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Everything posted by notnowimbusy

  1. Oh Kim was probably had that ONE drink, then before leaving Brooke's apt, she decided it needed just ONE coat of paint! And because she's a perfectionist, she wanted to make sure the brush was really really cleaned with a whole lot of paint thinner. Then, not to leave a mess, she threw all the rags, and the brushes, and paint thinner in the back seat of her car. So, by the time she got to the Polo Lounge, it really hit her. It was just ONE time painting. I'm sure there's an easy explanation.
  2. Now she's threatening to leave rehab. http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/kim-richards-rehab-facility-leave-country-daughter-second-wedding/
  3. Having the criminal charges filed may explain why it was rumored that after Brooke's wedding, she will return to rehab for 90 days. "You Honor, my client will need to have an extension of time, due to the fact that she realizes she has a serious problem, and currently is working an extended program at rehab." Kathy will get her Barron & Paris' attorney. I'd love to be in that meeting. Can't you hear Kim tell him "it was just ONE drink, I didn't like the way the police treated me, it's my sister's fault, and people were mean on Twitter".
  4. Sonja just gives me a headache. The constant dropping of words that sound "expensive" is all she has. She's just pathetic.
  5. I haven't read anywhere else about Kim moving, (or being homeless), except that one article. But, it would make sense. Her son is living somewhere in Malibu (I think it's a halfway house type of deal). But on April 15th Monty posted a big thank you/love note to the Hilton's. Then on the 29th he posted a pic of him sitting by the pool at Kathy Hilton's. Then again, on May 9th he's got one a Barron Hiltons graduation. So, it would seem that he's now semi-living at the Hilton's, at least while Kim is in rehab. Pure guess, but if they were paying for Kim's rental, why do it while she's not there, with clearly undetermined number of months she will be away. Remember, she told Dr. Phil after the last rehab stint, she spent 6 months at the Beverly Hills hotel. Was she homeless again during that time?
  6. Kim said when she got there the Polo Lounge was closed. But she was there for an hour and a half! The Polo closes at 1:30 - the time the police were called. So, the bar was in fact open when she arrived. No way did she waltz in, park her ass in "her booth", drunk, and order nothing for an hour and a half. They probably did ask her to leave, and the police report said she became "unruly", but they were also closing. Can't you just hear her "I'm not going anywhere". "Ma'am, we're closing and you have to leave", "Don't you know who I am", "I want another drink", "Ma'am if you don't leave we're calling the police, you're trespassing", "Google me, it's Kim Richards". Security comes in, to "escort" her out, and she heads for the bathroom. What's the likelihood of her, or anybody, being able to sit there, drunk without ordering anything? I don't think so. Plus she said she spent some time in her car. She was probably in there smoking a joint.
  7. She will stay in for Mother's Day, so her kids can come and see how "great" she's doing, but my guess is she leave the following Sunday, the 17th. She has to get ready for the wedding.
  8. I love that w/Kim it's always "just one" or "once in awhile". She loves to minimize. I think she was hoping she would have a "just one", no relapse meeting w/Dr. Phil, then quietly slip off to a spa for a couple of weeks, get the extensions redone, tan up and show up at Brooke's wedding.
  9. As much as I love the ongoing disaster known as Kim, I don't want to see her back next year. It will be more "oh poor me, and btw let's blame my sister". I don't want to see her "struggle" with her sobriety, because we all know she just loves her booze, pills & pot - almost as much as she loves her long gone fame of being a child star. I'm tired of watching Kyle hold back trying to keep Kim's secrets. Bottom line I'm tired of Kim. Oh, don't get me wrong, I want to see how this plays out, but not on RHOBH. I think the other women are tired of dancing around the huge elephant in the room that is Kim's ongoing addictions and delusions. She needs to go to the realm of "what ever happened to" child stars. She's a mess, she's dragging down her family, and needs to spend her life in the back booth of the Polo Lounge, boring all the poor wait staff with her stories of past days. Monty will be gone, her daughter will have a fabulous reception her in-laws are paying for, and nobody will care that she goes back to her rental home, spend her days drugged and confused with her dog.
  10. Monty's latest post on IG: montybrinson 20 hours ago Laying by the pool in Bel-air on such a beautiful day gathering my thoughts about the Dr Phil Show interviewing @kimrichards11 of all the people in the world I probably know Kim better than anyone. Before you get my response the only thing I would like to say at this moment, Kim is the most loving caring person I've ever met. I love her as a person, I love her as a friend. And most of all she loves her children more than anything. They are blessed to have her. #drphil #belair #ca #loved #heart #love #sunshine #pool #life #family He's at Kathy Hiltons home. He's got to know, despite the fact that he seems to really care about her, that she came off badly. I feel badly for him. He's just trying to live what remains on his life in sort of a Zen mode, and now Kim adds all this chaos. He's got to be worried about his kids, and what they deal with when Kim starts getting ugly and blaming everyone.
