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Jack Sampson

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Posts posted by Jack Sampson

  1. 40 minutes ago, mbarry said:

    I'm going on record right now if their isn't an successful couple out of this show this year it will be cancelled no matter the ratings you can't keep bring a show on air that's trying to be the direct opposite of the bachelor and have bachelor like success you need to step it up I think this year will have some success but you need to keep the fans wanting the show and failure after failure doesn't bring any hope 

    They'll give Tom and Lillian a $100k and a TV deal to stay together for at least a year before they'd cancel with another season already in the can.

    • Love 4
  2. 1 hour ago, Zuleikha said:

    That's bullsh--t. Plenty of men are mature enough to be fine with women who have the exact same personality traits that are celebrated in men.

    I've never met a man who prefers women who act manly.  He might end up with one, but it's never a first choice.

    Maybe there's a niche market out there of dudes who are straight but prefer manly women - hell, even the Williams sisters have men in their lives.  But, if Heather wants to find a husband, she's better off playing the odds and acting in a way that attracts the vast majority of men.

    1 hour ago, Zuleikha said:

    She's better off having her independence.

    I'm sure she and her cats will be happy together.

  3. 1 minute ago, Evil Queen said:

    So if a woman is to aggressive its not feminine? If she speaks certain ways or use certain language she isn't either? I will respectfully agree to disagree on this. Every person is different in how they carry themselves, speak and so on. Not all women are going to be feminine and I don't think there is anything wrong with that or even being feminine or following in between it all. I would probably consider myself someone in the middle though. I am not a makeup, dress up and be cutesy kind of girl. I like to watch sports and can hang with boys with no issues. Yet at the same time I will throw on a skirt or dress once in a while if I feel like it and I always smell pretty (thanks Bath and Body works). LOL Yet I don't see being aggressive if need be a bad thing. Sometimes if a woman isn't they will get nowhere in life in work or a relationship. 

    A. Correct.

    B. Nothing wrong with it per se - but, if heather wants a man to stick around, she'll learn how to be.

    • Love 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Vinyasa said:

    The legal marriage is what makes this show interesting.

    Otherwise, it might as well be Bachelor in Paradise.

    MAFS - The Bachelor Edition.

    If you brought in Ashley I. - the one who always cries - I'd watch that show religiously. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Nowhere said:

    Calling someone out on social media is very immature. He has no idea what went on privately between the two of them. Does he not know that a lot is edited out and pieced together to create a story for ratings and entertainment? In my opinion, he made an ass of himself by talking shit on Twitter. And what does he mean by  "everyone"? 

    Maybe he means the film crew or everyone at the 6 month reunion show taping.

    • Love 1
  6. 3 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    Did some Googling about medical school in Nicaragua and came up with this link  for you to read if you wish.

    Sit back because the font is big and bold and may will bump against your eyeballs.


    Lily applied and entered med school from high school eliminating the 4 years needed to get a BS before you apply to med school which is the process in the US.

    From the link:


    I think Medicine in Nicaragua differs from the United States and Canada in many ways.

    You're not kidding there, sweetheart.

    I'd consider this more of a medical technical college or a nursing program.  And remind me to never use a "doctor" from Nicaragua! 

    • Love 3
  7. 2 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

    Heather is the biggest joy vacuum.  Like a mega industrial size Hoover of joy. 

    Nick is very hard to read. I like how playful he and Sonia are with each other so maybe there is a chance. I'm suprised about some of the speculation that he may not be attracted to her because of her body type. When I saw her I immediately thought he told the experts his celebrity crush is Kourtney Kardashian and he likes petite and curvy.  I don't think she has a weight problem at all. 

    The experts so far are doing a better job with advice and exercises. I hope they keep it up through the season. 

    But she's the one who's 37, has 3 kids and STILL has abs showing.  She was shredded at Sonia's age.

  8. 22 minutes ago, Vinyasa said:

    Oh, I about fainted when she said that.  I was too busy counting the number of times she said "me and Tom" so I find it hard to believe she was in medical school.   I need proof that she even is a college graduate!

    I'm sending her and the producers a grammar book. Gosh, they just throw this show together.

