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Jack Sampson

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Posts posted by Jack Sampson

  1. 25 minutes ago, film noire said:

    What's absurd is insisting that a woman of 32 (or your new hypothetical, 62) must lower her standards when it comes to a life partner because she has nothing to offer but her looks.  Any man who thinks a woman can be seen as a commodity - dairy vs his fine-wine-in-a-box -- is a dumb clod with no depth or self awareness.  No woman should feel the need to desperately court the company of pathetic, shit-heeling losers, especially because (as anyone who has been married for several years can attest) finding someone to happily spend your life with has very little to do with looks.   A good marriage, thankfully, does not have the standards of a low rent titty bar.  If Heather never finds someone to love, it won't be her age that keeps her from achieving that goal.

    So men are just evil idiots if we factor looks into who we find attractive.  Got it. 

  2. 8 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

    Why wasn't Ashley given the choice to leave last season ? We all know if it was possible , she would have skidaddled instantly .

    Everyone is allowed to leave whenever they want.  She would never do it because it would contradict her "really sweet girl who just takes some time to warm up to strangers" lie.  She needed to wait the required 6 weeks to create the illusion that she tried her best.  Of course anyone with a brain saw through the act. 

    Plus, bailing after a week wouldn't have made her ex sufficiently jealous. 

    • Love 5
  3. 4 hours ago, film noire said:

    Despite the boring bullshit patriarchy throws around, age has nothing to do with standards (luckily, most women know that, despite boy-men trying to convince them otherwise). And whether a woman is 22 or 32 (or 108) a self involved pothead with control issues playing out an endless mantrum is nobody's soul mate.

    You're right, it doesn't.  It's just that those standards become increasingly unrealistic and unattainable.  It's a pretty obvious fact that a 22 year old woman can attract men that a 62 year old can't.  The same effect applies, a little less pronounced, when she's 32.  Age, and signs of age on a woman's face, body and personality, are a determining factor in attraction.  To deny that is absurd.

  4. 4 hours ago, Nowhere said:

    Heather is pretty thin so now I'm wondering what size makes a woman not real in your opinion? 

    I wonder what would make her...hyper real?  Real plus?  Enhanced reality?  Chubby...if Sonia is "real", what are we calling a little too real? 

    • Love 1
  5. Nick's not into Sonia at all and I can't blame him.  Not only do I find her chubby and unattractive, but her personality is exhausting.  And of course Nick kisses his dogs, every guy I know kisses his dogs.  People come up to my fence to kiss my husky, they do it on the sidewalk when we go for a walk - 2 did tonight! 

    Heather hasn't lifted a finger to help her marriage, nor has she shown even a hint of commitment.  Derek's trying at least, but he's not longsuffering David, he's pissed and wants her to just admit that it's over and she never even tried.

    Tom and Lily won't make it.  I'd get blasted if I told my reasoning but I think a few men watching the show picked up on it.

    • Love 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

    What's the big deal about unpacking?  If I go away for a short vacation, I leave my neatly packed suitcase unpacked and use as I go along.  To each his own.  Heather is just finding things to pick on.  She's a pain.

    Putting your clothes in a hotel dresser is another access point for bed bugs. 

    • Love 7
  7. 43 minutes ago, nlkm9 said:

    yeah and he became completely stressed and whiny because of it--it was so not worth it for him to stop, he really jumped on her during the cave incident. he needs his weed:)

    Hate to see how bad she'd be if she stopped drinking for a few days.

    • Love 5
  8. 2 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

    I think at this point whatever he did pissed her off so much it's a major effort for her not to walk out and end it right now. 

    Derek didn't walk out either so they're even in that "effort".  It remains that Derek was the only one making an effort and changing things to try to suit her.

    • Love 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Jellybeans said:

    He quit whatever he was smoking.  And IF it was weed, it is ok for tourists to use weed there as long as it is not in public. Google it. Laws have changed.

    So if he quit smoking whatever he smoked...and we are not shown any gambling, only a mention...why is Heather is still complaining...I am not sure anything really happened because they would have shown it.

    Because it's just an excuse.  Heather is unwilling to make an effort so she's using anything possible to make it look like Derek's fault. 

    • Love 3
  10. 4 minutes ago, Snarklepuss said:

    I am an ex-cigarette smoker who smoked for 15 years so I know how it is.  Although I think this was about weed, not cigarettes.  Drinking not illegal.  I think she probably had more issues with the legality than anything else.  If this were about alcohol I think she would not have had as big an issue just by virtue of the legality.  If he looked like an alcoholic to her then I think she may have had issues because there's a big difference between being a casual drinker and an alcoholic.  I think she pegged him for a pothead and that's why his not smoking in front of her doesn't help.  She doesn't respect that lifestyle, and that's her right not to.  She didn't want a pothead, or someone who can't get through a day w/o a joint, only someone who smokes on a very occasional, casual basis.  There is a huge difference, IMHO.

    But Jack, it's still only temporary, he's not scaling back in his entire life to only a few joints every now and then!!!!!!!  She doesn't want someone who only changes on a temporary basis!!!!  I can't be more clear than this!!!

    He's making a change, making an effort, whether you can see (or admit) it or not.  Tell me some major effort (if only temporary) Heather is making.

    • Love 1
  11. Just now, Snarklepuss said:

    Well yikes, if she had to bust a gut to get him to do it I don't see where it's all that much of a major lifestyle choice change.  A major change would be if he changed to have a completely different relationship with the substance and perhaps only did it at parties or whatever for the rest of his life.  It's little consolation to her if he just doesn't do it when he's with her but then goes back to doing it often in private.  Plus if we are talking illegal substances that puts a whole 'nother dimension on it.  It's like what difference would it make to her if he were an alcoholic if he just didn't drink in front of her?  He would still be a hardcore user in her mind.

