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  1. THREE WORDS (okay one is not so much a "word" but kind of...): CELEBRITY MASTERCHEF UK!!!!!!!!!!!!! TVBitch !!!!! I know you're watching with me! I'll come back here at some point to see who won Masterchef AU. Sadly, it is no longer must see TV for me 😞 I'm really impressed at those of you, whom I respect and admire as commenters, managed to hang in for this entire season.
  2. THREE WORDS (okay one is not so much a "word" but kind of...): CELEBRITY MASTERCHEF UK!!!!!!!!!!!!! TVBitch !!!!! I know you're watching with me! I'll come back here at some point to see who won Masterchef AU. Sadly, it is no longer must see TV for me 😞 I'm really impressed at those of you, whom I respect and admire as commenters, managed to hang in for this entire season. So I just noticed I posted this in spoilers and I have no idea really, who even remains in the contest, so I'll just mosey over to the latest episode thread.......
  3. Hello all my lovely primetimer friends who I never "see" anymore. It's like I've been social distancing from everything since covid protocol because I am in an "essential" industry and it's been the most insane thing I've ever seen in my life. And I'm old so I was around, when I FIRST started driving, for gas lines in the 70s and this is weirder. But I am enjoying following your posts so much since I can't get into the new hosts and I'm not watching the show. I'm marginally interested in who wins, but not really, and, while I like Andy as a person (whom I don't know it just seems like something to say), I don't like him at all as a host/expert on this iteration. as I watched the first couple episodes and thought he brought nothing to the picnic. Jock's okay but not my favourite. My favourite is the woman, whose name escapes me. So I will keep reading here, but my days of waiting with bated breath for this to come back every year may be over. Thank the gods for the UK Masterchef shows, in every form: regular, celebrity and especially, The Professionals. Keep writing the great reviews, though. I really look forward. 🙂
  4. I'm going to go completely off the rails here and risk flying rotten tomatoes, but out of this lot, aside from Marquise, who I think probably has no real chance to win, Sergio is my favourite and the only one of the remaining designers I could stand to see win. Yes, yes, yes, the political statement of the week was based on watching too much classic tv rather than actually knowing history, but I do agree that he was specifically referring to being able to buy the house, the car, have the kids with a stay at home mom, which was actually thanks to the post-war economy. I'd prefer if he picks up a book here and there rather than watching "Leave it to Beaver" or "Father Knows Best." Brittany and Delvin are both nasty human beings. We all have those catty tendencies but do you have to SAY OUT LOUD every negative thing you are thinking? I'm so weary of lack of manners anymore, I don't even know what to say. I'm glad Christian used his save on Brittany only because he can't now use it on Victoria, although I don't think that's going to be an issue because Nina will make damn sure Victoria is in the finale. What I don't understand, especially with Nina's background and LOOOOONG career in and around fashion, is how she could think Victoria would learn ANYTHING from CFDA. Sadly, I think Project Runway would be embarrassed by its association with Victoria after she manages to pooh-pooh any attempt at mentorship from CFDA. And, on a petty note, I don't think she's that beautiful and I really thought her tuxedo was kinda trashy with that garter, although I thought the back was really nice. Other unpopular opinions: I'm not a huge Nancy fan and I'm her age so for me, it's not ageism, although I do believe that's what she's experiencing with the other designers. They think she's old, ergo not cool, strictly based on the fact of being over 60. But her personality is a bit much for me and I can kind of see how she may annoy them, but going back to my previous statement, Brittany and Delvin: can you show some manners and a little respect based on the fact that she had the courage to apply for a show on which "advanced age" is always a negative? It's okay to be fat, and any number of other adjectives, but holy hell, DO NOT GET OLD because you'll suck if you do. Okay, well end rant, for now and thanks for letting me vent a bit. I don't have much time to post anymore (because job consuming life for now) but I miss it and sometimes I just have to speak my piece. Pretty much the only reason I'm still around PR at all is because I adore Christian and I'm kinda liking Brandon a bit, too. Not so much last season, but he's growing on me.
