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  1. I think wives should get money in a divorce, too. (I was a stay-at-home mom, too, for half of our long marriage.) But I don’t think I “earned” the money because my husband did! That is why I object to people characterizing it that way and I was the main breadwinner when my husband was in graduate school and I still don’t take credit for his career. If they did build a family business together, I would agree with characterizing Sutton as “earning” that money. But I think he has just very successfully been in high-paying jobs. Sure, she took care of the home so he didn’t have to worry about driving the kids to baseball practice but he was the one who had to perform at work, not Sutton.lol She got half because that is the default for the way marriage works - what is yours is mine.
  2. Mark is divorced, right? If so, his ex likely got half of everything, too.
  3. Resurrecting Teddi’s thread because of her latest health crisis …. She had 4 brain tumors removed. While working in my yard, I was thinking about it (I know … get a life) and wondered what this might mean for her divorce. Edwin is in a difficult position with her infidelity but now she is sick. And I wondered if it is possible the tumors could have had some personality/cognitive effects that made her uninhibited or something to explain the affair? She said the drs said they have been there at least 6 months.
  4. This banter between Adam and Chelsea could not be any more boring. Yaaaawwwnnnnn
  5. For as rich as Sutton is, her hair sure looks like shit. You would think she would pay for a better outcome. She also looks haggard. She came off terribly in this episode. Yuck.
  6. To me, SC also has too many fillers because she looks puffy, too. (TB does have an enviable body for 60+. If only they would dress her better.)
  7. They painted EVERYTHING the same color blue - painted over that mural by the stairs that had been there since I started watching, at least, in the 80s, I think. If the writing was good, we wouldn’t have the time or inclination to criticize their shitty sets (and lack of them). Problems run deeper than out-of-date sets. Besides, I am one of those oddballs who likes homes without “updates.” We have an 80s home with a non-open floor plan, judges paneling, and “marble” acrylic sinks. Don’t want to update the time period out of it. I really am starting to detest Claire. She is certainly full of herself and dragging Kyle around by his pompadour. This Claire-Victor love fest is nauseating.
  8. No. From the previews, the acting seems 10 times worse than YR.
  9. To me, SC has been awful the last few years - well before this storyline where someone messed with her meds. I honestly think part of it is the work she has done to her face. But just generally she comes across as stilted and wooden and she substitutes darting her eyes around for genuine acting. Some of the actor tics are just so bad on this show. I have ZERO acting experience and I swear I could do better. Chelsea thinks if she hesitates a second after proclaiming something and then saying “Adam,” that it gives what she says gravitas. “I have told you I do not want a romantic relationship ….. Adam.”
  10. OK so I just watched the last episode and I cannot get over Tyler and Catelyn. I found their story compelling at first. I think they did their best under terrible circumstances. They had no idea that they would still be on this show 15 years later and still together and financially stable. But they are trying to browbeat B&T into doing what they want and that generally does not work well. (And they know full well their SM followers will pile on. They count on this, too.) B&T have asked them not to share stuff about Carly on the show and SM and they continually refuse to respect that request. I think if they kept everything private about Carly, things would be drastically different. (And being in some adoption magazine once with limited circulation is NOT the same thing as them bringing her up all the time with their millions of online followers.) Catelyn is insisting she would still send her gifts and try to contact her, etc. OK …. couldn’t that be considered criminal, stalkerish behavior with a minor to whom she has no legal rights?
  11. Naomi thought she’d landed a doctor who was so much better than Craig only for him to cheat on her and knock her down a few notches.
  12. Why are these people such ass kissers with Patricia and Whitney aside from the fact that she is rich? I find her to be an awful person. They constantly brag about how rich they are under the guise of showing their “refinement.” She feels entitled to take a joyride in her Rolls when she cannot see, almost running over a woman and her dog and they all laugh about it? And the big issue is she damaged the rims? Nobody in this franchise is likable.
  13. Gosh … the show is so boring I cannot stand to watch it. If they have money to redecorate the Abbott house, can they put a long-standing character like Phyllis in a home? Hell … she could move in with Daniel to help with Lucy. These people who live in hotels for years and years like they are Howard Hughes.
  14. And furthermore … lol … to frame it like he is just controlling because he does not want to be on a reality show? Bitch, please. The track record for RH marriages that ended after appearing on the show is terrible! I don’t know these newbies. Maybe he is controlling. But he is RIGHT to be hesitant. It is the famewhores (Slade, Luis) you gotta worry about more. divorces: Luann (times 2), Ramona, Dorinda (long-term breakup), Betheny, Teresa, Tamra, Vicki, Jeana, Alexis, Kelly Dodd, Nene, Phaedra, Cynthia (times 2), Porsha, Kenya, Lisa H., Alexia, Ashley, Monique, Kyle, Dorit, Adrienne, Mia I know I am missing some.
  15. Damn, Gizelle is messy. Stacey did not owe Karen a heads up and Ashley just going along with it because now she is a business partner with Gizelle. (She sure should have asked the women if they wanted to do it instead of just assuming, though.) These women should not equate being on their reality show with “letting their light shine” or some professional accomplishment because it is not. I don’t blame Greg because to me that would never be worth the money. I would never sell my privacy and invite that kind of scrutiny into my life just for a RH salary. I would rather work. (In fact, I think you can make the argument that Wendy’s professional credentials have taken a hit being on it.)
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