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Jack Sampson

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Posts posted by Jack Sampson

  1. 7 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    Cody's vocal fry was at its most annoying...approaching Kloe Kardashian level...in this episode.

    What's with that?  You'd hope a producer would say, "Great Cody, let's get another take without sounding like one of the women on the Bachelor."

    If Cody wants to be the manly man Danielle's looking for, the power move would be to tell her to go to the birthday party - then take another woman to the wedding.  Showing a woman how easily she's replaced is as alpha as it gets.  The bro needs me in his corner.  I'd have women everywhere hating him, yet being strangely attracted. 

    I still love Ashley.

    Nate looks like he's acting for the cameras.  Nothing he says sounds genuine to me.

    • Love 3
  2. 2 minutes ago, kira28 said:

    I can't believe they cast someone who was having sex every day but claims he wasn't in a relationship. Yuck.  It's unlikely to go from random sex or Fwb hookups every freaking day to bring ready to get married in a month. Cody is just incredibly immature!

    Really?  This is a show that casts women who are just trying to make their ex boyfriends jealous or promote their business or people just trying to get famous.   

    He put the brakes on during the honeymoon.  I'm betting his current change of heart is all producer-driven.  The dude isn't going to be upset over not having sex with his older, friendzoned wife when there are plenty of alternatives waiting at his gym.

    • Love 4
  3. 3 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

    jsampson- Strong feeling Ashley will be free soon for you to impregnate and give your name if you don't mind Anthony's seconds...

    Everybody's gonna goof on me for finally liking one of these women.  Ha! 

    IRL, she's too old for me.

    • Love 3
  4. When Ashley grunted and said that the Rachel meeting wasn't going the way she expected - She's officially the cutest girl I've ever seen.  She'd take my last name and I'd already have her pregnant.

    Sheila hasn't had an orgasm even by herself?  She's got some deep-seated sexual dysfunction.  Whatever sex drive she's faking right now will disappear in a few months.

    Danielle looks old.  I can't imagine Cody would be able to even fake interest in her and that man-jaw. 

    • Love 2
  5. Nate and Sheila – Everything Nate says sounds like a smarmy pickup line to me.  And his brother isn’t making things any easier on poor Sheila.  The brother might be a nice guy but who wants to look after a giant kid first thing in a marriage?  Sheila is too dramatic and I could probably pick her apart, but she’s in a bad situation.


    Cody and Danielle – Cody looks like a pretty cool dude and, at first, seemed to be attracted to his mother…wait, Danielle is his wife?  Yikes.  Cody owns a gym and has worked as a trainer – I know several trainers and they’re used to very attractive young girls throwing themselves at them.  Cody’s never had to learn to live with a woman so he appears awkward.  It wouldn’t matter anyway because he’s just not attracted to her at this point.  Isn’t Cody the first guy in the show’s history to friendzone his wife?  And Danielle isn’t bringing anything to the table except complaints.  Even when they were doing things on the honeymoon, all she did was badger him about not being manly enough.  If a guy is on the fence about his attraction to a woman, that gibberish is not going to help.  Maybe the problem is that she’s just not feminine enough.  Watch Cody on the couch reading his texts - the dude is checked out.

    Danielle claims to want a man to take charge but she seems like the first one to get angry when a man does.  Maybe she needs an older man with fewer options.


    Anthony and Ashley – Anthony is a fun and likable dude but that chubby bastard hit the game show wife jackpot!  Can we please end the show now and let me believe that Ashley is amazing.  Hot, laughs easily, reasonably intelligent, likes sex, wants a family, can overlook her husband’s average (at best) looks – I could continue for a few pages.  Her only major flaw so far is her family.  If we end the show now I don’t have to see her problems bubble to the surface.

    Also, either Anthony makes next to nothing or Ashley’s parents wildly overpay her.  The average bar manager in Chicago only makes around $35k. 

    • Love 9
  6. 2 hours ago, Lion18 said:

     Heather looked like she was wearing a bra while talking to her friend  she loves to show those " girls"

    Heather's just advertising.  Attention local men, this is what I bring to the table...and not much else.

    I didn't even watch last week, barely skimmed this week.  This show sucks.

    • Love 4
  7. I hope the show gets back to the idea of Ray just being a Hollywood fixer.  I enjoyed the fun shenanigans around town more than this mob crap.  I'd hoped the football team would be the new backdrop for Ray's fixer antics but that storyline took too long to develop and was dropped too quickly. 

    • Love 6
  8. 4 hours ago, Stillhoping said:

    Ashley was stuck with a guy she didnt like but quietly stuck it out ...and was hated and raked over the coals.

    Heather pulled the plug ...and is being raked over the coals.

    Nick flips and yells how he is not attracted etc...and is rightfully feeli.g the hate...but then some say Ashley should have been "honest" and verbalized her lack of attraction...hello? Hello?

