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Everything posted by notnowimbusy

  1. There is a blog on Bravo that goes into various things said during the reunion. But #7 has to do with Kim & Kyle - and if you click on it, it has a LOT of old clips from past seasons, some I had forgotten. Kim really does come off as unstable, but also ready to be vicious at the drop of a hat. http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/deep-dive-everything-discussed-during-reunion-part-1
  2. I agree, she came to the reunion, for such a brief period, to say what she had to say, and who was going to really argue with her? I do find her attitude towards Brandi rather convenient. It's not like she's having Brandi over all the time. The text! With all the travel to South Korea she's done recently, no way is she in constant contact with her. Kyle was right - YO hasn't been on the receiving end. Oh sure, B made a complete ass of herself at the dinner, but YO sternly told her NO, and reminded her she was on "probation" - yeah ok, but YO isn't mothering her. Yo spent the finale shuffling Kim and BG around like she was placing furniture. Yep, it's easy to be kind, understanding, when you are doing it through text messages. Taking the high road through Verizon.
  3. Brandi's lawyer must have had a long chat with her. The 21 day cleanse - yes it was YO's suggestion - but when has she ever taken YO's advice. The first night dinner in Amsterdam, surprisingly she wasn't drunk, then she decides not to smoke pot, or eat space cake. Pretty good, and then it goes downhill - fast!!! Drunk, one night stand, fighting, swearing, and drunk again, and the slap. Finale she was high on Xanax & booze. But, then she went on twitter for her charity walk plea, pics of the boys, the tweet about JR - (I think that was so infer she's in a stable relationship now), pics of her kids & JR, and the flight back to LA from NYC she's on twitter again saying she's now putting all the BS with Leann behind her, and she's going to include her in her preflight prayers. Something's up, but you know it's only a matter of time before she snaps!!
  4. During the finale, Lisa went up to Brandi and said "I got your email", then Brandi went nuts. But, I'd love to know what was in that email? My bet is a torchy "I love you and Ken, I'm sorry, it was a joke, etc. Why can't you forgive me, I promise I won't do it again" Think it was like some sort of note passed in the hallway in Jr. High.
  5. http://plasticperson.com/users/1/images2/brandi-glanville-plastic-surgery-2.jpg
  6. Brandi's blog said she was having dinner with "TV execs". . but didn't say Bravo. I think she sees the writing on the wall. Yo, most likely, won't be back, so that leaves Kim to film with her. LisaV & Kyle made it perfectly clear they are done with her - and during negotiations will probably out right saw they will not film with her. Eileen doesn't seem eager to film with her, and LisaR is not having it with Brandi's & Kim's wild accusations. Brandi lashed out at Andy over the dog analogy, which I thought was perfect, and only today in her blog seemed to back off. Her posture, her way of speaking, her insults, her feelings that she has been misrepresented and manipulated, lead me to think she's done. I wouldn't be shocked if the big "bombshell" at the end is her saying she's done. She's the type to run, before she's fired. Then she will go around telling everyone she left - on her own terms. And, nobody will ever hear from her again. YAY
  7. I felt badly for her last night. She desperate seemed to be trying to keep up with the conversation. Her eyes were closed, or squinting, and you could see she really had to do everything to get out a complete thought. Bottom line, is I don't think she cares on way or another about Brandi, she just doesn't want any negativity in her life - no turmoil, only quiet. LisaV was right, she has given BG a pass on her behavior - tried to be kind, and it's only been thrown in her face. She's done. She didn't want to get into it with BG, Kim, or the other women. Her priorities have shifted. No matter how rich you are, with the exception for the ability to pay for alternative treatment, her life seems very limited, very small. She just doesn't have the fight in her anymore. Her focus is on her girls. Maybe the move to LA was to be closer to dr's, David's work, and Mohammad's house for her son.
