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Jack Sampson

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Posts posted by Jack Sampson

  1. 1 hour ago, kira28 said:

    I think that guys are less forgiving of women's looks than women are of men.  Therefore I predict Heather's husband will be disappointed.  Possibly Lillian's as well

    Gotta disagree.  In the previous 3 seasons, there has never been a man express even slight disappointment with his wife's looks - but 4 women have.

    • Love 3
  2. 1 hour ago, Evil Queen said:

    Agree about what they really should be asking them. I know its edited but I am betting that those things were not asked at all. I just know watching that matching episode all that seemed to be harped on was sex.

    If you notice, they addressed the major concerns people on here had last season.  Trashley was frigid, David was a "hardened criminal" (as Trashley's friends tried to get people to believe) - so they asked more sex questions and made a point of checking everyone's criminal history and outstanding debt.

  3. 8 minutes ago, WhoAmIReally said:

    It looks like female pattern baldness (even thinning over the top), and it's pretty far advanced for her age.  She's probably going to want to get a wig in a year or two, or at least a topper (I think that's what they call female toupees).  The amount of makeup she spackles on is horrific.  How could they match her with a surfer dude?  I'm guessing he'd want someone more natural.  Sorry to be so shallow. 

    The makeup is rough.  I cringe thinking about what's going on under there.  Her facetuned online photos don't even look like the same person.

    Will we have the first dude to express disappointment in his match's looks? 

    • Love 3
  4. 20 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

    Not at all, and she may indeed be a mature 24-year-old. But if I were going to do this (which, never), I would do it as a last resort. Most of the participants (at least, the ones I've seen - haven't seen all the seasons) have said stuff like "I've tried everything else, may as well try this." And at 24, I don't feel like you've had enough time to see what's out there - particularly if she's devoted as much time to work as she claims. If she were engaged at 24 to a man she'd met organically, I'd have no issue with it, but, like, try a few months of Match.com first before jumping into this nonsense.

    The opposite end is Mekalya - 30 year old hairdresser who apparently partied her youth away.  Most people can't ride the carousel through their 20s and not be a jaded mess.

    My biggest problems with Lillian is that her idea of affection is someone doing things for her without being asked.  Plus, she flunked out of medical school...excuse me, transferred to anthropology but is now in real estate.  That makes her seem like she can't stay committed to anything.

    • Love 5
  5. The above article describes one woman as "Passionate about her career"  and  "Many of her relationships ended because of infidelity".  That translates to "Doesn't devote enough time or effort to the men in her life".

    And another as "Ambitious, strong-willed and looking for someone who can be her equal".  Really?  An "ambitious" 32 year old stewardess has a hard time finding her equal?  Where is all of that ambition directed toward?  Is she secretly an American Ninja Warrior?

    Who's the Trashley of this season?  The dude in the bus?  Seriously, luxury touring buses depreciate quickly.  Sell the thing and buy a house already.

    • Love 3
  6. 21 hours ago, phoenix780 said:

    I'm assuming they'll do a half season for "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend," but who knows. 

    Last week I was ambivalent, but I really enjoyed the finale and want to know what happens from here. There has to be a witch way to destroy Marcel, right? The ancestors wouldn't have left the city to a supervamp, I don't think. And without witch protection Marcel should be weaker than Lucien was. So I think there should be a relatively easy way to get us back to something less lopsided. I wish this was a winter hiatus instead of a season finale. 

    Man, I hope I don't forget about this show during its long break, though it's somewhat amusing how that mirrors the story. 

    Pretty sure I will.  It's rare for a show to return after a long break and have any chemistry left.

    Anyone remember the original spell from VD?  In it, the vampire had to be anchored to something living - the originals were linked to the white oak and Alaric was linked to Elena.  What was Lucian/Marcel linked to?  Near as I can tell, nothing. 

  7. 1 hour ago, immortalfrieza said:

    Something I noticed but almost forgot about, I'm surprised that nobody on these forums or the show itself didn't point out how incredibly hypocritical Marcel was being. He's grieving yes, but the situation was either Davina was wiped from existence or Klaus and Haley were and Lucien survives to kill again, and he doesn't even acknowledge that much. For all his talk of how the Mikaelsons are willing to cause destruction in the name of protecting their family he is essentially saying he would rather Klaus and Haley die now and possibly the rest including Davina and himself later just to save his daughter Davina. In other words HIS family Marcel is willing to sacrifice everything for, but he begrudges the Mikaelsons for being willing to do the same.

    Don't forget, Lucian was going to kill Rebekah next - a woman Marcel claimed to love.  The dude isn't even consistent in who he's willing to kill for.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Diane said:

    The only part I don't understand about Marcel turning is that Elijah took his heart, did he just regrow one?  Maybe I am just way over thinking this.

    That's a really good point.  What if Elijah took his head, could he regrow that too?  And why kill him?  He could have just snapped his neck.  Even if they knew that he'd taken the serum, he could have snapped his neck, then extracted it the same way they did to Aurora.


