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Apple Clark

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Everything posted by Apple Clark

  1. I wholeheartedly agree with this, but it makes me sad. Josh did a horrible, horrible thing, but his parents not only kept it hidden from the public but also his soon-to-be wife. That makes it 10x worse. If they had cancelled the show when it happened, gotten ALL the victims therapists, and written a formal apology to the victims and their parents (if there were outside victims. I swear I'm not trying to speculate about them), it might be more forgivable.
  2. I hope they don't break off the courtship because of Josh. If they break it off because of their own reasons that's a good thing, but if it's solely because of Josh, I hope Josiah makes that known.
  3. I agree, she probably won't, but she should. He is most definitely deeply disturbed, and I wouldn't want him around me or my children. He is a disgusting pervert, (and is it just me, or does it seem like a lot of men that grow up in cults (or lead them) are charged with sex offenses?) It's disgusting and inexcusable, and the show should've ended 13 years ago when they found out. I feel awful for those girls.
  4. I've always been a Jana fan, but now.... I can't imagine how much strength it takes for her to do what she does every day, and how much courage it takes for her to face her brother. She really is an amazing person, and even though I liked her before, I really admire her now. I was speculating a while ago (not sure if I posted it here) about how she might be depressed, and I truly think she is now. I hope she isn't though...
  5. @Wellfleet The buddy groups would never revert back to "Mom". They'd probably end up in Joy Anna's care, and she'd become the next Jana pretty quick. Either her or Grandma, but never Mechelle.
  6. So I was insanely excited about Marsiah. Marjorie is taking college classes, she wears pants, ect, but then I finally watched the announcement on People and OH MY GOD. She's TOTALLY a theatre kid, and I'm rethinking my excitement, I think she might be courting just for her fifteen minutes of fame. That would be amazing. I'd love that.
  7. @neural-plasticity I think some people (including myself sometimes, ha...) comment on their clothing because of what it used to be, so they just keep on snarking on it. I personally don't like the boots with jean skirts, mainly just because the skirts are too long. If they raised the hemlines to above the knee it'd be cuter. I try not to comment on their clothes too much though because A. I can't dress myself (yay for jeans and Converse), B. The clothes have gotten a lot better, and C. Who really cares? They're just clothes.
  8. I don't feel chained. I think they're chained even right now, but hopefully they don't FEEL like they're chained. Also, I really hope that there is not a Marsiah engagement anytime soon. A nice 2-3 year courtship (MAYBE even actual dating, they seem a lot more independent!) would be awesome.
  9. I hate gender reveal parties. They used to be cute, (and maybe it's just a side effect of watching this show) but I'm so sick of them.
  10. I don't know if you're legitimately asking but just in case you are, I'll tell you: It doesn't exist unless they have to buy something for the kids.
  11. @neural-plasticity She won't catch up (at least not quickly) if they keep talking to her like a baby, and if they don't do something about her epilepsy. I don't know too much about seizures, but they could start with regular checkups, and isn't there a diet (paired with other treatments of course) that people have gone on that's helped? I don't know, but it really bothered me too.
  12. Came down to comment exactly that. Other than that though, she did look nice.
  13. They have the same middle name?! Is this a common thing to do with twins?
  14. Never thought about that.... They have never (as far as I know, correct me if I'm wrong) said to wait to have sex with the person you love, just to wait until marriage and (to the girls) always be ready to fuck no matter what you're doing or how you feel (Michelle saying, "Duggar women don't get headaches." REALLY pissed me off ). They only ever speak of sex as a dirty thing, or a physical thing that involves no emotion.
  15. True, Jinger is pretty dumb. I always say it like "ringer" in my head.
  16. If they had actually named a baby Jarvis I'd've died laughing because of Ironman. Do they know about that? Oh my God, I almost wish they had done that just because it would've made them look sooo stupid.
  17. Maybe it's just because she's my favorite J'Slave, but I like to think that she is purposely not in the show much, and hides her personality because she's fed up with all of it. It's more likely that she doesn't have much of a personality because of how she was raised, being a mom basically at age 5, not getting much attention or an education, not being able to develop interests on her own, ect, and that's why she is what she is today. A shy, introverted, passive, pitiable woman. 'Doofi' had me cracking up.
  18. I think Jana is just shy and awkward period. It might be worse around guys because she was never allowed to be around them alone though. That's another thing that makes me angry with JBoob and Mechelle. They think that if you are even remotely involved with someone of the opposite gender it has to be for courting, not just friends.
  19. No 6 year old on this planet should be in charge of a 6 month old infant. That is too much. MAYBE if watching the baby was their ONLY "jurisdiction", but school, jurisdictions, normal everyday things, and a baby, that young?! I had responsibilites as a kid, like cleaning the bathroom, and I did my own laundry when I was a teen, but handing an infant off to a child is insane. Now that I know they started the buddy system when the kids were this young, this makes me question some things a lot more. They'll trust a kid that's barely older than a toddler with an infant, but they won't trust their (ADULT) sons and daughters to date? That's bullshit. I'm furious right now. And I feel awful for Jana especially. I think she's my favorite, her and everyone in Jill's buddy group (except maybe Jill...). P.S. What was the "laundry room breakdown" exactly?
  20. Home haircuts don't bother me in general, but yeah I agree. A cheap $10 haircut would be great. I also generally don't mind beards, in fact I usually like 'em. But Derick's is too...thin, I guess. Patchy. Not a good look. Shave it off. Please.
  21. I think Jana would be a more interesting person if she had a chance to be a kid (and a teen) before becoming a mother and having her spirit broken. JD is just uninteresting. I have never liked him.
  22. It's also very telling (in my opinion) that Jana was crying and panicking, and seemed so shaken even in TTH (that's when they're just talking to the camera right? Just checking), and Michelle finished whatever she wanted to do in Chicago before coming home. Wtf kind of mother does that?! Michelle truly doesn't give a fuck about her kids, and I wish I could do something about it....
  23. Agreed. She's old enough to be Josie's (and most of the other little girls) grandma isn't she?
  24. I understand that people have choices, and that Jill totally drank the Koolaid, but I can't fault her for being smug. That's just how she was raised, with two smug, idiotic parents. She became a smug idiot. So did Josh and Jessa and JD. In fact, the only ones that aren't like that are Jana, Joyless Anna, and maybe Jinger and Josiah (IMO). As for looking good 10 hours after birth, I'm 2 months pregnant and I already look and feel like shit, and so did Jill. My hopes for looking pretty at any time during pregnancy are very low.
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