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  1. I still am in disbelief that a 70-something? woman is named “Jordan” and not Mary, Deborah, Barbara, or Carol.
  2. I don’t know what has changed about Adnan’s appearance but he is noticeably less attractive than he was during the season. There is something about his mouth and his face that just comes across as gross. And I think he has gained some weight. (I never thought he was a great looker but he looks worse in the studio, for sure. He already looks older than 23 or 24, says the mother of a 23 year old young man.) And Tigerlilly looks rough, too, and it is not just postpartum stuff. For someone with her own glam squad, her “hair” and makeup look terrible. Brian is just a disgusting man and it has zip to do with his disability except him throwing all of that medical/sexual stuff in her face right away was beyond the pale. I don’t blame Ingrid for passing on what he offered.
  3. I have to say my 20 year old son walked in while she was on and he remarked about all the work these women have done to their faces just by that brief observation. That was probably the first time he has seen her. There really needs to be a cultural shift regarding procedures.
  4. I missed that! She really said a playdate for Johnny and Katie?! Oh, lawd. The writers suck.
  5. Glad to see Adnan taking on Sunny with Islam and the premarital sex. It seems like he has been one of the few (if not only?) Muslim man on this franchise who kept to no sex before marriage? Maybe Omar was another one?
  6. To me, SC’s looks just haven’t change. Something about her manner of speaking and the wild-eyed looks is just off-putting. She didn’t used to be like that. I remember tearing up at her scene when Cassie died and I almost never do that.
  7. Also … it seems obvious but the door at the original ranch was on the left and now they all enter from the right? I cannot get past that. It honestly does not feel like a copy to me.
  8. This is where their age difference plays a role. She is young - just 23 while he is in his mid-thirties. Of course he has more experience than she does. I don’t think she can handle that and he didn’t take that into consideration when he just wanted a hot young thing.
  9. I was watching on my phone at the gym but did Ian look at Tessa’s tablet? He said he put his number in it? Maybe there was a text from Mariah saying she would be waiting for Sharon’s arrival so they kept Mariah distracted? I thought I was gonna puke when the opening scene was Victor mumbling “Baby.” For the love of God — it has been 40 years of that. Please stop! And someone please take away the $4.99 box of black Revlon ColorSilk from Michael Damian. Dude is in his 60s and a grandfather to a teenager with not a single gray hair?! They are also trying to convince us how much in love they are. Blech. To me neither actor ever has any romantic chemistry with anyone so especially each other.
  10. And we all wondered how physically she could do that.
  11. Yeah … I don’t believe her that it was only about the lying. She is just a crazy, jealous girlfriend. She insists he should not be friends with the woman at all and wants to rip her eyes out and eat them. lol That is not just about Joey lying. Poland looks lovely. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was checking out real estate there. lol
  12. Joey needs to dump Magda. She will make him miserable. She has the maturity of a high school girl. He lies to her because who wants to deal with that shit all the time and then it just makes it worse when he comes clean.
  13. And just think . . . we have not even seen Claire’s and Kyle’s first Christmas together 🤮 and we are all already sick of her. Maybe it was EH’s Christmas bonus that she got to skip out of this drivel. Perhaps she thinks Victoria wringing her hands about late 20-something Claire’s first day working for her mother is as stupid as we do.
  14. The Newmans are all about family, eh? Did Victor even mention his other kids - Abby and Adam? Maybe the second-rate kids get invited on Christmas Day only. Does Nicki EVER mention her son Dylan? Did Nick even mention Christian? These writers must not have kids because who leaves their young child at home with a babysitter on Christmas Eve? 🤣 All they had to say is she was upstairs asleep. Too bad the Newmans don’t have Miguel anymore so they can pawn the kids off on him like the Abbotts do to Mrs. Martinez. Why is Michael discussing Sharon’s case with even Lauren? I really cannot stand Clare.
  15. I thought the make-up really aged her.
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