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  1. The more I watch and read the more I wonder if Al is not dead. Eid spoke in an interview (Matt Carter?) about the season ending cliff hanger but there really wasn't one. Al not being dead would explain the sloppy death notification to Hank. It would also explain why Meredith was at the jail and courtroom but not the hospital. Notification of death would have been provided to her. The guard also mentioned prior to him being stabbed that he refused to go back to his cell early. I know a couple of cast members have posted on IG but there comments are really pretty vague. Koteas is very private and low key so he would not spoil the cliff hanger. Several other cast members have not posted or made any comments on the situation. They also didn't seem very upset about it during a recent tv guide interview. Leads me to believe that Al will be returning.
  2. Another thing that really angered me was Al's notification of death by the doctor. Like no big deal it doesn't matter. I can promise you that is not the case. I have informed more loved ones and physicians of a person's passing than I care for. It never gets any easier and they all matter. To give notice is such a blaise attitude is inexcusable and really poor writing. They could have provided a tactful notification of death and still avoided all of the hoopla that Koteas did not want. Truthfully, I almost turned the show off at that point.
  3. Eid is an absolutely freaking moron if he thinks this was how the story had to conclude. It took all of 5 minutes for Voight to set Woods up for witness tampering. They couldn't have concluded this story line by the fall finale? The left so many loose ends to the story it is ridiculous. I have read a lot of theories online that Al is not really dead because of a plot hole here or there. While I would certainly be for a scenario like that I don't see the writers being creative enough to write such an arc. Based on Eid's interview I think he is gone and the writing was so poor and choppy that it naturally left too many holes in the story. With that being said we are done with Chicago PD at my house, all parties are in agreement that we don't want to continue watching a show where Voight is responsible for a nonline of duty death of another unit member. The other members of the unit continue to follow blindly along all the while knowing Voight is responsible for Al's death. If any of them had any kind of moral integrity they would have given their transfer notices on the spot. Sure Voight had his mini melt down this episode but he will be back to normal by next season with no consequence at all. Honestly, Al's death in such a manner seemed insulting to his character and to Elias Koteas. I was actually most upset with knowing that the showed was renewed for season 6. I wanted Voight to take a header from the roof and the show to end with him.
  4. The problem with this scenario is that the show is about Hank and the Intelligence unit. We actually have no idea what Denny Woods has done in the past and what he is capable of. We do know that he sent an innocent man to prison, twice now actually. As for Olinsky planting the drugs on the recovering drug addict, do we really know the addict was telling the truth. He broke in Al's car. Have you considered that he may actually be the one planting evidence on an innocent man. Woods has a lot of dirt on people to be able to stay in the position he is and make things happen behind the scenes the way he does. Look at Al's current situation, Woods would know that putting him in Gen Pop is a potential death sentence. No way the courts put him in that situation pretrial without someone pulling strings. I don't believe killing Olinsky doesn't wrap the story line up for Voight. I think it would go against every character on the series to remain with Voight in the unit if they knew he was ultimately responsible for Al's death. The only way that this unit can return to normal is for Hank and Al to both return. In my opinion Al's death or forced retirement tears the unit apart and destroys the show as we know it. Yes, I do still feel that everyone in the unit had the opportunity to open their mouths about Hank and Bingharm, especially Jay and Antonio and they chose not to do so.
  5. I for one am holding out hope that Al survives his injuries. Although, brutal to watch stab wounds to the abdomen are survivable with quick intervention. The stomach and small intestine would offer the best chance of survival in such an attack. Time it takes him to be found by the guards and length of the object he was shanked with are critical. Could just be a lot of abdominal muscle injury. The greatest risk would be a wound to the liver or spleen which causes significant bleeding. He could actually make a complete recovery from such wounds with a significant amount of time passing, ie summer hiatus. I think it all depends on if Koteas wanted to leave the show. Do the writers really want to anger and take a chance on losing many long time fans by killing him in such a manner? It could certainly hurt the ratings next year. Although, stable at this time. I'm not sure the show could survive that viewership hit. I've been fairly angry with Hank's character for the past few weeks for allowing it to get this far in the first place. Now, I'm angry with the entire unit. In my opinion, each and everyone of them had a hand in this. As Antonio said himself "everyone knows" yet not one of them did the right thing. Upton is the only one who had no first hand knowledge of the situation. If Al dies his blood is on the entire unit and not just Hank's at this point.
  6. kixfan