    Near as I can tell she never got a degree.  As far as medical school goes, it's not impossible that she got in a second-rate Caribbean school without an undergraduate degree - but I strongly doubt she did that.  She probably means she attended a Caribbean premed program but dropped out after about a year (all general ed requirements, never taking major classes), then "studied Anthropology at the University of Houston" but never got a degree (same here, it's unlikely she started with classes in her major).

    She was in FL by 2014 so that gives her around 4 years for her education but, since I doubt her unnamed "medical school" credits (if she got any) would transfer to Houston, she had to start over.  Even if she didn't take a break, that gives her a year at phony medical school and 2 (maybe 3) years at Houston.  She MIGHT have been able to take some major classes if she pushed herself but I doubt that happened.

    So, she dropped out of 1 college with the intent of eventually studying medicine and 1 college with the intent of eventually studying anthropology, but probably never actually studied either.

    • Love 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

    Oh shit, Derek just got on my shit list, "men age like wine, women age like milk?"  On the outside maybe, but on the inside it's the opposite.  

    Well, he's not wrong. :)  I'm a bit of a rascal. 

    But I agree with him about her age and I've said it several times before.  She's getting too old to be this picky.  I'm sure it worked just fine when she was 22, but 32 is another situation completely. 


    3 minutes ago, kat12379 said:

    I dont get why Derek is fighting so hard for Heather ? I get hes her husband and all, but she is soooooo cold. No warmth, nothing. She just had this superiority complex which I find very unappealing. She also doesn't act very feminine. 

    She's burnt out from too many years of partying.  No idea why Derek tried.  The only thing I can think of is that he was somewhat committed, at least willing to give it a good try.  But, as we saw with David and Trashly, all of the commitment in the world doesn't help if the other person is equally committed to giving up.

    • Love 7
  10. 5 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

    Everybody who's married starts out with sexual attraction though so by the time she gains weight or ages, there's still enough love between the both you to carry on. What does it say about this experiment then when they put two people together who may find each other physically repulsive and then say, "Now screw"? I don't care how compatible you are on paper. If there's no physical attraction and Nick is already wanting to take it slow, what does that say about their future? Has sexual desire ever developed for you when your initial instinct was negative?

    If they would have matched me with Neal from last season, I wouldn't have gone through with the marriage much less slept with him. The thought makes me want to gag. There would be no changing that no matter how wonderful his personality is.

    Not if it was negative.  I might be able to work with indifference but she'd have to be very intelligent, into archaeology and willing to travel. 

  11. 14 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

    I was just asking some questions in the other thread about that conversation between Nick and Sonia. She probably started crying because she knows what it means just as you and I do. If a man isn't feeling it after a week, you may as well cash it in. I'm sure he likes her, so maybe the sexual attraction can develop? Idk in my experience a man is either hot for you or he isn't. There's not much in between. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    You're right about that but, if I was married, I'd have sex with her regardless of attraction.  I'd have to think it's a similar situation to having sex while she's pregnant or shortly thereafter or if she gains weight or once age starts setting in - you're married, I've signed up to be her only sexual partner, it's not right to refuse.

    • Love 1
  12. 13 minutes ago, ioniancat21 said:

    What I don't understand is that these people get into these marriages in this fashion and then the women want to pump the breaks on the physical parts of the relationship and that will kill it in the end. Physical attraction and sex are one of the key parts to working marriages and relationships. My guess is that Tom and Lillian have the best chance of success.........maybe!! Nick and Sonia are totally boring, no spark and Derek and Heather are almost finished already, This should be another awesome train wreck overall!!!

    If I was married for 6 weeks without sex, she would have to bring something extraordinary to the table to keep me around...and agree to an open marriage.  Sex doesn't guarantee things will work out, but lack of it guarantees it won't.

    On the AU version, everyone had sex on the honeymoon and that sounds about right.  A week of knowing someone is plenty of time to decide if anything is going to happen.

    Nick wanting to take things slow with Sonia tells me that he is just not into her.

    • Love 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, BonnieLass said:

    BTW, the "fan" I'm referring to is either a member or reader of this forum, because when I mentioned my distaste of this practice earlier - the ONLY time I mentioned it - they immediately blocked me on Twitter...which is hilarious, since I didn't follow them and had NO interaction with them on Twitter at all. The only reason I noticed was because I couldn't see a gif that a cast member had re-tweeted that had originally been posted by that 'fan' account.  

