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Jack Sampson

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Posts posted by Jack Sampson

  1. 22 minutes ago, holly4755 said:

    60K is not a lot in NJ but I know people who live on that money and trailer park spaces can be costly near the water, well mine was almost 10K a year and that was several years ago.  

    Running businesses there are two kinds of expenses - training for your self and purchasing and keeping tools, inventory, buildings, etc.  Either or both could cause someone to go into debt if they were running their own businesses. 

    Plus, that bus wasn't cheap.  10-15 year old used coaches can go for $200-300k.  Does anyone know the specs on his?

  2. 3 hours ago, okerry said:

    Jack Sampson not withstanding, women do want some courtship. Why do you think the vast majority are drunk during one-night stands? That's because alcohol takes the place of courtship. Women absolutely want and need courtship in a marriage. The only real success in this show, Jason & Cortney, did wait at least a little while and got to know each other first. From what we saw, he seemed to let her know he was very attracted to her but was still a gentleman.

    That's courtship. That's how it's done, guys. Don't be like Derek (if that's really what happened) unless you want to wake to nothing more than a cig (of any kind.)

    They had sex on day 3 or 4 (depending on how the editing worked).  I'm all for following the 3 date rule.  But I wouldn't tolerate a sexless honeymoon, I'd file the day I got home.  Or I'd at least explain that, if she wanted to take things slowly, we won't be living together and I'll be seeing other women until she makes up her mind.

    I'd (jokingly so I got a real answer) ask her about one night stands and the quickest she's gone from meeting a man to having sex.  Then I wouldn't wait longer than that answer.

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  3. 13 minutes ago, watch2much said:

    I remember Heather's reply to Derek saying he didn't have a passport.  She said "well you're going to have to get one" referring to her travel perks, I assume.  So she, at that point, was trying.  His saying they "didn't even cuddle" the first night might be a clue.  Cuddling in bed with someone you only met a few hours ago seems weird.  I wouldn't want to do it. Leads me to believe advances were made and words were said, on top of the weed issue, and maybe why he felt the need to smoke the next morning.  Derek never considered she needed time to become affectionate.  He seemed to think the marriage vow meant it was full speed ahead physically and he took her reticence as rejection.

    Have you ever had a one night stand?  It's pretty routine to have sex and cuddle for a while after knowing the person for only a few hours.  A party girl like Heather has been in that situation many, many times.  The only difference this time is that she wasn't drunk.

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  4. 5 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

    Well I guess I have Asperger's then if all it takes is being reserved and possibly introverted. 

    A long time ago there was a girl on America's Next Top Model who had Asperger's and it was very evident. I think we'd all see it in Nick if he had it based on how the girl on ANTM and a couple other people I've know throughout the years were. I just don't see it in him.

    He doesn't kiss Sonia a lot because I think he really likes her as a friend. Maybe he's hoping his feelings will become stronger but until then, he's trying not to lead her on if it doesn't happen. But he has kissed her and hugged her a lot. I don't think he has a problem with physical touch. He's held good conversation with her with eye contact. He has no problem in his TH's. I don't see the Asperger's theory. It's quite a stretch.

    If he went ahead and had sex with her even though he's not attracted to her, people would be complaining about that too, and speculating that he's some kind of sociopath.  The dude just isn't into her.  He's trying to get there but he's not wanting to be too physical until he does.

    • Love 6
  5. 21 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

    Nick states he does not love Sonia( guessing the yet is implied) after the second week of marriage as seen in the tease.

    Will Sonia be allowed to join Nick and the dogs in the marital bed?

    We will be seeing the sadness in her eyes and hearing even more strain in her quivering voice.

    Were I Sonia, I'd try to show off some domestic skills, maybe plan some fun activities - anything to give Nick a reason to be engaged in the marriage.

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  6. 7 minutes ago, nlkm9 said:

    I respectfully disagree--she is WAYYY bigger than a size 8, she is a big girl, and Nick is in excellent shape--its very possible that he is not attracted to a larger woman. I can wear a size 8 and she is a good 30-40 lbs bigger than me-I know its very fashionable to be accepting of all body types, but I really think he is just completely unattracted to her(and there is nothing wrong with that--everyone has a physical type)....I sort of hope they can fall for each other, but to me the dog issue is the biggest issue here--he didnt seem to care at all that she is uncomfortable around dogs and that made me like him a lot less.

    Nick's using the dogs to cock block the same way Trashley did...or is that vag block?     