    I think any smoker would disagree with you.  What similar change did she make?  Did she quit drinking for the duration?


    1 minute ago, Snarklepuss said:

    Well yikes, if she had to bust a gut to get him to do it I don't see where it's all that much of a major lifestyle choice change.  A major change would be if he changed to have a completely different relationship with the substance and perhaps only did it at parties or whatever for the rest of his life.  It's little consolation to her if he just doesn't do it when he's with her but then goes back to doing it often in private.  Plus if we are talking illegal substances that puts a whole 'nother dimension on it.  It's like what difference would it make to her if he were an alcoholic if he just didn't drink in front of her?  He would still be a hardcore user in her mind.

    He quit for the duration, not just around her.

    • Love 3
  12. 2 minutes ago, Snarklepuss said:

    No, I am sure that what we have seen is indicative of his childish "take me as I am or screw you" attitude.  I don't buy his talking heads AT ALL.  He is not making any effort either, I'm sure of that.

    Didn't he quit smoking for the rest of the honeymoon?  That's a pretty major change.

    • Love 5
  13. Hey everyone, I just heard from a reliable source that no one makes it, but it's a successful season and one couple stays together - no, wait, I mean no one does.  You should believe me because I guessed completely wrong last season...except I was right if we ignore the parts where I was wrong.  Follow me on twitter for more info, I've got 2 billion followers @Idon'tbelieveanyofthis

    • Love 16
  14. 4 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

    Maybe some people need to go back in the dvr and watch again because Heather and Derek cuddled on their first night together.

    They cuddled on camera for a few seconds.  Like the wedding picture, the cameraman could have been giving direction for that.  "We need an opening shot.  Cuddle together and we'll make it look like you slept that way all night."

    • Love 2
  15. 1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

    I think Heather's problem with finding love is that she makes snap judgements.  She knows what she wants and what she doesn't want and won't deviate from that.  

    I would say it's that she's too burned out and too self-involved to love anyone but herself.  There may be a guy out there who she'd tolerate if he was rich or exceedingly good looking but love is beyond her.

    37 minutes ago, seasick said:

    I agree that Heather is not Derek's type.  Bitter, sour,  cold, rude and shallow only appeal the the few that have suggested that a pair of double D's under the age of 24 is their heart-throb. Then apparently none of that personality stuff matters as long as they have the image to show off to others.

    Notice how much friendlier she acted while drunk?  If Derek realized the marriage wasn't going to work but still wanted to have sex with her, he'd just keep her drinking.  Her partygirl brain is so programmed from years of having sex with anyone buying her drinks that it would be a slam dunk.

    I used to live in Vegas and saw a fresh batch of girls like Heather every weekend.  It was a waste of time to approach at 3 in the afternoon but the exact same women were drunk at the clubs later screaming, "Woooooooo!  I'm so hornaaaaayyyyyy!!!" in a desperate attempt to make everyone think they were fun. 

    • Love 2
  16. 24 minutes ago, ctbabe said:

    He definitely likes her. Of course he was trying to get his mancard back by denying it. 

    I think David was faking it even though he knew she didn't like him. 

    No he doesn't, he just wants to have sex with her.  There's nothing likable about Heather but she still has a decent body for her age.

    • Love 1
  17. 3 minutes ago, ctbabe said:

    What's a sad sack? Are men not suppose to be sad? 

    I remember last season when David had a crying episode, a lot of people called him a cry baby. 

    Nick isn't showing any emotion and people are so quick to tag him as a robot. 

    Derek is saying how he feels and people are saying he is insecure. He also showed frustration and anger which IMO is totally justifiable and people are saying he has violent tendencies or might be an abuser. 

    When did men become minigods that can't have feelings? Or why is it wrong for a man to express his self? Hmmmm

    Well, we aren't talking about a man who lost his wife of 20 years in a car accident.  He's a guy who was matched with a partygirl burnout and was essentially on 3-5 dates...and he doesn't even like her.  He might be overreacting a bit. 

    • Love 1
  18. 5 hours ago, ctbabe said:

    Calvin: "Are you committed to staying in this marriage?"

    Heather: "I don't know how to answer that right now."

    How about honestly for a change, you dour bitch?  Derek's absolutely right, she was never committed - she gave up on day 2 and she's been looking for a way to blame Derek ever since.  That's largely the fault of the experts for not noticing that this ex(?)partygirl wasn't ready to commit to marriage.

    • Love 6
  19. Why are Tom and Lillian the only couple in the history of the show to NOT get an apartment/house together?  He's so committed to the bus that he won't let production pay for an apartment or is it just fake drama?

    Also, in Florida, the only difference between a pre and post nup is the time it's signed.  Both cover assets and income streams before and after the marriage.  If a prenup exists, the only reason to amend it or scrap it and sign a postnup is if something major changes - like an inheritance or winning the lottery or a major gift from a relative...windfall profits from a job are usually not significant enough to be covered.  If Tom is planning to start a business in the next 6 weeks, maybe he wants to keep that separate, but I doubt that's the case. 

    Plus, a postnup will require a full financial disclosure from both parties - I also doubt they intend to do that.

    It all leads to it just being more fake drama.

    • Love 4
  20. 18 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

    I was using the two interchangeably since they both serve the same purpose. But if the show makes them sign a pre-nup, what's the point in the post-nup? Just to be more of an asshole? What could he possibly add that he didn't already include in the pre-nup?

    To create more fake drama.  I doubt he's even that committed to living in the bus.  I think they'll play up nonsense so it looks like the couple has to overcome some obstacles to stay married. 

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