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Jack Sampson

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Everything posted by Jack Sampson

  1. Fine, then don't sign up for a national TV show chronicling your marriage to a stranger. Especially when EVERY previous season has had similar questions. It's like signing up for Survivor but not wanting to have to go without food or compete in challenges.
  2. Wasn't she yammering on about being a vegan on the honeymoon?
  3. She is repulsed, but Neil quit showing interest so she's trying to get a reaction to stroke her ego and get him reinvested. Her whole "I'm not attracted to him" routine only works if the guy keeps chasing. Unlike David, Neil doesn't - and it's bruising her ego. She'd withdraw completely if Neil made a move...make a real production of it too. "I can't expose my flabby belly without you trying to jump on top of me?" <Exasperated sigh, storms off to do a video diary about how she can't have a conversation because Neil only wants her chubby body>
  4. How can no one in her life tell her to speak normally? I get that vocal fry is an epidemic these days - but it's mostly among kids. Logan is WAY too old for that nonsense. Her husband must be deaf to tolerate it. I would literally stop her in mid sentence and ask her to try again without the vocal fry. Is it chain smoking maybe? Can you believe the NYC school system uses her quackery to teach kids about anything, least of all sex?
  5. I'm making a wild guess - Sam is at least bisexual and is coming off a longer-term relationship with her roommate. At 28:50-55 on the stream, Ashley says that she isn't comfortable answering the questions. The sound cuts at that point but she clearly says, "on camera". Fine, but David wouldn't be making a point that she isn't trying if she answered them later. Plus, Ashley looks like she's put on weight already and that lip is in need of attention again. How can someone who is so worried about her on-camera presentation not fix her mustache? Another wild guess - Ashley's ex found out about the show and told her not to get involved with the fake husband so they could be together after. She's not going to do or say anything to jeopardize a possible restart with him.
  6. No, but you can re-watch them online. Find the section and let us know the timestamp.
  7. Let's not exaggerate. Jamie realized this is her last chance at Z-list celebrity and to have a child with a tall athlete. That marriage is doomed the second their show ends.
  8. Claiming death threats is the new way of shutting down arguments. Without actual proof (from accounts that existed prior to the show - not burner accounts), I don't believe it either.
  9. In the preview episode, there was a guy who pulled out at the last minute. Eric maybe - he was a 28 year old salesman. I wonder if Tres was recruited as his replacement. In that same episode, they rejected Jeremy as a match for Ashley because he "had trouble connecting with his emotions" and was "commitment phobic". Sounds like they would have been better together. David was originally matched with that tall blonde girl Jordan, who came off as FAR more of a match than Smashly. The reason she was rejected was her "guardedness" and "sexual naiveté". I'm guessing that means she's a virgin? Again, I'd rather be with a shy virgin than a deliberately frigid woman...of 30...who is also the most guarded woman in show history. And they made a point to say that David needs a woman who is open and warm and affectionate... Sam was yammering on about how she is completely committed. Logan keeps vocal frying her way through "this isn't a blind date, this is a blind marriage", and everyone stares at her wondering why she's repeating herself. Erica drops out because she's concerned her match wouldn't be as "authentic as she is" - then they show her in the least authentic pose I've ever seen. She's in a park, having a full picnic for one (blanket, basket, wine, 3 books, reading one, 3 CANDLES OUTDOORS IN THE DAYTIME, some eastern idol she's venerating, 2 sets of flowers, you get the idea) - a Hollywood set designer couldn't have gone further over-the-top for her "authentic" day at the park.
  10. That's a good point. I guess Sam's roommate COULD be looking after them for the duration of the show, but it's a clear indication that Sam is either not living at the house with Neil or knows she'll be back home in a few more weeks so she isn't bothering to move them.
  11. I don't drink at all, never did, even in college, so I get that too. I think the reason they match people with such obvious differences is that the contestants are so eager to get on the show (for some reason), that they give the "I'm open to anything." speech. You hear some of that in the prep episode. Most people realize that, if they're honest, they'd never get picked to be on the show...same way people lie in job interviews.