  11. A couple of things that made me go Hmmmmmm. Kim said she hadn't seen her kids since the arrest. I assume she spoke to them on the phone, but seriously, all her constant yammering about her kids, and in one week she couldn't manage to get them together to discuss this? Was her only convo with them about how she needed them to appear on Dr. Phil (or did Kathy handle that? YOU have to be there for your mom). I just thought that was kind of odd. The other thing she casually mentioned was that she LIVED at the Beverly Hills hotel for 6 months after her last rehab stint. WHO DOES THAT? Where did that chunk of change come from? Was she homeless again? Or was this just another example of how she believes she needs to be pampered. Man you have to know that if the BHH had a rehab, she'd be there in a hot minute.
  12. How dare she drag her kids into this farce. Kim had no intention of going to rehab - just using it as a PR stunt that turned horribly bad for her. Her kids are in pain, and she was using them as props. When she looked at Kimberley and asked "Is this an intervention?", the look on her face was very telling - she looked at that poor girl like "you better toe the line and say what's expected". Brooke is dealing with her dying father, while still trying to carry on a somewhat normal life, which seems to be what her dad wants. Chad has recently had many serious setbacks, and he, above everyone, knows the right words, phrases to say. He just came out of a in-treatment group home (which I think he may still be at, with privileges - meaning he can come and go during certain hours), and yet with all that stress to maintain his own sanity, he's got to sit there and deal with his Mom's BS!!! Kim rattling on and on about "caring for Monty" really drives me nuts. Yes, when diagnosed he seems to have decided to spend time with those people in his life that he loves. That just doesn't mean Kim, but also his other ex-wife, his other kids, friends, etc. He's not full time at Kim's house. Monty comes and goes, he was recently off to Vegas, then this week is spending time in Newport with his ex-wife Teri and daughter Whitney. Kim makes it sound like she's doling out meds, changing sheets, preparing special meals, etc. No, she goes out with him, or when he feels like it, they stay in and watch movies. But she is by no means a full-time care giver!!! Sorry, this part of her fantasy hits a sore spot with me. My SIL is dying, and my BIL is a real full-time care-giver. She just had to go into a nursing home (she didn't want hospice at her home), so he's there from 8am until 10 or 11 at night. Making sure she's taken care of, reading to her, playing her favorite music. If she lives long enough to leave within the next week, she will go home and he won't even get the little time off for sleep he gets now. So for Kim to play this card, for PR and sympathy is so insulting!!!!
  13. At the reunion, sorry don't remember which episode, but the others were slamming Brandi about being a mean/nasty drunk. Andy asks her if that's true, and she says sometimes she's nice, etc. The Kim piped up saying she's been with Brandi when she's been drinking and saying sometimes she just fine, and other times she gets a little ornery, it depends. So today when Chad makes that comment about Brandi, and Chad says you need to be around people who help with your sobriety, Kim says "She's always been a really good friend to me and she's never drank around me". (Uh hum, Gay Mixer night when they went back to Brandi's house and Brandi was having a big glass of wine) Which is it Kim?
  14. When Dr. Phil was going on about she hadn't relapsed this once, but by her own admission, several times - and Kim goes nuts to point out never while on the show. Man, did she want to clarify that little bit of information. I'm surprised she didn't get out that pointy finger and start with the YOU LIE! Now when she gets canned from Bravo, she can blame Dr. Phil. When she talks about having to be there for her kids, it makes it sound as if they are small children. They are grown, and up until recently, Chad has been the only one living part-time at home. From all accounts their fathers have had a very active role in their lives, and it seems where they go to get away from her madness. She is going to drink/drug herself right out of any type of relationship with her kids. How many people did she throw under the bus during that interview? Kyle, "fans", Lisa R, the maitre'd at the Polo Lounge, the police, and the list goes on and on. She really did go into this thinking it would be a softball interview, just to hear her side of the story. Sadly, her story doesn't add up. Dr. Phil was right, and he made the point several times. If she had only had to drink what she claims, by the time the police arrived, she would have been sobered up, or not drunk enough to be able to talk her way out of it. I can't wait until somebody comes forward to say how many drinks she had at the bar. Oh one more thing, she kept saying that was a place she felt safe, yada yada yada. Why not sit in the lobby? Did she go in there, not order anything, drunk, and be expected to just hang-out and sober up???