    Now I need to know what twitter account you mean.

    • Love 2
  14. 9 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

    Why do you assume Sonia's out of shape?   Just because someone isn't 00 doesn't make them out of shape. 

    BTW, if a woman is thin with large boobs, there is a possibility that the boobs have been enhanced. 

    My point here is that people today really don't know what healthy looks like; we've been taught very well that 00 is healthy, that 00 is normal and attainable for everybody.  Serena Williams is not 00 but I bet she's heather than a lot of women who are 00; Michelle Carter who who the woman's shot put at the Olympics, she's not a 00 but I don't believe she's unhealthy.  Many women on the US swim team aren't waif-like either. 

    And by the time you hit forty, waif-like doesn't cut it.

    You're presenting a false dichotomy...and a modified straw man.  I've never said that not being 00 automatically makes a woman overweight.  In fact, I gave examples to the contrary. 

    But, if you don't think Michelle Carter is fat, we'll have to agree to disagree.


    • Love 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    I musts be old and blind but I don't see Sonia as overweight.  Then again I didn't grow up believing that a 00 was a normal size, shit, when I was a 00 in the 1980's, people thought I was too skinny and often asked if something was wrong with me, today I'd be a normal size.

    It doesn't have to be one or the other.  Just because I don't prefer a chubby girl like Sonia doesn't automatically mean I prefer a skinny 00.  Emily Ratajkowski is a skinny girl with larger boobs and she's not a 00.  Kate Upton is nowhere near 00 and most men still find her attractive.  Hell, Heather and Lily aren't 00s, but if you stood them next to Sonia, all in bikinis, you'd see a considerable weight difference.

    If it was me, I'd have a problem with her weight.  But, unlike Heather, if I was married to her I wouldn't use it as an excuse to bail, I'd help her get in shape and give her some time to do it.

    • Love 1
  16. 4 hours ago, Paddywagon said:

    I'll give credit to the two of them compared to David and Ashley...Derek isn't delusional and stands up for himself and Heather at least interacts instead of giving blank stares.  Still, since this last show I don't think either of them are very likable.

    I would have LOVED to watch David stand up to Trashley like that.

    4 hours ago, Paddywagon said:

    Btw, I believe she picked her dress because she didn't think she could attract a guy with a normal wedding dress.  After all, once a guy sees boobs he is hypnotized and blinded to all else, lol!  As girls we'd remember the sparkly belt and full skirt and bad fit but guys will remember BOOBS!  I'm no Dr. Phil but girl seems to have self-esteem issues.

    I'm a boob man even, and it just came off as classless to me.  Like something you'd see in a reality show about a Florida trailer park.

    • Love 5
  17. 5 hours ago, Palomar said:

    The more I think about it, I really think it IS cigarettes and the editing is just trying to make it vague.  Who would be that stupid to bring pot on a plane and smoke it with cameras around potentially 24 hours especially with your new bride who you have NO idea what her opinions are about pot.  Plus people do tend to get very upset about smoking cigarettes.  Of course those people don't say it is OK to smoke occasionally and get upset when the person does (or think that someone has a gambling problem because they mention they like to gamble). 

    An addict. 

    Whatever it is, Derek is clearly more than an occasional smoker.  I've dumped a few girls just because of smoking so I don't blame Heather for not wanting to be a part of it.  But that makes her only as committed to her marriage as I was to a casual date. 

    This is a dude she married - she needs to explain that it has to change and give him some time to turn it around.  Instead, she's using it as an excuse - a justification for her inevitable rejection.  And I get the feeling that, if it wasn't smoking, it would be a non-existent gambling problem or a non-existent messiness problem or whatever excuse she could come up with.  And if she couldn't come up with any obvious flaws, she'd pull an Ashley, and claim she's an introverted stewardess who takes a long time to warm up to people...unless that person is a surfing instructor.  I wouldn't be surprised if we uncover some ulterior motive for Heather being on the show...same as Ashley.

    • Love 4
  18. 4 minutes ago, Liberty said:

    So wonder what their connection to MAFS is?

    Last season in Atlanta, David/Stashley's landlord had a connection with poser Schwartz.