  12. Sam is "indifferent" to the marriage...big surprise. Neil should have just left, but he won't. I'd bet Neil has never left a woman in his life. He'd rather sit there and quietly take whatever is thrown at him. There's literally no way a damaged woman like Sam will ever respect him and Pepper's pep talk will last about an hour. Pretty sure Neil isn't attracted to her either, he's just so afraid of conflict that he'll endure anything. Regarding his virginity - he did have an ex girlfriend on the show. I'm younger than Neil so maybe my terminology is different than the older crowd, but she's not your girlfriend until after sex (at least a few times and presumed exclusivity). I've never even heard of someone being called a girlfriend without sex being involved. And I doubt he's gay. Sam's dad is pretty cool. He didn't do a good job raising his daughter though. Vanessa is acting crazy about Tres going out - it's okay to be a little angry but to jump right into the "he's not ready for marriage" line is extreme. Not the first time we've seen her overreact to something simple. At least she didn't cry this time. Tres's dad needs to lose some weight. Not sure how old he is but he looks like he can barely walk. I think Vanessa saw that and realized Tres isn't going to age well. So, according to Dr. C, David is supposed to break through Ashley's walls? Great, what's in it for him? A lifetime of intimacy and (probably) sexual problems? Hard pass. Why not match David with someone who likes to talk and perhaps even have fun on occasion? Notice, it was late, Ashley didn't mention studying until David wanted to talk. Then quickly put her book down when he went downstairs. I also don't think David is very attracted to Ashley - how could he be? He's committed to the process, he doesn't want to admit that all of his friends were right about this and he's a salesman - he wants to win her over, even if the "prize" has no value. I think that the experts' solution to last season was to find some guys who would tolerate anything, hoping the women would stick around for...reasons.
  13. Look at the way she perked up when David mentioned money last episode. She'd be into someone with a lot of money and model looks who is devoted to her - yet has no needs of his own that she has to consider. Unfortunately for Ashley, she doesn't have to looks, intelligence, personality or youth to attract such a man. In the real world, (outside of the show) even David wouldn't bother with her. The thing is, therapists are paid to work with people. In a social situation, there has to be some payoff for investing all of that time and effort. I have a feeling that, with Ashley, the problem isn't that she's in her shell, it's that she's an empty shell.
  14. They showed them doing that in the preparation episode. I wrote about it a few pages back.
  15. "Little free time", huh? Almost like she doesn't have enough to devote to a new marriage and shouldn't have wasted some guy's time but she did anyway for purely selfish reasons?
  16. To his credit, David tried some of that early on but Ashley just stared at him in blank silence. You have a pretty good idea that silence was genuine (not just editing) and continued throughout the honeymoon because she clearly hadn't asked him about his job until that conversation on the couch. Even then, he volunteered the information and she was disinterested until a dollar figure was mentioned. She probably learned more paying attention to his mother for an hour than she bothered learning during the honeymoon.
  17. I can see the production company freaking out knowing the show will be cancelled if at least one couple doesn't stay together. They might be motivated to quietly approach one of the couples and offer cash/prizes/future shows if they stayed together for a little while...at least keep up appearances. Sam and Neil are the perfect choice. Neil is still close to the ex who friendzoned him - at least he gets some money out of it with Sam. And Sam seems like she'd do anything for a some cash - as long as she didn't have to be a real wife to Neil.
  18. @ $300 (her actual contribution to the rent) her annual after-tax (guessing?) salary is only $14,400 @ $600 (her total mortgage) it's $28,800 - that's around $32000 pre tax. Either way it's substantially below the average salary for even an assistant bank manager in Atlanta according to Google. Also, Neil makes about $45,000 or $57,000 pre tax. I think my math is correct.
  19. ^^^^^So, it's just her husband she treats poorly. To random children - strangers even - she is warm and affectionate.
  20. Neil's being coached to say that he knows why they were matched.
  21. I hadn't heard that. Interesting, and Vanessa does seem to have her act together financially. But, honestly, all I noticed about her was that black top she was wearing...I know that makes me shallow.
  22. Anyone else think David would have gotten sex on his honeymoon if he disclosed his salary sooner? He'll get a stepford wife if he promises to pay off her student loans. Speaking of honeymoons, Ashley doesn't rate things like vacations? How hard would it be to just say something - anything - vaguely nice? "It's a strange way to get started, but I had a fun time with you." Discussing David's concern that she'll run back to her old place, Ashley says, "You've jumped ahead...and you think that's gonna happen...Where did that come from?" Maybe the fact that you've already done exactly that on the first night back, you dolt. David backed down too quickly.
  23. Was it in the beginning? I missed it. I'll have to watch the online stream. As I've said in previous seasons, there has to be a deal worked out with these houses - no one is signing even a short term lease over a 6 week marriage. I'm guessing the production company finds some corporate housing within the couple's budget and gives them the option of free rent for the duration of the show or they're on their own. Everything is decided in advance. The "house hunting" is about as real as an episode of House Hunters.
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