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Captain Stable

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  1. But not dip? Does California not have dips?
  2. Going to admit, I'm not a fan of Mojo at all (not even in the comics), so this episode didn't really do anything for me. I appreciate them breaking the Storm story into small parts which I guess will play at the end of each episode as a 10-minute part story each week. I initially wondered why it wasn't cut into the main story, but then realised the flow would be totally wrong, so get why they've done it this way.
  3. There is an argument that Obi-Wan used Force healing on Luke in New Hope, when he first appeared. Luke had been knocked unconscious by the Tuskens, Obi-Wan frightened them off, then placed his hands on Luke's forehead. Luke then woke up right away. Now I know in the real world this was never planned, but it could be Retconned ot be Force Healing :)
  4. I took it as a play on the Mrs. Troi "Oh Jean-Luc!" thing 🙂
  5. Easter Egg #3 - "Papa Ant" (seen in the screenshot), clearly a reference to Ant Man!
  6. I was all ready to complain that they messed up continuity of Fury's Gravestone! When it was originally shown (Winter Soldier, I think), it has a passage from Ezekiel 25:17 - "The path of the righteous man...", while this one didn't, but they spun it around before I had chance to engage caps lock by saying there are numerous gravestone's all over the world. For those who failed to notice, Ezekiel 25:17 doesn't exist in the bible, and was the famous quote Samuel L said in Pulp Fiction :) (See also Mace Windu's Lightsaber having an engraving saying "Bad ****" on it, and Avengers: Infinity War when Nick Fury dissolves saying "Mother....")
  7. The whole "Kill Fury" plot seems wrong. Skrodey orders Mrs. Fury to kill Fury, and implies it's his orders (not Gravik's). Then Gravik gets angry that Mrs. Fury failed in the task that he didn't set... Yet he needs Fury alive to get The Harvest, yet sends a squad to kill Mrs. Fury for failing to kill Fury, who he doesn't want dead....
  8. I stupidly thought of Heimlich (as in the Heimlich Manoeuvre) and was wondering what the connection to someone choking was.... I'm full of stupid sometimes!
  9. Late to the party with this one, but why would the Skrull general care about Fury killing - what is to him - some random kid? It's NOT his son, unless he's been impersonating the general for about 16 years. In which case, what was up with the early scene with the three Skrulls walking into the naval base? Where are they, what are they doing? No, thinking about it, the Skrull!General can't be the real father, otherwise Real!General wouldn't have memories of Zach, and name his abort code after him! Skrull!General should have just let Fury kill the kid because he meant NOTHING to him!
  10. I'd even add Worf into the Spock-Split category, as the "Alien living among others, trying to keep their racial intentions in check, yet using them for the benefit of the team when required" So, while Spock battled his Human half, Worf is full Klingon, but raised in the human way. IMO, of course.
  11. To steal a quote from "the other franchise"... KAAAAAARRRRNNNN!!!!! <Shakes Fist>
  12. "The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers" It's when you discover that "Toshe Station" is a strip club, and "Power Converters" is what they call the girls who work there.... :P
  13. Two things: 1: What was the Master's timeline in this episode? Was he Rasputin, then the Seismologist Master who was turned into The Doctor, and "died" when the cyber planet was destroyed? 2: How did Graham get involved in the volcano plot? He seemed to know what was going on, but when the Doctor saw him, she was shocked to see him there, so she didn't send him...
  14. All I was getting was "Yes, I hear you Clem Fandango!" [Clem Fandango is a work experience guy in the TV show "Toast of London" who keeps appearing, and interrupting the main star while he's trying to work.]
  15. I thougth Will made the comment that "now he's back in Hawkins, he can feel it again"
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