  8. And that has always amazed me. She talks like she was the biggest star in Hollywood, yet, just like Brandi, she doesn't own a home. That is remarkable, considering Mauricio is in real estate, and the Hilton's surely could float her a loan. But think about all the times she moved (wasn't she constantly packing a few years ago?). She flaunts herself as having an endless supply of funds, when in fact, it seems without the help of family, or ex husbands, she's pretty much flat broke. Maybe that's her real connection to Brandi. They both moan and groan about how unfair life is, how"people" stole what belonged to them, ya da ya da ya da. Hmmmm. When Brandi's lease is up, maybe she and the kids can move in with Kim, and they can share rent.
  9. Somebody on Twitter said "Brandi's face looked like a bloated vagina". I'm sorry, but that's given me a giggle all day. Maybe she needs to put some ice diapers on her face. Oh, another unrelated tid-bit. Spoke to a guy who was, up until this year, a producer on RHOBH. He's always good for some gossip. He said Brandi really is a drunk, sloppy, and mean. He did clear up something from one of the first seasons with her. He always goes to Kyle's White Party (says it's a blast), and he confirmed that yes, Brandi did have sex with JR in the bathroom. Not only were they people just outside, JR confirmed it to him.
  10. If Kim is as happy with her life, as she said last night, I'd hate to see her unhappy. She not only wants/demands Kyle unquestioningly support her - in all circumstances, this year she upped the ante by including Brandi, and pushing Brandi in Kyle's face. She was baiting Kyle, using Brandi, to pull away - then Kim could say "see, I knew she didn't support me". She looked shocked when Kyle said "If/"when", we speak, I'd only be interested in an honest conversation". There was a brief moment where she shifted in her seat, and I was expecting her to go nuts, like in PS. She stopped herself, but it seemed that she really wanted to respond. Right now, with Monty, Kim is getting what she needs. Love from him, and all the adulation from others - "Oh Kim, you are such a saint for taking care of Monty". When he dies, she will slide - and blame everybody for not supporting her.
  11. Just read Lisa's reunion blog. She is so over Brandi - no question, no more pretense, it's over. She calls her out, and is just plain disgusted.
  12. So, as usual we have an "I'm a good mom" tweet. 9:30 Brandi Glanville ‏@BrandiGlanville 11m11 minutes ago I am super excited to see my baby in his school play later! #happymom #lilactorlikehisdad
  13. If Kim goes after Kyle's daughter, it's only fair if Kyle goes after Kim's son's troubles. Kim would go ballistic!!! She would come completely unglued if anybody dare mention her own family.
  14. What the hell is wrong with Brandi's face??? She's looking like Kim's ex boyfriend, Ken. Yikes! Those fillers didn't settle before taping. Everything looked swollen.
  15. Can I start drinking now? Need something while watching the reruns of Amsterdam.
  16. If Brandi comes off as her usual "classy" (cough-cough) self tonight, how long after the show airs, will she tweet something about her kids, her dad, or some charity (well, some charity somebody else actually works on, but she needs sympathy so jumps on the bandwagon). Of course, I have to factor in East Coast/West Coast, so I'll say 8:00 PDT
  17. I wonder if who the executor named came as a surprise to them? It would be interesting to know, since Kim still seems to be stinging from having Kyle named. I think she would have been happier if it had been Kathy. It's just one more thing that screams that Kyle is more stable, responsible, and for whatever reason Big Kathy (or her attorney's advised her) that Kim just couldn't handle it. Yikes, I'd hate to think of what Kim would have done with anything left by her mother, especially in the condition she was in when her mom died. Have to add - it you are making out a will, PLEASE make a decision, and don't make it co-executors! Horrible. It's bad enough having to wade through mountains of paperwork, the sale of property, etc. But if you have to make sure two people are available at the same time to sign papers, get things notarized, file claims, having two people is a nightmare. When my MIL passed, she never wanted to play favorites, so my husband & his sister were named co-executors. The burden for figuring things out fell to us, but trying to coordinate all the stuff was like doing all the work twice.
