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Jack Sampson

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Posts posted by Jack Sampson

  1. 1 minute ago, Waterlilly said:

    Did Heather flash her boobs at Mardi Gras or The Regatta in Biscayne Bay?  The Regatta is quite a wild event on the water with lots of booze, drugs, porn and big money for three days during Columbus Day weekend.  I'm surprised she is so up tight, maybe it is about her job or rep,  she should have been more honest on her questions  

    Judging by the reports, it looks like it was spring break when she was 19 at Lake Havasu.  She was on a boat flashing the beach.  It's pretty standard stuff for spring break.

    • Love 3
  2. 7 minutes ago, ctbabe said:

    But she ran after the first time. I am kind of confused with the people saying he is a pot addict. How did they arrive at that conclusion? Do they know him personally? Do they know Heather personally? 

    If he smoked weed at a party where everyone else was too, that would be occasional and probably not a problem.  If he HAD to smoke by himself to get through dinner, it creates the impression that he was jonesing and held out as long as he could (less than 3 days).

    • Love 4
  3. 24 minutes ago, izabella said:

    You might want to look Heather up, then!  I suspect she might be single, or in the process of a divorce at this point.

    She's WAY too old and jaded for me.  Ha. 

    I wonder how Derek handles it.  I was rooting for David to explode on Trashley, I'm hoping to see something like that out of Derek.

    • Love 3
  4. 6 minutes ago, izabella said:

    I could totally see her going for the slick guys, the guys who are charming initially on the outside, who wine and dine you and make you feel special, all to get into your pants and drop you for the next pretty girl they see or when they get bored. 

    If that makes one a bad person, then I'm in trouble.

    • Love 1
  5. If Tom had lived in the bus for 6 months while he refurbed it and sold it for enough money to buy a house or "luxury" apartment, no one would raise an eyebrow.  Hell, he could even turn that into a nice business - or at least a side hustle. 

    Instead, it's 2 years and he's not even close to being finished.  Makes me think he's just not a motivated guy.  I can't see him having the energy for a family.

    23 minutes ago, lordonia said:

    Heather isn't attracted to Derek and has already basically shut down to wait out the six weeks. She's shrewd enough to know not to have a public meltdown or bash him in her talking heads, but it's not difficult to read her frosty, disintrested politeness.

    Heather isn't going to be attracted to anyone who's nice to her.

    • Love 5
  6. Poor Derek said, "I know my wife is conservative".  Ha!  Maybe with a guy she's not attracted to, sport.  If she's into a dude, she's getting naked in public and jumping into bed right away.  Notice how she's says that she doesn't want this to feel like a hookup - I'm betting there have been a ton of hookups in her past.  How funny is it that Heather, a jaded, 32 year old stewardess, thinks she's better than anyone?  I hope Derek shows some stones and dumps her early instead of repeating David's embarrassing behavior from last season. 


    Both Derek and Nick seem like boring dudes.  No charisma at all.  Tom is the only one this season with any personality.


    Lily and Sonia - they seem nice enough but I'm bored by both of them already.  I might end up bailing this season if things don't pick up.

  7. 3 hours ago, wings707 said:

    It could just be the styling.  Here is her linkedin photo.  You can tell that she has extensions.  I wonder why she didn't get them for the show?


    Her SM photos are facetuned to the moon and back. 

    • Love 4
  8. 38 minutes ago, ctbabe said:

    Even though Derek is the one with the bad habit, I kind of feel sorry for him. I think he really wanted the marriage. He has posted the most wedding picture on SM. Heather has not posted 1 picture with him. Even Princess Davina was not that bad. I don't blame him for accepting flattering comments from ladies. 

    Based on the comment below, I also wonder if she has moved on since their wedding was end of April Or maybe they are still together (Ms Dreamy) 

    A. I can't stand when people give a non-answer.  Just say, "On average is 2-3 nights a week but it varies"

    B. Her definition of a "secure man" seems to be someone who's okay with his wife being gone all the time.  That sounds like a lot of effort for a job that doesn't pay very well.

    • Love 1
  9. 1 hour ago, ctbabe said:

    When does one cross the anger issue threshold? Is one not allowed to show anger at all? I ve always wondered when the threshold is crossed. 

    Since she wasn't feeling him. I wonder if this was her get out of jail card. I really want to know if she communicated the issue or just walked out without giving him the opportunity to fix it. 

    That's exactly what it is.

    And, in Heather's case, she indicated that her past relationships were all "not nice" (meaning anger issues, violence issues, probably at least alcoholism) guys.  So, her deal breakers are literally all of the things she's found attractive about men in the past.