  15. It's interesting that the statement from the police stated something like that the bartender cut her off, she was loud and bothering patrons, then they asked her to leave. It doesn't jive with her story (which we all know as absolute fact - NOT). She probably was at Brooke's, snuck into the kitchen and grabbed a large shot or several, left after some type of argument about her lies on the reunion show, drove to Polo Lounge, had several more drinks, then the trouble started. She says she's "fuzzy" about details. Kind of like the 5, 7, 8 day hospitalization. When I do drink, my cocktail of choice is a vodka/tonic/extra lime. Vodka, depending on the brand, does have a distinct taste, but it's lower in calories, and no sugar - which can cause hangovers. . . hence the choice of alcoholics. It's easy to disguise in other beverages, like iced tea, coke, even coffee. I can easily see that being Kim's beverage of choice - she could even put it in mouthwash. But, 2" of vodka would not make somebody goes that nuts! Unless she had other "pills" in her system, and even then it's doubtful. She has, by now, a huge tolerance, so I'm not buying her only one drink excuse.
  16. Kim has too many people enabling her for too long. She's emotionally stunted, still thinks she a "star", and is completely delusional. I feel like her sisters have some sort of guilt complex over all they have, over Kim being basically broke, not owning a home, an addict, etc. If it weren't for relatives, Kim would be living in a one bedroom apt "deep in the valley", with posters of her old movies on her walls. At some point, they all have to say NO MORE! She overspends, they bail her out, she loses her lease, they bail her out, whatever she does, they move in to take care of her. Now that her kids are grown, maybe they will stop. Is Kim counting on her daughter marrying a wealthy guy to bail her out? Why does anyone need to support her? You can only hope the kids fathers tell them they are not responsible for their mom. They need to cut her loose. It is one bad decision after another with Kim, and yet she's always full of excuses, blames others, and in reality doesn't think she has any problems - except for the fact that people OWE her.
  17. So, if Kim is blaming what her "fans" had to say on social media, isn't that all the more of a reason she should leave the show. Hey Kim, if you stay home, not on TV, nobody will remember you, and nobody will mention you on social media! Problem solved. If Kathy is running the show, setting up the Dr. Phil interview, it's probably a sure bet she had a hand in Kim going to rehab, and getting Kingsley removed. With all that's going on, it's nice that her son is out playing golf today. Rich kids.
  18. I find it interesting that once Kim entered rehab, they came to get Kingsley. Either he was too aggressive for her kids to take care of him, or they had this planned all along. Either way, if it's true, Kim must be going nuts in rehab. . . but at least her family doesn't have to deal with it now.
  19. I'm wondering if this is in fact the place that Dr. Phil wanted to send her to. The Daily Mail article mentioned Brooke saying "why are u being so F*&%ING pickey? It's local, it's on the beach and you'd be able to go to the wedding"
  20. When Kim went into rehab the last time she spent less than 30 days.
  21. Either that or Passages. Passages is a holistic "approach", not a 12 step program, so that would take off the "makes amends" part of rehab, which would seem to fit what she wants. Interesting that Monty is in Vegas, but the real question is who's feeding Kingsley???? I loved the "as long as it takes", so what do you think - a week? Enough time for Monty to get back, still time to plan to go to the wedding, and enough time to tell Bravo she went to rehab? My bet is she addresses her "one time" lapse of drinking, but will not discuss anything else. Kim does rehab on her own terms.
  22. TMZ just reported that Kim has checked herself into a Malibu rehab!! Will stay as long as it takes!
  23. It's always interesting to see what leads a person to volunteer to go to rehab or just quit drinking. I don't always think it's hitting rock bottom. Years ago my family had an intervention for my dad. It was total BS. My grandmother was there - and no way was she taking any responsibility in any way shape or form for her son's drinking. I remember she said that liquor was never allowed in her home. Which sounded good, unless you knew that she and my grandfather owned a BAR that was downstairs from their apartment!!! Anyway, the intervention was a bust. He liked his life, didn't want to change. It wasn't until 4 years later when he and my mother divorced, the minute the ink was dry on the papers, he quit drinking cold turkey and never looked back!!! No sneaking drinks, no cheating, and he remained sober until the day he died. My mother was always a little pissed off by that, but in reality as much as she complained about his drinking, she was a huge enabler. Kim thinks she has things under control, and really thinks this is all fuss and bother over nothing. Whatever she does it will be for good PR, and to briefly placate her kids. They are out of the house, so what they don't know won't hurt them is her mindset.
  24. Didnt Kim say, during the Reunion, she had told Brooke she wanted to be a grandmother - now! For them to hurry up? Brooke may want to wait until the 2nd wedding is over. Kim just wants to be at a big party - a party she's not paying for. Kim did the interview for PR, nothing else. She won't go to rehab. She'll continue on with her "I'm seeing a dr and therapist (and my life coach)" as if that will do anything. Her kids will give up trying. Kathy will brush it under the carpet, and Kyle hopefully will just continue to ignore her.
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