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Jack Sampson

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Posts posted by Jack Sampson

  1. Wasn't the red head thing just a throwaway line Jon said to Molly's family when they asked which boxes she didn't tick?  And Molly's explanation to Shawniece was odd - Jon's always wanted to "be with" a red head.  What does Molly think "be with" means?  Sit next to her while she stares at her phone?

    • Love 16
  2. 1 minute ago, qtpye said:

    The sad thing is that Jon is probably the most likable guys they ever had on this show (not a high bar).  He definitely will have tons of women to choose from once this fake marriage is over.

    He might if he doesn't sabotage this image by chasing after a cold woman like Molly.  Were I Jon, I'd start working my post-show image.  Bring the film crew to the gym and show me working out, show me out with my friends - just walk around town being seen with a film crew! - I'd have a few dozen women ready to date the second I took the ring off.  But then, I'm in it for the wrong reasons...

    • Love 10
  3. Just now, Gobears said:

    She said it happened in college. People get a lot of their crazy partying/sleeping around done in college and become more conservative as they age.

    That's true, but they usually don't talk about it to their new relationships.  You don't talk about your fun past without your husband wondering why you aren't as much fun now.

    • Love 15
  4. Molly brought up a 3 some as a major selling point for why she should be chosen to be on the show, then told Jon about it.  That makes it fair game to wonder why a girl who can be sexual with an actual stranger can't be sexual with her husband.  My guess is that Molly only gets sexual when she's partying. 

    There's no chance for a successful marriage but, if Jon wants to have sex with her, forget the nice dinners and buy her some shots.


    The $100k number came from the first season when someone added up the total compensation for being on the show.  It was the stipend, rent, wedding, honeymoon, restaurant bills, etc. - it's not like they get a check at the end for the full amount.  I've heard the stipend for continuing the show is around $2000 a week.  It's got to be enough to keep people like Heather and Derek on the show after they broke up in the 2nd week.  

    • Love 14
  5. 1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

    Wouldn't you think during the vetting of this cast of characters they would have seen that Molly does NOT like sex!  Geeez.

    People lie like hell to get on TV.  Molly claims she had a 3some, she probably yammered on about how much she loves sex.  It doesn't even help to interview friends and family - I'm sure she'd coach them on what to say.  The vetting process assumes some degree of honesty...and that's its flaw.

    Maybe find bitter exes to interview. 

    • Love 3
  6. I don't think Jon's job situation has much to do with the show.  According to his linkedin, he bounces all over the place and hasn't found a new job in finance yet.

    Surprisingly, he has 2 master’s degrees. 


    Molly just seems...slow, low energy.  No way she'd be able to keep up with Jon in the long term. 

    • Love 5
  7. 48 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

    Okay, I simply did not believe that Molly and a friend reenacted the "ass to ass" scene from Requiem for a Dream so I looked up the preview. Jon said "At some point, when you look at me and go 'yeah, I think you're attractive but I went and fucked this pike with my friend and I won't touch you and you sleep next to me', how do you think that makes me feel?" I suspect "pike"  refers to the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, in which members are called "pikes" (I wasn't involved in Greek life but I remember my alma mater has a chapter) because then she goes off on how he's going below the belt by bringing up college shit. Maybe this is the threesome she said she had (which I missed her saying but I've seen it referenced on the boards).

    I was.  There are a TON of women in Greek life just like Molly.  Boring as hell but get them loaded and they turn sexually aggressive.  I might advise Jon to take Molly to a wine (maybe bourbon) tasting (or some other excuse to get her drinking), then sit back and enjoy the fireworks.  But, in this climate, he'd probably be accused of rape.

    At this point, Jon should just ride out the 8 weeks and keep his public image untainted. 

    • Love 2
  8. It went from "maybe the cat can sleep in another room" to she's gone without even a thank you.  Molly's so boring.  Great body, average face - she's not hot enough to get me to give up a bad habit, certainly not my beloved pet. 

    Sleeping on the floor, Jeff?  I stand by my earlier guess that Jeff has another woman.  Even if you're repulsed by her, just build a pillow wall and get some sleep.

    • Love 12
  9. 40 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

    he also said that black men date outside their race almost double of black women.

    Did the book say why that's the case?  We've seen a lot of black dudes specifically say they didn't want to marry black women in the matchmaking specials. 

    • Love 2
  10. 2 hours ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

    We only saw bits and snippets.  I'm guessing they cleared the rest of the tourists out for those shots and then they went to hold hands with strangers and climb the way everyone else does.