    Ashley wasn't stuck with a guy she didn't like, she lied to everyone to get on the show to make her ex jealous.  She deserves all of the hate she got.

    People are about evenly split on Heather.

    There's a difference between calmly telling someone the truth after giving it a solid try and getting drunk one night and yelling.  Nick made a bad call...and he never even tried to be physical with her. 

    • Love 5
  9. 2 hours ago, StayingAfterSunday said:

    About Heather:  Heather didn't sign up for the show because she wanted to be married to just anyone. She took a risk, hoping that "someone" turned out to be Prince Charming.

    Then she signed up for the wrong show.  The whole idea is to take what you're given and work it out based on the reasoning (for what it's worth) of the experts.  The show is definitely not to find Prince Charming.  Prince Charming is a fantasy for little girls, not women serious about making a marriage work.

    • Love 5
  10. 4 minutes ago, Paddywagon said:

    Heather's getting hit pretty hard and I wish she had been paired differently.  She has come across as being cold and quitting but I'm pretty sure Jamie and Jaclyn would've remained cold and quit if Doug and Ryan had called them names and whined as much as Derek.

    We got to see who Jamie and Jaclyn are but never got to see who Heather is.  Mostly we saw her deflecting Derek's tantrums.  I'm surely not a Heather fan but I bet she could've been really interesting on this show.  Like, the wedding dress Heather picked was fugly but we never got to see the side of her that would pick a dress like that.  Maybe she would've been the wife that paraded around in things they had to blur out a lot. Or maybe she would've been hyper-sexual like Jaclyn.  Or maybe she would've been nothing more than a cold bitch.  In any case it's too bad she was paired with a man child and we never got to find out.

    Trailer trash?  The thing is, she was joyless even when picking out the dress...before meeting Derek.  Derek didn't take a girl with a sunny, happy personality and beat her into a dour bitch with his tantrums, she was like that from the beginning.   

    • Love 5
  11. 2 hours ago, Booboomonkey said:

    Why does nick have to be labeled gay, bi, weird, into casual sex, autistic, etc because he isnt attractive to a slightly "ok" looking girl? Why all these crazy theories and over analyzing?  You guys are acting like she is a victoria's secret model and theres no way he couldnt be attracted to her. Hes not attracted to her. ITs really that simple. 

    I for one do not find Sonia attractive, shes weird looking and has a weird needy personality to match. 

    I would love to see each one of you paired with someone you dont find attractive, and then have huge pressure from everyone to be intimate with them.  How would you feel?

    I've said from the beginning that she's not attractive...and that Nick isn't gay.

    But, faced with a similar situation, I'd respond exactly how I've said people should respond in past seasons - have sex.  Give sex a try as a Hail Mary pass to see if anything might possibly happen.  Maybe Sonia makes up for her looks with unbelievable bedroom skills.  Probably not, but I'd give it a try.  Of course, then everyone would be calling me an ass for just using her.

    • Love 1
  12. 23 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

    Someone on  Lipstick Alley said that they should ask these people for pictures of their exes so they'll know what "type" they're attracted to.  I remember one of Tom's friends said that Lily was "his type," which is probably why they're still together.

    Just show them pictures of the candidates and have them rate them 1-10 on a full-body shot.  That way there's no doubt about physical attraction.

    • Love 2
  13. 55 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

    She did say something about being past that & not wanting that kind of relationship anymore -  I can't remember her exact words but it led me to believe she's been in toxic relationships before & saw the red flags (I know I did & agree with her decision).

    She specifically said that her past relationships were "not nice" guys and that Derek was the opposite.  That's probably why she wasn't attracted to him.  And her lack of attraction wasn't because of smoking or gambling or arguing, she also states that she wasn't attracted to him prior to any of that.

    • Love 1
  14. They don't file for an annulment because it takes longer, is way more expensive and, after you've spent all the time and money, the judge can still declare the marriage was valid...which is the likely outcome in these cases.  A divorce is cheaper, easier and the show will pay for it.

    • Love 1
  15. 3 minutes ago, Vinyasa said:

    After last night, I am kinda, sorta, maybe thinking Sonia would have been good matched with David.

    Seems like she would appreciate a guy like him and he would be attracted to her in time.


    Anything would have been better than Trashley.

    • Love 3
  16. 1 minute ago, Evil Queen said:

    Why is it a bad career decision to be a social worker? Just because she isn't making a ton doesn't mean she wants a rich man (which IMO Nick is not).

    Going back to the matchmaking special, they specifically picked Nick to finance Sonia's lifestyle.  I'm guessing it's because her career can't support that lifestyle, otherwise she wouldn't need financing. 