    On 'the First Year' they gave Neph's t-shirt company a pretty good push. 

    With as many logos as they blur, these guys are either paying or well connected to production.

    (Surprised Jessica Castro wasn't cast in the company's promotional video)

    She's about a decade too old for the Florida party scene.

  19. 7 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

    So, is the Section 8 yacht club for low income yachties?  

    Near as I can tell, it's strictly a clothing line...for poor people who want to go to a yacht club.  Even suggests that on their website.


    Section 8 Yacht Club is more than a clothing company; it is a philosophy of life.  It is about the age-old desire in the heart of a man without means, to try as best he can to joyfully live the lifestyle of one who has the means. The concept to create a company based on that philosophy was birthed in the mind of Ryan Jones in 2015.  He believed that the world needs a different kind of yacht club -- one for the not-so-rich-and famous, and he created one to fill that need.  The S8YC, will eliminate the exclusivity of the typical yacht club; everyone is welcome here; rules will be non-existent; no annual dues will be due; and a "party-on" atmosphere will prevail!  Your membership is approved! We welcome you aboard, Mate!    - "Keep Your Ship Together"

    Their promo video consists of moderately hot trashy girls drinking on the beach.   

  20. 32 minutes ago, henrysmom said:

    Me either.  Anybody want to take one for the team and rewatch? :)

    Edited to add:

    Okay, I went and rewatched...the things I do for this show.  It was kind of in the middle, but more what Jellybeans said. Derek asked for advice on how to get along with Heather.  Her mom said chocolate chocolate chocolate.  Heather said something along the lines of "you don't know me", and her mother then said wine, wine wine.  And then Heather left to go to the bathroom.

    She sounded more playful than it reads. 

    • Love 1
  21. 2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    Re: Nick. That's exactly what it looks like he does. I live in Florida and used to do the same thing. It's a thankless job, a lot of it is phone work and most people book their vacations on line now. You don't need a whole lot of personality to get the job done. Oh, and it doesn't pay shit. 

    And they picked him specifically to finance Sonia's life. 

    • Love 3
  22. Tom and Lillian:

    Tom seems like a normal dude as the show progresses.  I'm thinking the bus thing is being played up as faux-conflict.

    Lillian...Lillian seems nice, reasonably joyful, not jaded like most of the other women this show finds.  I don't find her attractive.  She gives me a Princess Fiona from Shrek vibe.  Fiona found love too so maybe I'm just being an ass.

    Nick and Sonia:

    Nick seems like a decent guy, moderately handsome[snip], in good shape - but he's awkward as hell.  If he spent 6 months hanging with my crew he'd be so personable he wouldn't give a woman like Sonia a second glace. 

    Sonia.  A. After seeing her in a swimsuit - a flattering one - I stand by my earlier comment that she's chubby.  B. This woman is a crazy person.  She goes from laughing to crying and back in minutes.  She's "enraged" at his comment that things are progressing at a good pace.  It's exhausting.  No wonder she can't find a man, no one is going to put up with that constant nonsense - especially if, as Pepper said, she wants a man to finance her lifestyle.  Then she starts with her half-baked psychobabble about needing to process her rage before she speaks.  No one is ever going to give a damn about your feels if you can't keep even slight control over yourself.  Rein it in, psycho.   

    Derek and Heather:

    Derek's tattoos tell a bizarre story.  Did I see Batman and Superman doing sex yoga?  His reaction to being told it's too much smoking (weed, tobacco, meth, bath salts (it's Florida after all)) sounds like a teenager being caught.  "It's not a problem!"  "I have it under control!" "Oh yeah?  Well you're an alcoholic!" {storms off}.  Dude needs to reevaluate. 

    Heather is soulless, joyless and jaded.  I find nothing attractive or redeeming about her.  And she comments that she wouldn't give him a second date - as if her company is something men should desire.  Even so, she has a point about the smoking but she needs to say, "Look jerkoff, occasionally is twice a month, not twice before your morning deuce."

    • Love 5
  23. I like the way Derek turned it around and accused her of drinking too much.  If he would have said, "You're right.  And I'll stop smoking from now on." (Or words to that effect), she would have instantly loss respect for him.

    The only reason she's crying is because she's frustrated she can't control him.

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