    S05.E20: Saved

    I think it is going to play out that Olinksy is working undercover with IA or the Feds to take Woods down. I can see Antonio being involved as well. Hank would have to go through Hell to make if look effective. I think that is why Al has been so adamant about taking the hit for the crime. They take Woods down and end up saving Hank in the process. A crazy storyline like that is the only way I can see this story play out where Voight and Olinsky either one make it to season 6. No way Hank remains functional if Al is killed, convicted or forced to retire because of a crime that Hank committed. He has lost too much with Camille, Justin, and Erin already. Dawson, Halstead, and Upton are supposed to be honest moral cops. There is no way the unit can stay together if Al takes the fall for Hank. It would tear them apart. Future episode summaries indicate Al is going to end up in a bad way I only he ends the season alive.
  7. I do wonder about Al and the possibility of suicide as well. Have actually wondered about it since Lexi's death. He most certainly would be killed in prison if sent to jail. I know Meredith will make an appearance in the finale so it makes one wonder. I don't see why he would frame a potentially innocent man if he were thinking of suicide. Koteas did not look well during the first part of the season. He looked much thinner than usual. There is also the possibility that he was off filming a movie during that time. I know they mentioned during a facebook chat that fans would be shook. I hope this all turns out to be an elaborate undercover operation to get to Woods. Let's not forget that Woods is also a dirty cop. Voight and the unit called him on it last year leading to the current war with Voight. Who knows maybe Woods planted the drugs on Ruben in an attempt further implicate Voight for witness tampering. He has already proven in the past that he was more than willing to send an innocent man to jail. I hope they can figure out a way to redeem Voight and Olinsky because watching a unit of Dawson, Ruzek, Halstead, Upton, Atwater, and Burgess sounds as boring as watching paint dry.
  8. Olinsky wanted to speak with Ruben from the opening scene when Voight showed him the photo. He was the one who found Ruben's address. Voight said he would handle it. That Al needed to stay away from the witness. Yet, in the van Voight told Al that they would have to find another way of dealing with things. Trudy asked Voight what was going on with Olinsky because she had looked at confidential information that revealed his pension had been flagged. There was no indication that Al knew his pension had indeed been flagged. Only Trudy and Voight knew at this point that it had been flagged. The writers are inconsistent so you never know how this will play out. However, I can't see the Al of past setting up an innocent man. I don't think he would want to spend the rest of his life in prison but what does he have in his life at this point. Lexi is gone. Who knows what happened to the second daughter. As far as the audience knows he is separated or divorced from Meredith. I can see him protecting Erin and Voight but I can not see him sending a potentially innocent man to prison to do it. Who knows this will probably all play out to be some kind of secret undercover story to explain it all away if the show is renewed. I do fear that Olinsky is not going to make it out of the season alive though.
  9. I agree completely. I have not enjoyed this season at all. Koteas and Amy Morton have been criminally under used. The major reason I worry that Koteas is going to leave the show. They seem to be focusing on the younger members of the unit this season in what I would guess is a play for ratings bumps. IMO and everyone is entitled to disagree the season has been hurt because of it. Story continuity has always been an issue with the series but a much bigger issue this past season. This current Olinksy/Voight/Bingham story line is a perfect example. Until recently was there any mention that Al helped move the body. I have a hard time buying that two veteran detectives would be stupid enough to dig a body up from the silos and bury it in a high traffic area in the city. Quite frankly I can't see Al or Erin involving the other in such a crime from the start.
  10. I think it was Voight who planted the drugs and made the anonymous tip to Narcotics. He knew about the information way to quickly. He was more than willing to share the information with Al at the bar during which time Al offered no indication that he knew what had occurred with the witness. Olinsky wanted to talk to the guy from the opening scene and Voight kept reassuring him that he would take care of things. I think Olinsky was at the house in to try and talk to the guy. Voight and Olinksy have always been solid and Al is certainly not one to rat out another officer. He has always had Hank's bank on the show. I feel like he is starting to have his doubts about Voight though. Potentially sending an innocent man to prison might be the straw that breaks the camels back for him. I have feared for most of the season that Koteas is leaving the show. I am starting to wonder if both Koteas and Beghe are leaving the show or if it is ending. I have not seen where it has officially been renewed by NBC at this point and multiple rumors have swirled all season about onset misconduct from Beghe. For the longest time I couldn't see the show continuing without Voight in the future. However, the writers have made Hank incredibly unlikeable to me in the past few episodes. At this point I don't care if he goes, I do care if Olinsky does. I have no problem with Hank killing the man who killed Justin. I'm a parent and I can't say that I would act any differently in the same situation. However, I wouldn't let innocent people take the fall for me. I would willingly admit to doing the deed and not attempt to cover it up. That is the biggest issue I have with this whole story line. Al, Erin, and the potential witness should never be looking at prison time. If Voight killed the man to avenge his son than he should be more than willing to take the hit for it.
  11. kixfan

    S05.E03: Promise

    Where in the world is Olinsky? Seriously, I think he has had a total of 5 minutes of screen time in three episodes. I don't understand it. Koteas is an incredible actor to be wasted in such a manner. They need to figure out a way to get him more involved. I've watched every episode of this show even changed satellite providers to ensure that we could watch the show. I've got to say I'm on the verge of tuning out. I hate to say it but I almost miss the weekly Erin drama at this point!
  12. Looking at the spoilers coming out for the season finale. I hope they don't screw things up with Olinsky and his family. They already did that with Antonio last year plus I liked seeing the dynamic where they were separated but able to put things back together.
  13. The SVU episode was difficult to watch. It was one of the saddest and most graphic shows that I ever seen. I was almost relieved that Nadia died after listening to the court details. I don't know how someone could ever recover from such a brutal incident. The episodes were well written and incredibly well acted. My only complaint is that I would like to have seen more from Olinksy and Finn. The only problem I have with the crossover episodes is that with the exception of Voight, Lindsey, and Halstead the CPD cast disappears. I enjoy the crossovers but let's see Dawson, Olinsky or Ruzek take the lead from the CPD side on the next one. I know Voight will be front and center because it's his unit but Lindsey and Halstead do not always have to be the main detectives involved.
  14. My money is on Olinsky given some of the spoilers about the final episode. I just hope it doesn't mess things up with his wife and daughter. It was nice to see him work things out with them.
  15. Brian Luce posted a few different cast photos on twitter yesterday. He said the were behind the scenes of 2 X 23. The photos seemed to indicate that the other members of the unit were still present in filming the final episode of the season.
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