  5. Spunkygal, you are so right! Always something to look forward to on this show. Exose!! Olivia!! Arbinder! We have real diversity this year and I am LOVING it. I like Andrew but he's starting to show some cracks, which were heretofore unseen. Sorry to see Malin and Freddy go especially cause the heart of Freddy's dish, the cauliflower steak with capers, etc., sounded and looked yummy to me. Then he added too much and that asparagus just looked like it tasted green to me. Like you've eaten a mouthful of freshly mown grass green. Blech. I love all these guys and am never disappointed, whomever wins, but I'm pulling equally for Olivia and Exose. No matter who wins I hope everyone's life is changed because a few of these guys are outstanding chefs. I would love if there were a US version of The Professionals, but we Americans seem to be such dillholes, at least on tv, that I'm not sure it could even TOUCH this version. Especially if they allowed Gordon to "host"...
  6. EXOSE!!!! I love his smile and attitude. His first night, he was nervous but kind of fake nonchalant regarding staying or going. On return, he came back to wreak havoc on everyone's taste buds, but in a good way. Love Jay wanting to date the souffle, not just eat it. He's so cute when he really loves something. So obviously I'm rooting for diversity or diversity this year: Exose or ANY female, of which... wait ARE there any left? Moniker always seems so excited when there's a good female chef but they never seem to be able to hang in very long. I guess I'm thrilled that the competition starts in earnest next week, but then not, because it means it'll be over sooner rather than later. I know it usually wraps up right before Xmas. Leave it to my friend, TVbitch, to say what we're all thinking: Is a pancake always a drop scone or is it only a drop scone in Marcus' world? I love the skills test but I must tell you I almost throw up for the chefs, myself, when Moniker or Marcus say "I'm having them make an eeber deeber with a side of garlic knobbledy dobbledy and I'm giving them four and a half minutes...." I mean, first you have to try to parse what it IS, and by the time you've figured out it's toast and egg, you've got 12 seconds to make your sauce! Yeesh!!! Love this competition: can't wait to see these guys battle it out, with class, as always.
  7. I'm back to post about my favourite of all the cooking competitions worldwide: MC The Professionals!! Jay's back, too; I had been missing him and wondering if we were going to see him at all on this iteration. I'm always happy to see Marcus and Moniker. They are outstanding chefs and truly nice human beings. As always, I like ALL of the contestants and am sad to see anyone go... with the possible exception of SOME of the 20 year olds that have been cooking for two years and think they're ready to compete at this level. I know there are those prodigies, but for the most part, they probably need a little more time to steep before The Professionals. TVb, thanks for the note reminding me we have a forum now for our show. I don't get to play on Primetimer much anymore, and I barely post, because of real life annoyances, but I had to come participate in this one!
  8. Goes without saying I shan't be watching this finale and actually, it's my least favourite win ever, and even including Emma, because the Emma season was so bad it was good from the standpoint of "TRAINWRECK: must watch!!!!!" I am sad that Gary and Matt are gone, but if they are willing to lasso themselves to George's moon, then so be it I guess. I have no idea why Curtis Stone is a thing either, but he's been hosting cooking shows in the US forever so I'm sure he'd welcome hopping onto a successful, albeit waning, franchise. I don't find him gorgeous or that charming but I can tolerate him. I have never been a Poh fan, but some of you say she sparkles in some instances on television. I'm kind of judging from her appearance as a "mentor" on MC this past season and I was not impressed. Blasphemy ahead: I do not care for Maggie Beer at all. I find her extremely tedious and over the top goody two shoes and I'd rather have George back with Poh and Billie (YAWN) than have Maggie Beer. Matt Moran, original mentor for MC AU, I would LOVE to have as a judge. ((Is Great Australian Bake Off not on anymore?)) Anywho.... I didn't mind Sashi's win because he was such a nice guy and his family was so cute, and also if HE didn't win, it would have been Ben, but that season was lackluster for me. I held much hope for season 11, but this season was downright disappointing and overall meh. So it ends with a whimper and not a bang. But I look forward to seeing you ALL on the Masterchef: The Professionals (UK) forum and I will still be counting the days until next season of AU.
  9. So is it Simon, Tessa, Tim and LARRY left in the competition? On a more interesting tip, I FLOVE Masterchef UK The Professionals. It's actually my favourite but I didn't know there was a forum here. Is it housed under Masterchef UK? I will be there, as I am every year, but if TVbitch and Myriad are going to be there commenting, and katisha, babs, et. al, I will be there with BELLS on, which is only appropriate since it usually wraps up around Xmas. It's definitely the format of the program for our AU version. I kind of wish George would just go. I have a weird fondness for Gary and Matt, don't like the new former contestant mentoring; I think the biggest issues are as you all have said: lack of ingenuity on the part of the SHOW and the cooks, and this season, lack of personality. Simon, for me, is the closest to fun I've seen, after Tati left. Laughed MAO at the duplicate dishes challenge (with the wall of shite between them) when he kept looking at the camera when Anushka was SCREAMING at Derek. I think Simon is kind of charming. If Shannon's not coming back, they need to get a REAL mentor. These three are all likable people but suck at any kind of authentic mentoring. Meanwhile, as always, I just can't quit you Masterchef Australia. Mostly because of the people I've met here on this forum, but hey, don't be picky. Negative attention is still attention.