    • Love 2
  17. 26 minutes ago, RocketGirl said:

    So Nick is not into Sonia...is that a crime?  Maybe he wants someone who loves dogs, is slimmer and more athletic, is perhaps more intellectually challenging to him, less in need of constant validation, and less in debt.  

    No, no, no...he must be gay.  It makes far more sense that a gay man slipped through the screening process and fooled everyone to promote an airbnb and a t-shirt.

    I don't get why Nick has to be gay because he isn't into a clingy, girl-voiced, "un-slim" (other words to that effect get me banned) girl who wants someone to pay for her bad career decisions.

    • Love 3
  18. 1 hour ago, Nowhere said:

    Sex is involved in a marriage. So he needs to get wasted and fuck her already. But he won't even touch her or flirt with her. I just wish she had the confidence to speak up and say this is how it is, we need to know if we are compatible in this area,...

    People would have a meltdown if he had sex then dumped her on decision day - accuse him of just using her.  It wouldn't matter how much she wanted, or even pushed for sex, Nick would be seen as the big bad wolf.

    If Sonia wants sex, she should put on (or take off?) her big girl pants and say so.  Or start one night in bed and make him say no.  Or just wear something to bed other than her "no sex tonight, dear" outfit.  The point is, other than complaining in her THs, she hasn't given Nick a lot of feedback.

    • Love 1
  19. 1 hour ago, Enero said:

    As soon as they had their session with Rachel and Sonia was obviously uncomfortable with the intimacy of the exercise Rachel had them do (watch Sonia's body language in that scene . She was positioning herself away from him.) and how she continued to show her discomfort in route to the honeymoon, Nick has pulled back. So...he may be waiting to get the signal that she's comfortable with more physical intimacy before making a move

    Remember last season when everyone was saying that David should wait and let Ashley come to him?  This is what that looks like, and the dude is called gay for waiting.

    Is there a scene I missed where Sonia clearly says she's ready to get more physical?  Other than THs?

  20. 1 minute ago, Snewtsie said:

    I think Lily is SMART to discuss kids with her husband- repeat: HUSBAND.  Hell yes she should get a read on whether or not he wants kids down the road!!  This is something people usually know about themselves regardless of who they are partnered up with at the time.  

    Why did Dr Pepper minimize that by telling ler Tom is a basically a stranger???!!  No he is not, Dr. Pepper.  Thanks to you Tom is her freakin' HUSBAND now, and she has every right to press him about how he envisions his future. 

    I was married for 10 years to a guy just like Tom.  Bottom line, when someone hesitates about wanting kids in the future, it usually means they don't.

    This is the same girl who thought it was weird to cook for a stranger last week.  She doesn't need to rush to baby plans.  I like Lily the best this season, she seems sincere.

    • Love 1
  21. 3 hours ago, red12 said:

    I want them to find something he is really afraid of and make him live with it for at least a few days to see how he does. Like, if he's afraid of heights, make him camp out on the roof of an extremely tall building or bungee jump every other hour to see if he just gets over it. Nick seems like the type of person who only understands things that directly affect him.

    I'm terrified of heights, yet I learned to skydive to impress a girl I was dating - I literally passed out on the first jump but, by the 5th jump, it didn't really bother me anymore.  It still bothers me if I haven't been in the situation for awhile, but I get over it when exposed.  It would be the same with dogs.

    Also, it wasn't an awkward move Derrek made or weed or the arguments or anything else - Heather clearly says on the beach before surfing that she hasn't been romantically interested in Derek.  Not, "Things started off great, but XYZ happened."  She wasn't with it from the start.

    • Love 1
  22. 15 hours ago, Empress1 said:

    $18-$20K in student debt doesn't sound like a lot to me at all. If Nick has $20K in student loans and is making $80K a year, he's doing fine. Sonia's $25K doesn't strike me as a lot but when you look at her total financial package, it's a bit more problematic: not a high income in a high COL area, higher-interest credit card debt (that would worry me way more than the student loans), etc. 

    $25k sounds like next to nothing.  Maybe it feels like more with her limited income.  I have college friends who graduated $80-100k in debt.

    I'm confused about Nick, does he have an equity stake in any properties or does he just rep them?

    • Love 1
  23. 10 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

    Saying she sleeps with men so they buy her drinks makes her a whore. You have stated this several times. Can you provide any proof that in order to drink at $7.00 glass of wine, Heather has sex with a stranger? Being a party girl (and we don't even know that) means going out and drinking. It doesn't mean trading sex for cocktails. 

    Being a partygirl means going out, drinking and sleeping around.  And sleeping with whoever was buying the drinks that night.  You can tell that's Heather from her dead-inside personality alone.  The only time she's come alive is when she's loaded.  Plus, girls who have an occasional glass of wine aren't getting arrested for showing their boobs.

    And that's far more evidence than people are presenting about Nick - they're calling him gay because he doesn't want to have sex with a fat girl.

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