    As I said above, there are dozens of ways around it but forced writing is forced writing.

    • Love 1
  9. 28 minutes ago, doram said:

    I have a serious problem with the way the whole Calaric thing was handled. Heck, with the way Caroline's pregnancy was handled. The show sweeps past the consent issues of her being implanted without her knowledge...

    You have a problem with consent on a show where people are frequently compelled to injure or kill themselves and others?  Hell, Caroline tried to compel someone to die of fright! 

  10. Elijah's a moron.  All he had to do was talk Marcel down.  "Think it through, do you really believe the Ancestors didn't build a failsafe into the super vamp formula?"  "I was just shown a vision wherein you kill Hayley and Hope because the formula drives you insane."  I can name a dozen ways to get poor Marcel to knock off the self-pity crap.  Instead, he kick starts the prophesy.  1000 years hasn't given the family situational awareness. 

    Also, are all NO witches de-powered now?  Or at least dramatically reduced in power?

    • Love 1
  11. First, Caroline is horrible.  These kids see her as their mom and she just abandoned them to follow her feels for Stefan - which will last for a few months.  She can wait, she's effectively immortal.  Raise your kids, Stefan will be around in 30-40 years.

    Second, couldn't they have used a hand from any of the dead Armory people? 

    Third, there's no indication that they spent their time in the Armory researching what's in the vault or cataloging potential weapons.  Bonnie lost her powers, you'd think she'd be researching a way to get them back.

    Fourth, we know that there are other members of the Armory organization, why didn't anyone show up to check on them? 

    I know I'm looking for reason in one of the least consistent shows in history.

    • Love 4
  12. 15 minutes ago, sabriiina2016 said:

    I have a question... How did Marcel find out about Freya and Elijah's plan? 

    I don't know that it was ever explained to him what they did exactly.  But, he was talking to her, Elijah attacked him and, when he woke up, Freya, Elijah and Davina were gone.  Then, when they tried to resurrect Davina, her soul was gone.  I assume he put 2 and 2 together.

    • Love 1
  13. Why would Vincent offer the super-vamp serum to Marcel?  The one vampire who arguably treated the witches worse than the Mikaelsons.  The dude banned all magic, then executed witches for performing even simple spells - plus he was the one responsible for the original Crescent Curse.  Guess that's all forgotten because one girl, who made a ton of mistakes and sanctioned hits on fellow witches, got killed.

    I couldn't stand Davina.  Girl lived in a graveyard for most of last season - where did she go to the bathroom, when did she shower?   

    • Love 2
  14. 4 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    I was annoyed that once Caroline decided to run away with Stefan, he started pressuring her to choose between him and Alaric. BACK OFF, MAN. She ran away with you to keep Alaric and the kids out of Bonnie's path, not to be with you. Great that you guys sort of cleared the air, but telling her that she "can't keep putting these decisions off" a few hours after she's decided to run for her life is really selfish.

    Alaric is supposed to be in his mid 30s, right?  Stefan wouldn't have to wait forever - and the dude has all the time in the world now that his mark is gone.

    • Love 1
  15. 8 hours ago, mac123x said:

    At one point when Kol was trying to stop Davina from going after Lucien, he grabbed her and she gave him a magical shove.  Inside the bar where no magic works.  Or were the petulant ancestors successful in breaking that?

    She was standing just outside the doorframe.  But it does beg the questions, how does the spell reach him inside the bar?  How do vampires work at all inside the bar?  How does the dagger work inside the bar?

    Also, couldn't they have an abomination cure the bite like Kai did on VD?

  16. 5 hours ago, dom16 said:

    Clare was awful. Glad he had a backbone and broke up with her instead of forcing himself to stay with her.

    They also paired up a couple where the guy wants kids and the girl doesn't, which you'd think is one of the fundamental things they'd ask before matching a couple. Although, somehow that couple and the couple that lives (lived? He recently moved to Sydney to be with her) 10 hours away are both still together post show, so at least the AU version has a better track record!

    Jono might be the first guy in the history of the show (any version) to express disappointment in his match's looks.  And rightly so, Clare was huge and manly.

    I think Erin will be pregnant within a year.

    Christie is 39 and matched with a younger man, no way she was letting go.  Although, I don't like her odds of having a healthy child at her age.  And how do you leave a farm?  Didn't he say he owned it?  I can't imagine a farm is easy to sell.

    Simone is completely delusional if she thinks she'll find someone better than a younger ex-soccer player.  Let's be honest, she should be looking for an older man if she wants someone so infatuated with her that every day will be the romantic adventure she seems to feel entitled to.  Out of all of them, she's the one who did the show for fame.

  17. Anyone watching the AU version?  There's a Sam-like character named Clare who was calling her match a "bitch" and had the same boorish behavior.  Unlike Sam, she was paired with an actual man who dumped her after 5 days.  It was really fun to watch. 

    The "experts" are still total dicks.  They pair 2 people who live 10 hours away.

    Also, I HATE this software upgrade.     

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