  10. Hello my fellow MC AU fans and friends! So I've been gone a few weeks cause we moved but even though I'm back, I'm skipping most of what I missed and just following you here on the site because it's much more interesting than this season has turned out to be. Had high hopes at the start although no one really stood out to me but then Tessa seemed to be surging - and I really like her - and Simon - like him way more than Tim - seemed to be a comer, so I was encouraged. Then a lot of people stayed past their expiration date while some left.... those some I actually thought might have been contenders, but what do I know? All I do know is that this is the first season I've been mostly disappointed and it's vexing for me because as Myriad and I have discussed before, I start looking forward to the return of Masterchef Australia in about January of each year. Is the show running its course? Are they running out of promising home cooks? Are the people who actually might do really well AND impart some entertainment value eschewing the show and just going straight to culinary schools to get a real education in food, and a legitimate food career?? I will hang in with you to see who wins, but I don't think I can stomach watching a Larissa and Tim final. No offense to Tim lovers: it's not HIS fault that the judges went bonkers over him and he is NOT a bad cook, but I do think there are others who are way better. If it does come down to the two of them, though, I will be team Tim all the way. And as always my favorite part of this show is reading all your comments and insights. Once again I will miss that most of all when this season slouches off to Bethlehem.
  11. Never been more happy in my life to be totally wrong about an elimination. Our Derek is safe! But guys, I don't think he's going to be on there much longer than top 8 or 7 at max. He really does have issues with certain things. I kind of hated to see Steph go in a way, but then not. Glad Derek and Simon are safe and we'll see what shakes out in the team challenge in a couple days. As per usual, I will be skipping immunity pin hell and just stopping by here to see who did or didn't. I'm actually thinking Tim may get an immunity pin to keep him in the festivities a bit longer. Let's see if I'm wrong again (hope, hope, hope)...
  12. All I am saying (besides give peace a chance) is if Tim ends up in the finale, the other person (TESSA) had better win. Although at this point I'm not discounting an extra special episode with a super surprise elimination, by which Tim AND Ben end up as the final two.
  13. I feel like we're in the upside-down with both Tim and Ben in the immunity challenge, so yeah, I hope Larissa pulls it out if they're determined for someone to win the immunity pin. A nice twist would be if you DON'T WIN immunity pin, you have to leave the competition. Never to return, Tim. Meanwhile, I kind of think Derek may be leaving versus Simon and Steph. Derek - whom I really like, by the way - seems to fare better in team competitions but flounders when left to his own devices, at least it seems that way to me. I'd love for Steph to leave because I'm pro Derek and pro Simon, but she somehow manages to eke out a good showing in black apron challenges. I don't know what the odds are, but I would love for Steph, Tim, Ben and Anushka to leave soon. Christina can go too. I don't dislike any of these people, they just don't really do anything for me. Actually, there's no one of whom I am super enamored this year, except maybe Tessa, so go Tessa! Team Tessa for the win!!
  14. Aaron's hands look FILTHY to me with all that ink. I can hardly stand to watch him and don't think he adds anything to the show. I don't know much about him professionally but he used to be on Chopped a lot, no? So he must have some cred but I don't want to eat anything he's ever touched. The contestants do seem to be nicer this year or maybe they're just themselves and the producers are allowing them to MOSTLY be decent humans instead of stereotypes hogging for camera time. The guy in the overalls seems nice, but I hate the outfit already. As always, I don't know if I'll stick around for the whole season, because I have a low tolerance for Gordon on most of his shows, but I'll be anxiously pacing around the forum waiting for Aerobicidal's SEASON TEN critiques.
  15. I love how Tati is always excited to BE dressed in black.... she's keenly aware of possible elimination but she is so excited to cook for Yotam again or Maggie again (because Maggie is her hero). I wish I could have that sterling attitude when staring in the face of adversity.
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