    Interwebs say the falls close at 4pm.  Was that the case when you were there?  There was nobody around - the path leading down, the surrounding grounds, the bridge at the top - no one.  Production must have gotten them access after hours.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

    I don't believe he's introverted OR reserved.  I believe he's just plain rude.  When Shawnice hurt her foot, Jephte wasn't even concerned, not one bit.  That's not introverted or reserved.  And his "I'm a teacher" act is wearing thin.  Why did he come on this show if he was concerned about his reputation?  Doesn't he know how reality shows work?  

    Same reason anyone goes on reality TV shows, because he's sincerely looking for true love.  You're just jaded.

    • Love 3
  12. You guys are rough on Shawniece.  There was nothing wrong with her swimsuit or her behavior, and I think she looks better with minimal/no makeup.  Jeff was a complete asshole when she cut her foot.  The dude isn't in this at all and should never have been picked.  I stand by my prediction that he was dating someone else.

    Jaclyn was dressed appropriately for a woman walking down to the beach.  She and Ryan are boring.  Why did Ryan need wings in barely chest-high water? 

    Molly is the fittest woman this show has ever had.  She looked great in a bikini and seemed to be having fun.  It's weird, on one hand, she's hinting that she's game for sex by the end on the honeymoon, on the other, she's calling him a 12 year old boy and doesn't want him to see her naked.  I get what she's saying - he's high strung and a little jiggly - but it's just nerves.  She'll pump the brakes, he'll get frustrated and things will hopefully blow up so there's something fun to watch.

    • Love 4
  13. I can't believe Jackie had sex.  I thought the memory of her dead boyfriend would lead her to a convent.  Glad they're getting along.


    If they didn't have sex, what woke Jon and Molly up for 2 hours in the middle of the night?


    Jeff is about as suited to this show as Trashly.  I'm calling it right now that there's someone else.  Shawniece (sp?) is a honest girl with no filter.  She's refreshing considering a lot of people on this show.  She's all-in and got matched with a dude who is less than 25%-in.  Too bad for her.

    • Love 3
  14. 4 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

    Thank you for the catch.

    Thought Danielle was ready the first/second/last night of the honeymoon but the Code Man demurred and wanted to get to know her... before her dose of Cody.

    That put a permanent kibosh on her wanting sex with her basic cable husband.

    I can easily be mistaken.

    She was, he turned her down initially.  The marriage was over from that point on.


    Jephte has no business being on MAFS.  I've said it before (mostly about the women), if you are reserved and can't jump in with both feet - look for a different reality show.


    Jonathan is in "Finance" huh?  Exactly what was his job title?  If it involved any sales at all, he was fired for low production, not the show.  My stockbroker could be accused of murder and they wouldn't fire him.  Good salesmen are harder to find than bigfoot.

    Ryan seems like a good dude...a little high strung and, as everyone noticed, pedestalizes women and marriage.  If my game show bride's "love of her life" boyfriend had died a year and a half ago, I'd run for the hills.  No way she's able to commit to this.  He's in a bad situation.

    Shawniece could be a really sweet girl if she wasn't a train wreck.  Maybe she just has a lot of testosterone but the oversexed routine isn't working for J.  She's in as bad a situation as Ryan.  A girl like her needs a fun dude who isn't afraid of women.


    Molly's a cute-ish girl with a relatively normal personality...tragically bad skin though.  Did you see the no makeup closeup?  What did she do to piss off that cameraman?  I love that she wants to marry younger and get started with a family.  Getting paired with BSing Jonathan is too bad for her.  She would be much better off with a hard worker like Ryan.


    Jacklyn's a good girl, probably would have made a great wife if she wasn't damaged by her ex's death.  Were I Ryan, it would take a LOT to convince me she was over him.  As it stands, she's in no shape for a marriage.    


    These couples are boring me so far.  No obvious villains and no one worth watching like my sweet, lady Ashley from last season.  I might not watch.

    • Love 6
  15. 11 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

    How do you edit facial expressions, though?  I always got the feeling from Ant that there is just something about Ash that just doesn't sit right with him.  Hope they can work that out what ever it is. 

    They ask a different question or make a comment like, "So production said they saw you with 5 kilos of coke in the bathroom."    Or say, "Did you know Ashley is disappointed in your sex life?"     Or just say, "Great!  Now give me a reaction like Ashley just told you your dog died."  Record that reaction and play it back as needed.  I'm exaggerating but that's how it's done.  You get a library of reaction shots and use them wherever.  And of course the participants are all too eager to help out.