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Evil Queen said:

    kat12379 said:

    I watched the Unfiltered confessions thing last night and I didn't like the way Heather kind of wrinkled her nose that if Derek won the lottery he would probably buy "things" with it (houses, cars, etc.) and she would choose to travel after paying off debt. It was very very condescending and "I'm better than these people and I'm more enlightened etc etc).

    She thinks it's morally superior to piss money away on travel instead of buying tangible assets?  Too bad neither said they'd go back to school to learn something new or even works of charity.

  8. 20 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

    PC should have asked her what kind of marriage she wanted.  Does she even know?  Does she have a realistic expectation to begin with?


    1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

    I agree with this.  What exactly does she want in a marriage?  Maybe her expectations are based on stuff she's seen on romantic comedies. 

    I'm guessing she'd come up with another vague answer.  "I just want things to 'click'."

    It'd be funny if she gave an answer, then PC pulled out her original questionnaire wherein she gives a completely different one.

  9. 1 hour ago, Nowhere said:

    Lily isn't pretty in the face. Her body looks good though for now, like you said. I think she has an alright personality but the baby talk gets on my nerves really bad. I never really got why people think that's cute. I'd rather be treated like a woman, not a baby so I can't imagine a man would want to be talked to like a baby. Isn't that a little emasculating? 

    Sonia does that baby talk upspeak and I want to kill myself when I hear her. As far as her face, you know how some people grow on you? She does the opposite of that. 

    Heather is a butter face with a boring personality unless she's drinking. When she and Derek were drinking together I actually really liked her and I guess the stick crawled out of her butt and slipped into Derek's. She needs more boobs. 

    This is all IMHO of course. Nobody can get upset with me if I say that, right?

    Dudes will tolerate a LOT when we're being sedated by regular, enthusiastic sex.  If it ever dries up, we get tired of that nonsense pretty quickly. 

    • Love 6
  10. 11 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

    Here's how I would rate them:

    Nick is 6.5 in the face department. I just can't go with 7 because he looks like a mouse however I would have no problem dating him. Body is at an 8. Personality was an 8 when I thought he was reserved and well-mannered, but after seeing the screenshots of the Facebook posts I now realize that he's one of those know-it-all types that nobody wants to hang out with. He obviously thinks he's smarter than other people so his personality drops to a 3.

    Derek face: 4; body: disgusting; personality: 6 when he's not whining but no, he thinks he's a rapper and that would embarrass me. I'll pretend I don't know that and stick with 6. 

    Tom face: 4; body: haven't seen or possibly chose to block it out. Probably not good enough to overlook the fact that his personality is a 1. 

    She looks like her neck got breast implants. 

    Lily: Face 4.5, Body 5.25 (for now, wait 3 years or 1 baby and all bets are off), Personality 7

    Sonia: Face 5.25, Body 3.5, Personality 4.5

    Heather: Face 5.25 (3.5 when she has that disassociated, dead stare), Body 7, Personality 3 (5 when she's hammered)

    • Love 2
  11. 7 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    Jack SampsonI think your last "Lily" you meant as "Sonia."

    What does "five pounds IN her neck" mean, re: Lily (emphasis mine)? "In her throat"? "Around her neck"? 

    You're right, I meant Sonia.

    "In" means around in this context.  She has a lot of extra fat around her neck.

  12. 1 minute ago, film noire said:

    I'm not offended,  I'm amused (in no small part b/c you think ignoring evidence of your flawed statement and presenting a different argument instead is a blow against feminism -- wtf? ) Anyway,  to get back to the point -- the one you avoided -- you stated men's fertility only declined in their mid fifties, which is incorrect. As early as 41, issues with aging sperm are found. And for men who use pot, smoking more than *once a week* can lower their sperm count by a third, create hyperactive sperm (which burn out before they can fertilize the egg) and for the swimmers that do make it to the egg,  thirty percent of those will not be able to create/release the enzyme needed to penetrate the egg wall.  So if you're worried about poor Heather finding a mate, Derek  is the LAST man she should be courting and sparking with. His sperm ain't high caliber.

    I said a man in his 50s is equivalent to a woman of 37.  After looking at the data, I was wrong, it's late 50s.

  13. 1 minute ago, Lola16 said:

    Didn't at least 2 of the experts say that they paired Sonia with Nick and Lilly with Tom because the men are good providers? Am I remembering that correctly?

    I think Lilly does have to work on being as slim as she is.  I thought Tom said that Lilly's family was beautiful while he was still at the altar.  He sat with her mother and sisters at the reception so it's not like he thinks she comes from a family of stick figures.