    • Love 2
  10. 4 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    Theoretically, that makes complete sense, but how do you prove addiction vs recreational use?  Do you do random drug tests?  How many and for how long?  What about addictions such as shopping, food or gambling

    Years ago, I went to a wedding of two people in their early thirties; both of them had been sober for about fifteen years, meaning they went to rehab as teenagers.  If they didn't tell you, you'd never know.

    You would just look at their weight or debt to determine that.  The home visit is supposed to uncover any problems like fringe politics, hoarding, satanic worship, weird obsessions or general craziness.  I suspect a hidden drug problem would pop up then.  I once went to a girl's apartment who had a framed Ouija board - framed because it was "special to her family".  I left...I've seen enough horror movies to know what happens next.

    • Love 6
  11. 32 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

    Heather looks older than she says she is.  I agree that something, maybe her job, maybe having to deal with nasty, drunk men on airplanes, have jaded her.  

    I noticed that, even when she makes a cry-face, the forehead doesn't move.  Heather needs to go back in time and convince her younger self to date Boring Nice Guys™.  Past drama might have been exciting, but it's damaged her...possibly beyond repair.  Did you see the blank stare when she says, "Thank you for the advice" in the preview?  That's a detached, empty woman.

    • Love 4
  12. 1 hour ago, Vinyasa said:

    All the girls,  Derek and Tom have tattoos.  I didn't notice any on Nick, but I'm still checking.

    Is it just me or do tattoos not look nice with a wedding dress? Several of the bridesmaids had them also.

    What does everyone think?

    I've never seen a tattoo make a woman more attractive, at best it's a wash.


    Regarding Sonia - affirming her looks the way she wants is the quickest path to being friendzoned.  Withholding your approval will lead to sex.  It's basic gamesmanship.  Would it be a nice thing for him to do?  Sure.  But being nice has had disastrous consequences on this show.  I'm not sure whether or not he's thinking that far ahead but it's how I'd play the situation.  And I wouldn't be one of these dudes begging for a high-five 6 weeks into a marriage.

    Beyond that, Sonia seems like a nice enough person but she'd get on my nerves quickly.  No way I could stay married to her unless she calmed down a lot.

    Lillian seemed like she's giving this a legitimate shot.  If Tom doesn't have a problem with the hair thing, neither do I.  We'll see how the next week goes.

    Heather is beat.  Life or her job have jaded her.  She's the kind of woman who's lost several steps since her 20s but still thinks she's entitled to DiCaprio...the version from a decade ago.  She said, "I'm not really used to that nice of a guy."  Meaning, she's attracted to abusive dudes.  That never ends well.  And her face is either Toxed or she's the least expressive chick I've ever seen...further adding to the "dead inside" effect.  Also, her boobs are radically different sizes based on the outfit she's wearing - some kind of sorcery going on there.

    It's all or nothinnggg-aahhhh!

    • Love 4
  13. 26 minutes ago, qtpye said:

    If Busboy is not able to afford a place near the beach, he will probably enjoy the glamour and prestige of a Walmart parking lot (land near the beach usually does not come cheap, even if you live on a bus).

    IDK, those coaches can go for over a million used.  That can buy a nice place near the beach around Miami, you might need to settle for an apartment though.  And you could get a sick house farther north - which is where you want to be if you want to surf.

    • Love 1
  14. ^^^ Lillian is a "Luxury Real Estate Agent".  The other buzz word is "ambition".  Why do they have to call everyone ambitious?  Especially when it's clearly not the case.  Just once, I'd like to hear someone say that their ambition is to be a great father.  Or a great wife and mother - that wouldn't fit the Strong Independent Woman™ narrative but it would be refreshing.   

    Or just be honest, "My ambition is to ride this surfer-beach-bum thing as far as I can."  "I want to be on TV and ruining some poor girl's chances of finding a husband is the shortest path."  "I'm sick of working, so my ambition is to find a husband to support me.  If I have to squeeze out a kid or two lock him down, so be it."

    • Love 3
  15. 29 minutes ago, WhoAmIReally said:

    Sonia is a cutie.

    She has an old Myspace account with pictures going back to 08.  There was a brief period in 09 when she had her weight under control and looked okay but she smoked back then (not sure if she still does)...that's an instant deal breaker for me.  Today's version is chubby and has a joker smile.  Plus the experts made the comment that she needed someone to "underwrite her mission-oriented life".

    I don't care how nice she is, that isn't happening with a 33 year old, chubby girl.

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