    Plus, we know they do multiple takes of everything - didn't someone a few seasons ago say there were 20 takes of her walking into a restaurant?

    • Love 8
  16. 3 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

    It makes sense. Nobody wants to be the one that fails. It's hard to really dissect what's going on with all the wonky editing and things being shown out of sequence. There has been other speculation of there being a bonus involved for ending the show with staying married. 

    That's really the only explanation for all of the times a couple agrees to stay married, then separates in a few months.

    • Love 3
  17. 17 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    When, in the previous episode, she was leaving for a night on the town and Cody couldn't be bothered to look up from the couch, let alone GET up, and give Danielle a compliment, hug, or kiss, well, that's total indifference right there. 

    Exactly.  That's a dude who's completely checked out.  He's not some infatuated, but awkward, kid trying to impress the object of his affections.  He's counting the days...has been since day 4 of the honeymoon.  I think everything after that is a producer-driven storyline that they think will keep people watching.  They are wrong.

    • Love 5
  18. 41 minutes ago, Agnetha said:

    Oh god, now I cannot unsee this. I don't know how Ashley does it. 

    Because my Ashley's an angel.


    1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

    This is a whole new, crazy world to me.  Does it bother people these days that the person you are with has had multiple partners and lots of one night stands and most likely lived with another person for years? 

    I would never even seriously date a woman who's had more than 3.  It's a double standard because my count is considerably higher. 

    • Love 1
  19. 2 minutes ago, Matias130 said:

    I think by "manly man" she was meaning a man who puts her in her place and doesnt take any sh*t from her, and doesnt try to please her all the time in every way, but instead has expectations of how she should please him. Also, someone who takes charge on a regular basis on nuances of daily life ( paperwork, fixing things, social plans) and has an aggressive, almost arrogant air about him. Someone who wont passively aggresively be a jerk but be a straigt up jerk sometimes. Because sometimes that is how "the spark" and chemistry just work. 

    She sounds like a very damaged woman.  If only there were mental health experts on this show to screen out people like her...

    • Love 12
  20. 5 minutes ago, roseslg said:

    I also don't find Ashley that gorgeous.  She's thin and blind. Meh

    How DARE you! 


    Also, she isn't that thin.  She's not obese like some of the women in previous seasons.  For a guy who's pretty tough on the women of MAFS, it's odd that I'd like a woman like Ashey given her body type.

  21. 33 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

    I think Anthony must be very good in bed.  That's his draw making less than her, isn't particularly attractive and isn't physically fit or groomed.  But he's a nice guy and almost seems her senior in verbal exchanges. 

    BTW does Ashley work for her father and that's why she makes the big bucks?  A bar manager???  What kind of establishment is this..if anybody happens to know.  Is it a high class restaurant or just a corner bar?

    They say a "family-owned" bar so I assume they mean her family.  They showed it in the first episode, it's a bar and grill.  Interestingly, she was originally called the bookkeeper instead of manager.  And, yes, she probably makes at least twice what she could anywhere else.  Kinda makes her claims of taking care of herself a bit delusional. 

    • Love 4
  22. Something is off with the whole D/C situation.  I think Cody checked out on the honeymoon and is playing along until the show's over. 

    Every guy my age working at a gym (in Cody's case owning) has his pick of women.  It's the one perk of a lower-paying job.  So, why go on this show knowing that women like my darling Ashley aren't the norm?  Most of the time, you're stuck with Sam.  Maybe he's trying to promote the gym, but they haven't showed it and barely mention it.  Maybe he knows that getting on TV is a ton of publicity and playing a nice guy (with the vocal fry of a teenage girl) will win him plenty of interested women after the show ends.  Who knows...


    In any real-world scenario, the setup would go like this:

    Cody (a not-ripped gym owner): Hi.

    Danielle "I am Groot" Degroot (a dietitian):  Hi, I'm Danielle, I'm 30 but look 43.  Apparently, having a working knowledge of healthy foods is bad for my skin.  I'm a pushy woman looking for a manly man so I can complain that he's being too patriarchal.  That dynamic keeps me single and well on my way to being a cat-lady...except it's an uncontrollable dog-lady in my case.  Also, I'm completely unaware of how the impossible standards I've set up contribute to my loneliness.  Please date me so I can complain about you to my friends.

    Cody: No, sorry, I was talking to the girl behind you.

    Cody talks to the younger girl behind Danielle and Danielle tells her friends that the gym owner was hitting on her today but he's too nice so she's not interested.  Aaaand, scene.

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