keith on camera.
  13. It's just part of the MAFS hype. MAFS wants us to think there is a schedule for marriage success or failure. Most arrive at the divorce decision before or after the last show. To put the decision on the final episode of the season is just production crap to wrap up the season which was contracted for a certain number of episodes. Edited to add in previous seasons several couples have moved apart before decision day effectively ending their marriage. They appear to be contractually obligated to appear on camera to declare their desire for divorce. It seems there may be a contractual responsibility and money involved for the characters to appear to declare what they have already made obvious to the viewers.
  14. This show has been so tedious that without you Primetimer posters (and On Demand), I couldn't have stayed with this show. They must be losing viewers with the location and cast
  15. In addition to easier Poseur visiting, consider Silo offered them apartments for filming in exchange for promotion. Production saved renting each couple a short term home and and the couples did not have to go home hunting. Just a possibility.
  16. I'm with you, not 24/7, but certainly in the evening and when they go out for events. They seem to have a crew on duty when the couples go to bed at night. Production seems to have an idea about Matt's alone time from his first event, and Poseur Cal certainly addressed his adventures.
  17. I have a question. If Matt is out philandering how come the camera crew has not documented that?
  18. With too much time on my hands I did a google search and..... OMG Amber Bowles really does teach Language Arts at Community House Middle School. Shaping the values and grammar of the next generation. I even had enough time to look at the pay schedules for teachers, and could not really find a Column/Step combination that Ms. Bowles would be eligible for that paid $80,000. She must be getting a hefty stipend for being on the School Leadership Team. I had thought she demonstrated too many behaviors that demonstrated she was not currently a teacher, but I was wrong 😣
  19. That's for sure. If she is a teacher her grammar, tattoos, drinking and other behavior follows her into the classroom. None of those things is bad in itself, but for a teacher to display them to students in or out of the classroom is not appropriate, and some may consider it unprofessional. The problem may not be that a teacher does these things, but rather where she does them Great frequently overlooked observation. What does that say about you and me as viewers?
  20. Is it possible that she is not really a teacher? All the above is correct, for a middle school teacher, but maybe she's not. Interesting to imagine her sitting around the teacher's lounge saying 'I'm gonna be on MAFS' to her colleagues. Plenty of occupations have appeared on this show, "high yield bond trader" -- what's that? Where is the high yield bond trading pit? The evergreen "account executive". Was this filmed during the school year when teachers do not really get vacation time for a wedding and trip to Antigua?
  21. IIRC Poseur Cal said interaction of the characters was the reason for the focused location. Seems that the real reason was to receive something of value so they did not pay as much, or at all, for the characters rental homes. They may have even received payment from the Silos for all the promotion. Production had to be a great deal easier when a lot of the camera crew's work was in the same location, the camera crew could even be housed at the Silo. Useless to us, useful to production.
  22. Couples retreat Maybe they can use the community room at the Silos Apartments for the retreat and save some money and travel time. Big Red and Jamie would not need pet sitters.
  23. Poseur Cilona, what a guy, easier to remember his jacket rather than his name. Nice explanation of Iris' behavior. She wants to be in charge of the dolls in her dollhouse, or the hostess at the tea (lemonade) party.
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