    Pepper made a point about Lily's career not paying well so Nick is expected to finance her lifestyle.  That's a big ask of a guy who doesn't even find you attractive.  I'm interested in seeing what she brings to the table in day-to-day life.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

    Hey Jack Sampson .. Now I get it!  Like someone posted before but I can't remember who as my brains and eyeballs are falling out from reading, Tom might have noticed that Lily might have the tendency to gain some weight down the road.  And I'm not yelling .. I respect all opinions.

    She's already got an extra 5 pounds in her neck. :)

    • Love 2
  15. 14 minutes ago, film noire said:

    And I see no evidence supporting your sweeping generalizations about women aged 32  -- ideas which last enjoyed social currency when Miss Scarlett threw a vase at Rhett Butler -- and their desperate need to accept just any ol' man that crawls on by,  because mumblecore caliber dudebros.


    Nope. Younger. Evidence:


    The average time to pregnancy if a man is under 25 is just over 4.5 months but nearly two years if a man is over 40 (if the woman is under 25).

    There is a five-fold increase in time to pregnancy if the male partner is aged over 45 years.

    For couples having IVF, the risk of not having a baby is more than five times higher if the male partner is aged 41 or older.

    The volume of a man’s semen and sperm motility (the ability of sperm to move towards an egg) decrease continually between the ages of 20 and 80.

    The risk of miscarriage is twice as high for women whose male partner is aged over 45 than for those whose partners are under 25.

    Children with fathers aged 40 or older are more than five times as likely to have an autism spectrum disorder than children fathered by men aged under 30.

    Autism risk grows steadily with fathers' increasing age, but accelerates with mothers' age after 30. These charts show generalized additive model estimates of the probability of ASD in the Stockholm Youth Cohort. Dashed lines show 95 percent confidence intervals. - See more at: http://drexel.edu/now/archive/2014/April/Autism-Risk-Older-Parents/#sthash.HfBn8naG.dpuf

    It's a decline in fertility and an increase in complications in men, no doubt.  But the risks with women are dramatically higher.

    I'm sorry if biology offends your feminist sensibilities.

  16. 1 hour ago, Passthepopcorn said:

    I wonder if she has ever been in a long term relationship. She immediately wanted to retreat, go home, be in her world, by herself. And I know that can happen to anyone (married or not), to recharge. But I wonder if it was too much for her to just be with someone who is not just a date, but someone who in theory is here to stay.

    Does a barely remembered, booze filled one night stand count?

    I wonder if they should include an expert with some experience in arranged marriages.  And have them pre-rate (1-10) the potential matches beforehand like the AU version does.  

    Is it too early for this year's ratings?  Ladies, how would you rate the men?  1-10 for face, body and personality.

  17. 1 minute ago, film noire said:

    As it does for men; regardless of the age of the mother, the risk of miscarriage is higher if the father is over 45 and the children of older fathers are at greater risk of autism, mental health problems and learning difficulties -- so actually, both your hypothetical 22 year old (and Heather) should be dating younger men to gain access to the best quality sperm.

    Agreed.  The problem is that Heather can't attract one.

  18. 7 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

    Well, if that's the case, then Derek can't find a woman either. If you are saying a 32 year old woman can't find a 22 year old man, maybe. But to suggest no 32 year old women find men or marry is ridiculous. People marry later in general now and Heather not being married at Elly Mae Clampett age is more a reflection of current times than her age. Many men and women marry in their 30's-maybe she wasn't ready before and is now. Maybe Derek wasn't ready before and is now. Or maybe Derek can't find a woman because he is the incredibly ancient age of 35 and might as well hang it up. 

    I didn't say no 32 year old can find a man...I'm suggesting that she needs to wake up to reality that the men she's been going after are out of her league.

    The same basic idea works for men too but it's especially pressing for women because fertility starts to drop off at 30 and tanks at 40.  Being able to have healthy children is a major factor in determining who men marry.  Men can produce healthy children well into their 50s and 60s.  Most women need to get the job done before 40.

    Heather's now 32 or 3, if she waits much longer to compromise, she won't be able to bring the possibility of children to a marriage and that drops her value even further.

  19. Just now, film noire said:

    Never said anything like that -- women factor in who they are attracted to as well -- but a woman of 32 doesn't has to be with any man who turns up just because she's not 22 anymore.  

    She's not going to attract the same caliber of man she could when younger.  She either starts to compromise on her standards or she'll be alone.  It's not only true in nature but in this particular case - Heather can't find a man.  It's a simple truth.  She's had years of looking and men she's attracted to are out of her league and unwilling to commit.  Why?  Because they can do better.

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