  18. I think if the producers could have gotten the dog biting somebody, anybody, and show the aftermath - ambulances, hospital scenes, Kim going crazy - they would have jumped at the chance. Everybody had apprehension about the dog, but Kim wasn't hearing it. I have friends that have large dogs, and I'm not comfortable around them, they know, so when I go visit, they usually keep the dog outside. They aren't afraid it will bite, but they know I'm not comfortable. The crew could have said the same - they didn't feel comfortable around the dog, but they had to be at her home to film.
  19. Kim is a whole bag of crazy. I remember in one episode, at the white party, when she was with her "boyfriend". She was mad at Brandi, confronted her, and used very odd language. She told Brandi she was "a dirty, nasty girl". She is so stuck in her childhood, I couldn't help but think when I watched that, that those words were spoken to her at some time in her life. . It was the way she said them, and used it to shame. Not unlike when she was relating that story with Vince, when she said for some role she was required to play tennis, said she could when she knew she couldn't. Her mother taught her to lie, no matter what. And I don't doubt when the teenage hormones started, she was called "a dirty, nasty, girl".
  20. I agree. She's been trying to be on her best behavior. I have noticed the day after a horrible episode, she spends time tweeting something about kids, charity or whatever to come across as sympathetic. Ironically, when she left on last night's episode - when walking to the car with JR, she said "take her as she is - she isn't going to change". Remember the office scene with the guy about doing a more family/friendly podcast, and she wasn't even able to do that. But she sure seems to be trying to put on a new act. I'm calling BS!!! The stress of trying to be normal will be too much.
  21. This is pretty funny. Good examples of why Brandi should STFU. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpK-ojsLmeU&feature=youtu.be&a
  22. Last night was nothing but junior high with better dresses and drinks. "she said this", "Oh, she said that". . . it never ends. What would be great is if ALL the women were in a room, being filmed, when they watch the edited versions of what plays on TV, and then comment. YO is starting to get on my nerves with her way too simplistic view of how to fix things. Kyle & Kim - it never ends and never will. I can't see, without major changes, how they are going to film next season. WHO, besides Kim, is going to want to film with Brandi???? When can Kim & Kyle be at any event without getting into it? We get it, the Richard's family is screwed up, let's move on. LisaR (I hope she comes back) surely won't want to get into any more drama with Kim, or Brandi. Yo - doubt she will be coming back, unless it's on an extremely limited basis. And what will she do - lecture Brandi (but, oh no I'm not mothering)? LisaV is so done with Brandi - there will be no more forced playfulness - she can't trust Brandi to not cross that line again. She's over Kim, but can manage to at least be polite, but that doesn't make for good TV. What will Brandi's storyline be - her once a week podcast & cheap wine? If Kim is busy, does that mean endless scenes in her bedroom (who is 42 and has a Hello Kitty in their room), with her hairdresser? Clearly this group is way to divided, and it doesn't look like they are going to set aside past grudges. I hope Bravo doesn't fall for the (fill in the blank) needs the money so we can't fire her. So, who needs to /should go? If it is Brandi - it will be interesting to see how Kim will act without Brandi to back her up, or for that matter, have anyone to film with.
  23. Yikes that's some nasty looking hair! Seriously, when I saw the amount of weave, her "real" hair must be very short. Bad, ratty looking weave. The other thing I notice, and talk about shallow, was how much concealer did that make-up artist use on Kim. OMG it was like watching somebody repair a damaged wall with spackle! I was expecting her to pick up some sandpaper to smooth down the layers in between.
  24. Kim's children seen to know they can come to her, or Kathy, anytime. She can set up boundaries - that they are always welcome, but DO NOT DISCUSS Kim. It's actually pretty easy once you make the decision to do it. I have a great relationship with my adult nephew - he can come to me for anything, he knows he's loved beyond anything. But, the one thing we do not discuss is his father. I just don't want to hear it, worry about it, or think about it. Once we both eased into the new boundaries, our relationship grew stronger. Kim's kids are adults, they have father's who seem to have it together (well, maybe not Monty), but they have extended families beyond the Richards. I'm sure over the years they have leaned on their dad's and stepmothers for help.
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